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1st Dynasty of Lakshmi-Narayan

PostPosted: 27 May 2007
by new world
Lakshmi and Narayan

In the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan, beneath their feet, it has been written that 'Sanvat starting from 1 to 2,500 years'. PBKs clarify that these 2,500 years are the total period of 8 dynasties of Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan (1,250 years) & 12 dynasties of Silver Aged Ram-Sita (1,250 years). Total period of these 20 (8 + 12) dynasties comprises 2,500 years of the dynasty of successive generations of confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan.

In the counting of 12 dynasties of Silver Aged Ram-Sita, the souls of Shankar-Parvati are taken into account (by PBKs), as 1st couple of Ram-Sita. But in the counting of 8 dynasties of Lakshmi and Narayan, souls of Brahma-Saraswati are consided as 1st generation Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan. Here confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan (same souls of Shankar-Parvati), are not considered as 1st generation of Lakshmi and Narayan. If according to PBKs, confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan are founders of Lakshmi and Narayan dynasty, then they must belong to that dynasty of Lakshmi and Narayan. Then why they (confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan) are not considered as 1st Lakshmi and Narayan?

PBKs also believe that 1st couple of (Golden Aged) Lakshmi and Narayan is 16 celestial degree complete. But they don't say anything about celestial degrees of confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan. Its a simple logic that two souls cannot have the same amount of celestial degrees. There must be some difference. So nobody can say that both confluence aged & Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan have the same amount of celestial degrees. But PBKs will not accept that celestial degrees of confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan are less than that of Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan. And logic says that celestial degrees of both Lakshmi and Narayan are not exactly equal. Then we have to accept the third option that celestial degrees of confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan MUST BE on higher level than that of Golden Aged Lakshmi and Narayan. Now 16 celestial degree means 100% complete.

On the absolute scale of measurement, nothing can be greater than 100%. Then what can you say about the mathematics of celestial degrees of confluence aged Lakshmi and Narayan? Are they even more pure than 100% (16 degree)?

PostPosted: 27 May 2007
by bansy
Hi new world,

I am glad you put the questions it in a sort of logical way. I've been asking about the birth of Krishna in various previous threads and posts which are along the same lines as to overlap of the last (84th) birth and that of the 1st birth.

Not got very far with it, so hope someone could logically put the last pieces of the (brith cycle) puzzle together.
Then we have to accept the third option that celestial degrees of confluence aged La-Na MUST BE on higher leval than that of Golden Aged La-Na. Now 16 celestial degree means 100% complete. On the absolute scale of measurement nothing can be greater than 100%.

Maybe 16 celestial degrees in only for the "ordinary diety". Could there be something greater than 16 celestial degrees? Since once we achieve the unlimited, then there are unlimited degrees.

Heavenly God Father & incorporeal ShivBaba

PostPosted: 28 May 2007
by new world
In Advance Literature, the soul of Prajapita is described as 'Bharat' & he will be called, "Heavenly God Father" when he will achieve the stage of confluence aged Narayan. And being Heavenly God Father, he will be equal to incorporeal ShivBaba (according to PBKs). Then can I dare to conclude that the celestial degrees of Heavenly God Father (Bharat/Prajapita) will be equal to that of incorporeal ShivBaba?

Like BKs, PBKs also believe that incorporeal ShivBaba have unlimited celestial degrees & his degrees do not variate. Now, if Bharat/Prajapita will be equal to incorporeal ShivBaba, then he must have to achieve unlimited celestial degrees (more than 16 degrees) like incorporeal ShivBaba. But in the Murlis we can find statements like, 'Pahle Bharat 16 kala sampurna shreshthaachaari tha'; meaning initially Bharat was 16 (celestial) degrees complete. Thus Murli point indicates that the maximum value of celestial degrees of Bharat cannot exceed the limit of 16 degrees & he will not achieve unlimited degrees. Thus we come to the point that Bharat will not be Heavenly God Father, as he will not achieve unlimited celestial degrees, which is the essential criteria to be 'Heavenly God Father'.

Thus the soul playing the role of Bharat must be different from the soul who will plays the role of Heavenly God Father.

PostPosted: 28 May 2007
by shivsena
new world wrote:PBKs picturise the story that Bharat (Veerendra Dev Dixit) became free from corruption & vices in 1976 ... But we see that even after 1976, Bharat (Veerendra Dev Dixit according to PBKs) is facing so many, many problems of this mortal world. Why?

Dear new world Bhai. Can you give your views on ''who is Bharat''???

Is it Ram's soul through Virendra Dev Dixit or is it Krishna's soul through Virendra Dev Dixit who is playing the role of 'Brashtari Bharat' in the end of the Kaliyugi shooting of the behad ka drama.


PostPosted: 29 May 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother new_world,

We accept that "Heavenly God the Father" is not said for the soul of any human being, but it is said for the soul of the Supreme Father Shiva when he plays a part in corporeal body. Although he, himself, does not go to heaven only, he can teach us the lesson of self and going into the self because when he comes he stays permanently in this stage.

We believe it is possible that not only 2 souls have equal degrees but the whole population of 916,108 at the start of the Golden Age all have the full 16 celestial degrees of soul-consciousness. The stage above celestial degrees is possible in the Confluence Age when there is the presence of the Supreme Father who is beyond celestial degrees. Then from the first second of the Golden Age, degrees start reducing.

celestial degrees of Heavenly God Father & incorporeal

PostPosted: 29 May 2007
by new world
Dear bro Andrey. You are very intelligent.

