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PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by new knowledge
1) my bro ex-l, Vishnu Party has strayed far away from BKWSU trends. Is this a serious matter to be ashamed of ...? What's wrong to cross the limits of BK Gyan? Vishnu Party has presented a revolutionary perspective which works at more macrocosmic level than BK\PBK perspective. Do you think that all and all aspects are hidden in the BKWSU oriented cults??? But it's also not that Vishnu Party has nothing to do with BKWSU. Actually for the first time in the history of BKWSU, Vishnu Party has combined BKWSU cults with other religious cults. Vishnu Party gives equal importance to both Murlis & ancient religious literature. BKs & PBKs always underestimate Vedas & Shashras. Regarding this issue Vishnu Party is much more ahead of BKs/PBKs.

2) Knowledge or recognition of the Supreme Father in the corporeal form of Dashrath Patel is not the only one reson for me to choose Vishnu Party. I received a lot of love, sympathy & much much more which cannot be expressed in words. And I've found that all and all accusations against Vishnu Party are just heard-narrated. Nobody has any proof against Bapuji (Dashrath Patel). Bapuji's BKWSU role is always controversial. Truth is always controversial. Let's see through the clouds of controversy & try to understand the reality without being victim to rumours.

3) Vishnu Party do use terminology of BKs like Shiv & ShivBaba, but not as usual. Instead we prefer the word 'Bap' or 'Parampita' etc.

4) Bro abeekay (superb shortcut), I mean the Supreme Father (ShivBaba/God) converts His own corporeal body into subtle then casual body & finaly He qegains His original incorporeal state. He need not Chariot. IF HE ENTIRELY DEPENDS ON Chariot TO EXPRESS HIS IDENTITY, THEN THE Chariot BECOMES SUPERIOR TO THE SUPREME Father. The Supreme Father never enters in the body of another soul.

Another topics in the next articles.

Does G-O-D really tell us that of Himself?

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by abrahma kumar
new knowledge wrote: ....4) Bro abeekay (superb shortcut), I mean the Supreme Father (ShivBaba\God) converts His own corporeal body into subtle then casual body & finaly He qegains His original incorporeal state. He need not Chariot. IF HE ENTIRELY DEPENDS ON Chariot TO EXPRESS HIS IDENTITY, THEN THE Chariot BECOMES SUPERIOR TO THE SUPREME Father. The Supreme Father never enters in the body of another soul.

new knowledge, did G-O-D tell you that explanation? Thanks. As i read it, the capitalised sections of your posts is classic oblox.

Tell me new knowledge, what logic or evidenced scientific view supports those assertions? If i use a cup to dip some water from a rapidly flowing mountain stream, do i say, as i drink the water, that it is a lesser form of H2O than the water still flowing by me in the stream?
new knowledge wrote:... Knowledge or recognition of the Supreme Father in the corporeal form of Dashrath Patel is not the only one reson for me to choose Vishnu Party. I received a lot of love, sympathy & much much more which cannot be expressed in words. And I've found that all and all accusations against Vishnu Party are just heard-narrated. Nobody has any proof against Bapuji (Dashrath Patel). Bapuji's BKWSU role is always controvesial. Truth is always controversial. Let's see through the clouds of controversy & try to understand the reality without being victim to rumours.

new knowledge, as i read the above you saying the same sort of thing about Mr. Dashrath Patel that we have heard attributed to the BKWSU human figurehead - Dada Lekhraj. And so I can anticipate the sort of oblox that the Vishnu Party will have bring to bear in support of its own chosen figurehead.

On a brotherly note, if you are happy that you received love, sympathy and much more than can be expressed in words, then i say right on bro go for it.

For more insights on the historical angle, we need to talk to Bapuji do not we? Can he join the forum?

Thanks for your feedback.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by ex-l
new knowledge wrote:1) my bro ex-l, Vishnu Party has strayed far away from BKWSU trends. Is this a serious matter to be ashamed of ...?

Nobody has any proof against Bapuji (Dashrath Patel). Bapuji's BKWSU role is always controversial.

