Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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new world

Post06 Jul 2007

Brother beejroop, I've asked a very simple question. Go to the article, 'F (t) = F(t + IT). And please tell 'What's the exact & perfect value of T'? Is this very serious question not to be answered in this forum? You requested me to come to Ahmedabad to get COMPLETE answer of this question. This means that you have complete answer of that query. Then what's problem to give the value of 'T' in this thread? Let other forum members also know the value of 'T'.

You stated that Sakshi behn will send me e-mail to answer me. Dear Brother beejroop & Sister Sakshi, I am not so selfish to be answered my queries for alone myself. I've quoted queries for the goodwill of all forum members & not for alone myself. Sakshi behn please let all forum members know the answers which you are going to mail me?

Again I request you both beejroop & Sakshi not to be very aggressive in this forum. Your constant attack has created such a psychological effect on forum members that nobody wants to listen you. Please be co-operative even in climax possition. Initially, I was very agressive & badly criticised PBKs. But Arjunbhai never undermined me & he treated me respectfully. When a discussion in any thread reaches to 'climax situation', Sister bansy appeares on the scene & she very beautifully, cleverly & carefully handles the situation, so that the 'hot' situation becomes 'cool'. Beejroopbhai try to handle 'crises' like Arjunbhai & Sister bansy.
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abrahma kumar

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Post06 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Brother beejroop, I've asked a very simple question. Go to the article, 'F (t) = F(t + IT). And please tell 'What's the exact & perfect value of T'? Is this very serious question not to be answered in this forum? You requested me to come to Ahmedabad to get COMPLETE answer of this question. This means that you have complete answer of that query. Then what's problem to give the value of 'T' in this thread? Let other forum members also know the value of 'T'.

What a wheeze. Thanks new_world. I was coming here to post the single word "bananas" - just to ease the tension. But I, and paulkershaw, have been outdone. Did i ever imagine that i would see these words on the forum (and i quote): "Please be co-operative even in climax position". Tantra Bananas or what?! Go on read it for yourself if you think i made it up. Bananas with Splinter Group Chocolate Topping! Yummy.

(BTW I know that it is just a harmless quote but if we cant also have a little humour in our Godly Student life then what is it all about?

Yellow bananas ... and now we return to the "climax situation" ... give the value of 'T' in this thread? Let other forum members also know the value of 'T'.
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Post06 Jul 2007

Now where's that picture I had of a Big Red Beetroot mounting another? Hmmmmm ...
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abrahma kumar

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Go to the article, 'F (t) = F(t + IT).

Post06 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Now where's that picture I had of a Big Red Beetroot mounting another? ...

Up the T-junction, I suppose.
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abrahma kumar

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Vishnu Party Criticism ...?

Post08 Jul 2007

Interesting split of these posts from the main Vishnu Party thread and am not sure that it works for me.

Am i criticizing the Vishnu Party? For the sake of argument I am going to say "yes". But will a topic so named attract the Vishnu Party students to get involved. Or will it be ignored simply because the name implies that they will 'not benefit' from looking at it? Could this not turn the Vishnu Party Ahmedabad topic into a whitewashing exercise?

If non-Vishnu Party feedback on the Vishnu Party topic is seen only as criticism, then I beg to differ. I agree that the Vishnu Party being on the forum is a good thing but i disagree that my interaction with the topic is not of relevance to mainstream discussion of the Vishnu Party. Yes, it is sensitive aspect of our interaction here in cyberspace but the split doesn't work for me because we run the risk of making this topic into a sort of Vishnu Party cyber-ghetto. Ghettos are ignored except by those who dwell in them; and ghetto dwellers tend to be stigmatised by the remainder of society.

On the basis of the evidence I have seen, the Vishnu Party members have not shown me why and how such a split would aid their interaction on the forum. I will write later on why I do not think that my feedback on the Vishnu Party Ahmedabad topis has been purely critical. As I said, an interesting split of these posts from the main Vishnu Party thread but not sure that it works for me. I wonder what others think? I vote for the topics to be merged. Even if critical, my feedback has been accurate. I have no axe to grind with the Vishnu Party so why should i be especially directed to make only non-critical feedback about them.

