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sakshi delhi

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for all ex b.k

Post05 May 2007

To dear Brother,

You are an ex-BK. Does that mean you do not believe in God, right? Please tell me if God is on earth or not? If yes, then where is it? And what does he do? If you think every thing is wrong, then you are wrong dear, because I think you you have not seen the world yet?

And to the question of chemistry, then I would say where is your chemist and scientist? Until today, why they not found the % of element in our body? It is OK, every one has their own limit. But God has no limit. Its Anant, OK dear?

Do you believe that there is soul in our body? If yes, then where does it come from? Why there is there God and soul on earth? Who created this soul? If God creates, then why does he create bad soul (Laden?

Today's science invents new thing but still they have not invented the creation of soul. OK,
if everything can be invented and found by science, then what is the neceesity of God? And where is your chemist who until today has not found God? And where was your science? Why did they come so late on earth?

So, dear, please change your community from ex-BK to BK or PBK, or other and believe in God because God is 100% here; but we have no idea about his knowledge.


sakshi delhi

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How the BKWSU is run

Post05 May 2007

Here is what i want to say about how the BKWSU is running?
    what is trance?
    how does Dadi feel in this stage?
    how does she gain messages in this stage?
In normal life, people get messages from their deceased parents. This is not a big thing. As you know, Dada Lekhraj is in 3 elements (spirit, soul) and 10,000 souls help him.

To run the BKWSU instution, even before Dada entered into Gulzar's body, these 10,000 souls stood with them, to protect and provide for them because there was other Vishwa Kishore group there and he favoured Virendra Dev Dixit. In proof, you will find in Murli discriptions regarding Virendra Dev Dixit and Farukabad.

Otherwise if the PBKs are wrong, then why is the Shankar and Farukabad points repeatly discussed in the Murli of Shiva Baba / BB? The Vishwa kisor group interfered when every Murli is spoken by BapDada.

Have you ever thought that if Shiv is there in the BKs, then why does Shiv not say direclly in the Murlis that the PBKs and the other group are wrong, and also give advice to not go there?

Thank you

sakshi delhi

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Dada Lekhraj Group and Vishwa Kishor group in BK and PBK

Post05 May 2007

Hi, Param Shanti.

Dada Lekhraj said this story to my Father ,

I had to ask my Father the history of Vishwa Kishor. My Father told me that Vishwa Kishor left the body in 1967 and BB in 1969. There were two group in the BKs after 1970. As I told you, Shiv does not enter into Dadi Gulzar. It means Lekhraj and Vishwa Kishor are running the institution and Murli. When a student of the BKWSU leaves the body (after death), he join the Lekhraj Kirpalani group or Vishwa Kishor group. In the last 70 years, the numbers of soul are increase in these groups.

Group Lekhraj Kirpalani is believed to be Brahma in the Yagya, so Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Shankar. The fight between them day to day increases.

This is proof whenever the Murli is spoken by Brahma in Gulzar, at the same time the interference of Vishwa Kishor increases. That’s why in 1 Murli you will find cross entries (sometime she says one thing, and at the same time she say contradicts these).

Please think a while, what is the reason that Brahma0kumaris are married (sadi) with Gulzar (Shiv)? This is simply because they are married to Lekhraj Kirpalani not Shiva Baba. Lekhraj Kirpalani started this tradition at the very beginning and it is still running. Why does Shiv do so? If Shiv is there, then should he not marry the Brahma-kumaris also? Do you agree?

All the brahma-kumaris say, "we are the wife of Shiva Baba because Lekhraj Kirpalani says so in the Murli (bap se sarve saband nibhavo)". It means obey all the relations with the Father (Bap). Then what about the brama-kumars? Dada likes Brahmakumari only? Why not Kumars?

When my Father asked Lekhraj Kirpalani, why you are doing wrong things in Virendra Dev Dixit, then he declared the following. He said that Vishwa Kishor enters into Virendra Dev Dixit, does bad things and wants to defame me. That is why in name of me Vishwa Kishor does this work.

When Vishwa Kishor found out that his members are less then Lekhraj Kirpalani, then he start to enter into Virendra Dev Dixit and call himself Shankar, took this point and started this. "All relationships with the Father", is mention in the Murli, from this Virendra Dev Dixit started to have physical relationships with Kanya Mata the Kumari also.

As you know, Virendra Dev Dixit always says, "Lekhraj Kirpalani is Krishna and he enters into my body, I am not doing anything but all this things done by Lekhraj Kirpalani". But the reality is different. All these games are played by two groups.

