Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

for members of the Vishnu Party, Krishna Party, Inadvance Party, PPPBKs & others.
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abrahma kumar

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Merriment & Hilarity! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

Post05 Jul 2007

Mr green! Now, now there. Are you angling to be included in the Street Smart Bloggers crew?! What fun.

Perhaps, in cyberspace, we learn how to spot & repel oblox, so that when we walk in the world we can take care of ourselves better. Sometimes, when we meet with people who themselves have been spiritually impressed upon, we ourselves may get coerced into 'joining' or 'taking a look' see at what they found. Nowt be wrong with curiousity, except when accompanied by a closing down of one's critical faculties. Stay alert to your higher self. Do not allow it to hijacked.

One of the "techniques" used involves us being asked not to accept anything but to remain open-minded! Soundz reasonable doesn't it? Open-minded, my butz! As soon as you open your mind they slip you the oblox and God only knows where you end up! An organisation's History is not only to be found amongst the shiny regalia of it's belief systems. If that is it or its members have to peddle then beware because it might be a sign that beneath it all is the cult of personality. Verifiable facts is what i now want to arm myself with, but this might present organisations such as the Vishnu Party with a challenge.

Why? Imagine a classroom scenario. My interactions on this thread have been likened to the actions of a "disruptive" student whose questions and attitudes run the risk of 'upsetting' the whole class (the other students). To shut me up the teacher may suggest that I stay behind for a one-on-one discussion. The offer of a one-on-one is meant to quieten us down and reduce the so-called interference that i am spreading so that the "programming" will go ahead.
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Post05 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:People close to me, including some of my PBK friends who joined Vishnu Party in 1997/98, also warned me in a similar fashion. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Vishnu Party constructed a building consisting of 108 rooms to accomodate these lucky 108 souls at Chainpur, Ahmedabad.

May be Mr Patel is just lonely and wants to have some "spiritual" friends to stay in his big house.
I also heard a rumour that the above mentioned building was also used for marriage parties. Being the official representative of Vishu Party, you would be able to give clarification about this rumour.

Fair question.

Nothing wrong with a little business on the side of a religion, is there?

new world

Post06 Jul 2007

Hi beejroop. Welcome to you here.

Possibly none of any member of this forum has gone thoroughly through Vishnu Party. And all us still today don't have clear idea about Vishnu Party point of view. Also I've read only 2 books of Vishnu Party & gone through website http://www.discoveryof But this is not sufficient. I am not satisfied with this. I would like to visit Ahmedabad & have face to face communication with them.

I've really tired of BKs, PBKs, PPBKs, PPPBKs. Now can I hope that Vishnu Party may be the right choice ... ? I've no clear idea about them.

Beejroop Bhai, be calm. Don't get exited. I was also exited & badly criticised PBKs. But I realised that this is not proper way to post articles. Dear Brother beejroop & behn Sister Sakshi please don't use very hard wordings, so that nobody would feel undermined.


You are most welcome to visit Ahmedabad New_World

Post06 Jul 2007

Dear New World Bhai,

Thanks for your mail. You are most welcome to Ahmedbad to meet Parampita and Ma. You will be one of the luckiest soul ( out of 108) to listen directly from them. Please be in touch and let us know when are you going to come?



Re: Hell bent to disbelieve( For Paul )

Post06 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:
beejroop wrote: I can count that yourself, Bansy, John, Ex-BKWSU, Mr. Green, all are over-enlightened so they act very smart on this forum. No God can appease you all as you think that your minds are very open to criticise everybody out here. YOU GUYS THINK THAT YOU ARE ABOVE GOD (LITERALLY YOU ARE SUPREME DEMON AS YOU KEEP ON DOING USELESS ARUMENTS). NOBODY has ever won in the arguments related to spiritual matter. Only heart wins. Your knowledge is limited to the neural fires in brain and we are relishing the cool stream in the heart. Beejroop

Dear Beetroot( What a name selected, Beet is very sweet and I am root of it! Good sense prevailed on you at least to give me a good name)You forgot about me in this moral policing posting!?( Dear Paul how can I forget you.) :?: I feel so left out now ( Do not sob dear, I am there to help you)... and who are the Street Smarts( Of course you are the member) - is it a another new BK splinter group I haven't heard about yet? Do they go by the abbreviated name of SS :?( You decide what could be the best name of your group as Street Smarts can do wonders as they are above GOD , even you):.