Maybe we forget that the Vishnu Party members seem new to the chanics and ethos of participation on a forum. And it seems too that the Vishnu Party organisation has not yet worked out a public information strategy. Could it not be the case that all of these factors and more lead to a more authentic record of the group's development and engagement with the world via the www? By the way Vishnu Party, the loudest signal you can get from the world is that of silence.

Of course there is nothing stopping the Vishnu Party members from talking amongst themselves. Maybe when they get their 108 room bookings they will come over there and let us know what happens next.
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abrahma kumar

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Interesting Split of Vishnu Party Topic

Post08 Jul 2007

Interesting split of these posts from the main Vishnu Party thread and am not sure that it works for me. The point at which the split has been made just doesn't make sense.

Am I criticizing the Vishnu Party? For the sake of argument I am going to say "yes". But will a topic so named attract the Vishnu Party students to get involved. Or will it be ignored simply because the name implies that they will 'not benefit' from looking at it? Could this not turn the Vishnu Party Ahmedabad topic into a whitewashing exercise?

If non-Vishnu Party feedback on the Vishnu Party topic is seen only as criticism, then I beg to differ. I agree that the Vishnu Party being on the forum is a good thing but I disagree that my interaction with the topic is not of relevance to mainstream discussion of the Vishnu Party. Yes, it is sensitive aspect of our interaction here in cyberspace but the split doesn't work for me because we run the risk of making this topic into a sort of Vishnu Party cyber-ghetto. Ghettos are ignored except by those who dwell in them; and ghetto dwellers tend to be stigmatised by the remainder of society.

On the basis of the evidence I have seen, the Vishnu Party members have not shown me why and how such a split would aid their interaction on the forum. I will write later on why I do not think that my feedback on the Vishnu Party Ahmedabad topis has been purely critical. As I said, an interesting split of these posts from the main Vishnu Party thread but not sure that it works for me. I wonder what others think? I vote for the topics to be merged. Even if critical, my feedback has been accurate. I have no axe to grind with the Vishnu Party so why should I be especially directed to make only non-critical feedback about them.

Besides all of this the point at which the split was made just doesn't make sense.

Maybe we forget that the Vishnu Party members seem new to the mechanics and ethos of participation on a forum. And it seems too that the Vishnu Party organisation has not yet worked out a public information strategy. Could it not be the case that all of these factors and more lead to a more authentic record of the group's development and engagement with the world via the www? By the way Vishnu Party, the loudest signal you can get from the world is that of silence.

Of course there is nothing stopping the Vishnu Party members from talking amongst themselves. Maybe when they get their 108 room bookings they will come over there and let us know what happens next.
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Post08 Jul 2007

Purely on the basis of Forum guidelines, whilst wishing to remain impartial, the Vishnu Party have been requested to address the many valid questions that have been raised on this topic for them.

To allow them to do so, we have temporarily removed the reactions of other forum members so that they are not offended nor distracted by them. If Vishnu Party members will now take this opportunity of a moment of peace to engage in a honest discussion, it would be very much appreciated.

As ex-BKs or ex-PBKs, Vishnu Party members are welcome to post on this forum. But please be aware that the purpose of the forum is for documenting and discussing issues arising from experiences with the Brahma Kumaris and not merely the publicity of your own website or ideas.

Thank you.
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abrahma kumar

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Shanti Split of Vishnu Party Topic

Post08 Jul 2007

Thanks Admin for the feedback.


Post09 Jul 2007

Admin wrote:Purely on the basis of Forum guidelines, whilst wishing to remain impartial, the Vishnu Party have been requested to address the many valid questions that have been raised on this topic for them.

To allow them to do so, we have temporarily removed the reactions of other forum members so that they are not offended nor distracted by them. If Vishnu Party members will now take this opportunity of a moment of peace to engage in a honest discussion, it would be very much appreciated.