PBKs clearly explain that Confluence Aged Narayan (Prajapita/Bharat) will play the role of Heavenly God Father in Confluence Aged Heaven. Then he will become EQUAL TO incorporeal God ShivBaba (according to them). But incorporeal ShivBaba is viewed as having unlimited celestial degrees. So to be qualified for the post of 'Heavenly God Father', Confluence Aged Narayan MUST have to acquire unlimited celestial degrees. But in the Murlis, it's said that "Bharat" (Confluence Aged Narayan) will achieve only 16 degrees. Then how can Bharat/Confluence Aged Narayan/Prajapita (without achieving unlimited degrees) be called "Heavenly God Father"?

Again none of PBKs have answered the question, 'why are Confluence Aged Lakshmi-Narayan are not considered to be the 1st Lakshmi-Narayan?

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by andrey
PBKs picturise the story that Bharat (Veerendra Dev Dixit) became free from corruption & vices in 1976 ... But we see that even after 1976, Bharat (Veerendra Dev Dixit according to PBKs) is facing so many, many problems of this mortal world. Why?

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that mothers cry a lot on hearing the Ramayana that Rama has to tolerate a lot. But if Rama himself does not cry, why do they cry?

100 years of Brahma's age

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by new world
Dear bro andrey, I've discussed about how 'Bharat's freedom from corruption & vices in 1976 (in the middle of The Descending Ladder)' is not logical. Please go through that article posted as a post reply to my article 'Prejudiced PBK perspective about The Ladder' (date: 2/6/02).

And PBKs believe that the 100 years (in the mortal world) of Brahma (Virendra Dev Dixit) was completed in 1976. Thus this counting starts from 1876. Now was the soul of Bharat (Sevakram, the previous birth of Virendra Dev Dixit - according to PBKs) Brahma during 1876 to 1936-37?

Re: 100 years of Brahma's age

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by ex-l
new_world wrote:And PBKs believe that the 100 years (in the mortal world) of Brahma (Veerendra Dev Dixit) was completed in 1976. Thus this counting starts from 1876. Now was the soul of Bharat (Sevakram, the previous birth of Veerendra Dev Dixit - according to PBKs) Brahma during 1876 to 1936-37?

Especially with the revised date of Lekhraj Kirpalani's likely date of birth being around 1884 according to Om Radhe ... e.g. aged 54 in 1938.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother ex-l,

It is a matter of the Brahma from the beginning, not Dada Lekraj. We know from the Murli that, "which ever body i enter is named Brahma". It is regarding the personality from the beginning of the Yagya.

Dear Brother new_world,
Now was the soul of Bharat (Sevakram, the previous birth of Veerendra Dev Dixit - according to PBKs) Brahma during 1876 to 1936-37?

It is said in the Murli that, "i enter in an old body when he is in the stage of retirement - 60 years". Have you seen a picture of a Baby Brahma, or a child Brahma? Brahma is always shown as an old man. Why should the count start from 1?

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:It is a matter of the Brahma from the beginning, not Dada Lekraj. We know from the Murli that, "which ever body I enter is named Brahma". It is regarding the personality from the beginning of the Yagya.

Don't waste my and others time Andrey ... as ever, you deliberately miss the point by 1,000 miles in a crude attempt to bang in another point of Gyan. I am not interested in make believe.

Let me spell it out for you. The PBKs, and the BKs to a lesser extent, use a magical number of 1876. 100 Years from 1876 is the current, and to my knowledge latest, prediction for the Confluence Age superceding the previous failed predictions of WWII, 1950 and 1976. Why? What does 1876 stand for and where did it come for?

It is not the date of birth of Lekhraj Khubchand Kirpalani. That was around 1884. So what are you talking about? No spook relative to the BKWSU enter anyone in 1876 ... so what is the meaning of this date?

Just out of interest, why have the PBKs not got an explanation for the "Destructions" of WWII and 1950? They are clearly stated in the old material.

As far as I am concerned, the man was called Lekhraj Kirpalani until he died. He was not part of a proper lineage, had no right to change his name and did not do so legally. So Lekhraj Kirpalani it was.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by andrey
No, no, Brother see. We are not talking about Dada Lekraj here. See what the Brother says:
And PBKs believe that the 100 years (in the mortal world) of Brahma (Veerendra Dev Dixit) was completed in 1976. Thus this counting starts from 1876. Now was the soul of Bharat (Sevakram, the previous birth of Veerendra Dev Dixit - according to PBKs) Brahma during 1876 to 1936-37?

I think somewhere arjun Brother has mentioned that these dates for Destruction has been mentioned for the children to make effort.

Reply to ex-l

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by new world
Dear bro ex-l,

Really I am also facing useless & unconcerned replies of andrey. I am tired of him.

Andrey, if you are talking about physical age of Brahma, then was Virendra Dev Dixit an old man when Shiv entered in him in 1969?

Actually, there is a very deep & hidden meaning in '60th year of Brahma'. This is not bodily age. 'The 60th year' represents the spiritual stage of the soul of Brahma when he becomes completely experienced of all aspects of the corporeal world & he becomes Vaanprasthi. At that Vaanprasthi stage, his physical age may or may not be 60 years.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by andrey
It is a matter of the personality of the beginning of the Yagya that is mentioned for 60 years. The age of the next birth are added to the previous birth to make 100.

Virendra Dev Dixit as Brahma

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007
by new world
But bro andrey, how can you imagine Virendra Dev Dixit, a young man in 1969, as a Brahma who is always viewed as an old personality?