We have our own concepts and knowledge. I do not believe BK/PBK knowledge and do not say they are wrong. Actually, they are doing their job and I am doing my job. We cant claim to be school teachers.

I would like you tell you that Mr. Dashrathbhai Patel, who is the head of our institution (Vishnu Party), was a member of the BKs. He joined the BKs in 1986, gained a VVIP position, and retired from the BKs around 1992 when he joined The Shankar Party as a PBK in 1993. He was in search of true knowledge. He was satisfied with PBK knowledge to some extent in comparison to the BKs.

In 1997, the whole knowledge of World Drama emerged in him and from then on our institution began. I believe that he, himself, is Shiva. Shiv does not enter into anyone. He imparts divine knowledge which automatically emerges from with him. He does not need any books, Vanis or scriptures for reference; although he can explain each and everything. He tells the history of the World Drama. Any one can come here, and we welcome everyone free of cost.

As I said, Lekhraj Kirpalani also comes to meet my Father, and my Father guides him.
john wrote:Is it possible for someone to come to your centre and meet Mr Patel?
If they did, can he speak English well enough to be able to communicate in English?
What was Mr Patels involement with the BKs in his past life?
Which soul is the author of the original knowledge of the BKs, is it Mr Patel, Dada Lekhraj or another ShivaBaba?

You all are welcome, my Father is an advocate and he speaks English. This knowledge is given by my Father himself. If Lekhraj Kirpalani is the author then he will teach you about the 5000 Year World Drama.

Thank you.


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Post05 May 2007

Group Dada Lekhraj is believed to be Brahma in the Yagya, so Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Shankar. The fight between them day to day increases.

Dear Sister Sakshi

Thanks for the explanation of some history and development of the Vishnu Party.

I am sure there will come more questions and queries in this area, so you will need to be patient with the forum members here. Whilst it is only recently you have joined but for the past 1-2 years of active forum activity and discussion, there have been many discoveries about the BK and PBK knowledge.

Depending on the members' backgound, nationality and culture, we may all have slightly different understandings and relationship of who or what is "God". Our experiences as BKs or PBKs in different countries may also give different views. Hence this forum is open to everyone who is seeking some sort of truth which is appropriate to their intellect. We are, I believe, all children of "God", so it is that relationship we are all working on.

And the main idea is sharing. You will find that most of us here are quite open minded, and appreciate your efforts to explain in English.
We have our own concepts and knowledge. I do not believe BK/PBK knowledge and do not say they are wrong.

Please could you explain to the forum how accurate the BK/PBK knowledge as compared to the concepts and knowledge of the Vishnu Party ?


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Re: Dada Lekhraj Group and Vishwa Kishor group in BK and PBK

Post05 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Dada Lekhraj told this story to my Father

How does Lekhraj Kirpalani talk to Mr Patel?
Group Dada Lekhraj is believed to be Brahma in the Yagya, so Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Shankar. The fight between them day to day increases.

Did Vishwa Kishor believe himself to be Shankar before he left his body in 1967?
"All relationships with the Father", is mention in the Murli, from this Veerendra Dev Dixit started to have physical relationships with Kanya Mata the Kumari also.

In what way do you mean physical? In what year was this in?
You all are welcome, my Father is an advocate and he speaks English. This knowledge is given by my Father himself.

Is it possible to have direct communication with Mr Patel via email?

sakshi delhi

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Post05 May 2007

When MahaKal Comes

As we know, in each an every city you will find haunted houses but the question is, who is living in those houses? The answer is a dead soul (disincarnate spirit). But which dead soul? Simple logic friends. A person lives in a house. After the death of this person, his souls will stay there. OK (his last will would have been "no rebirth").

Just as we have very attraction to our spouse and house, gold and car or any thing etc. then so the old kings had the same attraction to his money and kingdom. So this soul is never reborn because his will was not to lose everything. So after death, his palace became haunted.

Today in the world, people have lots of will, desires and cannot complete them. Due to this reason, if one dies in an unnatural way, then one becomes a ghost and tries to complete one's last wishes. So that if any person crosses his wishes, is killed the ghost. I have read in a book of ancient Shastras, that one soul is 1,000 year old, another is 3,000, another 5,000 years, and another a kulpa old. This means that this world is never destroyed completely. There are two types of Destruction, one is "PRALAY" and the other is "MAHA PRALAY".