Vishnu Party does not see honesty into this kind of discussion
As ex-BKs or ex-PBKs, Vishnu Party members are welcome to post on this forum. But please be aware that the purpose of the forum is for documenting and discussing issues arising from experiences with the Brahma Kumaris and not merely the publicity of your own website or ideas.

It is very important to publicise one's ideas for knowing the truth. Vishnu Party should not be restricted by this forum to publicise the Truth of New World, New Knowledge which was hitherto not elucidated by BK and PBK because of whatever reasons is now being provided by Supreme Father and this fact must be known by everybody out here. It is not publicising. It is making you guys aware of the truth.

So far you studied in nursery ( BK), school/college (PBK), and now you should study Ph.D. (Vishnu Party). What is so hullbaloo on this? This is an invitation through the good channel of this forum and no body should have objection to this publicity. The forum should not be restricted merely on criticism of BK.


Post09 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Brother beejroop, I've asked a very simple question. Go to the article, 'F (t) = F(t + IT). And please tell 'What's the exact & perfect value of T'?

T is millions of years since creation . Vishnu Party does not believe in 5000 years of drama, and every Kalpa is millions of years of duration. Supreme Father teaches us essence of Vedas and Shastras and those cannot be lies. So here Vishnu Party's knowledge, based on divine vision of Supreme Father, corroborates Shastras in terms of ages of yugas
his very serious question not to be answered in this forum?

I can answer the genuinely put questions in this forum and not the ones which are meant for simply leg pullings
You requested me to come to Ahmedabad to get COMPLETE answer of this question. This means that you have complete answer of that query.

Still it is necessary to come to Ahmedabad to meet and listen directly from Supreme Mother and Supreme Father because along with knowledge they give power also so that you can also realise the TRUE DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. Listening from the source of knowledge is important. I have also known Vishnu Party a week back and believed this knowledge imediately, still I have gone to Ahmedabad to seek power of knowledge from Supreme Mother and Supreme Father, which is very important to do. You will get a lot of proof in Avyakt Vanis about "New World and New Knowledge" which even Avyakt BapDada has told in Ishaare
Then what's problem to give the value of 'T' in this thread? Let other forum members also know the value of 'T'.

There is no problem. I have already provided .
You stated that Sakshi behn will send me e-mail to answer me. Dear Brother beejroop & Sister Sakshi, I am not so selfish to be answered my queries for alone myself.

Good that you are "Paramarthi"( I believe you mean it)
I've quoted queries for the goodwill of all forum members & not for alone myself. Sakshi behn please let all forum members know the answers which you are going to mail me?

Again I request you both beejroop & Sakshi not to be very aggressive in this forum. (When the elementary knowledge is discussed with so aggressiveness, The Knowledge which Vishnu Party is providing is a very high knowledge given by Supreme Father , it has to be told with authority. You may mean it aggressiveness. It is not so. Your constant attack has created such a psychological effect on forum members that nobody wants to listen you.

How do you know? Only few well known ids of the forum are not ready to listen to us and they are the stumbling blocks
Please be co-operative even in climax position.

I am co-operative.
Initially, I was very agressive & badly criticised PBKs. But Arjunbhai never undermined me & he treated me respectfully. When a discussion in any thread reaches to 'climax situation', Sister bansy appeares on the scene & she very beautifully, cleverly & carefully handles the situation, so that the 'hot' situation becomes 'cool'.

Handling situation is different than providing the true knowledge with authority. I have counteracted the leg pulling very strongly and I will do so because I know I am spreading the true knowledge .
Beejroopbhai try to handle 'crises' like Arjunbhai & Sister bansy

It is not mandatory to copy them as they are leg pullers.
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abrahma kumar

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Is the forum merely a place for criticism of BK?

