Dr BK Heidi Fittkau

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Dr BK Heidi Fittkau

Post27 Jun 2007

in the night wrote:As far as I know the only ex-BK to go-on and start a "BK Splinter group" is Verendra Dev Dixit.

There was also Dr. Heidi Fittkau, the high profile and beloved of Jayanti and Janki Kripalani, German BK VIP. She ended up detained in Police custody for twelve days before being released without charges for organizing some weird New Age ritual someone erroneously, we hope, reported as being a mass suicide!

Miss Fittgau-Garthe's group was called Isis Holistic Centre, or Atma Center. While it was suggested that the group arose from a split in the Order of the Solar Temple, investigation later showed that the group was in no way connected to the Solar Temple suicide cult.

apologetics.net wrote:During the January 8 raid, police seized documents they believed to be suicide notes. Titled, Herzenschlüssel ('Keys to the heart’'), the documents show that Fittgau-Garthe's devotees reportedly considered her to be divine, and expressed their expectation to be united with her by dying. In a January 25, 1998 program broadcast by Germany's RTL-Spiegel TV, a devotee stated that the notes referred to killing of the 'ego' rather than the body.

Hansjorg Hemminger, co-author of a book on sects, Second-Hand Soul, says Fittkau-Garthe referred to herself as "The Source."

According to Der Spiegel, 4/1998, Ms Fittkau-Garthe said the victims of the Nazi Holocaust owed their deaths to karma, to their own bad actions in past lives. She herself claimed to have been Czar Nicholas II in a former life. A disobedient cult member had supposedly been Lenin, murderer of Fittkau-Garthe's previous incarnation's family; who could make up for that only by total obedience to Fittkau-Garthe in this life.

Apparently, Fittkau-Garthe had been the leader of the Hamburg branch of the Brahma Kumaris religious group (founded in the 1930s in India; headquarters at Mt. Abu). She retained its doctrine of an elite of 'golden souls', destined to reincarnate to rule the world in a new world era, and its belief in "Shiv Baba" (or "Brahma Baba") as supreme deity.

Occult tendencies tend to see Tenerife, and especially Mt. Teide, as a remnant of the mythical former continent Atlantis. At least six UFO cults regularly meet on Mt. Teide, according to Der Spiegel, 4/1998.

Note the same fascination with royalty that runs parallel through BK, PBK and even breakway cults. Clinically, these are known as "delusions of grandeur" and are common amongst mad, or slightly mad but still functional people.
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Post27 Jun 2007

I think there are many more that have fizzled out or very small.

I know there was a group in England calling themselves the Brahma Kumars (if only I'd found them first :lol:).

I am sure there are others.
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in the night

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Post28 Jun 2007

Does anyone know if she's still around our fast and colourful world? Or maybe then in jail? Or :x in a mental hospital? :wink:, I mean, perhaps shes even reading or participating here in the forum.

I remember meeting her and sharing some tea. Sweet soul in my opinion, and also seemed quite together. But then, of course, don't we all when under the influence.

Hello, if you're around.
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Post28 Jun 2007

On another post, ex l put a link to an article about Heidi, 10 years on, where she denied that she had ever planned to commit suicide and said it was one of the daughters of her followers trying to sabotage them who informed the police.

She is now growing lettuces in the mountains somewhere ...
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Post28 Jun 2007

in the night wrote:I mean, perhaps shes even reading or participating here in the forum.

I very much hope she finds her way here and is willing to contribute. At the end of the day, she was intelligent, she had professional training and was a psychologist of sorts, and so she should be able to add a great deal of benefit to our process.

In a sense, she had been victim twice over to this crazy cult experience - both sucked in and then ... spat out or "fell"!?! ... of the BKWSU. And then to go through the ebarrassment of what she did in the Canaries.

I can imagine the reports of her being set up are true and I would really look forward to her in depth analysis of it all.



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Post15 Jul 2007

Resume of Dr Heide Fittkau-Garthe
BKWSU "Spiritual Laws in Practical Application"


PTZ Psychological Training Centre
Agnesstrasse 10-2000 Hamburg 60
West Germany

Dr. Heide Fittkau-Garthe. Psychologist, Psychotherapist - an expert in the field of stress-therapy, improvement of mental capacity and communication ability with the specialisation training top management in Personal Development.

Dr. Fittkau-Garthe holds a Ph.D gained at the University of Hamburg/West Germany in the Psychology of Supervisory Behaviour and is the Director of the 'Psychological Training-Center' of Hamburg. Her workshops usually aimed at company management executives, take in communication and supervisory skills and stress relief through the conservation of mental energies with consciousness and behaviour training.

Special research has been done in the field of power and effect of thoughts on mind and body and recharging mental energy with the result of clear understanding of the spititual laws and a definate answer to the question: 'Who am I? How do i function? How can i change?' Special consciousness-training programs for mental and bodily health have been developed with the effect of highest improvement in a few days.

Her deep concern is to help mankind to find inner peace and health with a clear understanding of the effect of thoughts, giving practical help with self-training programs.

