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One truth, many truths, terms, actors

PostPosted: 15 May 2006
by andrey
Dear Brothers,
As the forum has his own rules created by the administrator, can be there a creator of heaven creating rules of living in heaven. Rule number one – I’m a soul. All we follow the rules of the forum, if we like it or not, because t is created like this and there is unity hidden in this. Why, and in what way is the whole world in darkness of ignorance. The whole world is not aware of the fact of arrival of the Supreme Soul who creates the new world giving knowledge or creating the law of living in this new world of unity. The first thing he do is giving new terms or new explanation to old terms. All people has their own understanding without the clear faith this is the right undersanding. All oppinions cannot be all right at the same time, and contradictory at the same time. That’s why under one supreme opinion one opinion is created. All others opinions are merged in this one opinion. If one does not like it, one just don’t like to listen and goes away. Like if one doees not like the rules of this forum will not like to post.

From this point of view, would anyone like taking up to clarify the general terms or actors on the world drama stage A soul, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar, Bap, Baba, BapDada, Big Mama, Little Mama, Radha, Krishna, Lakshmi, Narayan, Maya, Ravan etc so that there can be unity in perception of these terms and thus fruitfull discussion. Please, note if one does not accept terms or give them misinterpretation, does not make the terms false, but does prove himself not interested in the matter.

PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by atma
I believe ones ego can become entangled in knowledge..

For example we may want things to be the way we want to them to be(the old we know better) and we may also want to portray a actor or actress(becoming jealous why them and not me) instead of accepting ones role in this drama. In a movie each actor plays a role in making the movie work so in may not be any different in this broad drama as well.

But of course the main actos put in a greater effort to play the larger roles.


PostPosted: 16 May 2006
by andrey
Yes, ego can be of many different types, but there should also be a pure ego that corresponds to the truth. There is an example of a person uttering I am bufallo and not becoming one. So main effort is still to understand "Who am i". Baba says what an actor is the one who des not know his own part - a foolish actor. The same way do we know what drama do we play part in and who are the main actors in it. Where are they and what part do they play.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006
by aimée
There is one thruth, God's ultimate truth, but, it is bound to be because we are not manmanabhav, we will all understand the Murlis and Shrimat and Gyan in our own way, according to our own sanskars, history, and the religion we belong to. It is because it is delicate to share knowledge, because it always will be tainted by our own subjectivity. So what we learn from others, should always be checked in our heart, intellect, and with the Murli. And also it is pointless to have disagreements (even if we can and will have, this is the game of interaction and communication), because what one says is perfectly right according to their vision of the drama and Gyan. This is the beautiful contradiction of this website!

