Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Re: reply to our message

Post05 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:What is our aim? To change the world, so try it.


I have just been over to and see that you have spammed messages all over there as you did do here. I got a similar personal message from you. I have looked at your groups website but there is nothing of depth there.

Look, we are reasonable people. Please just communicate with us or please ask some other Vishnu Party member to post.
    • Tell us about the history of the Vishnu Party.
    • How it relates to the BKs and PBKs.
    • What its important knowledge is.
    • How Mr Patel came to realize that he is God.

sakshi delhi

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Post05 Jan 2007

HISTORY OF Vishnu Party

When the world tree is having human beings in the gross body of 5 elements in the corporeal from Then the seed must also be in the corporeal from of a human being. Isn’t it ? this is what the logic says.

In this world, every body has distinguished features or identity by which we recognize that person and say he is Mr so and so ... in the same way so must the No. 1 soul or the Supreme Soul or the seed of this world. Tree who must be having a gross body of 5 element must also have features distinguished from others, for the Purpose of identification. He must have name of his body, particular shape etc. etc. It also proves that God is always with his children and this world is never an orphan or without parents.

But the question is who of identify him? The Gita says, "of thousands of men some rare soul strives to realize me, of those striving yogis, again some rare one [devoting himself exclusively to me] know me in reality". Gita 7:3 further Lord Krishna says, "veiled by my yogmaya [divine potency], I am not manifest to all hence this ignorant folk do not recognize me as the unborn and imperishable supreme spirit. [ i.e. take me to be subject to birth and death] Gita 7:25.

While playing different roles in different births, everybody forgets the identification of god. When everybody has lost his indentification, how to recognize him ?

God himself gives his indentification / introduction. Now, if someone says, "I am God, how to believe him?" It must be well borne in mind that it is only though knowledge that we can recognize god. What knowledge will he give ?

God will not impart that knowledge which is already available in the world. He will give us transcendential knowledge or metaphysical knowledge. He will tell us the mystery of the Three Worlds, creation of human beings and other species, plants, trees, stars, planets, story of rise and fall of soul, method to rise [or to achieve the lost status] or how to became deity, what is thought power, history and geography of the world from the beginning of the world drama until end, summary of all scriptures and that knowledge which no human being can give. Thus, knowledge is the basis of identification.

Also there are certain identification marks given in the Vanis [The Knowledge given by Brahma Kumari Institution] which can assist us in identifying the Supreme Soul. It is in this Supreme Soul that spiritual knowledge emerges by which he himself and other souls elevate and became pure from impure. The number one soul is striving in gross body to make himself and others pure by knowledge and meditation. It was by this number one soul that Brama Kumaris Godly University was established in 1936-37 by spending his own money in his previous birth. He was then known by the name PIU.

He remained in the institution after founding that institution. He imparted knowledge to the then followers. It is also confirmed by the Vanis. There were however, two types of groups in the institution; one group was of noble souls just as that of vishwamitra, vashist. It was in this group that PIU was leading. The other groups consisted of souls like ravana, kumbkaran, meghnath etc. The second group did not allow the first group to function properly. Ultimately, PIU was expelled. After the removal of PIU, the second group took the reins of the institution in their hand. So The Knowledge imparted by PIU recollected at 2 am during night and then written along with their own thoughts mixed therein. It is referred to as jarasindhi which means old sindhis in the scriptures.

This PIU was reborn in 1956 in Gujarat. Reference about 1956 is also available in the Vanis, "the physical birth of Laxmi-Narayana is 10 years less 5000 years." These lines are found in the Vanis of the 1966 That means Narayan must have taken birth in 1956. This gives idea about age of the Supreme Soul. In childhood, he lived in a village since childhood this Supreme Soul had love and affection for the other filling of fraternity, mercy to all. Such noble resolves were found in him since childhood. After completing education, he joined the profession of an advocate. Then in Vani dated 18-11-1993 it was said, "instead of king, you became very good advocate". Leading homely and professional life, this soul joins the Brahma Kumaris Institution again in 1986. He was kept in highest esteem in the institution. He lent monetary support of the Brama Kumari Institution.

He gained knowledge and practiced meditation. But was not satisfied. Then he joined the so-called Shankar Party PBK Yadav Dynasty in 1994. He felt that knowledge some what refined there and got a new line of thinking. But he felt diversity in speech and action in that party. Therefore he left that party though he helped a lot financially to that party too. Having not found the answer to his question he was dissatisfied. He studied a lot to find answer but could not. It was 31st December 1996.