Of course seeking the truth outside of the bounds of the BKWSU has no shame attached to it. It is just that it is beyond my discipline or current focus. I came to this site to resolve my BK issues and it is for BKs and ex-BKs.

Having no proof does not mean that no crime was committed. And the controversy may have been well meant. Can we give him a chance to clarify what happened and why both with the BKWSU and the PBKs? He seems to have taken the greatest offence at the PBKs, why?

I am afraid that if the Vishnu Party refuses to address the issue of the controversies, it will be the cause of many to immediately dismiss them. I think that seekers of truth have the right to answers and explanations as evidence of the individual's integrity. It has taken 25 or more pages here, mostly of nonsense or nasty stuff, and we have still not got to the point of simple, explicit answers.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by arjun
new_knowledge wrote:Actually for the first time in the history of BKWSU, Vishnu Party has combined BKWSU cults with other religious cults. Vishnu Party gives equal importance to both Murlis & ancient religious literature. BKs & PBKs always underestimate Vedas & Shashras.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. If you compare the BK and PBK knowledge you would appreciate that it is in the Advanced Knowledge only that The Knowledge about the shooting or rehearsal of all the religions within the Brahmin family was given. Before that BKs used to think that they establish only the Sun Dynasty, the Moon Dynasty and the Brahmin religion. Besides, so many aspects of the Hindu scriptures, which were not explained by the BKs, were explained through the Advanced Knowledge. PBKs never underestimate the scriptures, but they touch the main issues discussed in the scriptures, not the wasteful stuff. It is even said in the Murlis that there is truth only to the extend of a pinch of salt in the wheat flour (aatey may namak misal).

Vishnu Party talks about the seed souls of all the religions. Where did Shri Dashrath Patel get this knowledge from? You may assume that you have gone into much more details/advancement, but the basic concept was taken from the Advanced Knowledge, is not it?
I mean the Supreme Father (ShivBaba/God) converts His own corporeal body into subtle then casual body & finaly He qegains His original incorporeal state. He need not Chariot. IF HE ENTIRELY DEPENDS ON Chariot TO EXPRESS HIS IDENTITY, THEN THE Chariot BECOMES SUPERIOR TO THE SUPREME Father. The Supreme Father never enters in the body of another soul.

If you say you believe the scriptures and you also say that God does not enter into the body of another soul, then it means that one of the attribute of God, i.e. His being ajanma (one who does not take birth) would be wrong. Shri Dashrath Patel (God for you) must have certainly taken birth through a mother's womb. So, how can he be 'ajanma'?

You repeatedly say that God does not depend on his Chariot to express his identity, then why do you ask everyone to come to Ahmedabad? He should be able to cause divine visions and give knowledge to souls from all over the world while sitting at Ahmedabad.


PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by beejroop
arjun wrote:Vishnu Party talks about the seed souls of all the religions. Where did Shri Dashrath Patel get this knowledge from? You may assume that you have gone into much more details/advancement, but the basic concept was taken from the Advanced Knowledge, is not it?

So what do u want to convey
If you say you believe the scriptures and you also say that God does not enter into the body of another soul, then it means that one of the attribute of God, i.e. His being ajanma (one who does not take birth) would be wrong. Shri Dashrath Patel (God for you) must have certainly taken birth through a mother's womb. So, how can he be 'ajanma'?

Gross Body of anybody has to take birth from womb and for that matter his gross body is of ordinary human being. But you should see his inside attributes.
You repeatedly say that God does not depend on his Chariot to express his identity, then why do you ask everyone to come to Ahmedabad?

It is necessary to come to Ahmedbad because without having direct Sakash from him you will not be able to get divine knowledge and divine vision and will keep on arguing endlessly.
He should be able to cause divine visions and give knowledge to souls from all over the world while sitting at Ahmedabad.

He will cause divine vision only to them who will have faith in him, not to everybody. First have faith in him and his divine knowledge and then you will have divine vision. World Drama is not of 5000 years.

