Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post08 Jan 2007

Dear Sister Sakshi

Even if 99.99 percent of most people don't want to listen, what about the 0.01 % who are and who do want to ? How about me ? I cannot make a trip to Ahmedebad tomorrow.

You have posted about the History and about the World Drama. There is more about the 22 Astal Worlds, the subtle body. I am sure you want to tell us more. It is your instrumental duty to do so. This forum touches people all around the world and people are actually active, not dormant. Surely there is more to give, even if it is 0.01% listening to you. I understand English may not be your strength but I don't mind because Hindi is not my strength. But God does not mind either one of us.

I have been an spiritual orphan for so many years, it will take me time to find God, and it will take God time to find his children to recognise him. It is a relationship that needs to be developed. Please don't shut the doors so soon.

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Post08 Jan 2007

0.01% is still a lot, say out of 6.5 billion souls, that would be, errrr any mathematicians here?
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Post09 Jan 2007

arjun wrote:Sister Sakshi should be able to guide as to when Baba has prohibited display of even Brahma's pictures, how could one display the picture of the mother, that too in an artificial make-up like this. They might have taken a cue from the BKs who feel pleased in decorating the Dadis and senior BKs with crowns, necklaces and deity like dresses.

If they are not BK, then the rules don't apply and they can do what they want.

But, seriously Sakshi, you have a load of genuine questions waiting here for you if and when you want to address matters.

65 Million John ...


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Post09 Jan 2007


I guess you knew what I meant, I was merely using something qualitatively to mean a small fraction of people, rather than an actual quantity.

What are the chances of anyone across the globe coming across this website ?

sakshi delhi

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Post10 Jan 2007

Dear Souls ...

Thanks for all your concern and replies. I must make the point clear regarding my previous post. i do not have any kind of problems why Brother Arjun asked our history related to the instititution. i welcome all the questions.. But when he made unpleased comment on the picture of our mother on which no one have given him right was something annoyed me...

Anyways i am back for those .001% of the souls who really wants to listen knowledge in deep rather to go into past which has gone a long way back. i just request everyone goes everywhere, listens to everyone, and then thinks what is right and wrong ... Then make your judgement because without listening to anyone you cant know whether the person is right or not.

Thank you.

sakshi (
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Post10 Jan 2007

Welcome back Sakshi. We are all ears :). Can you answer the questions I asked earlier which were;
    Where is The Knowledge imparted by PIU?
    Was it ever recorded like Vani of today?
    Were you a BK or PBK before becoming part of the Vishnu Party?

sakshi delhi

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Post10 Jan 2007

Gross Body, Light Body and Incorporeal Form

The world in which we live, is a corporeal world. This is also known as mortal world or the world of five elements. Whatever we perceive around us or whatever we feel is made up of five elements. This corporeal world is created and operated by the seed souls though the seed souls may not be aware of this fact.

Whatever the seed souls think it effects the atmosphere. The same effect is exerted on their dynasty. It is the effect of the thoughts of the seed souls that the dynasty starts working according to the thoughts of the seed souls. Or in the another words we can say that the acts of dynasty are based on the thoughts of the seed souls. Thus the operation of the world is dependent on the seed souls. The corporeal world has it’s existence only between 0-8 celestial degrees. Think for a while that this whole corporeal world is not of five elements but of light , how will you feel?

The truth is above 8 celestial degrees, there is deity world and the world of light. How, when and who created this world of light? In the auspicious Confluence Age when the children of Almighty attain the stage of 8 celestial degrees by practicing the principles of divine knowledge and meditation, then the gross bodies get converted into the light bodies or bodies of light. When the gross body of the seed soul is converted into the light body, then the dynasty of the seed soul also start converting from gross body to the bodies of light. With the conversion of gross body into light body the nature also starts converting into the subtle form. The corporeal world thus get changed to the bright shinning world of light and this is known as the deity world which is very beautiful, attractive, peaceful, pure and prosperous.

Thus we find when the seed souls were in the five elements upto 8 celestial degrees, the world too was corporeal and when the seed souls get converted into the angelic body above the 8 celestial degrees, the world is also transformed into the world of light. The world of light is between 8 celestial degrees and 16 celestial degrees. Thus as is the stage of the seed soul so is the world.

