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PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
Dear souls,

whenever we say some thing, then you just laugh, but now the time is coming when 14 souls will enter into one body. This point is mention in the Murli (for your kind information).

The question is, when will you believe this? I can give you one example.

Have you ever seen the CD of Gulzar when she is not channelling the Murli? If yes, then when Shiv (so called Lekhraj Kirpalani) enters into Gulzar, she jerks and her voice and gestures change. This is a very normal thing when ever the souls enter a body. The body jerks and vibrates. The same thing we have seen on the news channel many times. So that Shiv does not enter but Brahma enters Gulzar.

I mean to say when 14 souls enter into one body, then one by one they speak and they can cross-check. If these souls speak different language and use, then you would be confused about what he/she is speaking ... i am just aware all of you. This days is not far away. Be ready because the death of people is increasing and these people will become ghosts and they are all (full of desires, wishes and needs). So be careful. Whatever unnatural acts, they only can do.

In one Shastra, i have read that one soul coming from Afganistan and coming with Muslim king as a soldier from 700 years ago and still in India. There are a lot more souls here (from the second world war) which have taken never birth.

This is my intimation to all of you, always be in Yoga.


Re: message

PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by ex-l
sakshi Delhi wrote:whenever we say some thing, then you just laugh

I do not see anyone joking. Will you please answer my question?

Re: message

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by john
sakshi Delhi wrote:whenever we say some thing, then you just laugh, but now the time is coming when 14 souls will enter into one body. This point is mention in the Murli (for your kind information). The question is, when will you believe this? I can give you one example.

Sakshi Delhi,

We take this very seriously and we don't take kindly to any threats or warnings.

Like, "So and so is going to happen so you must listen to what I am saying". In fact, some here are probably sick to death of hearing it. That doesn't even mean we don't believe, please open your mind and try and be a bit more understanding. I will go out on a limb and say you are talking out of arrogance, could you please adjust your tone and speak to us out of respect?

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by paulkershaw
Sakshi Delhi wrote:You are x-BK means you are not believe in god right ? Please tell me, God is on Earth or not?

I am making allowances here for the obvious language barrier that does seem to exist but I do need to firmly correct YOU that just because one is an ex-BK does not mean that one does not believe in God anymore if this is what you are indeed inferring.

An ex-BK is only an ex BK because they no longer believed in the system that the BK's offer, in many cases (certainly not all) each ex-BK here still works with, aligns with and connects with 'God', in whatever form suits them.

Please take care to not infer that we are not 'Godly' because we no longer subscribe to a particular system. I feel for myself in particular that I am more in contact with god than I ever was as a BK. It does seem that you wish to promote your own understanding above every one else's belief system and so come across as being self-promoting, when in fact you cannot or will not even answer questions which have been asked of you in a decent and respectful manner, but you rather choose tho feel that 'we are laughing at you' because we do not immediately accept your point of view because we question what you are writing in your postings.

You have not as yet even tries to answer my questions posted 03 May along with later questions by other members of this forum and by doing so you are ignoring the function of this forum and choosing this space as your own cyber blog. We are not asking you to 'prove' anything but simply share with us in as enlightened a manner as possible. A point in case :
If you think on a big level then ask BK and PBK and then us, we welcome all members but please think big because we have a big goal. Thanks, Sakshi

Even to say this is not fair to whoever you posted this point to, each member on this forum is not only thinking on a big level, their concern and postings reflects their care for the entire world (and universe) as we know it. We all have big goals in our lives and in our intentions of being part of this forum.

We too welcome all interested parties to this forum however we would appreciate if you would discuss postings and not simply tell us what we should believe in.

Hoping to get your DISCUSSION points in return as we go along ... and thank you for all the input you have given so far. we welcome all viewpoints even if we don't agree with them. That is the purpose of being an individual, it creates individual views, so please do try to allow us this respect for ourselves as individuals and not just caste us off as 'ex-BK's' and therefore seeing us as lost, which we are most certainly not ...

With kind regards, xxx P xxx


PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
paulkershaw wrote:I am making allowances here for the obvious language barrier that does seem to exist but I do need to firmly correct YOU that just because one is an ex-BK does not mean that one does not believe in god anymore if this is what you are indeed inferring.