Note: BBYSOP, you yourself have opened my account. I have not requested you to open my account. I am sending messages just to open everybody's closed eyes in terms of true divine knowledge.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by beejroop
If you want to fight, fight with knowledge. If you say BKs are Kauravas, then who is Kans? Please answer. Who is doing atrocities on Kanyas and Matas in PBK?? Think over it.

Who is Ravan? Please answer. Who is Jarasnadh? Please answer.


PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by new knowledge
BOMB BLAST!!! It would be better to be off from the battlefield. Good bye everybody. This is my last post. Dear Admin, please accept my resignation & permanently block my account.

If anybody wish to chat with me he may contact with me at or

Oh! What happened ...? Take care Brother new knowledge.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by abrahma kumar
Take care Brother new knowledge. Does it mean that you have decided to concentrate on self-progress?

I wonder if the "new knowledge/beejroop" combination was sort of like a Vishnu Party good cop/bad cop routine?

Is there anyone in the Vishnu Party that is willing to talk about the past or document Mr Patel's experience with and vision of the BKWSU?

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by ex-l
beejroop wrote:If you say BKs are Kauravas, then who is Kans? Please answer. Who is doing atrocities on Kanyas and Matas in PBK?? Think over it.

Remembering that beejroop was the one offering to do heart to heart connection, I have to wonder if he realises that this is not a PBK forum ... he seems to really have it in for the PBKs. BUT I think it really does underline the necessity for the PBKs to address the outstanding issues regarding sex.

I do not believe the screaming headlines. I think Beejroop lacks darna. I would put a fairly high probability that Dashrath Patel and the Vishnu Party were behind PBK problems and that is why the attack on Virendra Dev Dixit's credibility rather than discussion ... but I agree with him that this issue should be address if only to shut it up for once and all. Otherwise, it will only come back time and time again to haunt the PBK.

new knowledge, I hope that you can stay if only to show the Vishnu Party is not entirely nuts.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by john
new knowledge wrote:BOMB BLAST!!! It would be better to be off from the battlefield. Good bye everybody. This is my last post. Dear Admin, please accept my resignation & permanently block my account.

Dear new Knowledge,
Thank you for your contribution, I am sure you will always be welcome back if you reconsider sometime in the future.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by arjun
beejroop wrote:If you want to fight, fight with knowledge. If you say BKs are Kauravas, then who is Kans? Please answer. Who is doing atrocities on Kanyas and Matas in PBK?? Think over it. Who is Ravan? Please answer. Who is Jarasnadh? Please answer.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. You are free to think that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is the Kans, Ravan, Jarasandh, etc. But I would prefer to be silent on this issue otherwise it would increase your anger and frustration. But please think why in spite of all the negative propaganda about Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and despite his being in jail for a few months, the number of PBKs, including the surrendered Sisters is increasing?

Why would they like to dedicate their life for someone who is charged with such serious offences and why would they become ready to live at a place which offers negligible/minimum facilities when compared to the BKs? There are such surrendered PBK Sisters also who were offered to be made zonal/center-in-charges by the BKs after they underwent the bhatti at Kampil.

Happy bomb-blasts :lol:


param shanti

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by sakshi delhi
Param shanti
Dear Brothers and Sisters.

As all the masses are reminding me that this particular forum is BK forum not PBKs or Vishnu Party. I completely accept. So I move according to Your will. Forget about our knowledge which you all souls are hardly interested in listening. I need anwers to these questions . Please I request you to give the answers with proper explanation.

These are some Murli points I am quoting to you do you have the answers to these?

Quote: pt 1 (31/10/2006) Abhi sirf do number out hue hai. baap aur Maa.abhi koi bhi Bhai bhen ka tisra number out nahi hua bhale kahenge dadio se pyar bahot hai. Baap ka bhi dadio se pyar hai lekin number out nahi hau hai.

Expl. Number to tabhi out hoga na jab Maa aur baap Sakar mein prataksh roop mein honge.

