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Why do PBKs just keep on quoting Murlis??

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by jim
Why do PBKs just love to quote Murlis whereas the other ex / Brahmin groups often are more interested in “your story” etc?

This is my “unofficial” view.

Just like BKs, PBKs think that they have identified the Chariot of Shiva – ShivBaba; the One who should be remembered 24/7 to create purity and the Golden Age. For most BKs (ie post '69), they never met “their” corporeal Chariot. In any event, most BK teachers I heard talk about remembrance of a point of light in Paramdham and only Sister Jayanti insisted the true way was Shiva in the body of long departed Baba Brahma.

For PBKs, ShivBaba is a real, presently living being whom most of them they will have met. Remembering Shiva through that corporeal body is easy – and the story he is telling is current and evolving as the drama proceeds. So the PBKs have it relatively easy and if they are for real, all they think about is Baba. So they are going to tell you what he says, what he thinks, and maybe if they know it, what he had for breakfast!

The reason why this precludes, or makes irrelevant discussions about ourselves or other people is – well, I’m sorry to have to say – because Baba says “remember me alone”. Because he is training our intellect to be faithful to one; himself at the present time but that sanskar will be created for the future. Whomsoever happens to be our partner in a future birth, we are now being trained to be faithful to that one.

So when a PBK is asked to divert his/her mind away from ShivBaba, he/she is being asked to sow the seeds of adultery and the ensuing breaking of the family path. So unless you are a divorce lawyer, remembering only one has some pretty beneficial effects.


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by john
And my unofficial view is; then why join a discussion forum, why not a spiritual quoting forum? Churning and thinking is also important. Posting quotes to back up points within the thread to me is good. Cutting and pasting just chunks of Murli as an answer is I think just lazy.

Does this show much churning? If all we can do is quote, is that really understanding, even a parrot can be trained for that.

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by jim
Hello John

It's interesting that we all will insist on interpreting things in our own way even though the English language is one of the most specific in the world (in contrast to Hindi). Can unity be created in the world by everyone having their own disparate opinion?

Certainly everyone should make Gyan their own and integrate it fluidly into their writing. But few of us are so scholarly.


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by john
Hi Jim

I am not against Murli quotes at all. I think Arjun does a great job of hunting out relevant Murli points and taking the time to consult with Baba about any questions that might come up concerning PBK matters.

I also think Virenda Dixit was very courageous to stand up to the BKs when they dismissed his views which came from his own churnings. A point of Gyan from Sakar Murlis is interpreted in different ways and sometimes the difference between BK and PBK views is polar opposite. This forum is important because if we wish we can discuss these differing points of view in an open way. That can lead to a deeper understanding as different views come out.
Certainly everyone should make Gyan their own and integrate it fluidly into their writing. But few of us are so scholarly.

Yes, I take your point,there are different souls who each go into the Gyan at different levels, and yes we should be understanding of this as well. From being a BK that accepted and assumed so many points were given correctly by BKs, I am now investigating thoroughly as to what Gyan is all about with an open mind.

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by atma
Bhai Jim,

Yes please do continue to search this is what I did for many years. One has to understand there are 3 (classes)types of Murlis as well. Bhai, John I have not seen such courage or seva (unselfish) as I have seen with ShivBaba to some known as Virendra Dev Dixit.

It trully is amazing and well you have experienced it and know what I mean.


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by uddhava
atma wrote:
Bhai, John I have not seen such courage or seva (unselfish) as I have seen with ShivBaba to some known as Virendra Dev Dixit.

atma do you mean that Virendra Dev Dixit is ShivBaba aka Shiva aka God? :shock:

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by admin
Uddhava wrote:
atma wrote:Bhai, John I have not seen such courage or seva (unselfish) as I have seen with ShivBaba to some known as Virendra Dev Dixit.

atma do you mean that Virendra Dev Dixit is ShivBaba aka Shiva aka God? :shock:

If we could make a humble request from the point of view of Forum Management, the use of ShivBaba as referring to Virendra Dev Dik?i is going to be confusing.

If it is correct and more specific to say e.g., " ShivBaba through the medium of Virendra Dev Diksit ", could he or they be referred to in that way on this forum?

It would not seem to be correct to say " ShivBaba is Virendra Dev Diksit " which is how it reads in English.

