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The Mahabharat War

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2007
by aimée
What you are saying is also totally true. The Mahabharat War seems to be here already, in the BK and the PBK world, and the biggest effort is to fight for truth within ourselves, to which extent we have faith in ourselves and Baba.

Then are we supposed to defend Baba's knowledge against the other groups that have formed against him? Maybe I am wrong, but for me I feel it is also my duty to raise the voice for truth and to fight for it. A non-violent war of course, but the Mahabharat is definitely a war.

Ravan spreads 10 different directions and brings sorrow. Ram brings the one direction that gives unity and happiness. What is my mission as a Pandav?

Re: The Mahabharat War

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2007
by shivsena
aimée wrote:Ram brings the one direction that gives unity and happiness. What is my mission as a Pandav?

Dear aimee.

You have already proclaimed yourself as a Pandav (just like every BK who takes basic knowledge claims he is Pandav). Just taking Advanced Knowledge, does it make anyone a Pandav. And what if he has anischay and leaves the Advanced Knowledge in future, does he still remain a Pandav??? So during the shooting period, no one can call himself Pandav; Kaurav - Pandav - Yadav will be declared only in the end.


PostPosted: 27 Jun 2007
by aimée
Pandavas and Kauravas are in the CA. You Pandavas are Sangamyugi and Kauravas are Kaliugi

Murli of the 19.6.75

We are now in the Confluence Age, are we not?

Kauravas and Pandavas were also there. Supreme Father Supreme Soul himself was helper on the Pandavas side

Murli of the 20.10.71

If the Supreme Father is helping, he is helping the Pandavs in achieving something. It is not at the end that the help can be provided.

Kaurav Government and Pandav Government are different, is not it? In the Golden Age there is just one Government. So now this Pandav Government is new. That is just a Congress Government. The Pandav Government also began at the same time as the Congress Government.

Murli of the 10.2.75

This is self explanatory is it not?

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2007
by shivsena
aimée wrote:We are now in the Confluence Age, are we not?

First, be sure that you are in Confluence Age. Advanced Knowledge says that shooting period of Kaliyug is going on at present. Both things cannot happen at the same time. If we are in Kaliyugi shooting, then we are all shudras and if we are in Confluence Age of behad ka drama, then this should be our first birth of inheritance (i do not see anyone who has got his inheritance).


PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by shivsena
aimée wrote:Murli of the 10.2.75. This is self explanatory is it not?

Dear aimee.

Nothing about any Murli point of Shivbap is self-explanatory. If everything was so simple then Murli points cannot be called priceless gems of knowledge. Every Murli point is interpreted as per the intellect of the student. A BK would interpret it as BKs are Pandavs and the outside world is kaurav. The PBKs interpret it as they are Pandavs and the BK world is kaurav. But who the real Pandavs and the kauravs and yadavs are will be known only when Ramshivbaba comes and starts giving the true Gita Gyan in future.


PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother,

Shooting happens in the Confluence Age itself. When the Supreme Soul comes, the Confluence Age commences and in this age there are different shootings. One is included in the other. In this age, Pandavas know and follow God, Kauravas know but don't follow and Yadavas neither know nor follow.

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2007
by pbktrinityshiva
Definitely it is that Pandavs and Kuravas and Yadavas are within PBK family itself. There must be those who know and follow, those who know and don't follow, and those who do not know and do not follow.

I have heard ShivBaba through (Virendra Dev Dixit) hint to this exact point in a clarification, I will see if i can find the VCD* number.

I also think we are not PBKs as yet, unless we are following Father 100% then how can we be considered PBK? I think we can only be called BK right now. I would not interpret this in an opposite manner and consider that its not worth doing service now ... that what we are doing is useless and its all about the future. This time is important. Is there any harm in doing best efforts possible through this time?

We are PBK for namesake right now, at least the majority, I do not know about the small percentage of true Sun Dynasty souls.

I have not decided, as yet, whether I think that shooting of both upgradation and degradation can take place at the same time.