Is an impartial website?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Do you consider to be impartial?

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It is impartial as it is possible to be.
It could be more impartial.
No, it is not impartial at all.
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Post27 Jan 2007

Dear Brothers,

Making the Murli public and revealing the secrets from within the BK is not a constructive task. So what if we do, what do we do next with it. We are left to play the bad ones with the revolutionary attitude. The task is not to damage anyone else’s work. We desire our own benefit and the benefit of others and it is in one only. Is this one present somewhere and where? This is constructive.

In the Murli, it is said that when there are small communities formed then this is the beginning of degradation. The correct idea cannot be priority to any community but to single personality. Only God is truth. BapDada has said that Brahmins can perform powerful transformation in one second if they have one and the same thought in one second, so they should be concentrated on the one in whom there is benefit for all who is the unlimited Father. All others souls are limited in the capacity to benefit others and they can perform opposite actions too.

Only one role of ShivBaba is such that there is benefit in each and every word, each and every action - always Shiva – always benefactor. All other souls are sinful – they have performed sins in the past and when these come to them – they feel unhappy. Only one soul is such that he has never performed any sin and is an ocean of happiness. This soul can relief our sins and make us happy when he plays a practical role which we can remember.

Brother John,

You imply the idea we should aim truth and can have a glimpse of it after having read all the Murlis and seeing all the points of view and knowing all the details, whilst the idea I can take from the Murlis is different. We can become complete with one Murli. Complete means soul-concious. Golden Age and Silver Age are called the land of truth where souls are soulconcious. This land is established by ShivBaba who is the only truth and deities become numberwise truthfull in imbibing his truth. Still each and every word of his is truthful – so we can know truth with even one point – Om Shanti, because of the one who says it. It is also said that we should not watch others, we should watch ourselves.
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Post27 Jan 2007

You imply the idea we should aim truth and can have a glimpse of it after having read all the Murlis and seeing all the points of view and knowing all the details, whilst the idea I can take from the Murlis is different. We can become complete with one Murli. Complete means soul-concious. Golden Age and Silver Age are called the land of truth where souls are soulconcious. This land is established by ShivBaba who is the only truth and deities become numberwise truthful in imbibing his truth. Still each and every word of his is truthful – so we can know truth with even one point – Om Shanti, because of the one who says it. It is also said that we should not watch others, we should watch ourselves.

So why not just have one Murli and be done with it?

May I remind you it was through the intensive work, churning and research of Murlis done by Virendra Dev Dixit that lead to the PBKs, whilst BKs were telling him not to bother, just like you are doing now.

Think about it ...



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Post27 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:I'd welcome some balance to the negative incidents..

Well, Admin could always make a start by applying a bit more fair-mindedness to what's already up there. Here's some ideas to get the ball rolling.

'Bi-sexual Priestess bankrolls Brahma Kumaris' - could also mention that the article is based on a Mail on Sunday story, (the UK's most right-wing tabloid, where if you and your friends don't happen to be all of CofE, conservative and hetrosexual then you can expect to be fair game) and therefore should be seen in context as part of the Mail's long standing Cherie Blair Smear campaign.

'BKWSU Media chief called to Wikipedia Arbitration' - could add that the wiki arbitration outcome was to unamiously place the article under probation and ban an editor with aggressively critical views on the BK, and that since then they are having to impose further editing restrictions on the article because he appears to be refusing to comply with his ban.
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Post27 Jan 2007

Dear Bert,

Hello. Since I am seing your post for the first time in this forum, I guess this is your first post and a positive one too. So, welcome to the forum. Hope to listen more from you.
ex-l wrote:Personally, I think the best tack is to post them here where they will be read by others anyway ... and keep banging on your own drum. Start a thread in the BK section for "Positive News". May be I am wrong to say it but, please do us all a favor and skip the bland press release / mailing list type stuff. I am serious, I am desparate to see real positive news come out of the BKWSU to balance all the other upsetting stuff.

I agree. If someone else does not do it. I am ready to do that and post any positive news that I gather from the BK magazines like Purity, Gyanamrit, etc.
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:an individual with no prior experience of the BKs who might be doing some research on them before going to one of their courses.

Thank you amaranthine. Your comments have made me think about the reason why I am here and whether my posts to-date, bear the 'slant' that you mention.

I have posted here as a self-confessed work-in-progress and somehow I cannot help but feel that the forum is okay exactly as it is. No, it is not perfect but - and I hope that i am not concluding erroneously - we all accept that or else we would not be here.

