Silver and Gold

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Silver and Gold

Post02 Jun 2008

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Posted August 26th, 2006

Reports from India published openly on the forum record well off BK students being openly asked by their teachers to give gifts of silver and gold to the BK Senior Sisters, called Dadis, during their visit to the local centre. The correspondent states that gullible followers do present the Dadis with golden gifts at orchestrated ceremonies.

The Dadis, considered to be amongst the 8 or 108 most spiritual human beings in history, are believe to become Emperor and Empresses in the forthcoming Golden Age. Good relationships with them in the present are seen to be a sign of close relationship, i.e. high status, with them in the future. Whilst BKs are encouraged to surrender their “mind, body and wealth” for use by the BKWSU defined service, golden rings are regularly given as rewards to other followers. In one center, it seems matters even went too far for the BKWSU. They were forced to circulate a pamphlet enumerating the violations of their god’s code by a BK teacher and her physical Sister, both of whom were in charge of BK Raja Yoga centers in the same city.

Posted: 26 Aug 2006

I think I have already mentioned in some other threads how the BKs openly seek either cash or kind. I have not visited the BK centers of foreign countries, but in a developing country like India where the divide between rich and poor is widening at a fast rate and where most of the people either belong to the lower / middle economic classes and where there millions living below the poverty line, any BK center in India (especially those in the cities) have such facilities/luxuries which is not common in the homes of the lower / middle classes. How can such luxuries be arranged in newly set-up centers without putting the gullible BKs to hardships?

As far as my personal experience is concerned I have seen many BK centers being set up in the Indian cities, for which most of the luxuries were arranged at the beginning of the establishment of such centers. A BK teacher of a particular center amassed luxuries to such extent that BKs were forced to circulate a pamphlet enumerating the violations of Shrimat by that BK teacher and her lokik Sister, who was also in charge of a center in the same city. Persons who visited her personal room in the center were awestruck at the facitities / luxuries available in that room. I also remember an incident when some senior Dadis including Dadi Prakashmani and Dadi Gulzar were to visit our local BK center. The well off BKs of that center were openly asked by the teachers to give gifts of silver / gold to Dadis during their visit and those gullible followers did present the Dadis with golden gifts.

And it is to appease such wealthy / influential/important BKs that the Dadis at Madhuban have a stock of golden/silver rings to be presented to them when they call upon these Dadis during their visits to Madhuban. Many of the members of this forum must have received such golden/silver rings / rakhis during their visits to Madhuban. Has ShivBaba told anywhere in the Murlis that BKs should be given golden rings / gifts during their visits to Madhuban? When Baba does not differentiate between souls while giving the Godly knowledge, then why is discrimination done when it comes to giving gifts to BKs at Madhuban? All these things are the inventions of the human gurus within the Brahmin family.

In contrast, the PBKs are given only Godly literature as gift after completion of their bhatti. During almost a decade of my experience as a PBK I have hardly seen Baba even giving toli to the PBKs. In none of the hundreds of VCD* of Murli classes Veerendra Dev Dixit can be seen giving gifts or toli to anyone. But there would be hardly any function or important BK class without the usual toli / gift ceremonies.
With regards,
sachhi dil par sahib raazi (God favours those with a true heart)

This incident of close physical relatives working together and being involved in legal controversy is not unique to India. Several of the BK elite also being related.

Recently another one of Bhaiband Sindhi Lekhraj Kirpalani’s followers, Janki Kirpalani - who generally travels with translator Jayanti Kirpalani - was called “a highly effective spiritual entrepreneur” on her own website having recently been featured as such in “spiritual teacher” Andrew Cohen’s Enlightenment magazine issue on ” The Gurus behind the business Gurus”. Indeed.

Can Big Business Save the World?

The answer it would appear depends whether you are on the giving or receiving end.

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