An ex-BK is only an ex BK because they no longer believed in the system that the BK's offer, in many cases (certainly not all) each ex-BK here still works with, aligns with and connects with 'god',Please take care to not infer that we are not 'Godly' because we no longer subscribe to a particular system. I feel for myself in particular that I am more in contact with god than I ever was as a BK

Param shanti,

Here, I sorry to all members who join ex-b.k. My view point is not to hurt all. I know most of the ex-bks here don't like the system of the BKWSU but my question is, why does anyone not raise a question against them? In this forum, no one is ready to understand us. We should discuss divine knowledge not fight each other. If I hurt any member of the forum then I am very sorry. Please forgive me.

I am realizing that you are one of the seed souls. You have that power which can change this world but that power is merged and it needs to be emerged within you. This knowledge can be understood only by those who have lived in that period. For example, if you say to me how does the USA look? I don't know because I have never been to the USA. Similarly, the souls who have originated from Paramdham (Supreme Abode) will understand this knowledge. If we try as much as we can to make the soul understand this knowledge who has taken birth at the stage of the creation of corporeal world, then he/she would not understand. If you are understand this knowledge, even a bit of it, then you are super soul and deity.

Have you ever thought how is this world coming into being? Who has created these trees, plants, stars, colors, planets, elements ... everything which we see with these naked eyes and which are not seen. Who is the one looking after all these creations. Its endless. Some day, think deeply within yourself and you will realize that this not the world to which we belong.


The seed of this world tree is in the Supreme Abode (Paramdham). It is there that sprouting and germination of seed into the World Tree begins. The seed of the World Tree is known by the name of Shiva. At the end of the World Cycle, all the power becomes merged and accumulates into Shiva again. This seed is the Number One soul. This Number One becomes Jiva (Manifest) from Shiva and Manifest to Shiva again. In the Supreme Abode, the stage of the soul is that of thoughtlessness, non action, emotionless, virtue-less, incorporeal, ego-less and vice less. It's position is everlasting and fixed.

In the Golden Age and subtle body, this Number one soul is in the form of a body of light, whereas the same number One Soul is in the gross of five elements in the corporeal world. This Supreme Abode is like a current. Just thinking about it gives power. That's why we say, "god is incorporeal". This was the origin of the soul. We were in that form. But now we are in gross body. The period from incorporeal to gross body is not direct. That is, we did not transform directly into gross body. Let me explain you in easier way, when a child comes in the womb of a mother he is in a form of seed. Then gradually it starts taking some shape and body. And finally it takes a 5 element body. Similar happened to us. We were originally in a form of seed.

In the Supreme Abode, we have no body. There was just a energy (power). There was no male and female. They were in a combined form. In the Supreme Abode, Creation was due to a breakage of power or subdivision of power (naturally). All the seeds were in the form of light and might. You must have heard the word might in the Murlis, but I don’t know how they take this word. Actually "might" (female) and "light" (male), that is Shiv shakti. As were the Mother and the Father, the same are the children in a combined 'light and might' form.

Now I would tell you how we were in the Supreme Abode and How come 100% light decreased.

In the Supreme Abode the Supreme Light called Shiva was just like a flame or big flame in the incorporeal form.( with this reference science also state the
Big Bang Theory). The light and might were merged in this stage which I have told you in my previous post.

There is no thought or in another words this is the stage of thoughtlessness, no feelings, no emotions, no actions etc. So we can say that in the Supreme Abode, in the incorporeal stage, the creation take place only by the way of division and subdivision of power without any involvement of thought this process is thus automatic. This process continues right from the initial stage of above 16 celestial degrees up to 16 celestial degrees. This I have already told you but I am telling you this again to continue the link what next I am trying to impart.

Now the seed Shiva, the creation of world tree take place in sequence. First Brahaspati is created along with 11 other souls by division of power. These 12 souls are created with 100% power. In memory of these souls we find 12 jyotirlingams, 12 planets, 12 hours, 12 months and so on. . After creation of these 12 souls other souls are created with less and less power of light. The power of light goes on reducing in the subsequent creation by the division of power. After sometimes, 12 souls are created from the 12 souls already in existence, thus in creasing the number to 24. Then from the right side of the Number One Soul, is created Jupiter which is number One gem among the eight gems.

