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BKs/PBKs, BK/PBK Murli, BK/PBK Baba

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2006
by andrey
BK Baba in the BK Murli has said that BKs should not call themselves BKs, but PBKs, so this Baba becomes PBK Baba and the Murli PBK Murli.

If PBK Murli is called Murli than it should be the same Supreme Soul who has spoken it, because only He narrates Murli.

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2007
by shivsena
arjun wrote:Ans: It is true that it is written in Murlis that the Gyan will get refined and changed. But in what way and to what extent is a matter to wait and watch. But any change will not be against or opposite to what the Murlis say. As far as possible it will be within the hints given in Murlis. It has been said in the Murlis that ‘that’ Gita has got finished (i.e. completed); but refining and changing will keep taking place in our true Gita till the end. It has been said so in the Murli.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Who is doing the refining and changing in Advanced Knowledge??? Is it bindi ShivBaba through Virendra Dev Dixit; or is it Ram's soul; or is it Krishna's soul through Virendra Dev Dixit?

If it is bindi ShivBaba, then why does He not speak the final truth in the first place so that ambiguity can be avoided?

According to Advanced Knowledge, Ram's soul is in continous rememberence, so it is improbable that he is doing the refining and changing; that leaves only Krishna's soul who has been the sole personality to bring out this Advanced Knowledge and as per his churning and stage. He is doing refining and changing from time to time from 1989; is this not a possibility??????


PostPosted: 06 Apr 2007
by bansy
Shivsena Bhai
Why don't you ask Virendra Dev Dixit ?

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by shivsena
bansy wrote:Why don't you ask Veerendra Dev Dixit ?

Dear bansy Bhai.

I have asked Baba (Krishna) many times but he gives answers which are very ambigious and defy logical thinking. So i have stopped asking him any more directly, But my queries eventually reach Baba and the answers given by Him are there on this forum for everybody to judge themselves. (Whether the answer is perfect or not, at least it does not make any sense to me); for eg in the VCD* no 152 (my discussion with Baba) Baba said that bindi Shivbap has 4 bannis (wives). Now this revelation just beats me, as it goes against the Murli points and was never taught to us in Advanced Knowledge. It becomes a new addition which was just revealed by Krishna without explaining in detail as to who are these 4 bannis (wives) of Shivbap.

So what am i to do?? Just nod my head to whatever he says or to do my own research from the study of Murlis and come to my own conclusion (apni ghot toh nasha chade).


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by bansy
Dear Shivsena Bhai
I appreciate your efforts, and I am sure others do too. Yes, it is hard to get all the answers and much is to do with one's intellect. I will surely try to ask Virendra Dev Dixit at the next opportune time. However, at times I know we (at least myself) are going round and round, I suppose that is what is called "churning", but also there is a balance to what is one's own churning and that faith in the Murlis and the clarifications within.
very ambigious and defy logical thinking.

Although this is out of scope of the topic but I was once given advice that there is something such as gradual enlightenment as well as instant enlightenment. However, there is no need to ponder which is what as it holds one back and accept and enjoy the current point in time. Eventually enlightenment comes to that person when least likely. My friend has long since passed away but has helped me realise the joys and hardships of studying "spirituality".

So going back, do you suggest that as of to date, the Raja Yoga "knowledge" (Gyan) is incomplete (BK-PBK or otherwise) ? I think it is not though cannot explain why, only that we are within the timeframe of the 100 years that God, Father Shiva, has given us to study but we cannot let time control us but flow with the time.


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by arjun
Shivsena wrote:for eg in the VCD* no 152 (my discussion with Baba) Baba said that bindi Shivbap has 4 bannis (wives). Now this revelation just beats me, as it goes against the Murli points and was never taught to us in Advanced Knowledge

I think Baba must have said like that because in the Sakar Murlis (spoken through Brahma Baba) it has been said by ShivBaba that Brahma is my banni. And since there are four Brahmas, it is obvious that there would be 4 bannis.


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by shivsena
arjun wrote:I think Baba must have said like that because in the Sakar Murlis (spoken through Brahma Baba) it has been said by ShivBaba that Brahma is my banni. And since there are four Brahmas, it is obvious that there would be 4 bannis.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Yes--this answer was expected; sometimes there are 4 brahmas ; sometimes there are 5(panchananda Brahma) and sometimes Brahma becomes Trimurti and sometimes Brahma becomes the only banni(wife) and the only child(murabi baccha) of ShivBaba; i just don't know what will come up next and how long the PBKs will keep on overlooking the ambigious answers; it is good to note that arjunbhai can catch Baba's thoughts, when Baba is answering the queries in an ambigious manner.


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by shivsena
bansy wrote: So going back, do you suggest that as of to date, the Raja Yoga "knowledge" (Gyan) is incomplete (BK-PBK or otherwise) ? I think it is not though cannot explain why, only that we are within the timeframe of the 100 years that God, Father Shiva, has given us to study but we cannot let time control us but flow with the time.