Most Welcome New World

Post06 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Hi beejroop. Welcome to you here.

Possibly none of any member of this forum has gone thoroughly through Vishnu Party. And all us still today don't have clear idea about Vishnu Party point of view. Also I've read only 2 books of Vishnu Party & gone through website http://www.discoveryof You can also view the VCD* s posted on, currently in Hindi) But this is not sufficient. I am not satisfied with this. I would like to visit Ahmedabad & have face to face communication with them.

I've really tired of BKs, PBKs, PPBKs, PPPBKs. ( Do not get tired my dear Brother, you will get your Manjil soon)Now can I hope that Vishnu Party may be the write choice....? I've no clear idea about them.( You can if you believe on the Supreme Father ( Parampita) and set a goal of going back to the Param Light form ( your original form) However you are most welcome to hear directly from Parampita and Maa.Beejroop Bhai, be calm. Don't get exited. I was also exited & badly criticised PBKs. But I realised that this is not proper way to post articles. Dear Brother beejroop & behn Sister Sakshi please don't use very hard wordings so that nobody would feel undermined.( No no in God's world everybody has got a place as per his own thoughts and capacity)

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Re: You are most welcome to visit Ahmedabad New_World

Post06 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:. You are most welcome to Ahmedbad to meet Parampita and Ma. You will be one of the luckiest soul ( out of 108) to listen directly from them.

THis has helped me a lot to understand, thanx! I've now got the answer! Its so exciting!

If one wants to be in the 108 souls at the end, all you have to do is open up your own BKWSU based 'spiritual' party and make sure that you include yourself in the fnal tally of rooms you build. Then your place in the final Rosary is assured as you only need to handle another 107 peoples attitudes and baggage and not 900 000! This has got to be the easiest of all, living in such a happy commune of like-minded people and after all what will one have o worry about, this is MY party so obvioulsy the other 107 members will fall below my level and therefore I am home safe ...

I now present with great pride and spiritual commitment my all new "I've got God on my side" spiritual organisation, which I promise you is not a religion and goes beyond politics, colour and creed.

Its called the "exBKPK" party . <Please note: all new members will need to donate some gold jewelery to ensure their own private room and wear pink clothes>.

Website details to follow soonest: but here's a taste of our new front page soon to dominate world search engines:


new world

Post06 Jul 2007

Some questions to Vishnu Party members:

1) Sakshi behn, generally I've observed that you quotes articles. But you do not give response to queries arised by members of this forum. Why? This is a public forum. And in public forum queries in opposition should be satisfied.

2) beejroop Bhai, please go to the thread 'Mathematics of Gyan' posted by me in the usergroup 'All & everything' & read the fhrst article 'F(t) = F(t + IT). In that article I've asked a question to Vishnu Party members 'What's the value of T, i e, What's the exact & perfect value of time period of one time cycle?

3) Do you believe in cyclic repeatation of time?

4) How & when respected Dashrath Patel (Bapuji) realised that he is the Supreme Father? Is he beyond The Cycle of birth & death? Is he omniscient? Can he tell (going into trance) 'What will I eat in the mirning of 10th July 2007?'

5) What's the role of Bapuji in delivering Murlis & Avyakt Vanis through the mouth of Brahma (Lekhraj Kirpalani) & Guljar Dadi? Does Bapuji enter into the body of Brahma & Guljar to conduct Murlis & Avyakt Vanis? Are Murlis & Avyakt Vanis speaches of Bapuji?