This Jupiter is created at the loss of 0.5%Supreme light. The number of souls created goes on increasing and becomes 108 which is the number of beads of rosary of victorious souls ( vijay mala). These 108 souls are created at the total loss of power of 0.8%. Then, Mercury is created from the soul on the right side of number One soul. From the left side the first soul creates Venus at the loss of 1%. From Venus is created the Mars with the power of 98% supreme light. Also from the Venus is created the Saturn with 95% power of Supreme light. From the Mars is created Rahu (dragon’s head) with a power of 94.5%. On the right side from Mercury is created Ketu (dragon’s tail) with 98.5% power. Controller of Sikh religion is created with 96.5%and 3.5% negativity.

The number of 108 increases to 1008 then to 16108 and finally to 9 lakhs when the power is 94.5% i.e at a loss of 5.5%. These 12 souls are actually not the gems which we now. Actually the first 12 souls are the top most souls. These are the great great great grandfather of the other souls. These gems and the masters of the planets are the dynasty of the top most of these 12 souls.

I guess you would find hard to understand this but I m sure you would understand this. Take your time. And then tell me next. You must be thinking how this all knowledge is emerging. Each and every division of power we know. But think who can impart this knowledge. Only the Supreme Father can impart this because this whole knowledge is recorded only in the Number One soul (seed soul). Actually you know this is not even .00000000000000001%. You know even Supreme Soul has not impart 1% of knowledge as a whole.

Much appreciated.

Mr Patel (Shiv) speaking to Lekhraj Kirpalani

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by ex-l

a) I do not see that anyone asked the question that you answered by the way of a lecture.
b) to be honest, it is all fairly basic to anyone that has been a concerned BK.

I, and others, asked if Mr Patel ask some questions directly to the soul of Dada Lekhraj for us, and would Dada Lekhraj answer back to us through him? If he can speak to him and teaches or gives advice regularly, would he not spare a few moments for us? When will they be next meeting?

We also asked;
    what Shiv/Mr Patel says about the status of Brahma Baba?
    who entered him?
    when that entity entered him?
Please help us understand what is going on with the BKWSU. Then we can looking at the Vishnu Party. The other outstanding questions were;
    • What spirits are the BKs offering Bhog to - in the Vishnu Party's opinion - and why?
    • What is the purpose of this ritual?
    • What spirit, or spirits, are entering Dadi Gulzar and other BK Sisters?

Before we accept The Knowledge blindly - which you would not advise - we wish to test the teacher. See his lineage and qualifications.

If he speaks to him, will he speak for us? The world is watching and waiting.

Re: reply

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by john
sakshi Delhi wrote:If you are understand this knowledge, even a bit of it, then you are super soul and deity.

This is also what BKs say and PBKs say.
    Does Mr Patel know what the punishment is for impersonating God?
    Do people of India take this serious at all?
I think it's about time the so-called chariots and Shiva wannabes were put to the test.

Re: reply

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by ex-l
john wrote:Does Mr Patel know what the punishment is for impersonating God?

The punishment in India? I would say, "several Rolls Royces, a government grant and a big ashram, several hundred thousand followers, the choice of your bedfellow ... and visit from the taxman".

But, seriously Sakshi. It is time to deliver. Can Mr Patel allow us speak to Lekhraj Kirpalani or not? Will he be our advocate?

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by paulkershaw
sakshi Delhi wrote:I am realizing that you are one of the seed souls. You have that power which can change this world but that power is merged and it needs to be emerged within you. This knowledge can be understood only by those who have lived in that period.

Dear Dear Sakshi Delhi

I am so sure it is the language barrier that is the problem here but I must say that I find your whole approach distasteful, especially the above quote excerpt from your 'lecture' shown above. You are talking 'down' to me instead of to me.

