God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

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God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

Post02 Jun 2008

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... follower revokes contract?

Posted February 20th, 2008

In a somewhat unique arrangement, for an organization whose principles forbids followers from discussing business with each other at their Brahma Kumaris’ Raja Yoga centers, an international management consultant and spiritual university “faculty member” Brian Bacon was reported widely to have originally developed a Self Management Leader [SML] course, “ ... to assist those leading others through turbulent times“.

With the Brahma Kumaris [BK] leadership previously having written to the world’s military leaders, encouraging them to invoke Marshall Law and practise scorched earth tactics, and having told its followers the last 70 years that the world faces a nuclear holocaust and the death of 6 Billion to make way for a heaven on earth for 900,000 of them, perhaps “turbulent” is a small understatement.

The programme, which incorporated elements of the BKWSU yogic practises was then licensed back to the Brahma Kumaris to “... facilitate individuals to develop their internal leadership skills through understanding of their purpose, vision and values“. Taught at its Indian head quarters and centers worldwide, the course was a useful service tool for the BKWSU, gaining them access to corporate leaders and VIPs otherwise put off by its traditional mediumship and mysticism.

As the BKWSU stated in a 2004 “Murli” bundle, “Baba (God) is constantly asking us to serve VIPs and as you all know, SML has been a very good tool for this. Keeping this in mind, our aim is to ensure a high quality peer group ... suitable invitees could include: Vice Presidents, Directors of Departments, Executive Directors, PhDs or Head of Departments.”

The deal? In return for licensing the SML course back to the BKWSU, Brian Bacon’s company the ‘Oxford Leadership Academy’ [OLA] was allowed to accept high fees to teach the course to;

    any corporate clients referred back from any BKWSU center,
    use the number of “over 100,000 alumni from 56 countries” taught by the BKWSU to establish credibility on his publicity, and ...
    cherry pick the Brahma Kumari network of ambitious yet professionally unfulfilled BK Raja Yogis to create a ready-made international network of “corporate consultants” and management coaches.
Where did the business start and the religion end? An issue this website has raised/questioned since its conception.

The latest quite word from the BKWSU is that during the recent season of God visiting the organization’s Indian headquarters in person, leading Brahma Kumar and Raja Yogi ... and OLA consultant ... Ken O’Donnell met with all BK SML facilitators for an acronym soup and to tell them that BKWSU has decided to stop giving (free) SML courses in all centers and cities all over the world.

Why? In the first place, it seemingly the BKWSU had just realized that Brian Bacon was giving his SML courses for high fees and they, the BKWSU, had decided it is not ethical to continue. Other reports claim that Brian Bacon had actually revoked the license leading critics to suggest that it was done so in order to protect his asset and commercial reputation as the ethical question of mixing God and Mammon, and the professional questions surrounding extreme BK beliefs started to draw too close.

A circular informed BK followers that all planned SML programmes continued in BKWSU centers until the end of January 2008 but it was said, no further SML seminars will be given after this leaving devotees questioning what will fill their gap in their VIP service programmes?

Although in India, large employers had been forcing workforces to undertaking BK training; the mixing of religion, business, governmental and even military interests are against the law in many Western Countries where the BKWSU often claims they are not a religion. Despite their charitable and non-profit statuses being registered as religious organizations.

Brian Bacon is seen as one of the world’s leading corporate consultants and has been a mentor to three heads of state including Vicente Fox of Mexico. He is a strategic advisor to senior management of numerous multinational corporations, consultant for the governments of Australia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Thailand, Sweden and Denmark, counselor in the ‘Pact of Stability in the Balkans’ and special advisor in the ‘Global Security on the Prevention of Violent Conflict in International Affairs’. There is no doubting his professionalism and the credibility he lent the Brahma Kumari leadership. It is highly likely that he was entirely unaware of the policies of historical revisions which the BKWSU has practised that have been kept hidden from its adherents, many of failed predictions of the End of the World and its founder and medium’s claims of godhood.

To quote managing director of McDonald’s Anders Soderlund, a company Brian consults for at the highest level,
McDonalds MD wrote:Brian is a very rare facilitator and mentor in that he lives what he talks about. He brings his important message to such life that you absorb every piece of it. The environment he creates is the perfect one for approaching the complex questions around life and leadership. He has had a very big influence on our company throughout the world.

What commentators from both the religious and corporate worlds might be led to question are the psychic influences and the working environment of the “World Spiritual University” that offered him refuge at their Oxford Retreat center, at a time he was vulnerable, and encouraged him to start such business within their community. One that they have profited from, in many ways, internationally.



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Re: God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

Post21 Jun 2008

When an institution develops, there will be plus and minus things as the followers are effort makers. BKWSU believes that the most impure souls in this world are BKs themselves. Hence the necessity of God is more necessary to BKs than to any others. That is why they read Murli everyday. But due to past habits and ego, one does mistakes. In a class, all the students do not pass. So - BKs know and believe that.

Another thing is - if you offer some course for free, some may not give it value. Some may hesitate inquiring about itself. That also may be one reason for fixing the fee. [But fixing a fee is not BKs' culture. The Knowledge is given free of cost].

I was unaware about the fees that BK's take. Usually everything is free. I GIVE REAL PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT COURSE that is both corporate (karma = action) and Yoga (religious = spiritual). It is free of cost. It is fully logical. Anybody can get it free of cost just sending me a mail. My email ID is mbbhat@gmail.com

I am BK for the past 25 years. I write articles and give them to newspapers. Anybody can get them. Many BK centre in charge teachers did not give important to it. It did not break my heart. The real aim in life is to conquer all the vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc. So whatever one thinks about me, or whatever I see, is much less important than what I think.
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Re: God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

Post23 Jun 2008

Bhatt Bhai,

Let us differentiate between SML offered by BKs and the one offered by Brian and his Oxford leadership. Now they are two different things in terms of objectives ...

The one that is being offered by the BKs, atleast in the Western world as well as the ones we have heard of in India, are really to offer the same Gyan in a corporately palatable format ... and then hope the attendees get the touching from Baba and becomes a Pukka morning Murli class student ... even though I have seen little success in their strategy.

The one that Brian offers is one of pure management consulting and I guess it is only fair that he charges for the course because it is objective driven rather than an introductory course to SML offered by the BKs. Let me put it this way, the course which Brian runs would be customised and offers good value for the customer. I do not know for example whether there is revenue share between the BKs and Brian on the money he gets from running those courses either in the BK premises or leads that he has gotten from the BK programs.

Nowadays the SML courses that are being run by the BKs in retreat centers are charged for accommodation and living since that is a cost they incur ...



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Re: God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

Post23 Jun 2008

Thank You for giving me information. I offer RPDC (Real Personality Development Course) which explains logically the Godly knowledge. I have given the course from class 5th to MBA students. All the materials are given free of cost.

But dear Bhaiji, will you give me all the details you have about the courses Brian offers to people? I am not suspecting him. But when his name is like blacklisted by many people here, it becomes our responsibility at least to some extent to know about that and give suggestions so that disservice can be avoided or reduced.
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Re: God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

Post23 Jun 2008

Brian is a Baba's blue eyed boy and people who are disillusioned by him and are black listing him are doing it out of their own views. I, personally, do not think that there is anything wrong with what Brian is doing or what the BKs are doing ...

So keep doing what you are good at and everything will be OKAY.


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