Her research has been in various parts of the world. In link with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (affiliated to the United Nations as a non-goverment Organisation and Consultant) she is giving lectures and seminars in a large scale around the globe.

p33. "To know oneself means, to use ones energy-potential for up-lifting ones character. As long as i am not aware that i am this living-energy(soul),that i am thinking positively, feeling and actively guide my thinking, feelings and actions, I will squander my energy in a useless manner."
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set up

Post15 Jul 2007

Ex L, hi, when u mention about Heidi being "set up", by whom do u mean? Any involvement of the Yagya in that? Did the Yagya at any point back her up or protect her?

I came across her several times in my early days (the double foreigner family was SO small, then!!) and yes, she was sweet and easily approachable. However, last time I met her in Madhuban, I felt uncomfortable in her presence. I could say I had the distinct feeling - that I had with few other souls in my life - that she was "possessed". Strange drishti, feeling my energy was being drained in her presence, as if she was another person. Maybe she was just freaking out. Who knows?
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Re: set up

Post15 Jul 2007

alladin wrote:Ex L, hi, when you mention about Heidi being "set up", by whom do you mean?

The news reports mention the daughter of a member of her "Isis Cult"/Atma Center. I am sure that she/they did conceive of it or call it "Isis Cult" but I do not know what else to call it. The individuals that followered her off to Tenerife. Hansjorg Hemminger, co-author of a book on sects, Second-Hand Soul, says Fittkau-Garthe referred to herself as "The Source". So, who knows, many be she was channelling something.

She also claimed to have been Czar Nicholas II in a former life and that a disobedient cult member had supposedly been Lenin, murderer of Fittkau-Garthe's previous incarnation's family; who could make up for that only by total obedience to Fittkau-Garthe in this life.

So, it is whacky but in a sense on a parallel to BK/PBK beliefs, e.g. their take on the "Communists" versus the Divine Rights of Tyrants.

If you do a Google for "fittkau isis", you will find many references. Usual sloppy reporting and exaggerated "wierdo cult" media abound. Another example where if it is spoken about, and documented, we might get to the bottom of it and have a more complete picture of the BKWSU.

The Seniors LOVED Heidi and were all over her (initially anyway). She was one of the first BK followers to draw IPs/businessmen etc through her psychology group AND she had a professional qualification they could boast about to give credibility to Raja Yoga and the BKWSU. It all came back to bite them on the bum ... but how and why did she leave Gyan? I do not know that bit of the story.

Heidi Fittkau spoke not wrote:"The group was no sect and I have never worked in one. I was accused of planning the suicide of a group of friends who had merely come over to spend Christmas in Tenerife ...

“What actually happened in 1998 was the result of an act of a daughter’s vengeance on her mother who was one of the group. Six months before they had had an enormous family row and it was the daughter who contacted Interpol and told them her mother and another hundred people were in the mountains of Tenerife intending to commit mass suicide."

From; apologeticsindex.org.
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Re: Dr BK Heidi Fittkau

Post26 May 2008

A short note, I hope Heidi finds us and can clarify. If not, does anyone else have any idea?

In "The Copycat Effect: How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow's Headlines" by Loren Coleman (Paraview Pocket Books, 2004), it is suggested that Heidi Fittkau did not leave the BKWSU but was "excluded" from it?

Anyone know the circumstances?
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Re: Dr BK Heidi Fittkau

Post26 May 2008

ex-l ...

Heidi is a taboo in the BK world ... What I heard was that around 1998 ... sometime they had found BK literature in her house and that lead to an investigation ... The BKs did accept her involvement but also clarified that she had left the organization on her own accord ...

Let me point another similar case where in a Brother could actually tell you some incidents from your past life ... became a BK and DJ actually told the center-in-charge to be careful while dealing with him ... apparently mentioning Dr. Heidi at that time ... the story is that this Brother wanted to offer his services to all the BK souls ... because that was his business ... he was flatly refused and guess he went his way ...

BKs don't want to associate with anything that is weird in terms of supporting it ... but the business of Brian etc is always welcome because ... it just sinks in with their business ...

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Re: Dr BK Heidi Fittkau

Post26 May 2008

Thanks ... Oh, Heidi was most definitely 'in with the incrowd' in the BKWSU and got loved up by all the Dadis and Didis. A VIP BK. I can clearly remember her being asked up to share the Guddhi with Janki Kripalani and Sudesh as far back as the early 80s and she went to Madhuban.

She was big news for them, an "-ologist". Professionally qualified too. In fact, if the real history be out sometime, she might even have preempted Brian's type of corporate service because it was amongst the likes of those that her work was with - and that was where she took the Brahma Kumaris. Connections, promotion of Jayanti etc. Probably the German Sisters too.

I think mr green would have called her "excitable". It might just have been another case of "compromises being made in the sake of service" ... and them coming back to bite the BKs on the bum. On the other hand, it might have just been 'use and discard'. I cannot imagine that she was a walk over. I remember even back then there was controversy that she was charging for professional seminars. I cannot remember clearly but she was into some kind of personal development work on a professional basis. Anyone else fill in the gaps?

Was that Brother charging BKs or just giving readings away? It would have been interesting ... it could have either confirmed or debunked aspects of BK Knowledge and who was, or was not, a second birth BK Brahmin!

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