Basically I take it to mean that all my 'power' is merged and that I need to emerge it. This is basic Gyan which we all taught at some point. I take great exception to what you have written and I consider your comments biased. You have no idea of who I am or what I do, or the spiritual work or service that I offer at all - yet you can quite openly quote BK/PBK basic knowledge which each BK/PBK/ex-BK on this forum has learnt, and tried to convince us that is it is correct. You have not even read my posting accurately but rather launched into a tirade of explanation which we HAVE ALL HEARD before. <YAWN>

You ask for forgiveness (which is not neccessary) but then launch into exactly the same process and approach as previously without really reading and understanding what is being asked of you by the others who are responding to your postings. Are you just using this forum and us as members of it as a 'captive' audience to deliver your own 'classes'?

We understand The Knowledge and whilst you are quite correct in stating that this forum is not for fighting, but for studying/discussing 'knowledge', it is YOU who refuses to discuss. I could suggest that you give us something more to work with instead of simply 'regurgitating' parrot like classes and throwing 'knowledge' at us in such a demeaning and propagandistic manner.

So it is not that we choose to fight, discussion is ALWAYS about opposing points of view and then considering them and then ANSWERING the QUESTIONS posed to one in an intellectual and inspiring way, if this is possible.

We will accept your points but you also need to accept our points and questions too. Kindly answer the questions given to you please. An example of only some of the questions are:
    what Shiv/Mr Patel says about the status of Brahma Baba?
    who entered him?
    when that entity entered him?
Please help us understand what is going on with the BKWSU. Then we can looking at the Vishnu Party. The other outstanding questions were;
    • What spirits are the BKs offering Bhog to - in the Vishnu Party's opinion - and why?
    • What is the purpose of this ritual?
    • What spirit, or spirits, are entering Dadi Gulzar and other BK Sisters?
I hope that this brings some subtle clarity for you and that you will be able to pay attention to answering ... if possible, if you cannot or will not answer then say so and we will accept it. After all it is your original post that we are replying to!

Best regards, P

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by john
paulkershaw wrote:
sakshi Delhi wrote:I am realizing that you are one of the seed souls. You have that power which can change this world but that power is merged and it needs to be emerged within you. This knowledge can be understood only by those who have lived in that period.
I am so sure it is the language barrier that is the problem here but I must say that I find your whole approach distasteful, especially the above quote excerpt from your 'lecture' shown above. You are talking 'down' to me instead of to me.

It's like you are giving out 'Blue Peter' badges.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by Mr Green
I never expected anything different to be honest, I have held back this long but come on

Have I got sucker painted on my forehead??


PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
Param shanti,

now i have come to know that you do not need divine knowledge. But that is OK. " One becomes overcautious after an happy experience".

I will ask my Father, but it will take some time. Please wait for the answer. "Patience always pays".

Thank you

Re: reply

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by john
sakshi Delhi wrote:now I have come to know that you do not need divine knowledge. but that's OK

If you cannot show/prove the divine knowledge is from God Father Shiva, or in other words the originator of this knowledge Mr Patel is God Father Shiva, then it's value is limited.

You are saying look at The Knowledge then judge who is ShivaBaba. I say look at who is giving this knowledge, are they able to meet requirements of being a God. It is hard for me to understand or believe that a person suddenly becomes God.

Re: reply

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by ex-l
sakshi Delhi wrote:now I have come to know that you do not need divine knowledge. But that is OK.

Very wise and considerate sakshi. But please do not ignore those of us that are very serious about our studies.

I am very grateful that you are willing to ask your Father whether he will speak to Lekhraj Kirpalani on our behalf and ask some very important questions. I am sure that Lekhraj Kirpalani will also be very happy to speak to us, his children and to have his opinion voiced on this most important of BK related forums.

How could he miss the opportunity?

newspaper cuttings from Farukabad

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by surya
sakshi Delhi of Vishnu Party wrote:Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Sakar after his death. Veerendra Dev Dixit never stopped his activities. That is why he went to jail for about 1 year in 1997. I have newspaper cuttings from Farukabad
Dear sakshi

Can you scan and post these newspaper cuttings here on the forum? This way we can see who wrote the article and what exactly was said.

Regards, Surya