Then in January 1997, while living in solitude at his residence, he thought deeply about what should be done. Then real knowledge started emerging. Along with the emergence of divine knowledge, he got glimpses of divine visions of Three Worlds. His own body of light, then he started propagating this knowledge among others since March 1997. The points explained by him were now getting confirmation from the Vanis being spoken at Mount Abu [BK]. This started giving confirmation of divine knowledge to the listeners. Though these points were explained by him in 1995-96, yet listeners could not understand. By now 70-80 person were regular listeners but they too did not give importance.

Then in August 1997 in Ranip, Ahmedabad, a house was taken on rent and classes were being conducted there on regular basis . people started coming from other states . the number of listeners went on increasing so the Supreme Soul decided to establish a permanent center for the propagation of this divine knowledge. A residential center was thus established at Chenpur, Ahmedabad. People started coming from all over the world. In the Vani dated 24-01-1970, it is written “ Ahmedabad is the nerve centre [seed] of all center], then in 5-07-1975 "there are 108 temples of Swaminarayan, there will be offerings in abundance, it must be going to the chief trustee, he should be traced, he must be lining in Ahmedabad", then in the Vani 1-03-1999 it is said, "some times BapDada goes to job also looks after centre, after coming from job gets tired, get refreshed after some time and come to centre to take care of it". "I come at the age of 60 years", 60 years means, 60 years after the establishment of Brahma Kumaries Institute. That means 1996-97, it can not refer to Dada Lekhraj because he has already expired, whereas present tense indicates a living being. So with the signs given, we can come to the conclusion that Supreme Soul should be from Ahmedabad, must have been born in 1956, must be an advocate. With those indication we can identify the Supreme Soul.

Some people come to the centre at Chenpur gain some knowledge and present themselves before the world as God. They are bound to be utter failure because lies can not face the truth. Now this number one souls plays 3 part at 3 different times. That is whay it is said, "the residents of Trimurti is one". It means the role of Brahma, Vishnu and Sankar are played by one and only one soul but at 3 different times. When the Supreme Soul has the stage between 0 and 8 celestial degrees, then it is the stage of Brama. It is in this stage that he imparts knowledge. It is said Brahma created the new world in thoughts. Even for emanation of thoughts too the person must exist. Those who listen directly from Brahma, they are called spoken dynasty of Brahma. When the Supreme Soul has the stage between 8 and 14 celestial degrees, then he plays the role of Sankar with the body of light in suksham vatan. That is why it is said, "if at all you want to meet Shankar, then you will have to go to suksham vatan".

In mool vatan, the Supreme Soul is in the combined form of Laxmi-Narayan or Vishnu between14 & 16 Celestial degrees. Beyond 16 celestial degrees, this body of light of Vishnu became incorporeal in the Supreme Abode and is called Shiva. It is in this stage that the soul became actionless thoughtless and emotionless, virtueless. It is in the form of power and power alone. This is the original stage while comeing down it is first incorporeal form then body of light and lastly gross body. The stories found in scripture about Ram-Krishna, Vishnu, Shankar etc. are the stories of roles played by the Supreme Soul in different ages. His spiritual partner might also played with him the roles of Sita, Radha, Lakshmi etc. Therefore taking cognizance of opportunity, know supreme god father-mother, recognize and draw the luck line as long as you can to avoid disappointment afterwards.



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Post05 Jan 2007

Ah! The astonishing capacity of human mind to delude itself!! A believer is one who does not allow reason to cloud his judgment!!!



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Post06 Jan 2007

Ooops ... where are we heading ... The search for the ultimate reality is ... well ... i have no comments! I guess even if God appears before me and claims "I am God"... I would only end up questioning him rather than rejoicing in bliss ...

Dear Sakshi,

Do you have a centre/representative in Bangalore/Chennai (India) where I can get your knowledge.



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Post06 Jan 2007

Dear Sister Sakshi

Thank you for giving some history of the Vishnu Party.
sakshi Delhi wrote:What is our aim? To change the world, so try it.

