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sakshi delhi

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Post21 Feb 2007

param shanti,

dear intelligent Brother and Sister,

you think that you are only intelligent over all the world but do you have answer whatever happened in earth, as you can see in the TV, every time miracle happened by the people in all religion what is the reason for that ? Is it done by god?

Why ShivBaba not give this answer in Murli? Whatever happend in this world you should aware of it and you have to know it because you are the children of allmighty athority's son.

Why ShivBaba not give idea to give freedom (liberation) to the soul who make this miracle or how you will give the feedom to that soul who is in 3 element (ghost)? When you belive that BB is in Sakar (corporeal) then where is sankar and Vishnu? Please give the answer if you think you are very much intelligent? Pandavs are only 5 who know Krishna so you are not a pandav? So that you are not pandav or you do not want to know Krishna ?

* in Murli, ShivBaba say, you follow Brahma, so you have to leave this body and go with bramababa ... ? Why?

* good morning and wake up otherwise you will have to pass other 70 years ... Param Shanti ...
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Re: massage

Post21 Feb 2007

* good morning and wake up otherwise you will have to pass other 70 years...

Good morning Sakshi,

I think also you need to wake up and talk with us and not at us otherwise it may be you end up speaking to yourself. What is this great impatience you have with souls? Can I ask a simple question and get a simple answer please?

How many members of the Vishnu Party are there?

Does Mr Patel (ShivaBaba) speak English? If, yes does he speak it well?

Could he perhaps answer some questions we ask, seeing as you don't know the answers?

What is your fascination with miracles?
Surely that's a bit of a "showing off to attract the masses" type of thing?
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abrahma kumar

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Post21 Feb 2007

Hi sakshi I have taken the liberty of sending you a private message in which i tried to 'translate' the first post on the previous page because I could not understand everything entirely and i think it unfair to you and the forum if I respond to something that I do not quite understand. If you are able to pick up my message kindly offer your thoughts on my 'translation'. If all is well then maybe we will find away of working from a basis that the majority stand a chance to understand. Otherwise we will just accept and move on ... maybe it is just me being ignorant.

Please accept these words and actions of mine in the spirit in which they are intended i.e. brotherly acceptance. By the way I have the English language as my mother tongue so I will always go that 'extra mile' to ensure that i understand what someone is trying to communicate to me using that language. I hope that were i to try to express myself in your own mother tongue you would do the same in similar spirit of openness and acceptance of my efforts. You are indeed a courageous soul. Thank you. Om Shanti
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Post21 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Hi sakshi I have taken the liberty of sending you a private message in which I tried to 'translate' the first post on the previous page because I could not understand everything entirely

Are you able to translate what SakshiDelhi is trying to say from her original language into English?

That would be very helpful.
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Post21 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Please wait and watch ...

Is she going to do miracle or some magic?

Its more painful than listening to Frankie Howerd ... but a good example of good old fashioned Hindu-style BK logic unravelling.

Sakshi, you makes Sister Sudesh (God bless her soul) sound like Brian Bacon ...

sakshi delhi

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thank you for help

Post21 Feb 2007

thank you Brother abrhma Kumar,

From: Abrahma Kumar
To: sakshi Delhi
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:37 pm
Subject: help please
param shanti,
my dear Brother and Sister as I know you are very inteligent there but why you cant think that in Murli, why ShivBaba ask every time question ? why he not explaining in simple language ? why he not say simply that the PBK and vishnuparty are wrong, what is the ShivBaba problem ? I think he should say in simple world ... as you BK and PBK read Murli, why the destruction not happened ? there were lot of time lime was given ? there has been 70 years passed , there are 9,00,000 Brahma Kumars and Kumaris? So why till ShivBaba not found 108 seed soul, I think you are waste your time there because you are not in that soul , you should found this souls. Simple logic, Shiv Baba had not given the new world knowledge so that how can he destroy the world and also Baba not given knowledge about the creation of world in Murli Baba always say you are not ready , you are not ready ... so you intelegent people what is your problem why you not became ready ?

Till 70 year has passed and you not found 108 seed soul ,as you very much intelegent
people there, what you will do ? ... Please wait and watch ... Shiv Baba is always in human form (corporeal) so that people can see that god.

Om Shanti sakshi Delhi I have taken the liberty of requesting your assistance offline as I am having some difficulty understanding some of the language in your post however as native English speaker I feel duty-bound to work at the little hurdle so that it no longer exists. Please help me if you can. Now I am going to write what I understand and you will correct - if you choose via private message. Thank you. This is what I understand:

my dear Brother and Sister as I know you are very inteligent there but why you are you unable to understand the reasons that Shiv Baba asks questions instead of choosing not to explain everything using simple language in the Murli? Why doesn't He simply say that the PBK's and VisnuParty are wrong? What is the reason why ShivBaba chooses to be that way?
Since you BK's and PBK's claim that the Murli you read is God's word why are you not able to know the reason for destruction not yet happening?

(there were lot of time lime was given ?)<------ Help please if all English words are correct then suddenly we are starting to talk about fruits ...

Now that 70 Years have pass since Confluence Age started in which almost 900000 Brahma Kumaris and Kumaris how is it that ShivBaba still awaits the emergence of the 108 seed souls? I think that the reason is because you cannot count yourselves amongst that group of souls. You are wasting your time there (in the BKWSU/PBK organisations?). By now you should have found those 108 seed souls? The answer to these questions follows simple logic: Shiv Baba has not given knowledge of the New World so how can He destroy the (old?) world? The reason is simple. Shiv Baba has not either given knowledge about the creation of the World. In the Murli Baba says you are not ready, you are not ready ... So you intelligent people what is the reason why you have not yet become ready? 70 years have passes and still you have not found the 108 seed souls. So as you are very intelligent people what will you do? Shiv Baba always in human form (corporeal) so that people can see that god[/quote]
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Re: thank you for help

Post21 Feb 2007

Thank you for the translation Abrahma Kumar.
Sakshi Dehli wrote:Since you BK's and PBK's claim that the Murli you read is God's word why are you not able to know the reason for destruction not yet happening?