When does MahaKal have to come? When the souls of this world increase and no one has the power to end it, then and then only MahaKal has to come on earth and save his children. You might think that this person is talking only about souls, but this is a practical thing. We have soul and after death the soul remains. Then you know daily, thousand of people are killed and their soul stays here. We cannot see them but the result of it is that they are here with us.

These souls stay in the temple of the devta deity and complete the wishes of people. In reward the people give Prasad (offerings). The souls eat and enjoy it.
bansy wrote:Please could you explain to the forum how accurate the BK/PBK knowledge as compared to the concepts and knowledge of the Vishnu Party?

There is big difference in the concepts of the BKs. We believe Shiv is in Sakar, corporeal form.

Here I mention MahaKal. No body is formless, it means when we are in a formless stage, at that time Shiv is also formless. And when we took shape (deity), at that time Shiv took shape. And where we are in the physical body, then Shiv also has to take a physical body. This is a big difference.

The BKWSU is right. Shiv is formless but 'where' they do not know. Shiv is formless in Paramdham. That's why if you listen the dieties names, if Vishnu is there, so MahaVishnu is there also. It means there were two types of Vishnu. Ganesh and MahaGanesh, Shiv and MahaShiv etc.

Which bap you will show around the World? Shapeless or formless? Who will believe Shiv is shapeless? That is why people say BK knowledge is like the Islam and Christianity because Bharatwasis believe in Sakar forms. When you receive a false Father, then how can you receive the right knowledge? There are so many thing which we can discuss.

Thanks for understanding

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Post05 May 2007

bansy wrote:Please could you explain to the forum how accurate the BK/PBK knowledge as compared to the concepts and knowledge of the Vishnu Party ?

I am interested in your responses to John and Bansy. You might add what predictions for the outcome of the fight between Lekhraj Kirpalani and Vishwa Kishor Mr Patel sees and what the way forward is?

sakshi delhi

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Post05 May 2007

john wrote:How does Dada Lekhraj talk to Mr Patel?

I asked Mr John, why you are not watching TV (Discovery Channel)? Dada Lekhraj is a spirit and my Father can see this all spirits (souls) in meditation.

Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Sakar after his death. Virendra Dev Dixit never stopped his activities. That is why he went to jail for about 1 year in 1997. I have newspaper cuttings from Farukabad.

Mr. Patel is not working on the internet but his son Anant Patel, who is also an advocate does, and his email is; You can contact him directly.
ex-l wrote:I am interested in your responses to John and Bansy. You might add what predictions for the outcome of the fight between Dada Lekhraj and Vishwa Kishor Mr Patel sees and what the way forward is?

I think our Yagya will run until around 2036 and before that all these parties will have to Merge. Lekhraj Kirpalani is very tired from these souls but before that the 108, 16,108 and 900,000 Mala should be complete. If we have the practice to fly from our etheric body, then and then only the Old World will be destroyed. Otherwise, it will happen later.

Lekhraj Kirpalani did not have The Knowledge of how to fly but our Father is giving this. We have a VCD* in Hindi in which the knowledge of process of flying for the 900,000 souls is given. In two days time, the PDF formate of the English book will be presented on our website in the News section.

You all are thinking, why does she said, "Param Shanti" insted of "Om Shanti"? The answer is because Om means (Brahma, Vishnu, Sankar). They are in the 5 elements. So if we speak Om then you will not get power. Param means Supreme Element. If we say 'Param' you will get 'Supreme Power".
bansy wrote:Please could you explain to the forum how accurate the BK/PBK knowledge as compared to the concepts and knowledge of the Vishnu Party?

Dear Sister,

thank you for mailing. If Lekhraj Kirpalani has complete knowledge, then why they cannot the BKWSU make a New World? They have been trying that for last 70 years. We have The Knowledge of the 3 Worlds. Bap is Ocean of Knowledge, he has Koti-Koti universe knowledge. Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar are Supreme Souls not Supreme Father. Shiv is Kalyankari, 'Shiv who became jiv' (human). Brahma, Vishnu, Sankar, worth nota-pen; a Murli point. We all have to became nar se Narayan not form spirit to Narayan, that's why Shiv became jiv.

Father gives knowledge of world parivartan (transformation) not Destruction. Father's introduction is divine knowledge.
john ask wrote:How does Dada Lekhraj talk to Mr Patel?

Father has the Third Eye. Father say, "no one can identified me in proper manner". This point (hint) has been given by Lekhraj Kirpalani in Murli. And he also says devta received hint enough to get the point.