Quote : pt 2 - Baap ko prataksh karna hai to kaun se baap Ko? Nirakari ya sakari baap ko? Baki raha Brahma veh to avakta ho gaye hai. To Baap kaun? Baap ke paas sristi ka adi, madya aur ant ka Gyan hoga. Science,astrology, physics ka Gyan deta hai. Baap physical body ka nahi divya Gyan dete hai. Devta kaise banege. Gyan Sakar mein dobne wala hi Gyan samaz sakta hai

Expl. Ab Murli mein to khah hai ki Brahma avakt ho gaye hai ... to baap khah hai. Matlab ki sakari baap hona chayiye? murlio mein science ka Gyan nahi hai aur na hi kisi tarah ka divya Gyan. (Murli hamari lathi hai-keyal baap ko pehchne ke liye baki raha Murli mein adi ,amdya aur ant ka Gyan nahi hai)

Quote: pt 3 (27/05/72) Koi bhi baat mein baar baar kahenge ki shastro ki authority se hum bolte hai ki shastra kab jhote ho na sake jo shastra mein hai vo satya hai.

Exp. Murli aur avakt Vani ko ved shastra nahi kaha ja sakta. Aur b.k Gyan mein sahstro ko galat khah jata hai. Jabki Brahma ko Krishna khak jata hai aur lakhmi Narayan ka bhi chitra lagya jata hai ... to shastro ko b.k wale pura kyu nahi mante?

Quote : pt 4 (3/2/74) Baap jab tak na aye tab tak raj Yoga khah se aye

Expl. Sabse pehle raj Yoga ka matlab divya Gyan. Amar tatvo ka dyan (amar ho jane ka Gyan), sristi ke patte patte ka rahasya (secret). To baap ata aur tumhe divya lok le jane ka Gyan deta hai aur divya dristi ka Gyan deta hai.

Quote: pt 5 (28/12/78 ) Last bumb matlab parmatm bumb hai. Baap ki pratyakshta ka jo dekhe, jo sampark mein akar ke sune unhi dwara yeh awaaz niklegi ki Baap aa gaye hai. Direct almight authority ka kartava chal raha hai. Sikhane wala direct almight hai. Gyan surya Sakar sristi par udaya hua hai. Yeh abhi gupt hai. Antim bomb dwara ek ek ke beech mein prratyaksh hoga. Vishwa mein vishwapita spasta dikhi dega

Expl. Baap to sabh ka baap hai keyal Brahma Kumari ka nahi. Yeh vishwa pita hai. Ab Brahma Baba to avakt ho gaye to prataksh kise karenge aap? Sikhane wala dharti par ayega? Matlab vo hamare samne hona chayie?

Quote: pt 6 Baap ant mein bath ved shastro ka Gyan samzate hai.

Expl. Baap Sakar mein honge to hi bath kar eke k bachche ko ved shastra ka Gyan samzayenge na? aur abhi tak Murli mein to ved shastrao ka Gyan nahi batya hai.

Quote: pt 7 (15/9/74) Baap bhi sakari se aakari bana, aakari se nirakari aur nirakari se sakari bane ge.

Expl. Aab baap sakari ban gaye hai

Bhayia these are some Murli points which are sermonized by your Brahma Baba ... there are many more ... but you souls are not ready to understand properly. Though I accept that I and beejroop Bhai approach you ... but our aim was to message you that your divine Baba and Maa has come. As you have surrender your life in B.k from last 70 years. So you souls are at least more curious in search of God and truly divine knowledge from rest of the corporeal world so we as a institution approach you as our responsibility and our Godly duty.

Rest the ball is in your court. Abhi mano ya na mano ... ant mein sabhi ko baap ki sharan mein ana padega ... but yeh na ho Too late ka board lag jaye.

Sakshi bhen

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by john
Sakshi Delhi,

As you have only posted in Hindi, then 95% of the forum is immediately excluded. If you have genuine points of Murli to share/discuss, could you please get them translated for the remaining 95% of members to see?