How much time do we have to change the world ?

sakshi delhi

Vishnu party

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Post06 Jan 2007

Dear souls

we have only one main centre in Ahmedabad, India. Although we have many members from all over the Globe carrying some knowledge and meditation at their residences. Also there are members from BKs and PBKs who do not want to expose themself because they are afraid from their concern institution.

Though the members coming from the BKs and PBKs to extract knowledge find difficulty in grasping The Knowledge initially but latter they take it correctly and carry our knowledge very well and strongly. For taking knowledge you have to come Ahemdabad only. But if not possible we can make best efforts to provide you with The Knowledge at your convenience. but I am sure the keen person would make anything if he/she is really interested in getting knowledge and to know himself and God ...

Question being asked by one dear soul, How much time we have to change the world? Answer is:- our ceremonial performance was established in 1936. In the Murlis it is said that Sangam Yug is for 100 years. So accordingly we have time till 2036. But we souls will not wait until 2036 as you can see that this world is not worth living. We have to do something. We have to take our responsibility. We teach that meditation through which we can change this world. I'll tell you how. In the Murlis it is written "sva parivartan hi vishwa parivartan hai" now we are in 5 elements body if we change our physical elements in supreme elements (light body), the world will also change but we need 108 souls to carry this job because these 108 seed souls are responsible for decline of the world and when they all sit together in Yoga (light bodies) certainly the world going to be change ...

I hope you have got the answer ...

Om Shanti

sakshi delhi

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Post06 Jan 2007


In the beginning of the World Drama, God is power and only power in a corporeal form. He is called Shiva. The incorporeal power has combined, boundless light and boundless might. Here the Might was also in a form of light from him, come out different souls , who too are in incorporeal form. With the passage of time and continuing sub-division of power, the number of souls created go on increasing in the Supreme Abode, i.e. Paramdham. In Paramdham, the souls is incorporeal above feelings, thoughts, emotions and actions. After a long time with the emergence of the thoughts like ‘Who am I?’, the incorporeal form of God starts transforming into a body of light with shape. But that light body is full of energy. The other souls following the same suite acquire the body of light with definite shape and descend from Supreme Abode to the Moolvatan. Here thoughts come in the mind, thereby decreasing the power of the light. The decrease in the power of light leads the formation of supreme elements. Thus, light goes on decreasing and the corresponding supreme elements goes on increasing. With the further thoughts of creation, more and more souls are created leading to increase in population in the Moolvatan.

After a long a time when the power of soul diminishes fro 16 celestial degrees to 14 celestial degrees, the souls descend from Moolvatan to Subtle Region, other subtle organs of soul come up. The colour of the souls also changes from golden in the Moolvatan to white in Suksham Vatan. Until now the souls created are in combined form of light and might. But with the continuing downfall due to loss of the power in the creation of the new souls and atmosphere of supreme elements, the souls which were 14 celestial degrees in the beginning of the Sukshamvatan gradually fall to 9 celestial degrees. The Supreme light which was 100% initially, now reduces to 49% and might which was initially 0% now becomes 51%. The might gives a jerk to light and gets separated from the light from in the combined and thus male and female are created. But still it is the body of light. With further loss of power, due to use of thoughts add new creation, the souls power become weaker and weaker and at 8 celestial degrees the soul fall from heaven (light world) an takes gross body of five elements and come on this earth. The Supreme Soul also acquires body of five elements.

The corporeal world begins at 8 celestial degrees. It is here that the body of light now gets a cover of five elements. This world of five elements that marks the beginning of The Cycle of birth and death. There was no death in the world of light as we did not have bodies of five elements. We were in the unmanifest form. Here we transfer from unmanifest to manifest, thus every souls which descended from Heaven is trapped in The Cycle of birth and rebirth. Fresh souls are also created and the population goes on increasing. Here it is to be noted that the whole power which was originally one power as God Shiva that power has also descended to this world. At the end of the world drama, when all the souls have fallen to 0 celestial degrees, the divine knowledge emerges in the number One soul and he spreads that knowledge among his divine children.

Now let us analyse what we have stated here above. God is initially in the form of light (with the might in the combined form) in the incorporeal form. Those who claim God to be in the incorporeal and of light, e.g. Christians say God is Light, Brahma Kumaris say God is incorporeal. What is wrong? Nothing, they are absolutely correct. Similarly those who have seen God in the embodied form would say God is not incorporeal. Are they wrong? No. At this stage, if someone says God is not omnipresent. Will it be wrong? No. Since everything in this world tree was created originally from one power (seed) so that power in the form of force is working in everything or in other words, we can say everything is made from one source, one force. What is wrong if taking this view, someone claims God to be omnipresent? Nothing wrong (as Arya Samaj claims). Still another one, who has seen (Supreme Soul) in the last stage at 0 celestial degree if he says, God is embodied. Is he wrong ? Certainly Not.