Please add your own 'flavor' to the forum by posting. Many of the posters on this site acknowledge the benefit that could be added to this place if more BKs did so.

Om Shanti

Abrahma Kumar


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Post27 Jan 2007

Some good ideas from everyone.

PBK Arjunbhai has already initiated a thread for positive news for the BK subforum (why did not a BK just do that ? :P ).

However, maybe we need some guidelines from Admin. After all, we have all been invited to use this webspace at his/her expense.

This forum is where most of the fun seems to be, but there is also the website, download section, the wikipedia etc that is used to gather information. How should this forum and the rest of the website be used and handled ?

Yoohoo ... Admin ?


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Post27 Jan 2007

I guess the answer to "neutrality" is simply for all people from all perspectives to post their opinions and discussion. This forum has allowed everyone from the entire spiritual spectrum to post, so if PBKs want to do so, they can, likewise BKs, and likewise ex-BKs. Hence the problem is not that the the forum has any slant or not, but that BKs, given their large numbers, are simply not participating for reasons unknown. It is surprising that there are only a few PBKs who can give added weight to "their" understanding, so BKs can also give weight to "their" understanding.

That is what I think neutrality means. If an individual with no prior esperience does some research comes across offcial BKWSU website, would that person get a "neutral" impression ?

Why do members fear of slants and impartiality and such like ? Where is this fear coming from ? Here is a forum that is open for everyone, and whilst there are complaints on how others are doing things, whereas one doesn't go ahead in making their own posts instead, is it in fear of reprisal ? How can you go onto the battlefield, in a body protection suit or with bare fists ?

Personally, I've always encouraged everyone to participate, and I also post and roam around the subforums because this makes the forum "unlimited" for my benefit and understanding. Because as in the lokik and alokik worlds, I have to deal with all types of people whether I like it or not. I go into the battlefield with my canopy of protection.
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Jan 2007

Amarathine I respect your opinion and would uphold your right to express it but with respect i disagree that maintaining an unbiased opinion is something I need concern myself about when I post here. I am not here out of bitter feelings towards the Brahma Kumaris and so I have nothing bitter to share - but then again how does one define bitterness?

I have said elsewhere that a sense of being part of a community does develop as one participates on this site. A sense of gathering that seems more worthy of my care than any lack of neutrality toward the BKWSU right now.

Sorry, if this post confirms all that you say but is it fair of me to accuse someone of bitterness simply because their opinion does not tally with miner?

The BKWSU has a army of volunters at its service - a collective force that IS working night and day to foster the desired corporate image in the public eye.

I invite you to spend whatever time you can on the site. Read the posts., Get a feel for the the place but most of all post, post, post if you feel motivated to.

Positive news continues ...



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Post27 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:If an individual with no prior esperience does some research comes across offcial BKWSU website, would that person get a "neutral" impression ?

That's a good point however i wasn't talking about impressions. I was talking about individuals who have no opinion about the BKs as they have had no dealings with them. They would thus have a neutral opinion and because of this neutrality would very quickly pick up the bais of this site - just take look at the BK watch part of this site - in my opinion, that section of this site completely undermines all the agendas that i have seen expressed in these forums, as it is so completely biased.

Its like when i heard someone explaining about David Icke. They said he says all this spot on stuff about globalisation, like he's offering you a wonderful fruit punch. But then he starts talking about lizards and its as if he has just put this big turd in the punch bowl and suddenly everything else that is in the bowl is worthless.

I wasn't talking about the neutrality of the site, i was talking about the neutrality of the observer.
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Sorry, if this post confirms all that you say but is it fair of me to accuse someone of bitterness simply because their opinion does not tally with miner?

I think you have misunderstood. The perception of bitterness has nothing to do with differences of opinions but everything to do with how those opinions are expressed. In my opinion, and i repeat this is my opinion, i am not stating that this is a fact (hence no accusation) some of the opinions expressed in these forums could be described as using barbed language hence the interpretation of bitterness.


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Post27 Jan 2007

I wasn't talking about the neutrality of the site I was talking about the neutrality of the observer.

I understood your point. So what should that observer say that should or shouldn't be said ?

Some people may read it and see it one way, another may see it another way. Its a choice for everyone to speak out how they wish, and whilst I am personally glad you're giving your valid points and opinions, and I also respect the views of others whatever their opinions too. To read and not read, see and not see, listen and not listen. They are all individual but valid choices.

Individuals who have no opinion about the BKs, as you've put them, may also validly say that BKs and their God are bonkers. And so with the PBKs, Hare Krishna etc.