Post09 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Vishnu Party should not be restricted by this forum to publicise the Truth of New World , New Knowledge which was hitherto not elucidated by BK and PBK because of whatever reasons is now being provided by Supreme Father and this fact must be known by everybody out here. It is not publicising. It is making you guys aware of the truth. So far you studied in nursery (BK), school/college (PBK) and now you should study Ph.D. (Vishnu Party). What is so hullbaloo on this? This is an invitation through the good channel of this forum and no body should have objection to this publicity. The forum should not be restricted merely on criticism of BK.

I think you miss my point. I expressed my thoughts about the splitting of the Vishnu Party topics into "posts that are deemed crtiical" and ... what? What is the other topic for?

If I see this site as a place in which 'restricted merely criticism of BK" then i wonder whether my being here is a 'constructive' thing? One observation could well be that it is this erroneous view of the site which introduces itself us as a place for: Mutual support, independent discussion .... So far I have no evidence that this stated purpose is a mis-representation.

As for the hullabaloo point, again my jaundiced opinion sees that as typical of a tendency to denigrate any feedback that does not accord with a particular agenda. If I do have an agenda it is a personal one - not one in which the views of any organisation are promoted.

Lastly, in my post I said that the split did not work for me and that i could not see sense in the point in which the line was drawn. I also expressed the opinion that that if there was room to reconsider the split then i would vote for a re-merger of the threads. Being blinded by my own oblox I see this as being very different from asking for there to be a vote. However, since then I have seen the light so to speak: The Vishnu Party topics are fine just as they are. Happy posting all.


Post09 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I suppose you forgot to answer the following questions of new_world while replying to his question on what he would eat on 10th July, 2007; How & when respected Dashrath Patel (Bapuji) realised that he is the Supreme Father?

In 1996-97
Is he beyond The Cycle of birth & death?

Yes, he comes only once on this earth through divine birth, that too transform this world
Is he omniscient?

It would be nice of you if you answer the above questions? I would like to add the following questions:

1. Does Mr. Dashrath Patel declare to his followers that he is the Supreme Father, i.e. God or is it his followers who believe him to be God?

It is the supreme Father within his body who has revealed that He is the supreme Father and Supreme Father has is the source of all creation
2. Do you call the versions of Mr. Dashrath Patel as Murlis or have you coined a new term for it?

New Knowledge. He also takes references of Murlis but whatever knowledge he gives is based on the divine visions he get in the Avyakt form in Sakar
Can you produce his versions on this forum?

Please see the video of Maa and Parampita in the website, part2.htm, part3.htm and 3shareer.htm (of Parampita which is in Hindi)
3. If he is God, then, can he answer the querries related to Yagya history asked by Brother ex-l?

He can answer any of your queries
4. Do you believe the Murlis spoken through Dada Lekhraj, the Avyakt Vanis spoken through Gulzar Dadi and the clarification Murlis spoken through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit also to be God's words?

It is said through God rays. Not directly through God. These are mixed Vanis(not purely that of God but through them we can get the introduction of "Supreme Father" and " World Transformer"
5. If he is God, then will he not leave the present body?

He will become Avyakt after transforming this world through 108 seeds who are the cause of creation of this world
Or will he get transformed to an angelic body? If so, will he remain in this world or leave for the heavenly abode?

He will proceed to Param Dham
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Post09 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Handling situation is different than providing the true knowledge with authority. I have counteracted the leg pulling very strongly and I will do so because I know I am spreading the true knowledge .

You never answered the question about your previous membership as mokshakiprapti.

Reading the two threads, in your last incarnation you said that, "I had left BK in 1990 and left PBK in 2001. Got married and still doing meditation on Supreme Soul individually".

Then, this time as beejroop, you joined this forum as a PBK and then in a miraculous 2 days became an official spokesman for the Vishnu Party.

If we put this into the pot with all the history that "God Patel" and your organization has had attacking the PBKs, then I think we have a good overall picture of where you are coming from.

