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Who is Patit-Pawan (Purifier), Through Whom and How?

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by anamik
Dear Sweet Souls,
Our main aim in Sangam Yuga is to become viceless and also to change the vicious world into viceless world. The main duty of The Supreme Soul is not giving Knowledge, but is to change us from vicious to viceless beings.

I think there is no doubt that The Supreme Soul Shiva is Patit-Pawan. So the remaining questions are through whom and how. Before giving our views on this subject, I would like to ask some of you to explain what is meant by Patit (vicious) and Pawan (viceless).

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by arjun

In the Murlis one of the meanings given for patit (vicious) is bhrashtachari, i.e. the one who acts through the unrighteous organs. Opposite of it is the meaning of 'paavan' (pure), i.e. the one who acts through the righteous organs/sense organs.