Don't misunderstand me. These questions do not mean that I am doubtfull. These are simple queries which should be satisfied for the information of forum members. I've mailed these queries to Sakshi behn & Anant Bhai. But nobody replied me? I've no VCD* player & I access internet through mobile phone. And my mobile browser do not support audio-video clips. So I cannot access your VCD*. Please satisfy my queries in this thread. Or creat a separate thread.


How Science and Nature Came into existence?

Post06 Jul 2007

How science has come into existence?

When we were incorporeal form in Paramdham (supreme Abode) we had the power of silence. We were having immense power. But as was told earlier too that God created 12 souls and we further created souls downwards. It was a natural phenomenon in the supreme abode of asexual procreation( Division of Param Light).

When we entered Moolvatan and broke our silence then science came into existence. I m talking about science in subtle form. Everything which is seen by us in physical form is the replica of subtle form and vice versa. It is very simple Brothers when we start thinking (in micro subtle form) in moolvatan then only we start creating world. What we think we create.

How nature was made?

How we made tree, garden, nature etc. It is again very simple . Everything was created as and when the need arises. For instance: if one does not have house, the need for the house arises. You think for a house, make it on the paper and then gives it a physical form. ( when thought came into our mind it is in the Nirakar form, when you make it on the paper it takes a form of aakar and when you construct it finally take a form of Sakar.)

Now how we created this all in subtle form? When we lost our power in creating souls, we lost the Param light (pure) and fill the gap with param tatva ( supreme element) (impure) and slowly and steadily we kept on descending. As we descended we became heavier as compared to supreme abode in moolvatan. Our thoughts started from Moolvatan. When we wished to see each other our divine senses were formed . Similarly descending towards Sukham vatan (Subtle Region) we lost significant power in creating souls because in the Moolvatan we created the souls from the power of thought. This made us fall faster. and in Subtle Region we wished to create different worlds , gardens , houses etc. Mind this was our Ati Sukham sankalp (Micro subtle thoughts) and we created those but all in light (subtle form).

In short as the need arose and demanded we made from the power of thought earlier but now we work hard to fulfill it. This is the only difference. When we will go back into that age again, we will redevelop that power. We will think and it will be done.

"Jaisi Vritti Waisi Shrishti" (Famous Mahawakya from Muralis).



All the best Paul for your new Banana Party

Post06 Jul 2007


Your mind only understand Banana. ( As you think so you become)



Are you serious to come to Ahmedabad

Post06 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Some questions to Vishnu Party members:

1) Sakshi behn, generally I've observed that you quotes articles. But you do not give response to queries arised by members of this forum. Why? This is a public forum. And in public forum queries in opposition should be satisfied.

Sakshi will send you a separate mail
2) beejroop Bhai, please go to the thread 'Mathematics of Gyan' posted by me in the usergroup 'All & everything' & read the fhrst article 'F(t) = F(t + IT). In that article I've asked a question to Vishnu Party members 'What's the value of T, I e, What's the exact & perfect value of time period of one time cycle?

You come to Ahmedabad and you will get the complete answer
3) Do you believe in cyclic repeatation of time?

4) How & when respected Dashrath Patel (Bapuji) realised that he is the Supreme Father? Is he beyond The Cycle of birth & death? Is he omniscient? Can he tell (going into trance) 'What will I eat in the morning of 10th July 2007?'

That your thought and Past Karma will decide
5) What's the role of Bapuji in delivering Murlis & Avyakt Vanis through the mouth of Brahma (Lekhraj Kirpalani) & Guljar Dadi? Does Bapuji enter into the body of Brahma & Guljar to conduct Murlis & Avyakt Vanis? Are Murlis & Avyakt Vanis speaches of Bapuji?

