Have you ever ... had lust ... or sex as a BK?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
Forum rules A forum specifically for polls on any topic relating to Brahma Kumaris. Anyone can vote here or discussion the poll. General conversion about the issues is best kept to the Commonroom.

Have you ever "had lust" or sex with a BK?

More than once
With a senior or teacher
Left Gyan with BK lover
No votes
With a student
Not personally but happened at our center
Lust but not sex
Total votes : 33

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Have you ever had lust or sex as a BK?

Post11 Jan 2008

paulkershaw wrote:... maybe one could ask "Be in Lust with" as well as "Be in Love with" ...
bkti-pit wrote:Yes. They are indeed two different things and it would be interesting to have a poll on this too.

Subtitled, "ask and ye shall receive" ... or "come all ye faithful" (as you prefer).

Of course, there are subtleties here. Does it count if you did it as your "act of leaving" or does it only count if you did it and stayed in. Who is or is not a BK? I was not too sure whether to call it "Have you ever had sex as a BK?" or "Have you ever had sex with a BK?"

There are a lot of options, so may be we should discuss them first before voting. More than one might apply but the software does not seem to allow that.
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topic leads to more topics and questions

Post11 Jan 2008

Next questions: how was it? :wink: Did you experience much guilt? Was it a one night stand type of thing or was it a relationship? How long did it last? Was the quality of the sexual experience more fullfilling than the ones you had with lokiks? If so, where you able to sustain it? And if yes, how? Did you feel rejection from the Father or impossibility to have Yoga because of such physical (and incestuous!!! :lol:) activity ?

Some BKs and ex-BKs seem to have durable relationships with each other, even surviving the fall from the fifth floor. Can they still find each other attractive, after the blackening from the snake poison? Is it that somehow lust really burns everything out quickly and only ashes are left over :roll: ?

I will answer to all of these questions myself. But not right now, and maybe in another topic. I officially from here curse the Shudra devil who took my ex-BK love and supposedely tantric partner, away into the realm of deep darkness and hardcore sex. I am joking, of course, no body, not even satan in person , can snatch anyone away, unless the soul is willing to go along!! In Bhakti, they talk about temptations but self sovereign souls ( or ex such) make choices.

Supnaka sends love from the heart chakra to all the souls who have the courage - and maybe the madness! - to go beyond denial and cross the line of protection, experimenting with honesty in the field of physical attraction. Empowering good wishes to those who have the courage to post.
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Post11 Jan 2008

I've had a rakhi tied around my *****.
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Post13 Jan 2008

Post a pic!!! Those with a metal pendant? Can you shower with it??! And Sisters can get the tilak applied, or the sandalwood paste.

Sorry, I am turning this topic into a joke, but games and symbols come to mind. Maybe restrictions call for transgression and profanation! :D
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Post13 Jan 2008

I have to ask ... is that lust or sex more than once, or lust or sex with more than one BK?

Gosh, this could become a hot topic ... where is bro neo when we need him?

Likewise ... what about if it happened more than once at your local center!?!
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Post13 Jan 2008

Many people have sex at Madubhan, ex-l ... I was propositioned there but I was a good boy.

Hey Alladin, being an ex-centre wasis I am qualified to apply the sandalwood paste to the Sisters ... it has to go right on the button :!:

Yes, it has a beautiful metal pendant hanging from it and a little bell that rings when I get exited.
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Post14 Jan 2008

mr green wrote:Many people have sex at Madubhan, ex-l ... I was propositioned there but I was a good boy.

Is that an assumption, or do we know that? I think it is fair to discuss it in detail as it determines how low the Yagya has sunk by its own terms. If its attention has been solely on expansion at the cost of discipline and quality, then it is highly likely.

Actually, I heard the story about one couple that were carrying on an affair, "the taxi driver always toots twice" ... I don't understand why if they want to, they don't just leave? It would only be the right and proper thing to do.

What is the appeal/attraction/hook that keeps then "in", keeping up appearances, when in fact they are "out" keeping up something else. Conditioning (brainwashing), fear, Stockholm Syndrome etc?

This is actually quite a serious matter because either the person is deeply dishonest, on top of being "sinful and impure" by BK standards ... or they are being torn apart a la Ranjana Patel.

I am thinking it also relates to "Mafia-like" bonds that run through "The Family", the Seniors all having something 'on' everyone else, the silence about inner corruption, the keeping up of "face" above all else. We should not joke too lightly about it. Its somewhere between weird to sinister and tragic.
    And it strikes by that the spirit of Madhuban has been whored out for the sake of profit.
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schizophrenic behaviours

Post14 Jan 2008

Over the years, Madhuban has become a sort of "Convention Center" where conferences are held. I remember when they built "Sukdham" for the purpose of accommodating VIPs and outsiders; couples and families were staying there and shared rooms. According to the original style training, old BKs would never think of going to Madhuban if not "ready for it" (meaning if you haven't made efforts, done enough service and your stage is not too good). Forget about going there if you have broken Shrimat!!

But over the years, the norm has become that many guests go there, stay and even meet BapDada. It's a privilege the mafia can grant, a special discount for special clients. An investment. A fair exchange. Leaving out any judgement, we are, I hope, at least aware of the difference sexual thoughts and activities create in our vibes and surrounding environment.

