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PostPosted: 02 Dec 2006
by andrey
There is only one soul that is the highest on high. There is no one higher than him. High means high stage. The higher the stage, the less the influence. Only one soul is not influenced by others – he is everpure. One becomes 100 pure - means he is also not influenced by anyone (else then the everpure one). The next number will have only one that is higher then him, and the next one will have two.

Re: Numberwise

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2006
by shivsena
Andrey wrote:There is only one soul that is the highest on high. There is no one higher than him. High means high stage. The higher the stage, the less the influence. Only one soul is not influenced by others – he is everpure. One becomes 100 pure - means he is also not influenced by anyone (else then the everpure one). The next number will have only one that is higher then him, and the next one will have two.

Dear andrey Bhai.
Your answers and queries are so high that they just go above my head.

Please be more specific as to who is "everpure"; who becomes 100% pure; who is no. one and no. two; and who is highest of the high; and who is this soul who is not influenced by others.

Pardon my ignorance; I am not good at solving riddles.


PostPosted: 04 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
Whatever something is, if it is 100% pure then it is 100 % pure. How's that for cryptic :lol:

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2006
by aimée
For me who is not influenced ever by anyone can only be the one who does not go through birth and rebirth, and stays detached because has never been born through a womb, God himself. the rest will all be impure at the end of The Cycle, whoever, even both chariots of Shiv. The difference between all of us would then be the capacity to connect with God, depending of the strength of our faith.

The only one who has an unshakeable faith is Ram's soul, in his part. It doesn't mean he is pure as yet, otherwise he would already be the Sangamyugi Narayan. The other numbers,it depends on each ones churning. Logically the number two would have only one above him, but God being above the numbers and any sort of counting, then Ram becomes number one, or is it Shankar? Or is it the Sangamyugi Narayan? If we look at roles and not souls, then it becomes more complicated ...

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2006
by andrey
In the Murli it is said we should first explain that God is highest on high. Baba explains that high and law is not a matter of the incorporeal word. A point of light cannot be high and low, it is the stage of this soul when it is in the body and it is the stage of the intellect. One soul has such intellect that is full of knowledge about himself, other souls and the drama and he makes all other souls knowledgeful - this is the ever pure Shiv.

Avyakt BapDada has said that the matter of purity is very deep it is not a matter of just celibacy. And Baba has clarified that purity means to belong to one only with mind , body, everything. How is then the ever pure - ever pure. We become impure, because we start belonging to more than one, and this Supreme Soul is completely detached, he does not belong to anyone, means he is not attached to anyone, and he also makes others detached from everyone, from the whole world. Yes we say “Baba you belong to me and I belong to you”, but this relationship does make us free and not bounded. One proof for this is that when he leaves we don’t cry for him. In fact in one Murli it was mentioned that he’ll leave and we’ll say that the Baba who has given our inheritance has left and we’ll shed tears of love.

It is said for Shankar that he is not born and does not die. Means he does not develop faith and does not lose it. He watches everyone dying – means everyone loses faith in front of him, but nno onewatches him dying. He does not loose faith in front of anyone.

Brother button slammer has very well mentioned that this knowledge makes us seers of the three aspects of time. No matter what stage is the soul in now. If we are firm on the drama ... then the pure stage of tomorrow will be for us as with such certainty as it is already present, because everything is fixed.

There is one king of the world and he is chosen, there cannot be change in this. When we find him we are very happy we have found something really very precious. He is the one who becomes of such a stage to control the whole world, to unite it and to rule it with the power of the mind and of the vibrations. Nono onelse can do this, nno onecan match him. In this personality comes the ever pure Shiv, that’s why whatever versions emerge from the mouth – to oppose this is a very big burden. You spoil a big harmony that is about to be established. Unity means one king for all, one god for all.

The term highest on high in my opinion is a challenge to the human mind, because it always thinks ... no ... there is definitely something higher. Usually thoughts follow cyclic pattern and they are unlikely to accept something fixed and extreme.

