Is an impartial website?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Do you consider to be impartial?

Yes, it is impartial.
It is impartial as it is possible to be.
It could be more impartial.
No, it is not impartial at all.
Total votes : 36

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Is an impartial website?

Post23 Nov 2006

Admin wrote:Questions were later raised by this contributor and allegations made towards other forum members about posts being moved or removed.

    Firstly, can we state clearly that no posts were at any time delete.

    • Secondly, any of these additional topics and allegations that were moved are here; "Lost property".

Initially, because heated discussion was headed "off topic", the posts were moved to a different forum as this one is intended for Gyani matters and the contributors informed.

Following the repeated and as it turned out erroneous allegations, the entire Forum was suspended until matters could be investigated. All posts were returned the original forum topic within the limits of the software which unfortunately did not allow for the original number of views. At that time more than 600. Otherwise, the topic is complete. The contributor apologised to the other parties and the matter is closed.

The question is fair and all contributors are welcome to continue posting.

- Admin (site Admin) Original message follows below.

Hello all,

First-time poster, reasonably long-time lurker.

I have seen that the frontpage of claims to be impartial - I am curious as to how many of you genuinely believe it is?
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Mr Green


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Post23 Nov 2006


yes, it is impartial because PBKs, BKs and ex BKs and members of the public all have the opportunity to post here and say what they feel.

Do you then feel it is not so?
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Post23 Nov 2006

Maybe I should clarify ... I wasn't talking about this forum - but more about the main site itself.
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Mr Green


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Post23 Nov 2006

Well, now you've clarified I still say yes. The aim of this site is to provide an imformation base about the Brahma Kumaris and the most impartial way to do that I feel is provide as much imformation as possible including the yucky bits.

As far as I can see there is lots of unbiased imformation on here, even the Murlis (the core beliefs of the BKs) are available here. Something the BKs go to great pains to keep from the public.

But, hey, at the end of the day one man's impartiality will always be another man's bias.

I'd say overall this site does a better and more impartial job at representing the BKs and it's branches than any other site I've seen.

If there is something you are not happy with (as I suspect is the case), why don't you just say what it is instead of setting up a leading question?


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Post23 Nov 2006

reasonably long-time lurker.

Hi, firstly welcome to the forum sweetchill.

Secondly, there are probably many long time lurkers out there who also wonder what this website and forum is about. Anyone who is spiritual is usually more sensitive and cautious about everything. Because it gets personal.

Hence it is a personal decision to be involved in this forum, which is open for all. You may get a backlash of all types of opinions and viewpoints, call it manmat or Shrimat, but I am sure that in whichever "camp" (BK, PBK or ex-BK or nonBK) one is more closely related, most of us have probably experienced something similar to each others though possibly to different extents. One of the aims in this forum is to SHARE because it is anonymous and it crosses boundaries. There are members who have joined but have never posted. Yet.

Since you've made the effort to post, so let us know what impressions you have of the main page.
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Post23 Nov 2006

Hi Sweetchill

Hope you stick around, cause BKs don't seem to want to ...

Some come here to bring us back into the fold, but after a while become tongue tied, flumaxed and beat a hasty retreat.

Be warned though, you'll be mixing with ex-BKs of all varieties and it can be very challenging if you're part of the 'establishment', the rebels want the truth to come out. Indeed it is our Godly birthright, is it not?
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Post23 Nov 2006

Mr Green wrote:I'd say overall this site does a better and more impartial job at representing the BKs and it's branches than any other site I've seen.

If there is something you are not happy with (as I suspect is the case), why don't you just say what it is instead of setting up a leading question?

I'd agree with Mr Green.

And appreciate that to some new BKs it must all be a bit of a shock to their system because much of what we go on about is pretty obscure and has been hidden so well.

But if you ask me, this forum - which seems to inspire the rest of the site - is the most kick ass Raja Yoga forum on the internet. Its a shame that more BK are not capable of diving into the deep end of Gyan with us.

May be if they did there would be a more balanced view?
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Post23 Nov 2006

But if you ask me, this forum - which seems to inspire the rest of the site - is the most kick ass Raja Yoga forum on the internet.

That gets a Hallelujah from me!
Its a shame that more BK are not capable of diving into the deep end of Gyan with us. May be if they did there would be a more balanced view?

I really wish they would.
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Post23 Nov 2006

OK, so here are my thoughts (and thanks for the welcome everyone)...

What is the motive behind the person who has set this site up? Just by looking at the adjectives and tone used in much of the description of the BKs and their history throughout the site, it is very clear that this person does not have a good impression of the BKs.

That alone makes it clear this site is not impartial. Yes, it most clearly is independent - but does the founder of this site *really* think their views of the BKs is impartial? Because no matter how much you try and make that claim, it just simply is not the case. But as long as your conscience is clear on that, then fine :)

As per the forum itself, well ... there appear to be quite a few embittered ex-bks here. And there's certainly a hell of a lot of posts that seem to revel in ridiculing the BKs.

Someone asked why there aren't more BKs engaged with this forum - well, may be part of the reason is because you cannot really enter into a debate with people with such hardened prejudices because regardless of what a BK might say on a subject, a number of posters here will:

a) Disregard all of it as its just a BK plot to try and talk them round
b) Believe that they are just naive BKs who don't know the real history of the BKs (1976 and all that).

