Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

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Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive 'End of the World' Cult?

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Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post26 Jan 2010

Following a request made, in this topic, and from Dr. Robert J. Lifton's common properties of potentially destructive and dangerous cults ...

    The cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority.
    The cult's leaders tend to be charismatic, determined, and domineering. They persuade followers to drop their families, jobs, careers, and friends to follow them. They then take over control of their followers' possessions, money, lives.
    The cult's leaders are self-appointed, messianic persons who claim to have a special mission in life.
    The cult's leaders center the veneration of members upon themselves.
    The cult tends to be totalitarian in its control of the behavior of its members.
    The cult tends to have a double set of ethics.
    The cult has basically only two purposes, recruiting new members and fund-raising.
    The cult appears to be innovative and exclusive.


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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post26 Jan 2010

And are we able to do something about it?
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post26 Jan 2010

Mostly, no. All you can do is educate people in advance to stop them being sucked in by it.

It is just something that some human beings seem to do as a certain point in the evolution ... starting, running or being a member of a small, passionate cult.

Millenarianism (the belief in the End of the World) is just another "meme" which humanity has created, like a mental virus.

Like a virus, it is passed on from generation to generation, from community to community, and it can change itself to suit new local environments. It has been passed down for several thousand years.

I do not know this to be true ... but I suspect Lekhraj Kirpalani pick up the 'End of the World' mental virus from some Christians in India. It, and the monotheistic supremacism of Brahma Kumarism, is not particularly Hindu in nature. Perhaps it is a Islamic ... which was the dominant culture in the Sind where he grew up ... but again, I don't know.
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post26 Jan 2010

How do you vote on a poll?
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post26 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:Mostly, no. All you can do is educate people in advance to stop them being sucked in by it.

Education for followers who have been brainwashed into believing that faith means rejecting education.
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post11 Feb 2010

I suppose in the name of fairness we should have another poll, "Are the Brahma Kumaris a ... CREATIVE ... End of the World Cult?

Do you not see the little 'radio buttons' to vote with Ray?
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post12 Feb 2010

I eventually figured it out but I cannot tell you how exactly because the button doesn't always show up on the page. There is no active link.

By the way, I would definitely agree that the BK is creative AND cunning. Creatively cunning.
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post14 Feb 2010

Speaking of creative... more on the topic of using creative means to publicise the BK. Some of the work by these people would be fine if it weren't connected to the BK.

But the fact that they are connected to a cult vastly diminishes their credibility based on all the facts that have been discovered and documented on this forum. ... ces_3.html ... asses.aspx
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post15 Feb 2010

rayoflight wrote:Speaking of creative... more on the topic of using creative means to publicise the BK. Some of the work by these people would be fine if it weren't connected to the BK. But the fact that they are connected to a cult vastly diminishes their credibility based on all the facts that have been discovered and documented on this forum.

I had a look at the links and the Marneta Vegas video and site.
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Says it all, does not it? No, actually, it does not.

What I take from it first is how the power of wealth is used to impress ... the big country house in the background, the marvelous stairs and how the BKWSU are obviously sanctioning the commercialisation of spirituality. They have their god's picture on the wall ... why would one non-BK be allowed to rent their property and not ANY non-BK? I suspect the answer is that it is good for the BKWSU's business ... they are desperate for any facade that adds value and distracts from their real message.

The kids are, essentially, being enculted ... "groomed" in pedophiliac terms ... into Brahma Kumarism at a level children could be.

It is a skill and business that was developed out of children's classes at the BKWSU.

The other phenomena we see are all these co-relational business interests being set up around the temple of Brahma Kumarism. It takes us back to the Biblical stories of Jesus having to kick out the money lenders from the synagogues in his day. How do we interpret that?

Is it the normalisation of Brahma Kumarism ... is it a continued insidious invasion of society ... is it a deterioration in standards and a contradiction of their own teachings ... or is it just a confidence of the leadership after having accomplished the creation of their own financial security?