Is there any relationship between honesty and clarity, and truth? Or does anything go when you are guided by the Supreme Father?
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Post09 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote: 4. Do you believe the Murlis spoken through Dada Lekhraj, the Avyakt Vanis spoken through Gulzar Dadi and the clarification Murlis spoken through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit also to be God's words? ( It is said through God rays. Not directly through God. These are mixed Vanis( not purely that of God but through them we can get the introduction of "Supreme Father" and " World Transformer")

In all honesty Beejroop ~ this still doesn't make sense to me.

Surely it does not matter if one is receiving God's Rays or connecting directly with God then it is much the same thing?

Is not the Sun the same Sun for all? We are surely all are connected to the rays ~ or are you saying that a person can only receive part of The Knowledge from the rays and all The Knowledge directly only from God? Or is it only in certain persons 'fortune' to be able to connect directly with God whilst others are unfortunately only able to collect the light from a single ray? ~

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Secret Of Miracles

Post04 Aug 2007

Secret Of Miracles
God says" Neither I give something nor I take anything".Whatever is happening today in this world, you yourself can realize? T.V. is showing events about ghosts and evil spirits. Everyday TV is showing new serial about miracles and deeds of spirits. Today everyone has become fed up with the current world and wishes that he or she must not take rebirth. Therefore that particular soul keeps on roaming around the earth even after death. It is told in Gita that at the time of death whatever is thought by the soul, so becomes the state of the soul.

In this life there are unnatural deaths occurring and whosoever commits suicide they become a ghost or spirit. Who will give liberation to these spirits at the end of the creation? It is told in Gita" I descend to tell ways to Sadhus, saints and evil spirits the way to liberation."

So with this "Yoga" spirits and ghosts can be given liberation.
True events of spirits and ghosts
Example 1: Indrajal broadcasted by Zee News ( 15-7-07)
In this serial it was shown that there was a boy who was fed up of his ancestor so he went to an occultist. There came a boy’s ancestor into his body and announce that make a temple for me in which I can stay.
The answer is: From this example we understand that even after the death of a person and those who do not want to take re-birth they also need place to stay, things to eat and drink etc. That’s why in our India we find lots of temple of the Gurus,(dharma guru), Mahatma and Saints (sadhus) and not of God. There were 33 crore deities (devi-devta). Where have they gone? Actually these deities have become human beings and have forgotten their entity.

Example 2: India TV – News Channel
The length of garland on Saibaba’s photo increased from 3 ft to 11 ft. This happened in Noida Sector-16 and Sabarmati Ahmedabad
This miracle was shown in TV everywhere and the mystery behind this was not revealed by anyone. These all miracles are performed by Saibaba’s followers who had left this physical body and are roaming as spirits everywhere. They only want to boost their religion and wish to increase their followers. But these spirits have very limited powers. They cant do more than this .If they have so much powers then Why don’t they help to stop all the corruption, atyachar, papachar from the world. Why don’t they make these terrorist caught. Why they waste their energy in engaging themselves in showing these miracles. The answer to this is very simple these spirits have restricted powers. They can’t save this world. They don’t have The Knowledge to save this world. The God can only save this world from the disaster and this is the difference between the spirits and the Dharam pita founders of the different religion.

Example 3: India TV – News Channel
In news, a clip was shown in which it was telecasted that in an ashram a vagya had been conducted. There came a soul of mahatma (saint). That saint spirit was found sitting in the vagya. The saint had died 7 years ago. The saint was able to senn with the naked eyes sitting in the vagya. The clip was taken by a person from a mobile phone. This incidence proof that the spirits (bhoot, prêt) do exist. After looking this no one can deny their existence. Though they can’t be seen. Saint had power that if he wish to be seen by others then and then only he appeared in the vagya and in clip taken from the mobile. So to conclude that the souls when wish then only they would appear in front of any body otherwise they will not. When a person dies his sanskar (nature) goes with his soul. He performs according to his sanskar even after death.