But of course, I am sure I could be totally wrong on everything I've just said :)
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Post23 Nov 2006

sweetchill wrote:b) Believe that they are just naive BKs who don't know the real history of the BKs (1976 and all that).

Institutionally speaking, what is the "corporate" response to the 1976 predictions?

How long have you been inside and, in your time, what have they been telling you about Destruction?

Obviously, we are speaking as equals here and all know the general principles (e.g. date-consciousnesses etc) but what are they specifically teaching folk and when?

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Post23 Nov 2006

Hi ex-l,

Sorry, think we're going off topic here ... my original point for discussion was regarding the alleged impartiality of this site.

I am sure we'll talk more about other matters when the topic dictates. :)


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Post24 Nov 2006

front page of is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the BKWSU*, organizers of BK Raja Yoga Centers. is volunteer run collaboration of mainly ex-members and associates of the BKWSU* offering a forum for mutual support and discussion and free access to information. It is impartial and non-doctrinal. Intended to be honest, informed and accurate, the site and its contributors take a detailed look at this international organization, its leaders and the effects of the lifestyle promoted by its leaders.'s primary focus of activity is the Forum & Encyclopedia.

We extend a warm welcome to the forum for any individual interested in learning more about the BKWSU, especially ex-BKs, or Friends & Family of BKs, that might be struggling to understand their expriences. As an easy introduction, please explore the ex-BK Chat archive first.

News, articles & summaries of classic posts from the Forum, here.
*BKWSU, also known as ;

* Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
* Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
* Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation
* Brahma Kumaris Educational Society
* RajYoga Education & Research Foundation
* Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Visha Vidyalaya.
* Inner Space
* Living Values Education Program
* Self Management Leadership
* Visions of a Better World Foundation
* The Janki Foundation for Global Health Care & others

The Encyclopedia now includes the making public of the religion's core teachings, called Murlis, here

I have seen that the frontpage of claims to be impartial

my original point for discussion was regarding the alleged impartiality of this site.

1) The above is on the front page of the website. Please highlight the alleged impartiality.

2) How impartial are BKWSU websites? Would it be true the reason there are not many BKs is their fear and inability to answer the various issues raised in the numerous topics of Gyan within the forums, which even the PBKs (they also have a say) have conveniently posed in a summary in Could these Qs also be raised in the BKWSU website forums, without rebuffal ? Please let the general public know of such a website/forum.
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Post24 Nov 2006

Dear Sweetchill,

Omshanti. Welcome to this forum.

I agree with other members of the forum that this site is the most impartial one related to BKs I have ever seen.

As regards the criticism of BKs that you may find here and there in this forum I would like to say that this is not a site by the BKs for the propagation of BK philosophy. It is only to give information about the BKs/their offshoots/Ex-BKs to all the souls of the world irrespective of their affiliations. So you cannot expect this site to contain only praises for the BKs. The BKs have in fact been praised on many occassions/ in many threads for the good work that they have done or are doing. But both BKs and PBKs have to be ready to face critical assessment of their philosophy and activities in a free and impartial forum like this one.

I hope that you would also make a valuable contribution to this forum by expressing your views.

With regards,
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Post24 Nov 2006


Justify it anyway you like, if you genuinely think that the motives behind the creation of this website are "impartial" - then, you are deluding yourself. (In my humble opinion of course) :) .

I don't know of any official BK website that claims to be impartial - this site does and it clearly is not. That is dishonest any way you cut it. I wonder if the news/articles section will contain links to any positive stories about the BKs (I get a blank page at the moment when I try and click on it)? I am guessing it's blank at the moment while the site's founder tries to dig out news reports of alleged beatings and child abuse - because that really is all that the organisation has time for, doesn't it?

As per the links section, there are a number of examples that betray the author's negative attitude. As an example, the use of the word "front" to describe the Inner Spaces - as if its some seedy attempt to hide the links to the BKs. Walk into any Inner Space and the connection with the BKs is immediately obvious (all the stuff they sell has BK logos on it for a start).

And as for the link to "The Experience" - is not it interesting how there is no mention about Raja Yoga meditation - the core foundation of the BKs. For so many of the BKs I know, this is a central part of their life and THAT is why they are BKs and remain so - the benefit they get from it. The other beliefs that are listed - well, it doesn't take a genius to see how they are viewed by the author and are written to fit that attitude. I would have a different view of them - but then I am sure I would just be painted as being biased. I am prepared to accept that - because I am honest enough to admit it. The author apparently is not.
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Mr Green


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Post24 Nov 2006

sweetchill wrote:while the site's founder tries to dig out news reports of alleged beatings and child abuse - because that really is all that the organisation has time for, doesn't it?

Surely, you can see the importance of child abuse within the organisation being made public!!!! You sound almost embittered that this stuff is published in public.

The BKs have never denied this took place and have since implemented some measures to stop it happening. (I think so anyway, I was still a teacher when they were talking about not leaving minors in a centre without a parent present so no accusations of child abuse could be made. This was after the events in Madubhan but others might have more accurate info than me).

The BKs have kept this quiet all these years. When I first joined I was told this organisation was so low profile because they had no scandals. Well, it turns out there are scandulous events in their history that have been very carefully covered up. It can only be right that someone has the guts to stand up and say there are things in this organisation that need changing for the better of everyone ...

But back to impartiality, saying to people like bansy that she is being dishonest and claiming the author of the site has certain views is quite judgemental and makes me feel you'd rather just nice things are said about the BKs, where's the impartiality in that?

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