Is an impartial website?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Do you consider to be impartial?

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It is impartial as it is possible to be.
It could be more impartial.
No, it is not impartial at all.
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Post08 Dec 2006

sweetchill wrote:* No, I don't think Murlis should be made public
* No, I don't accept that there is some great conspiracy to hide/change the Word of God through revised Murlis (I think it is right and proper that they should be revised).
    Just out of interest, why don't you think Murlis should be made public?
    • What is God's position on all this? Has anybody asked him yet?
Were are trying to engage you in conversation as you have raised very valid issues in defense of the Orthodox BKWSU view (... although you won't disclose your own personal darna and so we have to take this on trust this is your position).

I still say the vast majority of this site/forum is objective to BK ... if peppered with a healthy satire ... and it does what Baba's says in the Murli puts all out there for his people to see. (I voted for the second category above). The encyclopedia is straight knowledge, including Murlis, and it is all open to impartial contribution. There are plenty of deep churnings going on and the best you can do is walking in and make hurtful allegations and innuendo.

For me, it is like you have seen one moment's speck of dirt on a white sari and want to humiliate a Draupadi by tearing at it. You want to hurt and offend those for whom this site is a lifeline back to God that the BKWSU will not provide and those the BKWSU's activities have damaged or hurt. Let us see who Krishna protects ... and like a good Pandav, I will gamble everything I have left to bet you won't answer again.

I suppose another interesting question to ask is why no one would come forward to make an official response or statement on behalf of the BKWSU?


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Post08 Dec 2006

You may think this thread is pointless - but then you can choose not to read it. I think it's probably one of the most revealing threads on this forum (just look at the number of views compared to other threads).

I don't think you've got it. Most of the posts and replies are here to actually help you come out but you choose not to accept others opinions. You are slowly becoming a little mild in your replies, a little different than a few weeks ago when you seem to like offending everyone. Either you have a lot of pride or you are simply selfish not to share. But as you keep insisting, you are not an offical BK on this forum. In which case, no one can take your thread seriously at all, so maybe World Peace is right, how about locking or removing this thread Bbysyops-Moderator, as it's wasting the kind peoples time and space ?
If people have other specific things they want to challenge me on, then they should start a new thread.

There are plenty of other threads already open for you to participate. No one wants to challenge you, hope you don't feel this is so. Is that what you feel this forum is? A challenge?



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Post08 Dec 2006

ex-l wrote:You want to hurt and offend those for whom this site is a lifeline back to God that the BKWSU will not provide

Absolutely. This site is the single source of spirituality in my life now.
sweetchill wrote:If people have other specific things they want to challenge me on, then they should start a new thread.

As bansy Sister said, nobody, at least most of them here, don't challenge BKs or BKWSU. I still vigorously defend the 5000 year, Golden Age, being pure, Destruction and all theories, (Earlier I was preaching them) more so its my belief that God cannot be wrong. Its just that people want a more objective view of knowledge. The point is - BKs contribution here would be of great value. Why don't you see this as a Service?

Even if you are going to give just your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Post08 Dec 2006

Just one more comment from me.

This site is completely invaluable to me as an ex BK, I was a surrendered Brother who gave everything to the BKs and was hurt and unprotected by a number of them.

Now I have left the BKs as I couldn't marry the behaviour I have seen there by the Seniors with the Murlis, let alone what these very same poeple would get up on the stage and say.

After years of constant churning and effort making the thing called Gyan doesn't just go out of your head, it's still there even if you hate it!!!!!!

This site provides a voice for people like me, so it is not just in my head, also I can talk to and relate with others who know how I feel, people like sweetchill do not know how I feel.

I can fully understand why you see this site as being partial rather than impartial, that is because of your vision, based on what you feel is right ... fair enough.

But try and understand that when I see any BK site or the things they say for me it is equally partial and displeasing ... but I don't attack them for it directly.

I understand how they feel because I used to feel the same way, 5 years ago I would probably be the same as sweetchill ... but now I see things differently
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Post08 Dec 2006

Dear all,

It is clear my presence here is causing a disturbance. I am happy to apologise for a third time in as many posts if people (not just Eugene) find me offensive. I've taken a fair bit of stick myself - I am happy to take it in good humour (as that's the kind of person I am - humour is the key to spiritual fulfilment).

I stand absolutely by the final points I made. But just let me add this: for a long time you guys have been calling for more BKs to post on this site - they wont because they are "nice" and as such would not wish to debate/discuss with you in a robust fashion. I've tried to do that. You don't like it. Fair enough.

I will let you get on with your journeys - me posting here was a bit of an experiment.

I wish you ALL well (I genuinely mean that).



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Post08 Dec 2006

more BKs to post on this site - they wont because they are "nice" and as such would not wish to debate/discuss with you in a robust fashion.