Dear bansy Bhai.
Yes--you have said it very correctly; as per my manthan the study of RajYoga is not yet started, leave alone being incomplete. The study of RajYoga will start only when both Shivbap and Rambap become combined to be called ShivBaba in the real sense; RajYoga was neither taught at the basic level nor is being taught at the advance level but will be taught only to 108 rudramala souls(kings of many births) in the near future; neither the 41/2 lac souls of basic praja nor the 16000 souls of royal advance praja will have the privilege of learning RajYoga from Ramshivbaba in the near future.

More in my next post.


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by andrey
RajYoga was neither taught at the basic level nor is being taught at the advance level but will be taught only to 108 rudramala souls(kings of many births) in the near future; neither the 41/2 lac souls of basic praja nor the 16000 souls of royal advance praja will have the privilege of learning RajYoga from Ramshivbaba in the near future.

In the Murlis it is said that he will not give extra tution. Why is then said that all the subjects would believe themselves as masters?
it is good to note that arjunbhai can catch Baba's thoughts, when Baba is answering the queries in an ambigious manner

Please, avoid personal comments.

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2007
by shivsena
Andrey wrote: Please, avoid personal comments.

Dear andrey Bhai. Practice before you preach.

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2007
by button slammer
According to Advanced Knowledge, Ram's soul is in continous rememberence, so it is improbable that he is doing the refining and changing; that leaves only Krishna's soul who has been the sole personality to bring out this Advanced Knowledge and as per his churning and stage. He is doing refining and changing from time to time from 1989; is this not a possibility??????

Being in continuous rememberance does not mean the soul is incapable of action/speaking etc, it simply means the soul is in a stage of being the embodiment of Yoga and knowledge.

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2007
by shivsena
button slammer wrote: Being in continuous rememberance does not mean the soul is incapable of action/speaking etc, it simply means the soul is in a stage of being the embodiment of Yoga and knowledge.

Dear slammer Bhai.

So according to you, Ram's soul also becomes vocal at times and both Ram and Krishna interfere with the clarifications given by Shivbap, which is the cause of ambiguity in Advanced Knowledge. Is that what you are trying to imply??

This further many queries: First of all, if Advanced Knowledge is given by omnipotent Teacher Shivbap, then why should lesser imperfect and impure students like Ram and Krishna interfere in between? Is that not an insult to Supreme Teacher Shivbap? Secondly, why should the all-powerful teacher Shivbap allow these students Ram and Krishna to interfere in his clarification and to cause confusion amongst the PBKs? Or is it a delibrate act of Shivbap to create confusion amongst the PBKs, so that He can see who is accepting things blindly and who is trying to reason out things (in short, to make PBK numberwise)? These are some of the logical queries arising in my mind. Can any PBK please throw some light on this complex issue of who is giving clarifications and who is doing refining and changing?


PostPosted: 12 Apr 2007
by button slammer
Avyact BapDada does not cross the Murli, why should Ram or Krisna?

You have made claims to so called ambiguity in the Advanced Knowledge, however, ambiguity does not mean something is false or is lacking on the part of Advanced Knowledge. Moreover, the lack of understanding or recognition may be directed to other parties. :)

PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007
by shivsena
button slammer wrote: You have made claims to so called ambiguity in the Advanced Knowledge, however, ambiguity does not mean something is false or is lacking on the part of Advanced Knowledge. Moreover, the lack of understanding or recognition may be directed to other parties. :)

Dear slammer Bhai.

My understanding of the word "ambiguity" is that ''anything which is not answered short and to the point and and should not go against the Murlis of Shivbap and should not defy logic.'' Any answer which does not satisfy the above and keeps you more confused than before, is an ambigious answer for me.

If you are saying that anyone who does not understand the answers of Shivbap are "other parties", then my reasoning says that Shivbap is the Father of all 108 rudramala souls (which contains the seed souls of all religions) and if He cannot unite all the different religions under one roof, then why the words of ''universal brotherhood'' (under one Father) is used in Bhakti marg.


PostPosted: 19 Apr 2007
by button slammer
shivsena wrote:My understanding of the word "ambiguity" is that ''anything which is not answered short and to the point and and should not go against the Murlis of Shivbap and should not defy logic.'' Any answer which does not satisfy the above and keeps you more confused than before, is an ambigious answer for me.

I remember the old Sakar Murli point ' a man thought he was a buffalo and could not walk through the door' In the same if way you consider the child Krisna to be confusing you, you will remain confused. I consider ShivBaba to be teaching and remain clear.

One time I recieved a one word answer to a question I put to Baba/Virendra Dev Dixit. That one word kept me intoxicated and enthusiastic for several years, Baba even spoke the reply in English. Very short and to the point, it felt like the entire Ocean of Knowledge was distilled into ONE DROP, the answer was ' Simultaneous'

Perhaps it is your own questions
that are ambiguous? :lol:.