You may not have noticed yet but it is mainly ex-BKs who are taking an interest and willing to listen to you.

Maybe it is the language thing or maybe you just aren't taking your time and being properly observant within the forum. I hope you persevere, but for now there seems to be serious out of tune problems.
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Feb 2007

Given some of sakshi Delhi's assertions regarding the BK and PBK organisations it seems quite a reasonable request for some representative of the Vishnu Party to orient us on the background to the organisation. Failing that we might have to make do with familiarising ourselves with the organisation via the discussion on this thread from which we can observe that the issue of clarity of Vishnu Party English language posts has been a feature since October 2006 so i won't rehash all of that.

Sakshi Delhi, if the Vishnu Party is serious about establishing a presence on this site then it may need to have an internal discussion about rectifying the communcation barrier. How are the Vishnu Party's efforts at 'enlisting' double-foreigners going? Does the Vishnu Party see it;s Godly mission to spread the word beyond the shores of Bharat? Maybe I ougt to visit the Vishnu Party site instead of taking up space here with my silly questions.
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Post22 Feb 2007

Posting a 'personal message', or email, from another member onto the forum without permission is a breach of the forum guidelines and bad form.

Please do not do so again.

Forum Administrator.
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Feb 2007

Hi Sysop, while not knowing that explicit rule it nonetheless falls quite naturally within the compass of my intrinsic sense of justice and I reckon the same applies to many of the other posters on the site as well. Thanks nonetheless for the reminder.

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Post22 Feb 2007

Private or personal message is just what it says.

Confidentiality should not be broken, if the forum is to keep credibility.
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Feb 2007

John wrote:Private or personnal message is just what it says. Confidentiality should not be broken, if the forum is to keep credibility.

Yes John, It may be quite natural for many of us to note that point however for others it may take a bit of education. Was observing myself when I read the sysop reminder and it took me about 15 minutes to 'convince' myself to take the plunge and post my feedback in public. I wonder if this little incident gives us a tiny insight into the different cultural mindset's that prevail in the forum? And whether these mindset's have any bearing at all on the manner in which Godly knowledge is transmitted from East to West?

No I don't want to start a new topic but it is just a small question that popped into my mind. Om Shanti

sakshi delhi

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Post22 Feb 2007

param shanti,

I think you are right I really waste my time over here, because whenever I put our knowledge in front of the masses they stop me by saying that they hardly interested. I think i have being called here just to give answers to our unreasonable question.

I believe this forum is meant to bully each other. People out here consider themself intelligent but i think their intelligence works within them. And mind I am very much showing patience to everyone but i think the people out here force me to change my attitude towards the masses.

I asked lots of questions from all the people present and viewing here but all in vein no person out here gave me a single answer to my question despite they quote that "Your questions are not important at all."

If you do not know the answers of our questions do not hide our question in our questions. If we are not answering your questions do not think that we do not know the answer but i think that your questions are not important than our knowledge because i guess this forum is meant to discuss The Knowledge given by everyone's institution.

Dear Brother and Sister i think you all are really keen to know the members in our organsation. As i told you that we want only 108 seed souls who are responsible for the creation and merger of this world and for your information we have got the majority of it. The question that Mr Patel knows English or not. For your kind information he speaks fairly good English under his profession. But again in respect to The Knowledge for which we are here stands out. This question is not where linked with The Knowledge of the organisation. if you have more members in your organisation this does not prove that your knowledge is superior.

One more thing 9 lakhs of souls of rosary would be formed in BKs, 16,108 would be formed in PBK and 108 seed soul rosary would be formed in Vishnu Party. That is why its mention in Murli that despite of having 9 lakhs of souls 108 seed souls are not ready. So the BKs do not even have 108 souls to change this world? So where do their 9 lakhs souls stand?

My aim to join this forum doesnt seems to be fulfill. I m not here to attract the masses of other organisation . but I just want to discuss the divine knowledge which every individual percieve with respect to his power. I beleive listen everyone try to understand and then comment.
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Post22 Feb 2007


I am sorry to have to say this but you are just not listening and in my opinion showing great arrogance! It could be that you are very new to knowledge?

Maybe another representative from Vishnu Party with a maturer approach could help? Are you doing more damage than good for the Vishnu Party, or are you a true reflection of the attitude contained within the Vishnu Party?

Actually all are individuals on this forum. If as a collective we are saying something is not right with the way you are posting on this forum, then I think you should take this onboard, rather than bluff it off by saying we are a bunch of bullies.
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi, the fourm posters are being so open towards your posts and your organisation that it is unlikely that you will get such an opportunity out in the world. Maybe you are not quite ready yet.

I ask that you demonstrate to us - if you care to - how much you have imbibed Shiva's teachings regarding our inculcation of the virtue of detachment so that you can establish a better rapport with the forum. The choice is yours. No-one has gone into any private corners and said anything negative about you or the Vishnu Party. So come on atma, gather about you your self-respect and take the golden chance that God Shiva put in the way of the Vishnu Party via the existence of this forum.

You claim that what we listen to is not the Murli however will you take this lucky chance that you have received and show us how Lord Shiva has made you a Chancellor? Or are your gross and subtle organs still under the control of Maya (illusion) as you accuse us of being?

Om Shanti

P.S. I posted this blind of what John has just said so you see sakshi ... judge for yourself or give over your intellect to Shiva so that He can judge so that you can see.

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