The reason why BKs do not post is because they do not have the answers, and neither do we. Though we hope they can share their insights in an anonymous way which they may find hard to do so in the presence of the BKWSU. I hope we are also "nice". Likewise PBKs too are "nice". Because many people here are or were also BKs.
humour is the key to spiritual fulfilment

To some extent I agree, but it is not humourous when BKs commit suicide.
I will let you get on with your journeys - me posting here was a bit of an experiment.

So does this mean you have decided to totally quit from this forum ?

Well, I hope in your life you don't mistrust everything before you start out and see it as an experiment, it's a sad journey that way, it affects other people but mostly it affects yourself, thus I do hope you find your way.
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Post08 Dec 2006

I will let you get on with your journeys - me posting here was a bit of an experiment.

What a 'NOT' surprise. So what happened to joining in other threads and actually sharing something useless?

You are a liar and full of empty promises. Complete charlatan and probably the most ex-BK that's ever posted on this forum.
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Post09 Dec 2006

sweetchill wrote:I stand absolutely by the final points I made. But just let me add this: for a long time you guys have been calling for more BKs to post on this site - they wont because they are "nice" and as such would not wish to debate/discuss with you in a robust fashion. I've tried to do that. You don't like it. Fair enough.

To debate is to engage with others, even on the most contentious questions, not just accuse. To discuss goes two way and I personally feel studiously ignored, sweet Vidura.

And I think folks did like it very much. Otherwise they would not have stuck it out to 8 pages ... I thought we were just about getting somewhere. Its always nice to see family.

I am unhapy that you personally were accused of pride. I can understand why you would be nervous and defensive, and this can often be misunderstood. I would prefer to separate the individual's and their intent from their actions. Goods souls can make mistakes where they do not know what to do. And we learn from experience.

I, for one, will be sorry if you hightail it away. In an essence, the topic reflected or manifested the relationship between this site and the BKWSU's response to date. It has been the most honest yet. You must have read the only open contact BKWSU officialdom have made and that was first accusing theft in another's court then refusing any to discuss or share with us God's knowledge.

I would agree that most BKs are "nice" and add to that vulnerable and well meaning. But certainly not all, unfortunately. Let me defend the former from the latter. Likewise I would divide BKWSU beliefs and BKWSU actions. We hear and see too much of the shadow here, much of which is covert and not discussed openly. They don't tell you everything they are up to in God's name.

I also agree with Kunti mata bansy that BKs just don't have the bottomline answers either, cant even ask them within the system, and the issues or questions raised on a forum like this are much too frightening a challenge to the BKWSU mindset. We are fairly immune to the usual Yuktis and "mental plugs" don't work. We are raising all the "$64,000 Dollar Questions". But your faithful position regarding the Murli and historical revision will put you in the SS's good books. It may not mean high status in the Golden Age but consider yourself eligible for VIP service, UN seminar representation, and have some extra toli and dhristi from Dadi on us.

• However, when it comes to Dharamraj Judgement Day ... you were asked by hungry Pandav souls for fresh Murli food and refused it. We offered to share with you what little shelter in the Kamyaka forest we have. I'll be there to watch his reaction. :wink:
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Post09 Dec 2006

I don't understand why you are leaving sweetchill, I haven't taken offence at your comments. Maybe what you said to Eugene was a bit much but you apologised for that. No ones asked for any more apologies.

If you have been offended then i apologise but it certainly was not intended.

I have found the debate enlightening.
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Post10 Dec 2006

Dear Sweetchill

Seems that members of your own BK community are not comfortable with your behaviour on here.

Good for you that you remained anonymous.


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Post10 Dec 2006

Good for you that you remained anonymous.

However, the worst conclusion that anyone could make from this debacle is that any one of the current 825,000 practising BKs (offically released by BKWSU) could be this anonymous poster.

So I hope people do not go around thinking that all BKs are like Sweetchill.
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Post10 Dec 2006

bansy wrote:However, the worst conclusion that anyone could make from this debacle is that any one of the current 825,000 practising BKs (offically released by BKWSU) could be this anonymous poster.

The worst conclusion that anyone could make is that they are all like this! ;-) ... they are not. Probably 'chill is not most of the time. Try a different approach, we have not given up on you yet, soul.

But, at least, I admire the guy for his courage and I feel sorry for him because he took quite a beating. He was better than the last one and almost engaged in discussion. Though why he chose Eromain to attack, who knows. That was suicide. I hope the next BKs are willing to get down to earth, stop the nonsense, join us and start addressing the big questions asked here. Come try chat to a real live PBK (not me!) and see what you think? Are they truly the demons they are made out to be? Flex your Gyani muscles and give us some proofs.