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by beejroop
john wrote:As you have only posted in Hindi, then 95% of the forum is immediately excluded. If you have genuine points of Murli to share/discuss, could you please get them translated for the remaining 95% of members to see?

Dear Brother John,

Find below the translation of Murli points posted by Sakshi Behn as desired by you. These are some Murli points I m quoting to you do you have the answers to these?

Quote: pt 1 (31/10/2006) Abhi sirf do number out hue hai.baap aur Maa. Abhi koi bhi Bhai bhen ka tisra number out nahi hua bhale kahenge dadio se pyar bahot hai. Baap ka bhi dadio se pyar hai lekin number out nahi hau hai.

Right now only two numbers are out. Father and Mother. None of Brother or Sister is having third number. Though it is said that lots of love is their with Dadis. Father is also having love with Dadis but number has not been out.

Expl. Number to tabhi out hoga na jab Maa aur baap Sakar mein prataksh roop mein honge.

Number will be out only when Father and mother both will be in evidence (Corporeal).

Quote: pt 2 - Baap ko prataksh karna hai to kaun se baap Ko? Nirakari ya sakari baap ko? Baki raha Brahma veh to avakta ho gaye hai . to Baap kaun? Baap ke paas sristi ka adi, madya aur ant ka Gyan hoga. Science, astrology, physics ka Gyan deta hai. Baap physical body ka nahi divya Gyan dete hai. Devta kaise banege. Gyan Sakar mein dobne wala hi Gyan samaz sakta hai

If Father has to be made evident then which Father? Incorporeal or Corporeal? If talked about Brahma, he has become non-evident (Avyakt). Father has got knowledge of beginning, middle and end of creation. He gives knowledge of Science, astrology, physics. Father does not give knowledge of physical body but of divine knowledge. How will you become deities? Those who dive in the Ocean of knowledge, only they will understand this knowledge.

Expl. Ab Murli mein to khah hai ki Brahma avakt ho gaye hai ... to baap khah hai. Matlab ki sakari baap hona chayiye? murlio mein science ka Gyan nahi hai aur na hi kisi tarah ka divya Gyan. (Murli hamari lathi hai-keyal baap ko pehchne ke liye baki raha Murli mein adi, amdya aur ant ka Gyan nahi hai)

In the Muralis it is said that, "Brahma has become non-evident" then where is Father? Means, Father has to be Corporeal Gross Bodied. Muralis do not give knowledge of science or knowledge of any other subject. (Murli is only stick or support for us to reach to Father. Murli does not have knowledge of beginning, middle and end).

Quote: pt 3 (27/05/72) Koi bhi baat mein baar baar kahenge ki shastro ki authority se hum bolte hai ki shastra kab jhote ho na sake jo shastra mein hai vo satya hai.

In any matter it is repeatedly said with the authority of Shashtras that Shashtras can never be wrong. Whatever is there in Shashtras is right.

Exp. Murli aur avakt Vani ko ved shastra nahi kaha ja sakta. Aur b.k Gyan mein sahstro ko galat khah jata hai. Jabki Brahma ko Krishna khak jata hai aur lakhmi Narayan ka bhi chitra lagya jata hai ... to shastro ko b.k wale pura kyu nahi mante?

Murli and Avyakt Vani cannot said to be Shashtras. In B.K. Shashtras are told to be wrong. When they say Brahma is Shri Krishna and put the picture of Lakshmi Narayan, why they do not accept Shashtras completely.

Quote : pt 4 (3/2/74) Baap jab tak na aye tab tak raj Yoga khah se aye

Till Father does not come Raj Yoga cannot come

Expl. Sabse pehle raj Yoga ka matlab divya Gyan. Amar tatvo ka dyan (amar ho jane ka Gyan), sristi ke patte patte ka rahasya (secret). To baap ata aur tumhe divya lok le jane ka Gyan deta hai aur divya dristi ka Gyan deta hai.

Rajyog means Divine Knowledge. Knowledge of Immortal Elements (Knowledge of becoming immortal). Secret of each leaf of creation. So Father comes gives you knowledge to take you to Divine Knowledge and gives The Knowledge of divine vision.

