Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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new knowledge

ex-Vishnu Party

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Post09 Aug 2007

Thanks my bro ex-l for feedback. Unfortunately the term 'the Supreme Father' has become ambiguous in the circle of BKWSU. The Supreme Father means the God - the final seed of the Kalpa Tree - the seed of all seeds of all religions. He is only one in number.

There are millions & billions of Brahmaandas (Universes) & each Brahmaanda has its own Brahma, Vishnu & Shankar. But the Tri-murti rachieta (the Creator of the three idols) is only one - the Supreme Father. Here whoever may be the Brahma (Dada Lekhraj or any other), but he is worth not a penny.
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Post09 Aug 2007

And which Supreme Father are you talking about, new knowledge?
john wrote:when did ShivaBaba (Mr Patel) realise he was the Supreme Father?

I would like to make that "how and when"?

Did he have hear voices or vision like Lekhraj Kirpalani?

new knowledge

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Post09 Aug 2007

Bro John, though Murlis are not directly spoken by God (the Supreme Father), indirectly they are His creations through His rays. So they are also valuable, though they are not direct Shrimat. The Supreme Father must have some intentions to done Murlis creat by His rays. Acctually BKs, PBKs believe in Murlis. So in order to introduce them the identity of the Supreme Father ONLY AT THE PRIMARY LEVEL, we take the support of Murlis. But to go through the Godly knowledge DEEPLY, we must have to go ahead of Murlis.

Again the Shrimat is delivered only at the end (Anth) of the Confluence Age. So to sustain the beginning (Aadi) & the middle (Madhya) of the Confluence Age, Murlis are delivered through God rays.

My bro ex-l, in 1996 He realised about His Supreme part. But as I am new to Vishnu Party, please let me discuss with Vishnu Party authorities about queries. Thanks.
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Post09 Aug 2007

And Mr Dashrath Patel is the only person that has this part, right? Its not a level of consciousness that all can aspire to.

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

My bro ex-l, Advanced Knowledge claims that as the children are in the corporeal world, the Father must have to be in the corporeal world. Now to be in conscious stage, every soul must have its own body, either corporeal or subtle or causal. Even in the subtle or causal body consciousness may be experienced; but to be called a conscient being, the soul must have its own at least one type of body. Even the ghost is also not bodiless. He has his own subtle body made of three elements - fire, air & sky.

But BKs, PBKs & some other BKWSU cults STRONGLY argue that the Supreme Father (God Shiv) has no any body - neither casual nor subtle nor corporeal. Thus according to them only the Supreme Father is bodiless & to perform His divine activities & to deliver Shrimat, he has to take support of the corporeal body of another human soul. Now, if the Supreme Father has no casual, subtle or corporeal body, then how can He may be a conscient being??? The soul of a ghost with his own subtle body enters in the corporeal body of a human being. Without one's own subtle body, the soul of any ghost cannot enter in the body of a human being. Then ... then how can the Supreme Father without His own's subtle (at least causal) body can incarnate in a human (corporeal) body???
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Post10 Aug 2007

We use words like "must" but how do we know or how can we tell. Its strikes me these beings/individuals can do whatever they imagine and we have no way of telling.

I just wanted to confirm that Dashrath Patel was God and "God" was not, say, a level of consciousness that anyone could aspire to experiencing. A universal state rather than an individual being.

Is he also the God of other religions like Christianity and Islam?

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

Yes, the Supreme Father - the final seed of the seeds of all religions - has incarnated in the corporeal form of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) in His own's corporeal body. He is that final seed from where the the seed of Christianity has emerged.
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Post10 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Yes, the Supreme Father - the final seed of the seeds of all religions - has incarnated in the corporeal form of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) in His own's corporeal body. He is that final seed from where the the seed of Christianity has emerged.

It is reassuring to know that God has incarnated somewhere.
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Post10 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:He is that final seed from where the the seed of Christianity has emerged.

Thank you. Whew, a straightforward discussion at last!

So, by "final", you must mean both final and primary. There was no other God but Him? The Messiah, or Avatar, for all humanity has incarnated on earth.

And by "emerge", what do you mean? Literally, like an amoeba splitting or mother giving birth? Or allegorically through a philosophical or knowledge based birth?

