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Questions to PBKs about clarifying Murlis

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2007
by bansy
A few folks, includes some BKs, have asked me the following queries and though I may be able to reply to them but not being a PBK, I'd prefer a PBK (who has met ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit)) to give a fuller reply.

1) Why is ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) clarifying Murlis ? Why not just speak the entire Murli and then clarify points at the end, since not all souls would have heard that Murli in the first place?

Is this clarification of Murlis suggesting that;
    (a) Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) is incomplete but He's in angelic form ?
    (b) the Gyan was not complete up to 1969 ?
    (c) the Murlis up to 1969 were incomplete ?
2) What is there to suggest that there is not another Chariot after Virendra Dev Dixit ? This Chariot would simply further clarify Murlis.

I think the second query is obvious, but I understand why folks will ask this.

I think the first query parts a, b, c are the same. Well, some of the first queries have been given in this forum, if you follow it fully though I am sure Shivsenabhai and Arjunbhai, as well as other PBKs, could give a summarised viewpoints to these folks. Maybe even ex-PBKs could also do so.

Anyway, I hope these folks will come forward themselves and join the forum themselves.

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2007
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:Why is ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) clarifying Murlis ? Why not just speak the entire Murli and then clarify points at the end, since not all souls would have heard that Murli in the first place?

It is believed by the PBKs on the basis of the Advanced Knowledge that whatever basic knowledge was to be given by ShivBaba was narrated through Brahma Baba during a period of 18 years from 1951 to 1968 (+18 days of Jan'69) corresponding to the 18 chapters of Sanskrit Gita of the path of worship (Bhaktimarg). The Sakar Murlis thus narrated constitute Gita for the alokik Brahmins of the Confluence Age. Thus the role of ShivBaba in the form of a teacher to give knowledge was accomplished through Brahma Baba.

But there are many things in these Murlis which were neither understood during the times of Brahma Baba nor were understood by BKs after Brahma Baba's demise. So, just as the Sanskrit Gita has been interpreted in many ways, the Gita of us Brahmins began to be interpreted in different ways after 1969 and this process continues till date. But among all the interpretations of the Gita of alokik Brahmins only one must be true. That interpretation has to come from the one who has narrated it. That task of clarification of Murlis has been going on since 1976 ever since the revelation of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit as the new corporeal medium of incorporeal Shiva.

As regards, why He does not speak the entire Murli first and then clarify the points, I don't think this is necessary because the printed Murlis can be obtained by anyone and read, but the clarification has to come wherever it is necessary. It could be in the beginning, middle or end of the Murli, anywhere. It is generally spontaneous. In the earliest clarification Murlis available only in the form of audio cassettes it was observed that ShivBaba would read just one or two sentences of the Sakar Murli and clarify it for almost the entire class. That is as good as narrating a new Murli. Likewise, it has been observed in many of the discussion classes that if someone asks an interesting question ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) would give such a long answer that it could be more than the Murlis that BKs publish now a days.

Also, please refer VCD* in this regard.

Is this clarification of Murlis suggesting that;
(a) Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj) is incomplete but He's in angelic form?
(b) the Gyan was not complete up to 1969?
(c) the Murlis up to 1969 were incomplete?

Yes, it is all the three.
2) What is there to suggest that there is not another Chariot after Veerendra Dev Dixit ? This Chariot would simply further clarify Murlis.

In the Sakar Murlis ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has talked about a permanent Chariot (mukarrar rath). Although he has not used the words 'temporary Chariot' directly, but there are many phrases which suggest that there is a temporary Chariot also. For example Baba says, this is my old boot, and he also says that 'eat halwa even if your mother dies'. It is not to be taken in literal sense, but refers to the demise of mother Brahma (Dada Lekhraj). Even if Dada Lekhraj dies there is another Chariot through which ShivBaba would continue His task. Apart from this temporary and permanent Chariot, ShivBaba has not spoken about a third Chariot. Although three personalities are shown in Trimurti, but it has been clearly said in the Murlis that ShivBaba does not enter into Vishnu.

Shivsena Bhai would obviously say that ShivBaba's role would begin from 2009/2010 and other ex-PBK groups may say that the role of ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is over and that their leader is the new Chariot (almost all other groups call their leaders as the actor playing the role of Vishnu). It is upto individuals to decide on their own which one is right or whether all of them are false.


PostPosted: 25 Apr 2007
by bansy
please refer VCD* in this regard.

This can be obtained from the thread here : Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs: here.

(PS: Arjunbhai, what a coincidence, I was passed this query and somehow it has coincided with the your post at the same date !)

PostPosted: 26 Apr 2007
by arjun
PS: Arjunbhai, what a coincidence, I was passed this query and somehow it has coincided with the your post at the same date !

Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. This has occured with me also on several occassions. Many of the Murli quotes that I have produced on this forum were found/read by me on the same day/previous day. So, it is Baba who is helping us in the Godly service. Thanks to him.
