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Re: How our 5 element body is made & we become human fro

PostPosted: 01 May 2007
by ex-l
sakshi Delhi wrote:Tomorrow we will discuss in detail.

I am sorry but no one asked you about all this. You appear to be grabbing the mic and the guddhi. How does "knowing anything" fix or change things? Surely it is some practice that makes a difference.

What do the Vishnu Pary practise? BK Raja Yoga? Mr Patel Yoga? 'Shiva in Mr Patel' Yoga?

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by Mr Green
I am not waiting for Destruction at all.

I have accepted now that any will I had for this stems from dislike of the self ... things we dislike about existence are not the fault of humanity as a whole. It is your problem :P.

PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by paulkershaw
I would like you tell you Mr. Dashrathbhai Patel, who is the head of our institution (Vishnu Party), was the member of the BKs. He joined the BKs in 1986, gained a VVIP position, and retired from the BKs around 1992 when he joined The Shankar Party as a PBK in 1993, He was in search of true knowledge. He was setisfied with PBKss knowledge to some extent as compared to the BKs.

In 1997, the whole knowledge of World Drama emerged in him and from then our institution began. I believe that he, himself, is Shiva. Shiv does not enter into anyone, He imparts divine knowledge which automatically emerges with him. He does not need any books, Vanis and scriptures for reference, although he can explain each and every thing. He tells the history of World Drama.

This is very interesting. Please do tell us how much one needs to pay him for this knowledge? Do tell us what are the principles of 'belonging' to this 'new' organisation as created and managed by said Mr Patel? Is it very different to the BK and PBK's systems?

Re: How our 5 element body is made & we become human fro

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by tinydot
sakshi Delhi wrote:4% akash, vayu and agni,
0.005 % param tatva,
95.500 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

500 years ago the population was 32.5 crore

5% akash , vayu and agni,
0.6 % param tatva,
94.400 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

780 year ago the population was 26.50 crore

10% akash , vayu and agni,
0.8 % param tatva,
89.200 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

1070 year ago the population was 24.90 crore

15% akash , vayu and agni,
1.1 % param tatva,
83.9 % water and mitti (earth)
100.00 %

Looks like Mr. Patel is purely guessing on the compostion of the body. Where are your data to back up the "water and earth percentages" of the body, and decreasing as we move backwards in time???

Shiva idintification ?

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
Param shanti,

the status of Shiva?

If i ask you what is the status of Shiv Baba? Have you any proof that Shiv enters into the body of Gulzar Dadi? The answer is, you have no proof.

Any one soul can enter in the body of Gulzar. You cannot justify but because we feel that Shiv has Supreme Knowledge which can not given by anyone, so we believe that Shiv enters into Gulzar Dadi, that she is Almighty Authority and whatever she say is true but this is wrong.You have the proof of the Murli. Whatever is said in the Murli regarding Destruction is totally false, am i right? Then it is true that Shiv does not enter Guljar Dadi, only Brahma Baba's soul works in Gulzar.

Likewise in PBK, there is no proof that Shiv enters into Virendra Dev Dixit. When the Murli becomes false, how could you prove that Shiv enter Virendra Dev Dixit (Shankar) and we have no other alternative about Shiv in BK or PBK.

In my Father's part, my Father (Dashrathbhai Patel) is Shiv himself. (No soul enters his body). The question is proof. We have no poof of Shiv in BK and PBK, likewise the same is here. There is no poof of God. You yourself have to justify whether there is Shiv or not. If i change the Murli and present it to you then there is no meaning to it.

But there is big proof. Shiv has Supreme Knowledge about A to Z of the world. You know there is limited knowledge is given by the BKs only. If you ask any questions, they will say you have joined another party. If you can check our website, then there is different knowledge of world given by my Father but my duty is to give first to BK because they are the first institution which is connected to Shiva only.

Shiv has wide knowledge of Paramdham, creation of world and etc.

When ever Brahma, Shankar and other deities fail, then Shiv has to come and save them. There are 3,00,000 gods in this world. It is fact that only 1 is original and the rest are duplicates. So this is proof that Shiv is 100% on earth but how you can identify him? Not only in BK and PBK but other people (we saw it on TV) also say, "i am Shiv"?

So we have to make a decision, what is wrong and what is right? If you became nauton then i am able to understand you?

There is proof in the Gita that when ever Krishna come on earth, at that time only Pandavs recognise him. Only 5 members. My Father wants only 108 seed soul. So that we have not too many people like in the BKs and PBKs.

