BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

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Mr Green


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Post11 Jan 2008

Oh Shiva, me ol' mucker, you do cheer me up 8).
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Post15 Jan 2008

To the topic of remembrance. As you consider My previous words, which were said through BB as Murlis:

"Do not connect your intellect with bodily beings much. Although you may have a lot of love for this Baba, even then do not connect your intellect with this one. If you do not remember the Father, then the sins would not get burnt." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 12.11.07, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning).

Here I am saying, that you shouldn't remember BB nevertheless you may have a lot of love to him, it is understandable. It is a miracle, how PBKs are instructed to remember Me only in a Chariot and really believe that it is Me who instructs them in this way. Also I am interested how this so-called Chariot will establish heaven with such an old body? How he is going to survive the Destruction? Am I so stupid to tell words which should be commented by Me again? Do you think that I like to do double work? One of Shankar's friends is a PBK. He had met Virendra Dev Dixit. When Shankar asked him, did he feel something special from that person, the friend answered, "no, nothing special, like an ordinary man". Do you really think that you will feel nothing during personal meeting with Me? Even if you feel nothing during your meditation, you will feel yourself soul just being near Me, when I am in a Chariot. When I am in a Chariot it is not like it is ordinary man.

Now, what this post is for? One thing if you will recognize fake by your intellect, another thing - by material proofs. So, use your brains. Your brains (intellect) is the basis for acheiving high status in the Golden Age.
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Post15 Jan 2008

shivshankar wrote:One of Shankar's friends is a PBK. He had met Veerendra Dev Dixit. When Shankar asked him, did he feel something special from that person, the friend answered, "no, nothing special, like an ordinary man".

And did Shankar's friend feel something special when he met you in Shankar?
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Post15 Jan 2008

Am I so stupid to tell words which should be commented by Me again?

I was wondering why there was no knowledge given through you and now i understood it is because you are clever.
One of Shankar's friends is a PBK. He had met Veerendra Dev Dixit. When Shankar asked him, did he feel something special from that person, the friend answered, "no, nothing special, like an ordinary man". Do you really think that you will feel nothing during personal meeting with Me?

But if you meet him, it is possible you can feel something special.
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Post15 Jan 2008

Om Shanti.

to ex-l

I did not come in this Chariot, during those meetings. Nevertheless it is better to ask him.

to Andrey

Child, whom you are telling? Shankar or Me. If to him, it is possible, of course if Virendra Dev Dixit is practicing remembrance. If to Me: I don't feel nothing except love from my devotees, their remembrance.
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Post17 Jan 2008

Child, whom you are telling? Shankar or Me. If to him, it is possible, of course if Veerendra Dev Dixit is practicing remembrance. If to Me: I don't feel nothing except love from my devotees, their remembrance.

As i don't believe in you, I am just talking to an ordinary man. I also know that Shiva is abhokta - above experience, so i would not ask about his experience. I meant that you, if you meet Baba Virendra Dev Dixit personally, you may feel something yourself.

You say that you feel love by your devotees, their remembrance, but will this be possible provided they don't know you. Is it possible that they remember you without knowing you? We know that for Yoga/remembrance we need knowledge; of who is the Supreme Soul, when does he play part, where, through whom, what part does he play.

You raise the point of the age of the body but the whole world accepts God as Godfather and even Grandfather, or if you take Adam should also be elderly man. In my opinion, the world will not like to accept a young man as a form of God. He would rather accept a young man as child rather than Father.
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Post17 Jan 2008

Om Shanti.

It is OK to remember Me anywhere you like: any Chariot, any place (subtle, Paramdham, even material). The main is to remember Me, point of light, Supreme Soul.

This young body is an automobile. Soul of Shankar have no age as well as you as well as Me. Everybody will accept Me as God in this Chariot at the end.

Shankar may feel something from Virendra Dev Dixit if he use to remember Me. You would have an opportunity to ask him (Shankar) about his experience after his meeting with Virendra Dev Dixit.

Om Tat Sat
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Post18 Jan 2008

andrey wrote:In my opinion, the world will not like to accept a young man as a form of God. He would rather accept a young man as child rather than Father.

May be he some avatar soul who thought he is God, Andrey, come back to take Gyan and do seva, as according to The Knowledge!

No, I don't believe that either but so it is taught ... Sorry Shivshankar, I have no idea what you are up to. You the one of a many of BKs/ex-BK who thought they were God, or God's Chariot.

Unfortunately, like most or all of them including Lekhraj Kirpalani, you are not delivering what you promise or say. I have no idea what you are doing on this forum, whether you need help or you are here to make a fool of us. You seem to be confused between the god within all of us in Bhakti and BK Gyan.
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Post18 Jan 2008

It is OK to remember Me anywhere you like: any Chariot, any place (subtle, Paramdham, even material). The main is to remember Me, point of light, Supreme Soul.

Dear Brother,

But then why do we need knowledge about him and where is the matter of any recognition? We know from the Murli that there are many wrong ideas about God, e.g. it is believed that he is omnipresent, or some think that God is in the guru; so those who think God is everywhere will this be useful for them or will it be useful for them if they don't have his accurate introduction? And if we remember him everywhere, will our intellect get concentrated or will it scatter?
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Post20 Jan 2008

Om Shanti.

To Andrey.

As you are asking Shankar, he will reply you.


As I understand, the main recognition which will make our meditation correct is that He is Supreme Soul, point of light. If we will remember Him in this eternal form it doesn't matter what else we will visualise: Chariot or deity or picture of Jesus. The main is to meditate on this form, because it is His only form indeed. When I am doing puja to the deities in the temple I do visualise Him in them, and I do receive power from that type of meditation.

Of course, the more details (Chariot's body, deity etc) you will visualise during meditation the less concentration you will have on Him, and less energy receive. So for me the most effective method of meditation is Him in Paramdham, nothing else.

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Re: BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

Post25 Feb 2008

Om Shanti.

Glad to see forum restored. I am planning to begin the last part of this play this week. As a promise was given, that BKWSU will have a new structure by the end of this year. So I have to keep this promise.

Om Tat Sat.
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Re: BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

Post05 Apr 2008

Do you need our approval?
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Re: BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

Post14 Aug 2008

Funny story it was.
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Re: BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

Post15 Aug 2008

Welcome back shivshankar/BK DimOK ... how your predicted campaign to reform the BKWSU going?

Are you going to share with us the story then? Are you still the final Chariot of Shiva?
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Re: BKDimOK as Chariot of Shiva

Post15 Aug 2008

bkdimok wrote:Funny story it was.

Whose story? :-?

Anyways, welcome back to the forum. :D During your absence, members have had to deal with another Chariot of Shiva and I remembered you during the discussions with him. It would be interesting to read your comments on his claims of being the reincarnation of Dada Lekhraj and a Chariot of Shiv.

In his third avatar on this forum he is writing as 'really?'

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