He himself is the Beej of Shrishti)
Don't misunderstand me. These questions do not mean that I am doubtful. These are simple queries which should be satisfied for the information of forum members. I've mailed these queries to Sakshi behn & Anant Bhai. But nobody replied me? I've no VCD* player & I access internet through mobile phone. And my mobile browser do not support audio-video clips. So I cannot access your VCD*. Please satisfy my queries in this thread. Oq creat a separate thread.
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Re: All the best Paul for your new Banana Party

Post06 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote: Your mind only understand Banana. (As you think so you become)

Correct me if I am wrong - but don't they feed God bananas in Madhuban?

new world

Post06 Jul 2007

Dear Brother beejroop, 'the analogy between quantum physics & generation of matter & souls through the same source - Supreme Father' quoted by you is excellent. It is in accordance with 'Unified Field Theory' postulated by Einstein, which claims that gravitational, nuclear & electro-magnetic forces emerged through the same source. But experimentally this theory failled. There is no proof that gravitational, nuclear & electro-magnetic forces can be interpreted under the same theory & also it's not proved that all these forces have the same source of origin. So scientifically it's difficult to prove that the Prakruti (material world) & souls have the same source of origin - the Supreme Father.

* Can the attributes of the matter & consciousness be interpreted under the same theoretical frame of referance?

* Do you wish to introduce the theory of 'matter-consciousness continum?

* Just as law of 'conservation of matter & energy' & the idea of 'conversion of matter & energy into each other', do you believe in 'conservation of matter & consciousness' & 'conversion of matter & consciousness into each other'?

* According to you everything is created through the Spiritual Father, who is the ocean of happiness, bless, peace & knowledge. Then this mean that there is no any trace of sorrow, vices & ignorance in him. Then how ... how Maya - sorrow, vices & ignorance originated through him??
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Post06 Jul 2007

Dear beejroop,

Omshanti. I suppose you forgot to answer the following questions of new_world while replying to his question on what he would eat on 10th July, 2007:
How & when respected Dashrath Patel (Bapuji) realised that he is the Supreme Father? Is he beyond The Cycle of birth & death? Is he omniscient?

It would be nice of you if you answer the above questions? I would like to add the following questions:
    1. Does Mr. Dashrath Patel declare to his followers that he is the Supreme Father, i.e. God or is it his followers who believe him to be God?
    2. Do you call the versions of Mr. Dashrath Patel as Murlis or have you coined a new term for it? Can you produce his versions on this forum?
    3. If he is God, then, can he answer the querries related to Yagya history asked by Brother ex-l?
    4. Do you believe the Murlis spoken through Dada Lekhraj, the Avyakt Vanis spoken through Gulzar Dadi and the clarification Murlis spoken through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit also to be God's words?
    5. If he is God, then will he not leave the present body? Or will he get transformed to an angelic body? If so, will he remain in this world or leave for the heavenly abode?
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abrahma kumar

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Re: You are most welcome to visit Ahmedabad New_World

Post06 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:THis has helped me a lot to understand, thanx! I've now got the answer! Its so exciting!

If one wants to be in the 108 souls at the end, all you have to do is open up your own BKWSU based 'spiritual' party and make sure that you include yourself in the final tally of rooms you build. Then your place in the final Rosary is assured as you only need to handle another 107 peoples attitudes and baggage and not 900 000! This has got to be the easiest of all, living in such a happy commune of like-minded people and after all what will one have o worry about, this is MY party so obvioulsy the other 107 members will fall below my level and therefore I am home safe ...

I now present with great pride and spiritual commitment my all new "I've got God on my side" spiritual organisation, which I promise you is not a religion and goes beyond politics, colour and creed. Its called the "exBKPK" party . <Please note: all new members will need to donate some gold jewelery to ensure their own private room and wear pink clothes>. Website details to follow soonest: but here's a taste of our new front page soon to dominate world search engines

... Talk about laugh. roflmao!. paulkershaw Bhai, you is in de streetsmarts! Such a brilliant post deserved repeating.

... Don't touch that dial! Don't turn away! 6842 283 06 Jul 07

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