If you are going to carry on an intelligent conversation, then we might split this conversation off to "Vishnu Party Cycle and creation theory" or the likes.

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

Thanks my 'Master of Yagya History' bro, ex-l. At the very first phase of evolution of the Kalpa Tree(s) there was only the Supreme Father on the stage of the eternal World Drama. And step by step the conscious beings & unconscious elements emerged through Him. Thus the evolution process takes place from unified to diversified stages. Is that possible in just 5,000 years???

Here 'emerge' means to 'create'. Thus He is the Master creator.

We are children of Him, means He has given birth to us (souls). Now the bodily Father gives birth to his son's or daughter's body. But the Supreme Father is our spiritual Father & He gives birth to our souls, means we (souls) are created by Him. This is not birth through knowledge. Birth through knowledge is just rejuvination, but birth means creation of souls.

The creation of souls by Him is analogous with spliting of amoeba, but amoebas take elements from the outer environment to give birth to another amoeba. But everything including the outer environment is creation of the Supreme Father. On this issue creation of souls is not analoguous with splitting of amoeba.

If you have time, please read my articles 'Partial children of God' & 'Egg first or hen first' in the thread 'Bridge between Vishnu Party & Shankar Party'. There you can trace my views about origin of the Universe.
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Post10 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:At the very first phase of evolution of the Kalpa Tree(s) there was only the Supreme Father on the stage of the eternal World Drama.

And what was his state of being? Are we referencing or borrowing from Classical Hinduism here?

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

No, no my bro, ex-l. The Supreme Father is the Ocean of Knowlddge. His knowledge does not depend on classical Hinduism. Instead Classical Indian literature has limited sense. But the Godly knowledge given by the Supreme Father (Shrimat) has unlimited sense.

It's not that the Godly knowledge given by the Supreme Father depends on Vedas & Shashras & classical Hinduism but that the majority of BKWSU & Vishnu Party members live in India. So for their goodwill, the Supreme Father gives reference of Vedas & Shashras. But He goes far beyond Vedas & Shashras. Vishnu Party does not believe that the Indian classical literature is ultimate reality.

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

At the very first phase of evolution of the Kalpa Tree(s), the Supreme Father was in his corporeal stage. Then like any other soul, He also passes through casual, subtle & corporeal stages. Thanks.
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Post10 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Yes, the Supreme Father - the final seed of the seeds of all religions - has incarnated in the corporeal form of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) in His own's corporeal body. He is that final seed from where the the seed of Christianity has emerged.

Omshanti. You say that the Supreme Father has incarnated. So, where was He before incarnating as Dashrath Patel? Does He pass through The Cycle of birth and death like other human beings?

If Mr. Dashrath Patel is the origin of this Universe, then he should be able to answer all the unsolved mysteries of science, technology and even history.

Vishnu Party members have been talking about miracles all the way. Does he perform any miracles himself? It would be very kind of Mr. Dashrath Patel, if he could come to this forum and discuss with us directly? That would be a miracle for us. It would avoid unsavoury discussions that bro.beejroop had with some of the members of this forum.
new knowledge wrote:My dear bro John, Brahma, Vishnu & Shankar are worth not a penny according to Murli point. But the Supreme Father is superior to these 3 idols.

If according to you Mr. Dashrath Patel is the Supreme Father and Dada Lekhraj is Brahma and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is Shankar, then who is Vishnu? Mr. Dashrath Patel cannot be both Vishnu and the Supreme Father? And if he is not Vishnu, then obviously, Mr. Patel's group should not limit itself by calling itself as 'Vishnu Party' (as gathered from your official website).
beejroop wrote:Time is running fast my Brother

Could I kindly know how close are we to the final destruction/transformation? If Mr. Dashrath Patel is God, He should certainly be able to answer this querry. By the way,
    do you believe in that magic year 2036 as the end of Confluence Age?
    If so, do you believe that all the souls of this world would return to the Soul World after that?
    Or will this world continue for infinity just as it has been in existence since millions/billions of years as you believe?

new knowledge

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Post10 Aug 2007

Mr. Arjun, please try to regard the senior authorities & founders of any BKWSU cult. Though I criticised Advanced Knowledge (in the nickname of new_world), I've never criticised Baba Virendra Dev Dixit. Would you like to entitle as Mr Virendra Dev Dixit?

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