When the seed soul continuing it’s upward journey transcends 16 celestial degrees, then the body of light again gets converted into the incorporeal form and thereby marking the beginning of incorporeal world. With the transformation of the seed soul from the body of light to the incorporeal form, the dynasty also follows suite. Soon the whole world of light gets transformed into the corporeal world of souls. The stage of the Supreme Abode is above 16 celestial degrees. Here the souls are in the incorporeal form. In the Supreme Abode , the stage is eternal, everlasting, imperishable, immutable and constant… Once again we find that with the transformation of the seed soul, the dynasty is bound to follow and the transformation is of the whole world from the deity world to the incorporeal world.

Thus as is the seed , so is The Tree. If the seed is incorporeal the creation is incorporeal and if the seed soul is having a body of light then the creation also acquires body of light .if the seed souls is in the body of five elements so is his dynasty. In brief we can say, as is the seed so is his creation.

sakshi delhi

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Post10 Jan 2007

Dear Brother John,

As the Questions put on by you here is the answer: PIU is called Bap (Father), he has incarnated on the earth to change this world. You wont find any thing in the Vanis about Piu today. During the period of separation of Hindustan and Pakistan, and when there was a migration from there, all the original Vanis were lost which prove the story and knowledge of Piu.

Yes, before coming to Vishnu Party I was a BK and PBK but i was not satisfied with The Knowledge and Yoga provided there ... So i came to know about Vishnu Party. When i went to BKs, i find picture of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar ( Trimurti photo). Then i thought if BKs claim Dada Lekhraj is Brahma and P.B.Ks say Virendra Dev Dixit is Shankar, then where is Vishnu?????? Then i discovered the Vishnu Party and my life aims. i found the actual way of immortality. How we can achieve immortality, what is it, how we can change our body into light if we say we were deities.

i could just say that if you want to identify the Supreme Father, it is only The Knowledge which can make way towards him. Otherwise in this corporeal world no human soul has that power to reach him ... because if we say we were deities and now we are in the physical body, then how we will go back? I mean to say how we will become deities? This is the called Godly Knowledge.
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Post10 Jan 2007

Dear Sakshi

Thank you for the replies. So you are saying the BKs at the time lost all the PIU Vanis. Do you know from what periods in time PIU was giving Vani to the BKs?

Also do you think the BK senior Sisters are aware of PIU and the Vani, if so why are they not telling all about it?
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Post10 Jan 2007

If Lekhraj Kirpalani left his Hindu faith by "realizing" he was the Chariot of Shiva, and if Virendra Dev Dixit also "realized" he was the current Chariot of Shiva, why cannot PIU "realize" that he is Shiva?

Realization of others is purely subjective and their claims have little impacts on our lives. It is our BELIEF on the claim that affects mostly our lives. Believing is a choice, and our choice is a complicated probability function of a lot of factors (our Yoga/meditation, environment, systems of values we were brought up with, education/study, past lives actions, etc.). From my experience, my choice becomes very bad when I continue becoming vicious. Just wondering how someone is continuously staying in the status of being "sneaky" (or "snaky"), AND have a "good" choice to think and perform. The two are not compatible. The conflict is or will soon be very obvious.

Let's say one has convinced itself that his belief is the "truth". The best choice he can adhere to is to "give" it as a package of information and answer any inquiry. The moment he thinks one should believe in his belief, then he becomes sneaky. His judgment becomes right then clouded.

Do you think our choice of belief just pops up from nothing? Some people are drawn to believe easily and would die in their firm belief. Some would die with fair amount of doubt believing that there is nothing out there.



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Post10 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote: How we can achieve immortality, what is it, how we can change our body into light if we say we were deities.

Sakshi: I am very keen to know if now you or any one else in Vishnu Party can change their body into light.
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Post11 Jan 2007

sakshidelhi wrote:I do not have any kind of problems why Brother Arjun asked our history related to the instititution. I welcome all the questions.. But when he made unpleased comment on the picture of our mother on which no one have given him right was something annoyed me...

Sister Sakshi,
Omshanti. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But I was only trying to know the stand of your party vis-a-vis the Shrimat given in the Murlis regarding display of photographs.

Secondly, I wish to know if you would like to read my comments on your views and if you would prefer to answer my questions on your posts made in this thread. If you don't like it I would stop posting in this thread.

If you do not want me to post in this thread then I would like the Admin. to permit me to start a thread in the PBK section so that PBKs like me could post their views on the philosophy of Vishnu Party. Everyone should be given a chance to defend himself/herself. If PBKs feel that they wish to comment on the views expressed by members/ representative of Vishnu Party, they should be allowed to do so in a dignified manner.