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Post05 May 2007

Dear Sister Sakshi

Thanks for your reply.

One main issue is the way of meditation. With the BKs, the meditation is point of light in Paradham. With the PBKs, it is the Incorporeal in the corporeal.

In the website, it is mentioned about the body of light, could you explain how different meditation is compared to BKs, and the Yoga connection with your Father? For example, do you close your physical eyes? Does Father give dhristi? How does your body of light receive its energy and power? This will help some members understand difference of practice.

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Questioning Lekhraj Kirpalani via Shiv Patel

Post06 May 2007

Would Mr Patel ask some questions directly to the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani for us, and could Lekhraj Kirpalani answer back to us through him?

(Note to others; if the answer is yes, let us not do this in a greedy haphazard way. Let focus our minds and make a list first).

sakshi delhi

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Post06 May 2007

Dear souls.

To see your self in Bindu (incorporeal) form is the last stage as when we were in incorporeal form, then comes in subtle form, and finally the bondage of five elements. So if we want to take higher studies we have to pass through primary studies. What I mean to say is that we have to rise slowly and steadily i.e. step by step. We cannot jump directly. We keep on saying that we were deities. If yes, then we should first transform this five elements body into a light body (deity image).
Bansy wrote:Does he give dhristi?

I am sorry to say but have you ever thought that it looks so ridiculous when the Father gives you dhristi? Father never gives you power by the means of dhristi. The super computer is always working within him and there is an automatic flow of energy when any soul remember "Him".
How to meditate (Yoga)?

This is a self-realization course. Our meditation is to meditate with our self.

Close your physical eyes and try to see light within you. Imagine yourself above all these grossly elements, above all the planets, stars, and every material world and enter into the world light. You just have to think that you are sitting in light and everything around is light. Like a ball placed in the sea. You are in your light body, surrounded with the light. Practicing this you realize weightless and feel out of our senses.

What is this light? Light is nothing but the energy or supreme elements (param tatva). When we visualize our light body automatically light enters into our body because it is a current when we think about it, the energy is automatically supplied. The reason to think about our light body is because what we think, we will become.

Above all the foundation is laid by the Supreme Father who can only teach this knowledge and tell you the easy procedure of meditation. But this meditation will work only when if you are pure. Purity is the foundation of Heaven. The main foundation laid by us is PURITY. At the end we are left with self-realization no Gyan (knowledge) will remain. Just to take off in light body leaving this gross and material world will be the last scene.

Do you know why we became human beings from devta (deities)? Due to our thoughts only. In heaven, our thoughts are increasing and increasing. We lost power by thinking and that's why we lost power and became human, so now we have to reverse practice and became deity form human.

There is a big problem in human beings when God Himself says, "I am God", and then we are joking with them. When someone says, "god is there", we say, "OK" and follow them. When some one claims that, "I am god" then you have to ask such question which human cant answer but here members ask meaningless questions. Have you ever thought, you have been reading the Murlis (piece of sheet of paper) since 1936, what have you gotted? Nothing. Even someone asks a simple question and you cant answer it and say its beyond our piece of sheet of paper (Murli). When will the final Gyan come on your sheet (Murli)?

Please ask this question to BK members? Destruction? Sorry but date of Destruction has been given but it is false. The Murli is a lathi (stick) for blind people. With this you can find a way to God, but God's knowledge is not in the Murli. You, yourself, have to find God and his knowledge. God is a powerhouse and if you don't know God, then who can you make connection with god? Therefore you cant meditate and cant receive power. That's all.
ex-l wrote:Would Mr Patel ask some questions directly to the soul of Dada Lekhraj for us, and could Dada Lekhraj answer back to us through him?

When Bap is here, you should first meet Bap, then why you want to meet Dada? Sorry, but we can tell you process in which you can make direct connection with Dada by meditation.

As you know, Dadi goes in trance, Dadi meet Dada directly and get a message from Dada.
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Lekhraj Kirpalani through Mr Patel

Post06 May 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:When Bap is here, you should first meet Bap, then why do you want to meet Dada?

Is that your answer or Mr Patel's answer? Did you check with him? I am afraid we can only accept Shrimat directly. You say I have to ask such question which human cant answer. This is one. Does Mr Patel refuse? Think of it as my first step towards trusting and believing in him.

Why, because I want to check some historical details from before your Father was in the BKWSU, many of us want to ask Lekhraj Kirpalani questions about his opinions and feelings about matters, and I want to see how honest and straightforward Mr Patel is. Lekhraj Kirpalani is the specialist in the BKWSU, so let us speak to the specialist.