Example 4: IBN 7 – News Channel
In this news 10 clips were shown made in foreign. It was clearly shown that one lady soul (spirit) was crossing the road. That lady soul met an accident. Then she thought why did God kill her? The soul determined to take revenge. On the same spot many accident happened due to this soul. This continued till the soul got satisfied. And another clip which depicts a small kid soul was playing in the home. The kid boy’s image was clearly seen in the TV. He was seems to play and roam in the house yard. Third clip shown, in which the soul was throwing the things kept on the table. No soul was appearing on the TV. But the things were flowing in the air.

Example 5: Zee News – Kaal Kapal Mahakal
In this episode they showed a person who can tell about anybody’s past, present and future. He can tell about person’s name, surname, native place, birth place, career, present salary, family member’s names and age, addresses etc. without even knowing about him beforehand. He can tell all these in the first sight itself? How is it possible? The answer is very simple. Our soul is a live recording video. The person who tells you the history has a soul (spirit) who helps them directly and indirectly. The spirit is a slave to a person who tells the history and the spirit has to act and work at a command of his master.

These occultists generally have the spirits under their control which tell the history and the way to solve the problem of the third person. These spirits have the body made up of three elements i.e. space (aakash), air (vayu) and fire(agni). Whereas we humans have 5 elementary body. So absence of the solid elements (water and earth element) in the spirits (also called ghost) being powerful then us can do anything and can easily tell the history of anyone.

The most important to note that any unnatural act (positive or negative) is beyond the capacity of the normal human being. He/she is supported by some three elementary body souls.

Example 6: Sahara News – Live telecast of Jyotish (Patel from Kheda district Gujarat). In that programme , people call this person in the studio of the news channel and want to know their future. Patel asks them date of birth, place and present time and location of the person asking question? After the complete inquiry the person, Patel translates all those in Gujarati language and then after he talks with a soul and after hen the soul answers in Gujarati, he translates back into Hindi and then gives the answer. It is very clear that this Jyotish uses some soul who helps him. Jyotish also told that he has Mataji’s power who answers the questions. In today’s world each and every Jyotish, occultist and magician has such a spirit or soul to help them.

Example 7:
In Christian religion too, now a days lot of miracles are being shown. The number of Christian souls must not decrease is the motive of the spirits who are loyal to Christian religion so they help to keep the population of Christianity constant by doing miracles. Even in the religion of Islam, small miracles are seen in some Dargah or Mosque quite often. These all miracles are to keep the number of the followers constant or increased.
Some Guru’s soul comes in the dreams of the disciple and orders him to make a temple for him. After the temple is built, Guru’s soul resides in that temple and remedies the pains and sorrows of his disciples and fulfills the desires of his disciples. Today after each temples the same story of miracles goes on.

Example 8: Drinking of milk by the idol of Lord Ganesha, Falling of tears from the eyes of idol of Lord Hanuman, Falling of tears from the eyes of idol of Miss Mary, Ocean’s water getting sweet, emergence of honey from the eyes of idol of Saibaba, we see and listen such type of news on almost daily basis. Then who is responsible for them? Now it has become clear that ghosts and spirits are ruling the universe today.Science may not agree with this today as this knowledge is beyond science.

Our Shashtras (Classical texts) have also reaffirmed the existence of ghosts and spirits. ( Refer : " Punarjanma and Parlok, Gita Press, Gorakhpur). In this book it has been told that a soul is 2000 years old, another is 5000 years old and someone is one Kalpa old. If God had come in only one religion, he would have shown miracle in only one religion.Why He would have shown miracles in all the other religions?

Open Your Eyes:-
So Brothers and Sisters, open your eyes. Whatever soul thinks at the time of death, so will be his or her Gati ( State). Terrorists souls help terrorists only. If a terrorist dies, he helps terrorists in intensifying terrorism. They are helping Osama Bin Laden by entering into the terrorists bodies. If you want to save the world from evil spirits, you have to give liberation to these souls. This will be possible only when you will get divine vision and divine knowledge of the Supreme Soul through which you can give salvation (moksh) to the evil spirits

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