Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post12 May 2007

tinydot wrote:ex-l is right. You have left a lot of bad PR to Vishnu Party. When somebody google Vishnu Party in the future, they will be directed here and would leave them an impression of the quality of your group.

That is a good point. Who is going to look the most reasonable? This is the world watching Vishnu Party ... time to tell the truth and clear the decks of the past. You asked a fair question of Virendra Dev Dixit, may I ask a fair question in return?
    Are these allegations of the Vishnu Party leader Mr Dashrath Patel true?
We will wait until the court cases are all over and see what even the judges think. I understand the judiciary in India is harder to bribe than other departments. Please present your evidence and alibis. You wanted to build bridges, now is your chance.


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Post12 May 2007

Just to drop by, a bit busy at the moment, so just a thought.

Whilst I respect the decision by the Vishnu Party to withdraw from this forum, I suspect there is much karma that remains unsettled in this thread.

What I understand from karma is that even if one tries to disconnect in order to let go of the karma, if the other party does not then that karmic account remains open. The only way to release the karmic account is by Yoga and spreading love. However, the other party must receive that love otherwise it is undirected or wasted love, it will simply come back. A bit like a letter returned unopened. Humility is one way to accurately give love and sharing to other persons.

This forum can be accessed by anyone who has a PC connection, then any negative percussions will escalate exponentially.

OK, got to go now. Chat to you all later.
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Vishnu Party - Admin notice

Post13 May 2007

It should be a matter of record that while demanding a forum of their own on this discussion board, equal to the BKs and the PBKs, members of the Vishnu Party went out of their way to privately circulate defamatory materials about Virendra Dev Dixit by way of partial - not complete - copies of legal proceedings, newspaper cuttings and personal comments. This was at the same time as they were offering to build bridges with the PBKs on the forum.

Despite being asked, the Vishnu Party members refused to supply complete and detailed documentary evidence in support either their allegations or Mr Dashrath Patel previous involvement as major donor and VVIP within the BKWSU and PBKs.

Although we encourage members to document and discuss contentious issues, it is one of the purposes of this forum, we do request that any such allegations are fully supported and that they do not merely engage on slur campaigns. Newspaper articles are rarely complete or accurate and are widely open to bias.

The Vishnu Party have caused a significant increase in the workload of moderators and engaged in a private mailing campaign before engaging publicly. In respect to all this, it is requested that they go on record answering the questions that have been put to them.

sakshi delhi

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Post19 Jun 2007

Om Shanti dear Brother,

did you know how we get 5 elements (from deity to human)? We know we are deity but what is cause? We have 2 become human, how did our suksham body, karan body, suthul body come about?

Until today, the BKs cannot give this answer and we give deep knowledge of that because if we know what was the reason for deity to human, then then we can proceed to become deities.

70 year already passed from begining of the Yagya. They extend the date of Destruction but it still has not happened. So they have no answers to these questions. Without establishment how can be destroy? They have no knoledge of that.

You are own judge of your self. So, we have made another site, and we will uploud the VCD*. In that you will get all answers which BKs cannot answer.

Thanks for answers, you are invited to our ashram at any time but before you come you have to study the website. You can download book from new sections of

param santi.

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Post30 Jun 2007

param shanti,

1) this is to inform all of you that in our new website, we have uploaded the new animation VCD* in which you can see how the world is created, how the shukshma body (light body) is created, how the karan body created, how we became human beings, how we lost param tatva (element), how this world changes by our thought power, how this planet works, how we can give freedom to 700 crore soul, how this world is running. etc.

Right now this CD is available in Hindi. After some time we will up upload in English.

(2) 3 bodies: This class was given by our Father. You can watch in Hindi in all detail, topic include; how this 3 body created, what was the reason, we became human from deity, why we lost power, what we can do right now.Param Shanti.

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Post02 Jul 2007


sakshi delhi

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Post02 Jul 2007



Science and Spiritual Knowledge of Vishnu Party

Post03 Jul 2007

Dear PBKs/BKs and Ex-BKs

If you really want to understand the depth of knowledge of Vishnu Party you should brush your fundamentals of Quantum Physics and Energy Physics. Whatever theory has been propounded for the matter and energy in quantum physics and energy physics is analogous to what the Parampita says in The Knowledge of Vishnu Party .

I was in the BK for a substantial period since 1984 and in PBK since 1999 and now just two days back I have gone through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party and it is my experience of last two days which I am experiencing through my "vichar Sakar manthan of science" and gaining sweet meditational experience through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party, I can certainly say that it is the "True Knowledge".

As matter changes form, it releases energy, similarly souls get created from Supreme Father (Supreme Soul who is in the subtle light point) and release energy towards slow degeneration to lower levels of existences. As there are different levels of electron clouds around the atom's nucleus (matter), similarly there are different levels of energy of souls around Supreme Father (Positive being male and negative being females as they have subtle and causal bodies). To elevate from one energy level to the higher energy level you need to absorb extra energy in case of material energy. Similar is applicable in case of becoming deity (Higher Level) from mankind (Lower Level)and further up towards origin.

There is a science of time also. As in the case of decay of material its take millions of years for radioactive material (depending on half life) to release energy and obtain its half mass. Similar is true for soul which degenerates over a period of millions of years. Within 5000 years of drama cycle or Kalpa, it is not possible for the complete creation from the original source (Supreme Soul). Now has the time come when the complete creation has been established on this earth and time for rejuvenation has come which will take the same time through which it was created.