It does say, " through whom the Supreme Soul Shiva has taken a divine incarnation " on the English language website.

Thanks. [ Usual disclaimers apply ]

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by joel
Admin wrote:If we could make a humble request from the point of view of Forum Management, the use of ShivBaba as referring to Virendra Dev Dik?i is going to be confusing. If it is correct and more specific to say e.g., " ShivBaba through the medium of Virendra Dev Dik?i ", could he or they be referred to in that way on this forum? It would not seem to be correct to say " ShivBaba is Virendra Dev Dik?i " which is how it reads in English.

With all respect to our esteemed sysop, I personally have no problem with Shiva Baba referring to Virendra Dev Diksit, if that is what PBKs believe. While acknowledging that it has been with some wonder that I have been reading Arjun and others' statements that they will ask Shiva Baba about certain questions.

In regard to which (of dinosaurs and coke cans and The Cycle) I don't think God has to explain everything to everyone, only enough to satisfy his followers. The followers (or divine family) will select themselves out of those who are satisfied with the explanations and choose the milieu.

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by uddhava
joel wrote:With all respect to our esteemed sysop, I personally have no problem with Shiva Baba referring to Virendra Dev Diksit, if that is what PBKs believe.

Hence my question was asking for clarification of PBK beliefs.

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by john
Bhai, John I have not seen such courage or seva (unselfish) as I have seen with ShivBaba to some known as Virendra Dev Dixit.

I have heard this before, it's one of the sticking points I have with PBK knowledge. I am wondering just as Krishna is worshipped in Bhakti and that is the soul of Brahma and therefore could have come from BKs thinking Brahma is God. Could some PBKs confuse Virenda Dixit with God, as it is said Virenda is the reincarnation of the Ram soul and as we know Ram is also worshipped as God in Bhakti.

PostPosted: 26 May 2006
by atma

Ram is a deiti and Shiva is the benefactor. The two are seperate. But Shiva requires a Chariot to communicate with us. Hence the term ShivBaba. I might suggest going deeper into the Trimurti for me this is very beneficial.


PostPosted: 26 May 2006
by admin
atma wrote:Ram is a deiti and Shiva is the benefactor.

I might suggest going deeper into the Trimurti for me this is very beneficial.

The same advice applies for "Ram". As Ram / Rama already has a traditional or existing meaning, can PBKs please qualify with something like, e.g., " Ram [ Virendra Dev Dixit ] " or " Veerendra D Dixit, who we know as Ram " etc. It is a little extra work but you can copy and paste. It is not a question of others having to go deeper into the Trimurti. It is a question of courtesy to others that might not have any understanding of these things.

This is a open public forum. It will be quoted by search engines to individuals looking for information. Your contributions are PR [ public relations ] for your beliefs not private chat or churning. It is a public not a private stage and so you need to keep half an eye on your audience to make sure that they are able to follow you. It is in your interest to make it as easy for others to understand you as possible.

Probably best to use Veerendra Dev Dixit


PostPosted: 26 May 2006
by john
Ram is a deiti and Shiva is the benefactor.

Atma I was carrying on from when you said
as I have seen with ShivBaba to some known as Virendra Dev Dixit ... I might suggest going deeper into the Trimurti for me this is very beneficial.

May I suggest you go deeper into my answer to understand what I was implying ... please think about it.

PostPosted: 26 May 2006
by john

To clarify, yes we (any ex-BK) know Ram is considered the name of a diety as also is Krishna and that Shiva is the Supreme Soul. This is simple BK education. What I am suggesting is , is that the Confluence Age events are affecting the broad drama events and in particular the ways of Bhakti.

PostPosted: 26 May 2006
by atma

I appreciate your views. Please excuse my quick responses for I am very busy right now. As I right now need to get ready to go to work. So this to will be brief. Bhai not many BK's know the following i am glad you understand this.
Yes we(any ex-BK) know Ram is considered the name of a diety as also is Krishna and that Shiva is the Supreme Soul. This is simple BK education.

Yes, you are correct what is going on is the foundation of bhatki. Look at many of what the BK's heads are doing and you will see alot of Islam bhatki. Trimurti is very important to understand and out of all the lessons it is said to be of the most important.

Please excuse I need to go and catch my bus.
