Sat Yoga Instutite

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Sat Yoga Instutite

Post27 Jun 2007

mr green wrote:I am sure there are others.

Yes, I know there are small groups of ex-BKs doing "something" together, including meditating, at sometime or some basis in various countries. But I know not what.

I think one also has to point a finger at leading ex-BK Robert Shubow, he of the Adi Dev translation and others, who is now a self-appointed Guru "Sat Yogi Shunyamurti" at The Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. It appears to me to be a sort of upscale and artful commercial BK outlet that included BK tech - including an initiation to Shiva - but takes off and independently develops Gyan where the 'Technicolor-Meditation-and-Quotations-of-Great-Gurus-and-Thinkers' Wing of the BKWSU started. I want to write a little more about it later.

I'd really like to know why Robert bailed out of the BKWSU and went off to do his own thing? How could the BKWSU have lost such talent? With the backing of the BKs money machine, he could have been running the "BKWSU Natural Health Clinic and Spa Wing" by now. (I hate to give Jayanti or Mohini ideas at this point ... so remember where you read that first). Is this their own 7 Day Course?
The Sat Yoga Institute wrote:The Sat Yoga Institute presents a wholly updated version of the world's most ancient sciences of wellness, inner transformation, illumination, and liberation from the limitations and conflicts embedded in the unconscious ego.

They offer weekly advanced meditation courses, ongoing individual clinical psycho-spiritual sessions with a professional guide (to untie the unconscious egoic knots), monthly seminars (strenthen your thinking function and higher knowledge of the inner labyrinth), health and gourmet vegetarian cooking classes, and yearly fully-immersed seven day retreats at lovely and private natural settings.

Does any of this look or sound familiar to others? (He's gone for the Moksha rather than Jeevan Mukti angle. Does anyone remember when you were instructed to ask prospective students just that question when they started the course?)
The Sat Yoga Institute is dedicated to helping all beings achieve Liberation.
The ancient science of Sat Yoga comprises a form of Self-enquiry, of meditation, and the practice of inner deconstruction of the many layers of the false self in order to achieve Liberation in life. As part of this work, we encourage the sustenance of a healthy lifestyle in accord with strict ethical parameters, in order to strengthen and protect our practice. And we teach a variety of different preliminary techniques in order to prepare the body and mind to be able to receive and contain the higher energies that we learn to attune to in our meditative practice. These techniques have been part of the Yogic path for many centuries and are of proven value.

The ultimate aim of Sat Yoga practice is the falling away of the ego and the complete realization of the One Self. This attainment is actually the beginning of the spiritual life, not its end point. Since we are already That, no techniques are necessary for this achievement. It is simply matter of removing the blinders, the veils of ignorance that occlude the pristine sublime nature of our timeless reality.

By learning to silence the chattering mind, to be fully present with an open heart, willing to accept the Great Mystery that is our Being, to live in boundless openness and playfulness, the grace of the Supreme Loving Presence comes to permeate our field of energy and consciousness. We become the natural embodiments of the supernatural Essence that all along we had been seeking.

We are That. Live the highest truth now, surrender the ego to the Presence that encompasses you, unite with the infinite loving power, and all blessings shall be delivered unto you. This is the true practice of Sat Yoga.

He does not credit the BKWSU on his links page but he does link to BK friendly promoters Free Meditations.
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Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

Post28 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:He does not credit the BKWSU on his links page but he does link to BK friendly promoters Free Meditations.

A clever business man indeed.
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Post29 Jun 2007

If anyone cares, have a listen to some of his audio files, a look over his essays or newsletters and please let me know what you think.

Sat Yogi Shunyamurti; shunya means "absolute zero" or "emptiness", murti means "the personification of" or "embodiment of".

"True Yogi, The Emodiment of Absolute Emptiness". Its a hell of a name to give one's self.

I find it interesting that he does not credit Lekhraj Kirpalani (Brahma Baba) or Shiva Baba in his list of other gurus such as; Freud, Jung, Klein, Derrida, Santa Teresa de Avila, Ramana etc whereas he has obvious taken inspiration from this time in the BKs, I was listening to the lecture which starts "Who am I?" I find this interesting. It suggests to me that Lekhraj Kirpalani or the BKs are not that cool, or safe for business purposes.

I have started to see the BK course as some sort of "initiation", in traditional terms, although I do not think that is made clear by the BKs who seem more interested in trying to disguise it in any number of ways. An initiation into an order as other religions practise. I wonder if he is "giving initiation into" what he has taken from the BKs, if he is really teaching BK "Raja Yoga", and how he sees the BKs now?

From either a traditional point of view, or a BK point of view, I would personally also err on the side before taking for myself any titles or appearances of being part of an order. I do not know if he was ever initiated into any other order than the BKs.

