Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post04 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:There is no rat and no smell. I was PBK when I had joined this forum on 29 Jun 2007 and now I am convinced that Vishnu Party's Knowledge is truly scientific, so I have joined them and I confirm it again that I am a member of Vishnu Party and have faith in Param Pita. So no suspicion left.

It must be trully miracluous knowledge. Two days ... and the individual can become an official spokesman for the organization!

And, just to make sure that we are being honest with each other, which group were you a member of when you were mokshakiprapti?


Are you still suspicious

Post04 Jul 2007

Are you still suspicious of me? What would you gain with this kind of suspicion? Do you think everybody here is for doing business or making money? You are absolutely wrong.

I think you need to explore more of yourself .

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abrahma kumar

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Post04 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:It must be trully miracluous knowledge. Two days ... and the individual can become an official spokesman for the organization! And, just to make sure that we are being honest with each other, which group were you a member of when you were mokshakiprapti?

Humour gets the better of me. I remember a posting on this topic around the 4th May 2007 in which i typed the following in lighthearted tone:
Abrahma Kumar wrote:It sounds like your institution is also in a recruiting phase. Can I join? Does you Father want such children as AbeK amongst his rank and file members? And if he says yes, and I find that there are not many or any double-foreigners, yet will I get special treatment? I so want to be a VIP

And now we hear that one soul's experience is:
beejroop wrote:just two days back I have gone through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party and it is my experience of last two days which I am experiencing through my "vichar Sakar manthan of science" and gaining sweet meditational experience through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party, I can certainly say that it is the "True Knowledge".

And then it was said that:
beejroop wrote:A lot can be inferred and experienced through Vishnu Party's knowledge if you are truly scientific, logical as well as spiritual.

Todate, my experiences of the Vishnu Party via this forum have left me perplexed. So maybe I ought to visit the site again sometime and get myself an education. In the meantime beejroop, are you able to give a scientific estimate of the percentage of the human population that would regard themselves as being; truly scientific, logical as well as spiritual? And is this "inference" you refer to the same as what we call "churning power"?
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Re: Are you still suspicious

Post04 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Are you still suspicious of me?

So, were you a PBK when you joined as mokshakiprapti? Is is true you were a PBK and then two days later you are a spokesman for the the Vishnu Party?

What are we gaining? I think we are gaining a perfect impression of the Vishnu Party from this forum.

If your group can get over all the pretenses and charades, and become willing to share your experience of the BKWSU, PBK and so on, HONESTLY AND OPENLY, then you might become interesting. But, at present, I think you have collectively wasted too much of everyone's time as it is.

If you expect us to put all this ... and what happened off forum with all the private messages and slandering of the Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs whilst you were talking about building bridges with the PBKs on forum ... then you must think we are mad.

The only way out of the hole you are digging yourselves is to be completely honest.
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Post04 Jul 2007

I don't quite understand your comment about "moral policing"?

Do explain please ...


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Post04 Jul 2007

Sakshi Delhi wrote:This is sakshi and I am here to tell everyone that we as a institution have given authority to him (beejroop) to answer you all. As you all face problems in interacting (barrier of communication) and because I am not good enough to communicate with you all in English.

But I am keeping my eyes on every post he has made so far and I think he has commented no wrong. I have read his first post, which I believe the administrator deleted, but I think everyone should listen to him calmly because every word of that post is right. Even we are thinking to add that message to our Website.

I welcome members on the forum, and one must remember that we are all invited on this forum on behalf of Admin. BKs, PBKs, VPs, etc have their own websites so they can post information over there. But in this forum there is discussion for all members, so we must appreciate and respect the members here, regardless of their background.

It is not the contents of the post which is in question, but the attitude of beejroop in this forum, as a newcomer. beejroop, in my opinion, has been rather silly but we are all still human and make mistakes. However, there are only two Vishnu Party members on this forum, has rather made a bad start and beejroops English seems fairly good. Thus I suggested beejroop to ask for your advice since you have a better understanding of using this forum.

On this forum, no posts are deleted, they may be moved to the appropriate thread and this happens occasionally since Admin has to maintain a certain order in this forum. One would not like to go into the Vishnu Party website and start putting things all over the place. So one will need to show some respect to the adminstrators and for the owners of this forum.

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Post04 Jul 2007

Hey, how come no one answers my questions anymore???

What am I, chopped halva?
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Post04 Jul 2007


OK, You seem like a far-out member of this forum i'd seen from far away @@@@

If you ask me, you're kindly. Some text important missing there Brother.

beebroopt, please be a tough guy there. Its ALL ABOUT COURAGE



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Post04 Jul 2007

OK beejroop,

There's no point going on about deleted posts. Your post is intact. So let's move on.