We all have one source of creation that is "Supreme Soul" and He further creates into many souls and those souls further creates down and each time each level having lesser energy than the higher level. As electrons release energy when it comes down from higher level to lower level, similarly souls releases energy if it falls from higher level to lower level. And that energy further degrades " Prakruti" or " Nature".

Vishnu Party's knowledge can only be revealed by someone who knows the complete process of degeneration and regeneration of soul and matter. (I mean to say complete process and now just a few steps as is in the case of BK and PBK).

Its purely scientific and Einstein's equation E=hv can be related to it where v is the frequency, E is the energy at a particular state , say Devta State or Man State or Demon State . v is the frequency of thought. Science has well established that thought is sent through waves and wave has a frequency. So to go to higher energy level one should imbibe very intense positive thoughts through some energy source which can be imbibed by getting rays from the lokas above Brahmapuri, Vishnupuri and Shankar Puri, i.e. from Moolwatan and from beyond that which is Paramdham depending on one's desire of connectivity.

We can get linked to those lokas similar to we get linked to each other in tangible world (Sthool World) through wireless communication. such internet, mobile, bluetooth, infrared etc.. The intensity of communication between lokas is dependent on the purity of the sender and purity of the receiver( its again a matter of scale where the communicators stand). If we connect ourselves to the right loka or right origin from where we have come we will get the immense ecstasy by getting the right kind of element within our causal body(as you might be aware Sakshi has already told you all that we have three bodies ).

The purer are you, the better connect you will have with the higher lokas. So please check your mind's level of purity before arguing as you might be guided by some impure powerful souls in lower lokas. May be you are being guided by some negative spirits. It is a matter of power of silence in which you will see your mirror image and can judge your self well whether this knowledge is applicable to you and that will establish how much close you were with the Supreme Soul in the past. Your level of transformation will depend how much pure energy you imbibe from the right source. Churning useless thoughts will keep you there only and will not help you imbibing right elements for you to get transformed yourself and then the world.

A lot can be inferred and experienced through Vishnu Party's knowledge if you are truly scientific, logical as well as spiritual. There is nothing against BK, PBK or anybody else. Only thing I want to say that please get the full knowledge first and then experience it and then you will see your all queries (being guided by some negative forces in the guise of being logical) gets resolved like melting of solid iron.

You are the best judge for yourself as you have to transform yourself first .

With best wishes

Param Shanti


sakshi delhi

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Post03 Jul 2007

Param Shanti,

this is new link, in which you can see more knowledge about World Drama.
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Post03 Jul 2007


some question were raised regarding the allegations of bribery, that the founder of the Vishnu Party was involved in bribing individuals to act against the PBKs, or that his son went to remove items that had been donated.

Could these be answered now please?

It would be more interesting that linkspam and fair to address because as is the source, so is The Knowledge.
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Re: Science and Spiritual Knowledge of Vishnu Party

Post03 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote: I was in the BK for a substantial period since 1984 and in PBK since 1999 and now just two days back I have gone through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party and it is my experience of last two days which I am experiencing through my "vichar Sakar manthan of science" and gaining sweet meditational experience through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party, I can certainly say that it is the "True Knowledge".

Gosh, is not that a miracle!?!

Just two days and you have been converted to becoming a Vishnu Party member.

Its funny because you remind me a lot of Mokshakiprapti who used to be on the forum wanting individuals to link with them but not discussing what their philosophy was.

Which PBK center do you go to and what is there reaction to the Vishnu Party knowledge?

Who are you?


Allegations on Param Pita baseless

Post03 Jul 2007

What kind of bribe Param Pita (Founding Father of Vishnu Party) can give and to whom and for what? Can you please specify in more details about the incident of removing donations etc. by his lokik son? Without proper evidence its not fair to allege anybody just like that.

Param Shanti

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Re: Science and Spiritual Knowledge of Vishnu Party

Post03 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote: I was in the BK for a substantial period since 1984 and in PBK since 1999 and now just two days back I have gone through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party and it is my experience of last two days which I am experiencing through my "vichar Sakar manthan of science" and gaining sweet meditational experience through The Knowledge of Vishnu Party, I can certainly say that it is the "True Knowledge".

Discuss being one of the the crucial operative words.
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Post03 Jul 2007

I heard he sent his son back into the PBK center to which he had donated to take out objects and that a gang of Vishnu Party members, or Mr Patel employees, were active behind the scence near the main center and with the legal proceedings made against Virendra Dev Dixit. Did Mr Patel admit that he was involved in "cleaning" dirty money via legal cases or somethings? Perhaps someone else can comment. That is all that I can remember, I do not know what is true.

BTW, you said that you joined the PBKs in 1999, which center did you go to?

I would be interested to know what high status Mr Patel had within the BKWSU, and at which center. Apparently he gave a lot of money to the BKs as well.

sakshi delhi

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reply to beejroop

Post03 Jul 2007

Param Shanti Bhai.

thanks for your support Bhai. but I am afraid here now one is interested in taking knowledge. We tried a lot to impart knowledge but all the masses over here are restrict their knowledge towards Vishnu Party's history. They just know to pull the legs of each other. They hardly concern to listen and understand ... don't waste your time ... but if you think they can understand your words then go ahead ...

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