But what about those who are atheists or who do not believe in the existence of God, e.g. Jains, Buddhist? They believe in the theory of action. Such persons has seen only embodied form of the Supreme Soul who acquire the original stage of incorporeal light in the reverse process of going up by the virtue of action. They seen Jiv becoming Shiva on the basis of action. Therefore if they say that only action is important , action is supreme because they have seen God in embodied form doing actions and acquiring the highest glory through purification of deeds. Thus their claim that only action is important, they are also right. Because they had seen a human being who acquired the status of Supreme Soul. Therefore their assertion that there is no God, cannot be said to be wrong. The Jains and Buddhist have laid emphasis on the drama part of knowledge. Therefore, they had denied existence of God. And because of the souls are also created with mixing of energies therefore their claim that there is no soul, this is also true because they have laid emphasis on the process part or methodology involved in the formation of the soul. Since the drama moves continuously, if they claim that everything is temporary, are they wrong? No. there is nothing permanent like soul. From the angle of drama they are right.

Now in the reverse process of going up what happens the gross body of human beings get converted into light body and then that light body becomes incorporeal (Shiva) and merges take place. The souls which were created, get merged into their seeds and finally all are merged in One Supreme Soul. And again it becomes a pool of power in the Supreme Abode. Thus the unending drama of world repeats periodically.

Now once again the souls get merged in the absolute or the Supreme Soul to form one pool of power, we find Jiva becoming Shiva. At this stage, all the souls merged in Shiva are now part of one bigger light or drop becoming an ocean. Therefore if someone says Shivohum, he is also not wrong. Similarly those who accept soul to be god or in another words, those who says soul is God they are also not wrong, because the soul has ultimately merged in one seed soul finally.
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Re: HISTORY OF Vishnu Party

Post07 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:It was by this number one soul that Brama Kumaris Godly University was established in 1936-37 by spending his own money in his previous birth. He was then known by the name PIU ... He remained in the institution after founding that institution. He imparted knowledge to the then followers ... This PIU was reborn in 1956 in Gujarat ... He joined the so called Sankar Party PBK Yadav Dynasty in 1994 ... Therefore he left that party though he helped a lot financially to that party too ... So with the signs given, we can come to the conclusion that Supreme Soul should be from Ahmedabad, must have been born in 1956, must be an advocate with those indication we can identify the Supreme Soul ... Some people come to the centre at Chenpur gain some knowledge and present themselves before the world as God ... The stories found in scripture about Ram-Krishna ,Vishnu ,Shankar etc. are the stories of roles played by the Supreme Soul in different ages. His spiritual partner might also played with him the roles of Sita Radha Lakshmi, etc.
OK ...
    • What does PIU mean?
    • What was his name?
    • What was Lekhraj Kirpalani doing at this time pre-1956?
    • Why does not PIU figure in BKWSU history?
    • How many breakaway groups from the Vishnu Party are there?

    • Who is this? See below?

So are you are telling us that this man is actually the God of all religions and are we meant to have Yoga by meditating on him?
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Post07 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:I have observed that many souls would like to know how we are linked with the BKs and the PBKs. But for your information, we are not personally linked with either of these institutions. We have our own institution and have different knowledge which is different from that of the BKs and PBKs.

Dear Sister,
Omshanti. The explanation that you have given in your posts dated 5th and 6th Jan'07 contradicts the statement that you have made in the above quote. While you have based your explanations on the Murlis of BKs and The Knowledge propagated by the PBKs, you say that you are not linked with any of these two groups. It is another matter that you have conveniently or deliberately avoided references to any Murli or Avyakt Vani or the BKs or PBKs in your website.
More comments in further posts as I do not have enough time to write in detail now.
ex-l wrote:So are you are telling us that this man is actually the God of all religions and are we meant to have Yoga by meditating on him?