Please explain to the forum the key point which made you feel the Vishnu Party is the truth. There may be many things, as given in your last post, and also in other Vishnu Party posts, but there must be a key moment what made you come to a decision.

Could you explain your transformation from BK to PBK to Vishnu Party? That would be useful to give some indication of experience. Although we are all unique, if people can identify with your experience, then they can identify with the Vishnu Party knowledge.
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Re: Are you still suspicious

Post04 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Are you still suspicious of me?

Very much so, now these things about you have come to light.
What would you gain with this kind of suspicion?

How trustworthy and honest you are.
Do you think everybody here is for doing business or making money?

No, actually it never crossed my mind that anyone was. So thank you for highlighting that possibility.

Is it part of the Vishnu Parties policy to undermine other groups and have a dirty tricks campaign. It's sure starting to look that way.
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Post04 Jul 2007

How trustworthy and honest

Or let's just say youthful and inexperienced ...

If you check, it is true. Any duplicate posts are in the Lost Property box. We had a similar problem with a paranoid BK but you can check and see that they are all in there.

OK ... so we all agree that the whole BKWSU/PBK experience can make folks a little edgey and there is obvious unsettled karma between the VPs and the PBKs. There is no point attempting to wallpaper over the crack here. It will all come out in the end.

So ... Vishnu Party, please step up to the mike and tell us what is going on. No, not The Knowledge. Let's sort out the past first and see what rules you want to play by.


History of Vishnu Party

Post05 Jul 2007

Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters,

History of Vishnu Party is history of we all souls. Vishnu Party tells us the history of creation of souls, nature and various lokas. How we were created and how we have lost our supreme state gradually is detailed by Vishnu Party.

If you do the right Vichar Sakar Manthan you will experience the ecstasy too and if you go into the wrong vichar Sakar manthan you will further fall down. So choice is yours. To fall down further or to raise the energy. God (Supreme Father) is so benevolent that he never forces anybody to follow him but certainly if children fall from the grace he feels pity for them.

What has happened in BK and PBK is well known, and has been published in the newspaper too, so there is clear cut evidence of fall of grace which continues. Here our Supreme Father intervenes and says, "Children, please do not fall further as you will become heavier and heavier and stressful too, sorrowful too and diseaseful too. Remember your Divya Swaroop in Divya Lok and you will start regaining your lost power".

God Father will directly teach to only 108 souls. And others will not hear the true knowledge from him. So before he stops inducting fresh souls into his college of supreme teaching, it is an open invitation to you all. Otherwise you will regret and repent which we as divine Brothers and Sisters do not want. So, why wasting your time in arguments, debates and cynicism. Come on, let us together transform the world under the aegis of "Param Pita".

What the BKs could not do in 70 years and the PBKs could not do in 30 years can be done by PPBKs in no moment. Only 108 souls are awaited who will have full faith in Supreme Father's Knowledge. So guys, do not waste time by going into the physical history and doing mudslinging match which will harm you and you will further fall. Listen what supreme Father is saying and for that log on to www. or Become the luckiest of souls to be in 108 "Nischaybuddhi".

Do not wait till the door of direct teaching from God closes.

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Post05 Jul 2007

Can we not move beyond the point of you repetiting adverts for your website?

You are somewhat dodging the issue here of the literal history of the Vishnu Party.

Now, you say Mr Patel is God. He has become God from being someone that apparenly admitted cleaning dirty money through law suits and either his "agents" or the Vishnu Party were somehow involved in stirring up trouble with the PBKs or taking money/objects back which he had donated!?! I'd like to know the history, please. How has this "knowledge" been qualified?

"Once bitten, twice shy ...", you might say.


Baseless allegations

Post05 Jul 2007

Dear Ex-BKWSU,

Befor making any allegation against Founding Father of Vishnu Party, you should introspect yourself first. Let me first know about you. How much clean you are? Are you pure enough to allege against Supreme Father? And how do you say that money he earned was dirty money? And how do you say that he wanted to clean his dirty money?

These are all baseless allegations against the founding Father. And what about allegations and chargesheet against Baba Veerendra Dixit for rapes and his non-filing of income tax with Government? These all were flashed in the Newspaper. Founding Father (Dasrath Patel) has never done any misdeeds, so any allegation against him is like making your soul more impure.

With divine love

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Re: Baseless allegations

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Dear Ex-BKWSU,

Founding Father (Dasrath Patel) has never done any misdeeds,

If you have only been with them such a short time how do you know?

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