My Father can give proof by Shastras, Vedas, Puranas which is not consider by BK but Father says that it is in the Murlis that at the time of the end, god will give The Knowledge of shastras (sar).


PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by john
So Sakshi Delhi

You have no proof. Just a heap of ideas that came out of Mr Patel's mind, that you are trying to pass off as Divine Knowledge absolute truth. Surely anyone can study scriptures, BK knowledge, PBK knowledge and then at some point regurgitate it out, change it a bit add a bit of your own ingredient and call it new knowledge.

Any scholar could do that, it offers no proof of them being God.
there are 3,00,000 god in world , this is fact

What is this information based on? Do you have any proof?


PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
tinydot wrote:Looks like Mr. Patel is purely guessing on the compostion of the body. Where are your data to back up the "water and earth percentages" of the body, and decreasing as we move backwards in time???

The answer is, "if you think Mr. Patel is purely guessing, then why cannot you? Till today, why cant the BKs? Why cannot the PBKs?

You will get all the data in my site by way of pdf file soon. Then you can check a person up to what extent he guesses? We will give you proof regarding the things in the Vedic Shastras.

If this knowledge was given by the BKs in the beginning stage then today his goal would have been achieved. In each new Murli Baba said, "do some thing new", "do some thing new" but what is new? Always the BK student thinks, "what should he do new?" Baba never said in Murli, "why?"

If this kind of knowledge was given by the Murli then there would be no questions remaining. But this is his own problem.

Thank you, Sakshi

Re: reply

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by ex-l
sakshi Delhi wrote:Answer is, "if you think Mr. Patel is purely guessing, then why cannot you? Till today, why cant the BKs? Why cannot the PBKs?

Why? Because there is no practical benefit in knowing abstract information like whether there are 300,000 Gods or not. Just because the Vedas say so.
    There might be practical benefit in knowing how to manage and manipulate or become one Demi-God like, perhaps, Lekhraj Kirpalani did.

    There might be practical benefit in knowing IF one is being managed and manipulated by a Demi-God like, perhaps, Lekhraj Kirpalani was.
I guess we will just have to see.
    What does Shiv Patel say about the status of BB, who entered him and when that entity entered him? Help us understand what is going on with the BKWSU.


PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
Dear Brother john,

I do not know in which philosophy you believe, but have you ever tried to ask about proof to Dadi Gulzar or Virendra Dev Dixit? No, because, no one in BK or PBK has their own mind and never try to ask because they are afraid that if i ask then he/she became angry. But think a while and ask your soul, why Baba always repeats his Murli and never gives new knowledge? We are on small scale and so that we have not hands but do not worry, if this is truth then you need not worry? Our knowledge has been posted to Discovery Channel and National Geographic and news agency etc.

The BKWSU is a primary school where little boy teaches 'abcdefg' ... and PBK is college and the Vishu Party is Ph.D. You know Ph.D is very high level knowledge and small child are not allowed because they cannot think on this level.

If you think on a big level then ask BK and PBK and then us, we welcome all members but please think big because we have a big goal.

Thanks, Sakshi

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by john
Sakshi Delhi

Thank you for your explaination please keep them coming. I feel you will only make progress on the forum if you are willing to talk to other users, be prepared to try and answer questions and not just dismiss or talk over them.

Of course, if what you say is the truth then others will want to listen, but nobody with any kind of intelligence will just accept what you say, just because you say it.

Some questions if you could please answer or better still get Mr Patel to answer:-
    Is it possible for someone to come to your centre and meet Mr Patel?
    If they did, can he speak English well enough to be able to communicate in English?

    What was Mr Patels involement with the BKs in his past life?
    Which soul is the author of the original knowledge of the BKs, is it Mr Patel, Lekhraj Kirpalani or another ShivaBaba?

Re: Shiva idintification ?

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hi sakshi and param shanti.

It has been a long time. I hope that you can clarify a few things.The essence of your post seems that.
1. There is no proof that Shiv enters in the body of Gulzar Dadi? Answer is, you have no proof.

I agree.
2. any one soul can enter in the body of guljar

That possibility may exist but we cant say for sure, I think.
3. you wiii not justify but because we feel that Shiv has supreme knowledge which can not given by any body, so we believe that Shiv enter in guljar Dadi and she is almighty authority and what ever she say is true but this is wrong , you have proof of Murli , what ever said in Murli regarding destruction is totally foulse, am I right ? then this is true that Shiv is not enter in guljar Dadi, only bhramababa soul work in guljar .