OK, I am off to bed.



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Post27 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:Individuals who have no opinion about the BKs, as you've put them, may also validly say that BKs and their God are bonkers. And so with the PBKs, Hare Krishna etc. OK, I am off to bed.

Absolutely :D

I am off to bed too and shall now put this topic to bed as well - otherwise i may well end up becoming one dimensional!
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abrahma kumar

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Post28 Jan 2007

Misunderstandings do happen - I apologise for misinterpreting your post.
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Post28 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:I am off to bed too and shall now put this topic to bed as well - otherwise I may well end up becoming one dimensional!

I think your question, and sweetchill's before it, is valid and will remain a lodestone for the forum's direction. we should discuss it. Feedback is good. I am sure that it will be revisited time and time again.

Obviously, it is an emotionally charged area, as it is where the two communities meet and the problem is as you say, "how it is expressed" ... on both sides. Perhaps to call the dissent "bitterness" looks as though one is placing all the responsibility on weakness of the ex-BKs/forum members. There could well be a right-ness to the indignation that is being expressed. Perhaps the BK elite has stepped out of line and we are the balance hanging out the other side of the boat keeping it on an even keel. Their karma.

For my part personally, I have no conscience whatsoever about revealling both sides of the BKWSU, The Knowledge in full; and the areas of contention or controversy. As John stated, the issues have become too serious. The BKWSU has become a Juggernaut from within a culture that considers those crushed under its wheels as fortunate, to be rewarded in heaven. (This is a reference to Hindu superstitions that those killed at holy events clear their karma and will go to Vaikunth/Heaven).

I, personally, know too well the forces of control of communication and discussion within the BKWSU. Although faulted, this forum is quite remarkable for opening that discussion up and documenting what is really going on in there. And, yes, it would benefit from "official" BKWSU engagement.

What do they make of it?
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Post28 Jan 2007

amaranthine wrote:I agree feelings are valid. What I am saying is that to a neutral observer, I would imagine that a lot of the posts here would appear to come from a bitter place, i.e. a lot of the comments seem to be barbed and thus the validity and reliability of the comments is reduced.

As a vociferous someone that has come over from the defunct XBKChat forum, and been with this one from the beginning, I think it would be fair for those criticisms to be address at me. I am not at all offended personally and would like to voice my opinion on the collective expression. In both cases, there definitely has been development and a focusing. I think that you are bang on the nail as far as the issues you have underlined.
    • The Murli availability issue is for both Avyakt and Sakar Murlis, without the ridiculousness of password protection and military grade encryption. I would not stop until all generations of Murlis were published and available for analysis on the internet along with Lekhraj Kirpalani's and others own note. There is no excuse why they should not be.

    • The Murli/History re-writing issue is one that has only recently emerged from our collective consciousness. I don't think you could say that is is an "agenda" because there is no one directing us. It has merely arisen out of research into a position of mutual concern and agreement.

    Yes, I would say that those of us that bang this drum must sound like a single issue party and I don't see it going away until it is resolved. If it is not, it will corrode the BKWSU credibility, at least in the West. Would you lay your life down for a God on the basis of "Knowledge" that was being removed and re-edited by nameless humans? The BKWSU will gradually get a reputation for being "those people that re-write their philosophy because they don't come true".

    • The mind control / hypnosis issue is something that is just arising as we correspond. I do not think there is consensus yet and I do not think it has been explored and analysed enough. To this category I might add the "psychic influences" discussion.

    • The media whores issue ... well, the BKWSU are not quite the Paris Hiltons of the New Age yet, even if they did and are still living off their Sugar Daddy Lekhraj's fortune, but I think this is fair karma in their case. You should ask how much folk think is hyperbole, because we have some of their copywriters registered on this forum.
To that list, I would add as rising stars the;
    a) need for transparency
    b) accountability of the Seniors and
    c) Duty of Care issues
These forums have been hugely beneficial to me in repairing the untreated damage and helped me come to terms with my experiences. I in no way suffered the kind of stuff that I have read many others go through. I actually do not think that I had any particularly "bad" experience and did not leave embittered at all. Indeed, I continued to do "service", as it was called, even after I had left.

What is taking me time to come to terms with is the weird psychic stuff one is subjected to.
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Mr Green


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Post28 Jan 2007

I say good on ya amarth, you no fool and you appear to be a voice of reason for the BKWSU ... they should be proud of you, in fact if Shiv exists, he probably is ...

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