An intelligent than has digested many books and concepts. Trained as an lawyer of sorts. I wish that he would come back and express his vision of what Shiva and BK are now and relate his BK experiences. Put his ideas to peer review, as it were. But, may be he does not see us as his peers any more.
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Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

Post29 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:I'd really like to know why Robert bailed out of the BKWSU and went off to do his own thing? How could the BKWSU have lost such talent? With the backing of the BKs money machine, he could have been running the "BKWSU Natural Health Clinic and Spa Wing" by now. (I hate to give Jayanti or Mohini ideas at this point ... so remember where you read that first). Is this their own 7 Day Course?

It MIGHT be that Robert:
    1. is not for money, sincere in his intentions to offer an alternative method/path towards a meaningful life.
    2. understands quite well BK philosophy but doesn't believe in Shiva and he cannot shut down his conscience. He simply just follows his own beliefs.
I am reserving a positive vision towards him. I don't really care if he is doing it as part of his non-profit business strategy as long as he doesn't put the money of his members into his own pocket. As long as he is establishing a strong and sound ethical standards, that is fine with me.

However, ex-l pointed out that he did not give credit to the BKs as part of what he has become now. Could it be ego? Could it be fear that by directing people to BKs, he would lose them.

I think, we ex-bks can set aside our own beliefs and we too can also dream, experience, and live a meaningful life based on abundance (physical and spiritual) and happiness. We too, can form an objective non-profit organization if we like, to extend this chat forum to something tangible.

It is difficult to not get contaminated when money is involved. BK model of contribution and donation is not really modelled FOR the members but for Seniors who are now experiencing their goldenage lives.

I still have my own self-interest but finding ways how I could invest and share my little resources for the many without jeopardizing my resources. If you give it to the BKs, it's gone forever, and you suffer in the end.

I have been thinking of a good model of a non-profit business organization. My guidelines for a true spiritual non-profit organization:
    1. Members have good intentions and dedicated to serve not on the basis of promulgating their own individual beliefs.

    2. Donations and contributions are not allowed. Lenders are welcome. They help the organization but they don't lose their resources. Lenders are screened and maybe rejected if their intentions are not good according to the principles of non-profit. True non-profit lenders only lend but don't take. In real world, it does not happen, so a marginal interest maybe acceptable.

    3. Members (teachers, students, clerks, janitors, etc.) are compensated for their time and work (not necessarily following the minimum wages) and have benefits in case they get sick.

    4. Members partly owned the organization and have their benificiary in case they die. His/her every dollar counts towards his/her account. His/her every hour of effort counts, also.

    5. Tourists, guests, and non-members are all accepted in all events and are charged appropriately.
Perhaps anyone can proposed better ideas.
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Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

Post29 Jun 2007

tinydot wrote:It MIGHT be that Robert

Why seed doubt? I know it is. He has an impressive biodata.
Who is the main teacher at the Sat Yoga Institute?

The founder and research director of the Sat Yoga Institute writes under the spiritual name Shunyamurti (Robert Shubow, Ph.D.). His interest in Yoga began at a young age, and he underwent many years of strict yogic discipline and training in India and elsewhere. He also received shamanic training and certification in clinical hypnotherapy. He earned a bachelors degree in philosophy, a law degree, a doctorate in psychology, and did extensive post-doctoral work in psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis. He maintained a flourishing private healing practice in California for over twenty years before coming to Costa Rica to found the Sat Yoga Institute. He has also taught and led seminars in many parts of the world.

No mention of BKWSU again.
Perhaps anyone can proposed better ideas.

May be for another thread somewhere. I do not discount your thoughts, would just like to keep 'on topic'.

My interest is genuine, although I dare say it might be challenging. With that training, especially the hypnotherapy and post-doctorate in psychoanalysis, he would lend great benefit to our understanding. I am interested to know how he can separate BK from other internal practices that he might do, if he is still in essencing doing BK Raja Yoga or indeed if he has discoved and decided that BKs are actually doing some other "ancient" practise.

He was also an ex-BK pioneer. One of the first big name Double Foreigners to bail out. Its funny how the BKs still credit his name, and other ex-s, on their books though. From a purely rational point of view, I am wonder how he managed and is managing his "BK-ness". There is where we might be able to offer back peer-review.
Could it be fear that by directing people to BKs, he would lose them.

Could it be fear that by crediting and associating with BKs, he would lose others? I just think that if he is tuning folks into BK Shiva he should make it clear.

To be honest, although we have been overwhelmed by the BK tide at some point, I am wondering if out there in the real world, the BKs and the BKWSU are not that cool to be associated with. I think it is a bit of a stigma.
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Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

Post30 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:I just think that if he is tuning folks into BK Shiva he should make it clear.

His website has this picture of Buddha sculpture with thumb and ring fingers slightly touching. My feeling is he doesn't consider Shiva as the supreme. I might be wrong in this.

A typical Buddhist belief is there is no one god. Everyone can be a Buddha once liberated. I think if he is tuning folks with Shiva, there will be some hint on his website.


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Post30 Jun 2007

A typical Buddhist belief is there is no one god. Everyone can be a Buddha once liberated.