Quite a lot here but again it seems as if this view reflects various competing Bharatwasi schools of thought - so feel free to squabble amongst yourselves. However, it is a gross inaccuracy to assert that by believing that Shiv Baba enters Dadi Gulzar it is also implicit that she (Dadi Gulzhar) is "almighty authority" (I note that you did not preface the words 'almighty authority' with the definite article THE nor did you use uppercase A's, so maybe it is just a language/grammatical thing).

However, i have never heard such a nonsensical assertion in all of my life as a student with the BKWSU and so I think it is only fair to stress that point in the interests of accuracy and respect for the BKWSU (whatever else they stand for). If a teacher or SS told me that i would walk out.

Maybe you are catching a glimpse of things to come, what with the BKWSU Trimurti Dadis and all that, however i'd like to give them a chance to put their own necks in that noose rather than clearly make an assertion that is based on an inaccurate understanding of Gyan. If you have any evidence contrary to my rebuttal of your point, then please post it on the forum as i have made no secret of my disagreement with you. Thanks. God's mercy on the student who believes that Dadi Gulzhar is the Almighty Authority!
4. like wise , in PBK there is no proof of Shiv enter in v.dixit, when Murli became false then how could you proof that Shiv enter in v.dixit (sankar) but we have no other alternative about Shiv in b.k or PBK. In my Father part , my Father (dashrathbhai Patel)is Shiv him self ( no soul entre in his body) the question is proof , we have no poof of Shiv in b.k and p.b.k like wise same is here, there is no poof of god ,you own self have to justify that wether there is Shiv or not , if I amended the Murli and present you there is no meaning of it

More Bharat family squabbles.
5. but there is big proof , Shiv has a supreme knowledge about A to Z of the world, you know there is limited knowledge is given by b.k only , if you ask any question , they will say you join other party, as you can chek our web site there is different knowledge of world is given by my Father but my duty is to give first to b.k because this is first inst which is connected with Shiva only,

Given my above observation that you have mis-represented the BK's belief about the status of Dadi Gulzhar - as we have been taught by them thus far of course - I similarly have to ask what are you on about? From this web site we can already see that the BKs seem reluctant (as a rule) to participate 'officially', so wherever you get the idea from that they will direct us with our questions to go 'join other party' is really laughable. Never ever.

They may say: "Baba says, apply a full stop" or "Question's tend to have the habit of forming a queue" but never have i heard what you assert. I can inform you that they are still in their recruiting phase, so any question of off-loading us may not have arisen - yet. However, some of us are leaving of our own free will.
6. Shiv has wide knowledge of Paramdham , creation of world and etc.

when ever brama , sankar and other deiti fail then Shiv has to come and save them, there are 3,00,000 god in world , this is fact that only 1 is original and rest are dublicate, so this is proof that Shiv is 100 % on earth but how you can identify ? not only in BK and PBK but other people ( we saw in t.v)also say I am Shiv ? So we have to take desesion , what is wrong and what is right. if you became nauton then I can able to understand you. this is proof in Gita that when ever Krishna come on earth at that time pandav only recognise him , only 5 member, my Father want only 108 seed soul . so that we have not too much people like in BK and PBK, my Father can give proof by sasta,ved ,puran . which is not consider by BK but Father say there is in Murli that at the time of last god will give The Knowledge of sastra (sar).

It sounds like your institution is also in a recruiting phase. Can I join? Does you Father want such children as AbeK amongst his rank and file members? And if he says yes and I find that there are not many or any double-foreigners yet will I get special treatment? I so want to be a VIP! (Suddenly abek gets a reminder of the sequence in 'The Jungle Book' in which the 'monkeys?' cavort around in the temple ruins singing and dancing with Mowgli, expressing the sentiments that they too "wanna be like you, you you"

Thanks and looking forward to your feedback. Param Shanti

P.S. Don't take life so seriously.

Re: reply

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by tinydot
sakshi Delhi wrote:Answer is, "if you think Mr. Patel is purely guessing, then why cannot you? Till today, why cant the BKs? Why cannot the PBKs?


Please note I have nothing to adhere in BKs and PBKs belief systems, I am an ex-BK.

Also, this is not a trichotomy logic, i.e. if BKs got it wrong, and PBKs got it wrong, then, Vishnu Party must have got it right. It is highly possible that ALL OF YOU GOT IT WRONG.

My question is directed to the chemical composition of the body. I hope you have studied basic chemistry. Please ask proy, if you need assistance in Chemistry. He is a chemist maybe he can explain to you what my question is regarding data on composition. I hope we are not talking apples and oranges here.


PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by sakshi delhi
param shanti,

Hi, today I want to share my experience with all of you. Please take it seriously. Please think you are not BKs or PBKs but you are simply human beings.

I have seen serial named 'Taboo' on 'Discovery Channel' in which I found one woman tired of her husband who went to an occultist (a person who work with spirits), told them her problem and give permission for the occultist to kill her husband. After 30 days her husband died automatically. This occultist told the Discovery Channel, he had killed 440 people with his occultic practise. The Discovery Channel asked him, how did he do this? He show his temple of a decease man and woman and said that he worships (reverence) this dead person's soul. He showed the statues and his daily idolatry (worship) of them. He said him that he can do whatever you want with help of this dead person's soul. This means all over world these kind of peoples exist and they are doing unnatural thing which simple human cannot think.

How could they do so? Answer, by our knowledge, simple. For example;

A person comes to you and said please give food and place to live and in reward I will do whatever you say, "we are talking about his nature and subtle influence of one's mind". Then after we appoint them as a servant to clean the house. But when this person dies, his soul has the same nature and sanskars at the same time. The occultist controls this soul and entices or allures this soul, offering food, wine and other things. When this soul agrees with this occultist, then he starts to help them and gives 100% result.

The same thing happens in the BKWSU (Baba's Bhog being offered to Brahma Baba)

Second example;

Bin Laden has 10 laks of souls which help him in his work. So they help as direct and indirectly. When a terrorist dies in the field of religion, then his last will is to help his religion so that they help their guru (in this case Bin Laden). Today people do not think about this level but when you actually see it on television, then what you do?

In one Murli (I don't know which date) it is said that, "at the last time you will find 14 soul in one person body". Then how can you save yourself from these evil souls? Have you ever tried to ask your teacher? Nowadays, short time is left for that, are you prepared for that? Don't ask me, think in your own way. Do you know the meditation process?

Second episode in National Geographic Channel

1 month ago, I saw an episode that a widow woman living with a child in a Philippino city, whenever she started to read The Bible, her child age 12 behaviour changed and tries to kill his mother. She was afraid and sent him to the head of the church but priest had not any medicine for his illness. After that she sent his child to an occultist. This person told them his Father soul was coming into the body of the child and her husband wanted to kill her for some bad reason. After some treatment she became fine and her child's problem solved. She said to National Geographic, where do I have to go when my own religion has not the power to save us? So that I have to go to an occultist. I think he is my god, she said.

From the above examples we conclude that there is no one to save us except our divine form (savrup), that why it is said in the Gita, "you should remember your own divine form". But we don't know the actual process of medition.

Please send your comment and views so that I can sent you the meditation process in which I will tell you how can we get power from our own form (savrup).

Thanks for understanding me, Sakshi.


PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by john
sakshi Delhi wrote:Please send you comment and views so that I can sent you meditation process. In which I will tell you how can we get power form our own form( savrup).

Sakshi Delhi

In all honesty I don't see any relevence in what you write in this post. You seem obsessed with Occult type activities, Maybe this is the wrong forum for that kind of thing.

Can we stick to Gyan and how the Vishnu Party is relevent to BKs/PBKs?

BK Spirit Army

PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by ex-l
It is hard work John, but I can see where they are getting to.

The funniest thing I have noticed is how IMPORTANT the television has always been to the Vishnu Party. If it is on televison, it must be true or important. I suppose it is a status symbol in India and the television has taken over from the Temples and Pandits. Sakshi, none of us here are beginners. English is not easy for you, so get to the point.

You say that "offering Bhog" in the BKWSU is an occult practise. That is new and interesting. It agrees with what the PBKs say about Bhog not being according to Shrimat.
    • What spirits are the BKs offering Bhog to - in the Vishnu Party's opinion - and why?
    • What is the purpose of this ritual?
    • What spirit, or spirits, are entering Dadi Gulzar and other BK Sisters?
I believe you must be leading to say that the BKWSU are using 'spirit armies' to increase their power. If that is so, then let us discuss it.

I agree that occultists or psychics use 'spirits' and there is some pay off between them. This concept of 'spirit armies' is not new either. In recorded history spirit armies, or the belief in them, goes back to the Ancient Egyptians in the West. Many believe that the Nazi occultists were exploring the idea. And, of course, even the Americans recently have explored remote view and psychic influence (science proud Yadavas, they find B52s more effective though).

Does your Father speak better English? Will he not contribute directly?