I would honour the decision of the Admin. &/or the suggestions of other members.

sakshi delhi

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Post11 Jan 2007

Om Shanti,

Arjun: As i said earlier i had no problem with your question to know about the history of Vishnu Party but with your comment on our mother which you are telling Srimat in Murli. i must tell you i have also gone through Murlis and i know how much people out there are following the Srimat of their Father which is said in the Murlis ... Anyways forget it.

i welcome you to post me . you can ask your queries but pls in diginified manner. Please ask some sensible qestions ...

Dear souls

i must tell you that the history of any institution whether be b.k, p.b.k or Vishnu Party it won't pay you the way towards God Shiva. It is only the Godly knowledge which is given directly by the god which is not said in any of the Vanis and Murlis ... which can help us.

Has any one has told us how we have come into this body? What we were? In case if it have been told by anyone but no one has imparted what will happen at the end of this iron age. Whether we will die or we we live. Whether this world would ever change.

This is the realisation course. Yes we can change our body into light this is what i m telling believe it or not. we will not die we can change our physical elements into supreme elments. But what is supreme elements many of them must be unaware???? You can experience this .. if all the readers have perhaps gone through my earlier post "GROSS BODY, LIGHT BODY AND INCORPOREAL FORM" then you must have realised what type of meditation we teaches through which we can change the World. This is can be done ... But

Note: Brother john i will surely give the answer of our question tomorrow without fail.

sakshi (

sakshi delhi

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supreme abode

Post13 Feb 2007

supreme abode,

In the Supreme abode there was no religion, no color, no elements, and no taste. But I told you the first 12 souls were created with 0.3% loss of power from the Supreme Soul. The first rightist soul Jupiter was the controller of Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharam. Jupiter is also the controller of the element ether. The ether controls other four elements. Similarly.
    Mercury - - - - Buddhism - - - -controller of the element water.
    Venus - - - - Islam- - - - controller of air.
    Mars - - - - Christianity - - - - controller of fire.
    Saturn - - - - Muslim - - - - no.
    Ketu - - - - Anchorites (Shankaracharya) - - - - no.
    Moon - - - - Sikhism - - - -no
    Rahu - - - - Atheism (not believe in the existence of God.) - - - -no.
The rest of the planets are merely exist .They have the religions, colors, taste and all but they are just in small quantities. These original seed created from the Supreme Soul were powerful but their dynasty was very weak.

Similarly Jupiter belongs to the master of yellow golden color and taste is sweet. This is very deep if you want to know just tell me I would tell you for the other soul also.
Mind you as I told earlier there were no such things in the supreme Abode. Nor actually these were the creation of these 12 souls. Actually these colors, taste and religion were the result of the dynasty of those souls. They are the Great Great grandfather of the following souls. Yes somewhere at some stage these 12 souls were responsible for the descend of this world. Because the seed of the thoughts was sowed by these 12 souls.

Thus the Jupiter is created at a loss of 0.5% supreme light. Before the creation of Jupiter, 24 souls are created and when the loss of supreme light is 0.8% the rosary of 108 souls of victorious souls get completed then comes the Mercury. When Venus is created at 99% the population dwells to 900 souls. It touches 1008 at a loss of 1.1%.

At 2% loss the Mars is created then population grows to 4032. When Supreme light reduced by 3.5% at the time of the creation of controller of Sikh religion, the population becomes 12096. When the power loss is 4% the rosary of 16108 souls is completed. When the supreme light reduced by 5.5% at the time of creation of Rahu the population begins to 9 lakhs which marks the beginning of Moolvatan. Which I would explain you in the next mail.

I guess you must be thinking what all this percentage and all. But this is must to know. Because how from that 100% light we come to 0%. And between all this percentage I have not told you how the supreme ether was created in the supreme Abode. Because I told you that from 100% , 0.3% of power souls and the ether (supreme element ) was created This also has further split.


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Post13 Feb 2007

Dear Sister Sakshi

Haven't heard from you in this forum for some time. Interesting post, mentioning about light, elements and power and this creation of souls in regard to these factors.

When it is mentioned that we are "embodiment of light" (as given in BK Murlis/Vanis), is this what Vishnu Party means that each soul is a complete body of light power ? Some other member in this forum mention that it is important for each soul to understand oneself first, and then recognising the form of Father (God) is easy.


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