I understand that when Buddha Sakyamuni became enlightened under the Bodhi tree, he was about to go off alone into the wilderness, but a Divine Spirit "spoke" to him and told him to serve for the rest of his life (next 40 or so years) and expound his teaching to the community. Thus Buddhism was born.

Buddha Sakyamuni did not include "God" during his self cultivation, and so I agree the Buddhist practice has no one god. It is more along the lines as to "God ... to see and not see".
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Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

Post30 Jun 2007

tinydot wrote:I think if he is tuning folks with Shiva, there will be some hint on his website.

You don't think the logo is familiar? Hopefully he will spare us a few minutes someday to clarify.

Either he has reconciled what he experienced and taught in BK Raja Yoga as being "The One", in a sense the BKs claim, or else he has been able to discriminate between what the BKs teach or experience and others teach or experience. Or else he is just stirring the two up together to make a holy soup.

Where the Baba is thrown out with the Bhakti water, of course, is that the BKs claim that all those other guys; Buddha, Shankaracharya, Ramana etc, were just new souls having their Golden Age and at best only experienced possession by an avatar soul. Your "spirit" talking to Buddha or your "dove" descending on Christ.

In a sense, I think it sounds like the sort of dream BK retreat center that the more spiritual of us, e.g. non-corporate BKs, would have loved to have had but would have been banned by the SS from having when I was around. If you did it now, by what we hear, they would take the real estate off you and then stick an Indian Sister in to patrol it.
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Post25 Sep 2007

From a newsletter email received today:
satyoga institute wrote:First Discipleship Granted!

The Sat Yoga Institute is pleased to announce the naming of our first formal Disciple. In a sacred ceremony that was held this Sunday, Sadananda (Juan Rafael Arias) was granted the title of Disciple. He has earned this status as a result of his dedicated inner work of self-transformation and his tireless service to helping in the realization of the vision of the Institute to raise the consciousness of humanity. The title of Disciple is a recognition of Sadananda's devotion to God as the Supreme Inner Guru and his openness to cooperate egolessly in the creation of a true spiritual community. Discipleship carries with it many privileges, including participation in the decision-making councils of the Institute.

Sadananda is also enrolled in the teacher training program and the clinical Atmanology track. He is our website director and outreach coordinator. He is also an excellent sous chef in Radha's Kitchen. We honor his continuing service to the growth of SYI and wish him all blessings on his inner Path.

If Juan is their first disciple, then we can only assume that Rob is the master! This does seem indeed like a splinter group based on the BK prototype.

Personally I think the guru master/disciple thing is out of place in the New Age /spiritual ascension paradigm. We should be moving away from authoritarian structures towards self liberation - rather than "surrender to God", which in practice tends to mean "surrender to guru / master", we should strive to become at one with our own higher selves. True strength lies within - we should not be dependent on any other being for our spirituality.

I do find it intriguing, as ex-l mentions, that Rob never acknowledges the BKWSU - can we assume that he has been as burnt by their ways as many of us, and is resolved not to direct anyone else into that particular fire? Or is it that he doesn't want his potential followers to realise just how close to BK Gyan his own teachings are?

I do enjoy reading his occasional essays:

The latest is all about destruction and going back to God - does this sound familiar?

His writings can be a bit intellectual and dry for my taste, but there is always an strongly inspirational side to them too, and I think he has a lot to offer. It is reassuring also, to see a former high-level BK who has movedon to positive things, retaining an active spiritual focus, while breaking his ties with the plagued mothership.
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Post25 Sep 2007

Boy, its depressing stuff ... and not Advaita.
Robert Shubow wrote:Final Preparations

As the world falls deeper every day into the infernal grip of the final days of kali yuga, ever greater spiritual efforts are required to remain serene and compassionate. Without adhering to a dedicated practice of meditation that keeps us centered in the light of true God-consciousness, it is inevitable that we will be sucked down into the vortex of negativity that is engulfing our sacred planet.

The final days of this age of darkness are upon us. We are approaching complete systems failure. Unless we are psychologically and spiritually prepared, the events that are occurring and those that are about to occur in the world at all levels can easily provoke rage, anxiety, and despair. The collective karma must strike us all. The financial system is failing us, the net of social services is full of holes, and the complex systems that provide energy of every kind are failing. The ecosystem itself is failing, as a result of wanton human failure to live in harmony with Nature. In our personal lives, karma can strike as the failure of the body in sickness, the failure of people around us to keep their promises, or to act responsibly, or for those who are not adept yogis, our own failure of others, and even more importantly, the failure of oneself, the failure to remain true to God. We betray our individual self and God when we do not act authentically. Suffering and torment follow as the night follows day.

There remains little time to make our final preparations. May you accept all blessings for the great adventure that lies before us, as we enter the age of immortal life.
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some splinters do pierce

Post25 Sep 2007

ex-l thanks again. That "so depressing" observation is one I also made and i have felt the same on reading many other BK-style write-ups for events. What a way to "pitch enlightment" at us humans! Ensuring that we are sufficiently disillusioned and aware of the mess that the/our world is in.

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