Talking about hypocrisy. BKs who continue to teach, regardless of the clear rule that if you do not follow celibacy you are not allowed to do that, are probably souls who do not believe in the Law of Karma; who do not have access to the understanding of vibrations and who have no faith in the fact that God himself is the founder of the Raja Yoga school on whose behalf they are teaching. Because if you think these are God's teachings, then what are the consequences of breaking such rules? So, why do they do that? Is it because stepping down from a gaddhi or pulpit is in itself an admission of being "sinful" and "what people will think" is more important than your own conscience, the cosmic laws or God's opinion and approval?

In any case, the BKWSO places a lot of importance on appearances, so individuals are not encouraged to function on the basis of internal stage, truth and integrity or consistency.
    Is there a degree of excitement implied in transgression, some adrenalin kick? Or just schizophrenia?
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Post15 Jan 2008

I believe that a deep schizophrenia, of the nature required for "secret" or "double agents" is required to be a successful BKWSU leader or follower.

If we look into these changes logically, is it an admission they were wrong in the old days and now they are right? Has something changed so significantly on a spiritual level? Did BapDada tell them to open the floodgates?

For me, a pure intent could only be ensured if the money was kept entirely separate and out of the Beakies coffers ... so that any financial inducement to lower the entrance requirements was removed.

I am seriously concerned that there is some quite consciously financial exploitation of old world Hindu superstitious traits, e.g. to give to god in Madhuban is better than giving at your local center ... or just giving yourself.

Your other questions are highly potent, another aspect in the diffusion of BK Raja Yoga to be all things New Age to all people. I mean, does getting laid prohibit you from being a good SML facilitator? Probably not from the lokik point of view. It only requires talents in public presentation. But are good hypocritical skills and keep up a front pre-requirement for being a BK Yogi soul?

In the old days, if you fell, you would be on parole for one year; Amrit Vela, Morning Class every day, confession to Senior Sister (which would be spread around between them) and lots of low level service. In short, you would have to be a very good doggie.
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Post15 Jan 2008

Thanks for the best topic ever ... thanks Mr. Green, again you made me laugh !! :lol:

I have stories and experiences, and I have no regrets or guilt feelings at all !!!

I just don't like to call it lust or sex, I am extremely 'old fashioned' so to me is: to make love ... (the act itself) but lustful thoughts/dreams/visions/desires, oh yeah !!!

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Post15 Jan 2008

I have to agree with you, I think there is a difference between sex, lust and making love. I deliberately wrote it in the style or language of the BKWSU. Should I change it to "made love"? If anyone is too shy ... just make a new membership account and discuss this matter in that one anonymously.

I have often attempting to engage members in an adult discussion of Indian sexual relationships. My feeling is that it might be changing for younger people in the cities but the majority there is very little love involved and a lot of lust, unfeeling duty and rape.

I am very confident that the environment in the 1930s, or ever 50s when they stepped outside the front door and came back into the world, when the Brahma Kumaris attitudes were set in concrete excluding the discussion of love and sex; even between married partners and mothers to daughters. I base this on the opinion of an old friend of mine who is a Hindu counsellor and modern commentary. Actually, a friend of mine had an affair with an Indian woman in the last few years whose husband had NEVER seen her naked and took no more than 30 seconds to "do the job". They had children.

She had never been appreciated for being a women, told she was beautiful, enjoyed. She had no idea until she was "enlightened". Consider also the stink the movie Kama Sutra made in India (1996), or the one about child widows and the prostitution of attractive young widows to keep the widow's ashram in money 'Water' (2005). 2,000 protesters stormed the ghats, destroyed and burned the main film set throwing the remnants into the Ganges. Whilst AIDS flourishes due to the men's infidelity with prostitutes. India ...
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Post15 Jan 2008

I presume you have an old copy of Chuck Berry's "my dingaling" in your record collection Mr Green.

One aspect which may not have been mentioned here is the Bhakti of going to Madhuban itself. Perhaps some should not bother if they are not in the appropriate consciousness, though, the old dog "lust" can bite any time any where.

The word pilgrimage comes to mind. There will be those who have ego about never missing it, as if it will somehow earn them more brownie points. And to think that there are souls who are stopped from going because they are considered/ judged as being somehow dodgy.

And is not the making of money in a profiteering way a form of lust, as perhaps touched upon already?
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Post15 Jan 2008

Although I am now too advanced to comment on this forum anymore :lol: ... my dingaling :lol:.

I wanted to comment on ex-l's point about Madubhan. I felt the true spirit of it died along time ago. When I was still going there, I used to sometimes go in December when it was really quiet ... like all the real heavy duty yogis ... it was one year, maybe 1999, I first noticed the coach loads of non-bk tourists being shown around the old Mudubhan and trapsing in and out of Baba's room in groups of fifty ... I felt then it was a bit sold out.
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Post16 Jan 2008

I suppose for the sakes of completeness we should add the question;
    have you ever, or do you know someone that made love in Madhuban?
I should call for a Taxi right now ... !
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a snake biting your bum whilst...

Post16 Jan 2008

No. But it's very funny to think of it. Maybe, partly, those stories about tigers and snakes attacking you in the jungle, serve the purpose of discouraging people from taking romantic walks in the bush. Can you imagine if have half of your clothes off, making love with someone and end up being biten by a poisonous snake (real one, not just lust!) or devoured by a ferocious feline? What a karma that would be!!!

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