Dear Brother, I am not sure if you are considering the person depicted above as Dashrath Patel Bhai or not, but actually this is a picture of an ex-PBK named Sushma mataji, a Punjabi lady from Delhi, who is probably believed to be the Jagdamba/Mother India in Vishnu Party. She used to be very close to the person whom PBKs believe to be the Mama/Jagdamba, i.e. Kamala Devi Dikshit.

Sister Sakshi should be able to guide as to when Baba has prohibited display of even Brahma's pictures, how could one display the picture of the mother, that too in an artificial make-up like this. They might have taken a cue from the BKs who feel pleased in decorating the Dadis and senior BKs with crowns, necklaces and deity like dresses.

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Re: HISTORY OF Vishnu Party

Post08 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:He remained in the institution after founding that institution. He imparted knowledge to the then followers ... After removal of PIU the second group took the reins of the institution in there hand. So The Knowledge imparted by PIU recollected at 2 A.M. during night and then written along with their own thoughts mixed therein.

Dear Sakshi

Where is The Knowledge imparted by PIU? Was it ever recorded like Vani of today?
Were you a BK or PBK before becoming part of the Vishnu Party?

sakshi delhi

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Post08 Jan 2007

Dear souls,

i have realized that this forum is meant to critise each other. I think there is no sincere and responsible person who is interested in this Godly knowledge. This is a complete waste of time and energy and we cannot afford to kill our time in this kind of stuff.

We have gone in BK and PBK for years. We know each and every person of it. We know every history behind BK and PBK but we do not want any kind of controversies, so we keep our mouth close. But i know you all are very much aware of it.

We as an institution at least have guts and truth that we have given the picture of our Maa, without fear, all over the globe. Could you please answer Brother Arjun why so called Kamla devi Dixit (Mama) has not come in front of everyone if she is believed and claim to be Jagatamba herself ... and again i want to make a point that we know the history of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit but we do not believe in critising anyone ...

As we say that we are not personally linked with the BKs and PBKs, I still stick to it ... again I am saying that I am not changing my words. But as you ask, why then we are quoting Muris and Vanis. I must make you clear that is because you all believe in Murli. We have already identified God and his true knowledge. We do not need any kind of papers to prove him God.

Could any one answer me why Baba cant say anything directly in the Murlis? Why does he make the things difficult to understand? If these mulis were truth and if Murlis can show the way to God, then why after so many years is God not being exposed in front of the whole world? Thats why if you notice we have not put any point from Murlis in your website ...

i think no one has the answer to satisfy me ... now i am no longer interested to be a member in this forum. Here no one really cares to listen anyone ... in this forum, no member want to get the Knowldge.

If there is anyone who is really interested to know the Godly Knowledge and wants to be a part of our institituion, we welcome you and extend our hand towards you, changing this world into heaven by enriching our soul with divine knowledge and Yoga ... Contact us:-
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Post08 Jan 2007

Dear Sakshi

Before anyone sensible will listen to The Knowledge properly they will want to know who is the source and what is the history. To expect some soul to just listen to knowledge without having some kind of credentials to it would I believe be futile. Especially here, we are hardened ex-BKs, fairy stories will not be entertained. Having said that, I am genuinely interested to hear what you have to say, but do I have to tread so gently as to not scare you off?

Does Godly knowledge not give power and the power to face? At least souls here have shown an interest, would you get that on any other forum?



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Post08 Jan 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:BEGINNING OF WORLD DRAMA. After a long a time when the power of soul diminishes fro 16 celestial degrees to 14 celestial degrees, the souls descend from Moolvatan to Subtle Region, other subtle organs of soul come up. The corporeal world begins at 8 celestial degrees. It is here that the body of light now gets a cover of five elements.

Dear Sister Sakshi,

I am very curious to know a bit more about your above statement. Who wrote this story? And how come I never hear of it in any Murli/Vani?

To say that the "corporeal world begins at 8 celestial degrees" is mind blowing ... from where did you get this one? Is it your churning or is it from the Murlis? Can you explain or maybe Mr Patel could come and explain it here or maybe your spiritual mother has an explanation for these revelations ... Since you place the picture of your spiritual mother can you also place the picture of your spiritual Father (Mr. Patel) here?!

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Mr Green


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Post08 Jan 2007

Please don't go, I am fascinated to hear more knowledge.



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do not go..

Post08 Jan 2007

Dear Sister,

me too, I want to hear what your have to say ... stay with us!

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