What all the undemocratic "strictness" before really just about that ... the Brahma Kumari leadership ensuring that they became financially secure at others cost by, for example, stepping into the position of gurus over their flocks?
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post15 Feb 2010

The video interview you are refering too, with Marneta working with children, would be fine IF it weren't set in the BKWSO Oxford retreat center.

Fortunately, not all children will be at risk of being "hooked in" according to this article:

"Scientists have identified areas of the brain that, when damaged, lead to greater spirituality."
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post15 Feb 2010

Why is the Relax Kids video being filmed in the Brahma Kumaris Oxford Retreat centre? It is a charity. She is a private business and not following Shrimat. Is it nepotism because her mother was a BK or are they trying to reach out to kids? Some of those techniques are actually techniques used for hypnotic induction.

Would an Indian Sister in India who left to get married and have a full sexual relationship be allowed to use the local BK center to run her business?

I take it from all the demi-BKs referred to, and the logo, this is might also be a "demi-BK" soul business ... The Reach Approach? I had to smile at Marneta being quoted ABOVE Mother Theresa!
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post16 Feb 2010

The BKWSO is elitist, nepotistic and hypocritical and makes no qualms about it. On the contrary, they proudly flaunt themselves and toot their own horns at any given chance. A sign of lack of common sense and basic intelligence. Marneta is recently married but continues to work with the BKWSO.

The work she is doing with children, as mentioned earlier, would have been fine if it weren't connected to the BKWSO. But, it is quite possible that she would not have been able to reach such success without the BKWSO either. So therefore, her work, at its heart and soul, is a BK operation from conception to inception to delivery. Children should have the opportunity to learn how to relax, but children are also the youngest victims of any circumstance. The BK is no exception.

BK followers who do service are rewarded with special attention especially if they are IP or VIP's. Favoritism is their way of showing their true colors: "bring us powerful souls and we will reward you."



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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post22 Mar 2010

rayoflight wrote:Speaking of creative... more on the topic of using creative means to publicise the BK. Some of the work by these people would be fine if it weren't connected to the BK. But the fact that they are connected to a cult vastly diminishes their credibility based on all the facts that have been discovered and documented on this forum. ... ces_3.html ... asses.aspx

I liked those links. Those were informative.
Jann wrote:And are we able to do something about it?

I engage in a discussion with the BKs and provoke them to think on 'undisclosed and hidden facts' of BK institution.
ex-l wrote:Why is the Relax Kids video being filmed in the Brahma Kumaris Oxford Retreat centre? It is a charity. She is a private business and not following Shrimat. Is it nepotism because her mother was a BK or are they trying to reach out to kids? Some of those techniques are actually techniques used for hypnotic induction.

Would an Indian Sister in India who left to get married and have a full sexual relationship be allowed to use the local BK center to run her business?

I take it from all the demi-BKs referred to, and the logo, this is also a "demi-BK" soul business ... The Reach Approach? I had to smile at Marneta being quoted ABOVE Mother Theresa!

When I was a BK, I had been to BK headquarters for service and had heard similar mind boggling stories. I would like to tell you that, "If defects are seen in the leaves, then definitely the problem lies in the roots of a tree". So the problem which you see in these BK centres are just a result of those in the headquarters (Madhuban).
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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post24 Mar 2010

Just had a look at the Reach website. Just what is the connection with the Brahma Kumaris?

This is a legitimate business with accredited therapists working with extremely vulnerable and damaged people.

It just horrifies me that that an organisation like the BKWSU is operating behind the scenes. Yes, they are a destructive end of the world cult. How many pies do they have their fingers in?


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Re: Are the Brahma Kumaris a destructive End of the World Cult?

Post11 Jul 2010

Think you're in a cul-de-sac, the end of the world is something near, and it is not an end but a transition time,

Be careful about this ...


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