Where there is a Will, there is a way with the BKs

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Where there is a Will, there is a way with the BKs

Post02 Jun 2008

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Posted December 6th, 2006

Fundraiser Janki Kirpalani Following on from “Who pays the Mortgage on the Center?“, the issue of the BKWSU’s habit of having followers write Wills entirely in its favor must be raised. The question is asked of the Raja Yoga centers, “... but who are actually the legal owners?” To clarify, this was to highlight the method of having BK Raja Yoga Center mortgages or properties in the names of individuals and not any trust. Those individuals then having Wills made out entirely in the favor of the BKWSU.

An insured mortgages, when the payee dies, is cleared leaving clear title of the property which would then fall not to the individual’s family but to the BKWSU without tax. The BKWSU has been in habit of requesting followers to sign Wills entirely in its favour and it is encouraged in its scripture classes by Senior Sisters

These Wills are then held by the Center or Zone headquarters, even after followers have left. In some cases, followers have been refused copies of those Wills even after multiple requests. For followers, it is a sign of their faith and commitment, encouraged by “God” in the Murlis on a regular basis. But one is left questing how much personal vulnerabilities are being exploited, especially during the “Honeymoon” or “Intoxicated” period at the beginning of individuals’ life as a BK Raja Yogi. Astounding ethics as this may sound, in some cases the BKWSU goes one step further;

    insisting on followers sign over enduring powers of attorney even in cases where they followers are young, fit and healthy. This is especially true of its “surrendered souls”.
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that enables someone to appoint one or more persons to entirely manage their financial affairs and property, either when it is signed or in the future. It is a very powerful legal document normally used in cases where the subject is mentally and physical unfit and requires another responsible parties to manage their affairs and make life decision for them.

As “God” has no need of property, who are the real beneficiaries and who actually is power being handed over to?
Who are the trustees and what are their qualifications?
And how ethical is this given the encouragement of a rolling End of the World prediction and the high rate of drop out form the cult?

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