They can all see the holes in Gyan and now the questions around the history. Word must have gone out and around however much the SS will try to keep things quiet with extra bhattis and tolis on the side. You guys forget, we were once you too and we know. We just ask, "why?"
    We may be heretics but we are not pariahs; and there are some questions you family ought be asking too. Do you really like the re-writes and cover ups?
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Jan 2007

Hi Sweetchill, This is a rather old thread and i don't know if you still visit this site. So for posterity and to perhaps evidence the fact that all of our actions leave ripples that spread way beyond our imaginings this post continues a conversation with you.

By your words you say that your posting here was just an experiment. May I ask whether at the time you first walked into a BKWSU centre you regarded that action also as an experiment? And if so, do you think that it was/is the final spiritually enlightening experiment that you will find yourself embarking upon in this lifetime?

Somewhere in a post I shared that when I first came across this site and read some of the posts I was outraged. Conversations rattled around in my head in which I questioned whether the author's had really understood that the drama was about their personal experience of God and not about the ills or otherwise of any senior, centre-in-charge, or scene in the drama or whatever. I asked myself with incredulity how could it be possible that there seemed so very little positive experience of God during their time with the BKWSU to 'falll-back' on? Positive experiences that would somehow soothe the aches that I percieved in some of the posts.

But Sweetchill I discovered that I am not 'blessed' with the ability to regard the posters on this site as deluded. Neither do I appear able to dismiss their concerns out of hand nor could i remain seated upon the high-seat of punditry. Because of that I have discovered that I too have concerns for my own continued spiritual development and so I came again sometime later and took the chance to register myself and i here i am contributing for whatever it's worth.

I am not so haughty to assume that my words are of any importance but this site gives us a chance to converse in a public forum. And to date I have not felt any animosity toward me and i have taken great care to treat others respectfully. Perhaps it is because out in the world I am not given much to judging others. How can I? It may not concern you at all but this soul has seen in its karmas clear signs of just how deeply into the cesspit of body consciousness it has fallen. Indeed fallen is too meek a word so I will express myself in more pointed a manner: This soul has seen in its karmas clear signs of just how comfortably it has wallowed in the cesspit of body consciousness. Do you get my drift Sweetchill? Or is it to gross an expression for the sensibilities of a Godly student?

And in spite of all of that this soul has come to hear the words GOD allegedly speaks to us as we are ushered into the Confluence Age and reminded of our elevated status. I am sure that you too have heard them Sweetchill. You hear them every day if your are a pukka Brahmin? I refer to the 2 words at the beginning of every Sakar Murl:Sweet children

So Sweetchill, Godly child, I ask myself what on earth could possess any soul whose intellect has been touched by GOD's teachings to avoid this site if the course drama has brought it into the sou's sphere of consciousness?

Is it really that the BKWSU's Baba's work is specially reserved for those who are without sin? Are we not taught that Shiva Himself is defamed the most? So I ask myself whether the injury suffered by any soul through the words uttered by another on this site can in anyway equate to that which GOD Himself endures? But then we need to remind ourselves that according to the BKWSU the nature of the Supreme is such that HE/SHE/IT remains untouched by those slurs and that those insults are ACCURATE ACCORDING TO DRAMA. That yet still it is God's part in the drama to come and purify the impure. Wah drama Wah What a Divine part!

Therefore if in coming here (or going anywhere for that matter) we notice that there is much that one would term unGodly will we not remember what we are taught in the Murli i.e. to make others as yourself which I interpret as to share with others that which GOD shares with you. So there ought not to be any fear because if one is busy making oneself as GOD is making them how can one go wrong?

Aren't we also taught that one of Supreme Soul's most remarkable qualities is that of Mercy. So to my mind for any Godly student to somehow 'dismiss this site' seems strange. But again everything is accurate according to Drama. Or is it?

This has been a long post and perhaps I miss the point that the essence of your post is to remind us that this is all a very, very, very, very deadly serious matter in which a Godly student ought not to watse God's time on trivial matters. And so I wil retract all that I written before and ask what might be termed a very, very, very, very deadly serious question. Perhaps it is the question which crystallises why we post here:

Is the BKWSU really all about GOD? Is it really?

So there it is all nice and easy. It will be too simplistic to say that i have doubts however it is a very, very deadly serious about which we all want to feel that we are not being mislead.

Peace my 'Brother' soul
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Post24 Jan 2007

I reserve the right to be completely impartial bias and downright bitchy towards others even. :lol:
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abrahma kumar

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Post24 Jan 2007

As I think i saw written elsewhere: "We have nothing to worry about." So to each their own. To mimic an utterance that one might hear deep down in the South of the the good old USA, "Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawd this is fun :lol:

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