So this one becomes the highest on high amongst all the human souls of the world. He is number one. Yes, Shiv is a point a zero. He is number one throughout the whole cycle, but in the rest of The Cycle is hidden for our intellect to recognize and we recognize only when Shiv comes in him, we recognize both and we remember both. That’s why it is said that he becomes also the most impure and the most pure one. For me it means that he becomes number one lustful means more lustful that the lustful one, means he is number one in this, he goes ahead of the vicious ones, because he has these sanskars of kingship that he can not be subordinate, he cannot be influenced. So in the impure world, how can someone be more lustful than him, it will be influence. So this soul – yes it takes influence and is colored by the company of others, but as he takes colour of the company he gives more colour of the company. Probably he would make the lustful more lustful. Shiv neither takes nor give colour of the company. He is separate, different, we cannot match him, but yes we match him when we reach his stage of detachment and being uninfluenced, when we get lost totally in soul-conciousness. Baba says that The Ladder of progress is to think of the self.

That’s why now the more we get colors of the company (because we have recognized) the more we get colored with these sanskaras of being a king – we acquire them.

The matter was about numberwise, means second, third, fourth numbers. The second one will take influence from the first and will not be able to return it more. He will take influence but return more, color more all the rest, except one. The third number will have the same case with two souls, that’Silver Age why it is a matter of purity. Purity is less. Then the forth soul – with three other souls etc. It is a matter of achieving of the incorporeal – thoughtless stage. One is first then second, third. One is always in this stage (the ever pure Shiv) Than one reaches this stage first. None helps hims in this he reach is completely himself, by himself, alone. Then he helps the second number. Then these two help the third number etc. This color can be also that one can cause this stage to many, but these way praja qualities souls are created. That’s why Baba teaches to give this knowledge one to one. This way one creates inheritance.

He has also said that the ones whom we have given knowledge to are like children to us. The soul of Shiva comes and gives knowledge to everyone, no one gives knowledge to him. He is a Father to Prajapita too. The child Krishna receives knowledge from his Father. But the mouth of this Father – no one gives knowledge to him, no one opens his part.

I was reminded about a film Excalibur – the sword of King Arthur. There used to be a sword that King Arthur before his death sticked into a stone. And no one could take it out. Many tried and failed. Only his son could, that’s how they recognized him. This way, no one else can play the part of Prajapita except Prajapita. Yes, there can be many to try, but they will not be able to take the sword out means they are not the chosen ones. They will not be able to reveal the Murli like this.

Our roles are fixed too. There is no question of enmity or jealousy. Everyone has his own part and everyone will be happy to play it, because no one will be capable to play another part.

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2006
by andrey
Please, consider these corrections in the previous post:
Unity means one king for all, one god for all.

God is different and king is different.
...Yes, Shiv is a point a zero. He is number one throughout...

Here he is not about Shiv the point of light.
that’Silver Age why it is a matter of purity

here "Silver Age" should not be present. It should be "that's why it is a matter of purity".
They will not be able to reveal the Murli like this.

I think the secrets of the Murli cannot be revealed by the human personality, but it is ShivBaba that reveals them
This way one creates inheritance

It should not be "inheritance", it should be "inheritors"
And who are No. 2, 3, 4 souls i don't know. Maybe No. 2 soul is Vishnudevi.

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2007
by andrey
Shiv neither takes nor give colour of the company.

the first is for sure but not the second

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2007
by aimée
Brother, I like the image of Excalibur, the only one who can reveal the sword of knowledge. Like Arjun in the Mahabharat, is the only one who can lift the bow and target his arrow to the aim ...

I think we do have to take the colour of the company of God, the one in the fortunate Chariot. In ShivBaba, we have to remember Shiv and not Shav, the "corpse". Whichever embodied being we would be attached to, it becomes a way of worship. The only one able to purify us is God, and it is what Ram is doing at the moment, as you say, with so much to purify as a king of kings, he is constantly in remembrance. This is why Baba (in both Virendra Dev Dixit ans Lekhraj Kirpalani) says that what is Shankar doing? Nothing. is not it? tell me if you don't agree ...