Lekhraj Kirpalani might also want to say something directly to us here, so it would be a kindly service to all parties.

If someone says they can do and is doing something, OK ... fine, let us do it then Put them the the test and receive some practical benefits at the same time.
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Post06 May 2007

Sakshidelhi wrote:Vishwa Kishor believed himself to be Sakar after his death. Veerendra Dev Dixit never stopped his activities. That is why he went to jail for about 1 year in 1997. I have newspaper cuttings from Farukabad.

Sister Sakshidelhi,

Omshanti. For your kind information Baba Virendra Dev Dixit went to jail for about four months and not 1 year. Newspaper information cannot always be true. And most of the newspaper reporting during the period of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's arrest was biased and one sided.
I think our Yagya will run until around 2036 and before that all these parties will have to Merge. Dada Lekhraj is very tired from these souls but before that the 108, 16,108 and 900,000 Mala should be complete. If we have the practice to fly from our etheric body, then and then only the Old World will be destroyed. Otherwise, it will happen later.

I remember that you have said on several occasions that you or your party does not have any connection with BKs or PBKs or the Murlis. But most of the language that you have been using is related to BKs, PBKs and the Murlis.

You said two groups are working in the Brahmin family - one through Dada Lekhraj (among BKs) and one through Dada Vishwakishore (among PBKs). But there are many other groups also present in the Yagya today, like the group started by ex-PBK Satish Mehta Bhai and an ex-PBK, as well as ex-Vishnu Party member Nagraj Bhai. Who is running these parties?
Have you ever thought, you have been reading the Murlis (piece of sheet of paper) since 1936, what have you gotted? Nothing. Even someone asks a simple question and you cant answer it and say its beyond our piece of sheet of paper (Murli). When will the final Gyan come on your sheet (Murli)?

Can we hear or view the versions of Dashrath Patel Bhai alias God Shiv in the form of VCD* or audio cassettes? Can they be uploaded on your website just as the PBKs have uploaded almost all the VCD* and audio cds on their site?

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Post06 May 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. For your kind information Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit went to jail for about four months and not 1 year. Newspaper information cannot always be true. And most of the newspaper reporting during the period of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit's arrest was biased and one sided.

Without having read them, I agree that newspaper reporting is never accurate enough but, given that this is (allegedly) God's work, we should all work together to document 100% all major incidents and major actors involved in the Drama.

I still request that we are allowed to approach Lekhraj Kirpalani, or Mr Patel acts as our advocate to approach Lekhraj Kirpalani, and receive direct accounts from him.

sakshi delhi

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to arjun Bhai

Post06 May 2007

arjun wrote:I remember that you have said on several occasions that you or your party does not have any connection with BKs or PBKs or the Murlis. But most of the language that you have been using is related to BKs, PBKs and the Murlis.

(1) you are right. We do not deal with the Murli but PBKs also believe that in the BKWSU, Lekhraj Kirpalani enters into the body of Gulzar not Shiva. So that we cant say it is Shiv's Murli. And if Shiv is not there then what is meaning of Murli? It is only a piece of sheet paper. So why do PBKs read this Murli? Why do they show this Murli as proof that Shankar is here?

(2) we just show that the Murli is run by Lekhraj Kirpalani and Vishwa Kishore in the BKWSU and in the PBKs. The same Murli is repeated by Virendra Dev Dixit. Nothing new.

(3) please think a while. If Lekhraj Kirpalani runs the Murli for his BK students, then why has he said the Murli is related to PBKs? The PBKs should have their own Murlis and the BKs should have also their own. Please read my last post for this topic.
You said two groups are working in the Brahmin family - one through Dada Lekhraj (among BKs) and one through Dada Vishwakishore (among PBKs). But there are many other groups also present in the Yagya today, like the group started by ex-PBK Satish Mehta Bhai and an ex-PBK, as well as ex-Vishnu Party member Nagraj Bhai. Who is running these parties? Can we hear or view the versions of Dashrath Patel Bhai alias God Shiv in the form of VCD* or audio cassettes? Can they be uploaded on your website just as the PBKs have uploaded almost all the VCD* and audio cds on their site?

I have said in my last post that there are so many group in Bramin family. We have some VCD* and cassettes of our Father, but we have not uploaded them becuse we have no space on our website. After 2 days you will find PDF formats of our English book on our website.

Thanks, Sakshi.

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