Quote: pt 5 (28/12/7 Last bumb matlab parmatm bumb hai. Baap ki pratyakshta ka jo dekhe, jo sampark mein akar ke sune unhi dwara yeh awaaz niklegi ki Baap aa gaye hai. Direct almight authority ka kartava chal raha hai. Sikhane wala direct almight hai. Gyan surya Sakar sristi par udaya hua hai. Yeh abhi gupt hai. Antim bomb dwara ek ek ke beech mein prratyaksh hoga. Vishwa mein vishwapita spasta dikhi dega

Last Bomb means Parmatma Bomb (Supreme Soul Bomb). Those who takes direct knowledge from Father, those who comes in direct contact with Father, they only will raise the slogan "Father has come". Direct almighty authority's work is being done.Teacher is direct almighty authority. Knowledge sun has arisen on the Corporeal World, this is hidden currently. Through last bomb He will become evident to everybody. Father of universe will be clearly evident to everybody.

Expl. Baap to sabh ka baap hai keyal Brahma Kumari ka nahi. Yeh vishwa pita hai. Ab Brahma Baba to avakt ho gaye to prataksh kise karenge aap? Sikhane wala dharti par ayega? Matlab vo hamare samne hona chayie?

Father is Father of everybody, not only that of Brahmakumaris. He is Father of Universe. Now Brahma Baba has become non-evident then whom do u make evident? Teacher will descend on earth? Means He should be present in front of all of us.

Quote: pt 6 - Baap ant mein bath ved shastro ka Gyan samzate hai.

Father, at last, makes us understand the essence of Vedas and Shashtras

Expl. Baap Sakar mein honge to hi bath kar eke k bachche ko ved shastra ka Gyan samzayenge na? aur abhi tak Murli mein to ved shastrao ka Gyan nahi batya hai.

When Father will be there in Corporeal Form, then only he will make us understand essence of Vedas and Shashtras. So far in Muralis, knowledge of Vedas and Shashtras are not given.

Quote: pt 7 (15/9/74) Baap bhi sakari se aakari bana, aakari se nirakari aur nirakari se sakari bane ge.

Father also become subtle from corporeal and incorporeal from corporeal and later on corporeal from incorporeal.

Expl. Aab baap sakari ban gaye hai

Now Father has become Corporeal.

All Universe's Friend and Wellwisher


PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by beejroop
ex-l wrote:Remembering that beejroop was the one offering to do heart to heart connection, I have to wonder if he realises that this is not a PBK forum.

There is nothing wrong in offering heart to heart connection. It is divine love which everybody should have.
... he seems to really have it in for the PBKs.

Heart to heart connection was meant for everybody not only for PBKs and there was nothing sexual into it.
BUT I think it really does underline the necessity for the PBKs to address the outstanding issues regarding sex.

Yes, they should address the issue.
I do not believe the screaming headlines.

You will never believe Vishnu Party members for sure.
I think Beejroop lacks darna.

You are not my judge. I know my Dharna well I am at such a stage which You cannot even imagine.
I would put a fairly high probability that Dashrath Patel and the Vishnu Party were behind PBK problems.

Its a false allegation on Bapuji
and that is why the attack on Veerendra Dev Dixit's credibility rather than discussion ...

The attack on Virendra Dixit is not because of any personal agenda of Dasrath Patel
I agree with him that this issue should be address if only to shut it up for once and all.

This has to be understood who Ravan is ? Who Kans is? Who Jarasandh is?
Otherwise, it will only come back time and time again to haunt the PBK.

It should haunt PBKs otherwise how will they be awaken?
new knowledge, I hope that you can stay if only to show the Vishnu Party is not entirely nuts.

You may assume whatever you want to assume about wisdom of Vishnu Party. No need to justify for you our wisdom if you yourself are a nut, biased and pre-occupied against Vishnu Party.

New Knowledge should not be scared with tantrums of PBKs.