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2006
by andrey
A soul – a very subtle point of light of knowledge, each soul has a part recorded in it, human beings, animals, birds, insects, are all points of light souls alike A soul is called – mind-intellect-sanskars. In the Murlis it is said that you children at the end will also play the part of entering into other bodies.
    • Shiva – benefactor – the name of the Supreme Soul point of light, the Father of all point of light souls. His speciality is that He is capable of entering into a mature human body. His speciality can be known when He Himself comes in a corporeal body and Himself gives his own introduction to souls.
    • Prajapita – Father of the people. He can be considered Prajapita when at least the 8 have accepted him as Prajapita.
    • Gita Mata - the Mother Gita. The mother of Krishna. The wife of God.
    • Gita Pati Bhagavan – the husband of Gita – God.
    • Brahma – the body in which the Supreme Soul Shiva enters. Means also Big mother.
    • Saraswati – the deity of intellect – reference for Om Radhe Mama that passed away in 1965 like the incognito river that comes later and becomes incognito earlier, but there is mention in the Murlis that she will continue to sustain the Yagya till the end even if the Baba / Brahma Baba/ moves.
    • Vishnu – a deity of the Golden Age. Combination of the Resolves of Brahma – Sraswati and Shankar - Parvati.
    • Shankar – mixed part/Shiva, Krishna, Ram/, the greatest subtle deity. He drinks the poisen of the world.
    • Parvati – the one who takes people across.
    • Bap – Father – reference to the Supreme Soul Shiva.
    • Baba – grandfather – reference to the relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul when the Supreme Soul comes in a corporeal body. Brahma Baba was also called Baba because of the older body.
    • Dada – elder Brother - the soul of Brahma Baba – Krishna. Also means grandfather.
    • ShivDada – Shiva the grandfather. The personality from the beginning of the Yagya
    • BapDada – combination of the Supreme Soul and the soul of Krishna (Dada Lekraj) in one corporeal body
    • Big Mama – Brahma – Jagadamba. The soul of Krishna plays the part of a big mother in the Confluence Age on entering a female body, RajMata (the mother of the king).
    • Little Mama – Raj Rani /the wife of the king/ Radha of the Confluence Age.
    • Radha – Om Saraswati Mama plays the part of Radha in the Golden Age. In the confluence after it leaves the body (1965) it plays the part of entering and does service. No. 1 cooperative soul that extends full cooperation. There is also Radha of the Confluence Age
    • Krishna - the soul of Dada Lekraj plays the role of Krishna in the Golden Age. He is the heroine of the Drama in the Confluence Age and after he leaves the body (1969) he plays the part of entering into other souls' bodies and doing subtle service. There is also Krishna of the Confluence Age. In the Golden Age the vision of Krishna is only for Radha and the vision of Radha is only for Krishna.
    • Lakshmi – the deity of wealth. She receives the wealth of knowledge from her husband Narayan and distributes it.
    • Narayan – the one who transform himself from a man into Narayan in one birth. Is the No1+ Narayan of the conflucence age /the true Narayan/, who receives his status directly from the Supreme Soul himself in the Confluence Age. In 1976 the seats of Lakshmi Narayan of the Confluence Age were taken and it became too late for this effort. Lakshmi and Narayan From the Confluence Age cooperate with one another with the waves of the vibrations of love. There are 8 Narayans numberwise who take numberwise births in Golden Age. No 1 is Dada Lekraj/Brahma Baba, the soul of Krishna/, who after taking birth as Krishan from the Narayan of the Confluence Age receives His kingship as an inheritance form their parents. The Godly governments says the easiest effort is to remember Narayan.
    • Ram – the one who gives rest. The one who gives only one direction. Incorporeal Ram is reference for the Supreme Soul Bap. Corporeal Ram is reference to the body He enters.
    • Sita – When one Supreme Soul enters into corporeal body he has the relationship with souls as their husband. All souls – Sitas are now in the kingdom of Ravan. Ram comes to liberate them and take them to the kingdom of Ram.
    • Ardhanarishwar – Half man and half woman combination of love and law in one body the combination of resolves of Ram and Krishna
    • Maya – daughter of the Father. Reference to the souls foreign to the deity religion.
    • Ravan – the one who makes others cry. The one who gives many different directions through many different heads. Reference to the combination of different religious souls that gather to rule. 5 head are for five male vices. Other 5 heads for 5 elements of nature.
    • Duryodhan – the one who fights wicked war.
    • Dushasan – the one who does wicked acts.
    • Hiranyakashyap – the one who drinks the purity of others and make them vicious.
    • Meera – she used to have a husband but loved only Krishna. We are also Meeras because whilst having love for one, we drink the poison having relationship with others /in thoughts, words, actions/

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2006
by andrey
When a task commences it is performed in three ways. First an idea comes as to what should be done. Prior to the arrival of the Supreme Soul, no one has had the idea of creation of heaven on earth, because it is only the Supreme Soul Shiv that has this knowledge /idea, role/. He adopts souls as helpers to perform this task. In their intellect it comes as to what should be done. This is the Planning party or the engineers. They are these souls who study Godly knowledge and churn on it. They are themselves impure souls because they are the souls who have been kings for many births, and as such has been doing bad deeds. These souls gather in the beginning of the Yagya, but scatter because there has not been so much knowledge then and not clear perspective could be seen. It is connected with the Piu Vani /the narrations of the pious one from the beginning of the Yagya that are not kept now and are considered to have been very strong and fearfull/ This party can be also compared with the community of Shiva or the Rudramala.

Secondly a map, ? model of what it is to be created is created. In Karachi (after 47-48 ) a model of Heaven has been created by the Supreme Soul. The whole brotherhood gathered there. It has been a family of unity with one Spiritual Mother and Father in practical form, whom everyone has been accepting as such. There has been no external influence and no connection with the outside world. Remembrance has been easy and natural as the Supreme Soul has been face to face in the body of Dada Lekraj. The heads were the souls of Radha and Krishna who are from the Inspirational party . Like when we see a picture or a model we get inspired, about the real object, practical object, and receive better understanding and enthusiasm. These souls after leaving the body enter others souls for doing service. They can be connected with the basic knowledge. And be called Brahma’s community.

Thirdly comes the Practical party that perform the task in a practical way. They posses the more the power of purity, being quees for many births. They are from the vijayanty mala /the rosary of victory/ that wins over the vices. They can be called the Vishnu community.

In the Advance Party there are souls from all the three parties. When they work together the work can be done. They are called advanced because they advance in these.

But out of the three who does the most important task? Everyone should know it’s speciality. In the social revolution (the workers voice) is – Why should we have a king, why should there be someone to control us, cannot we rule ourselves. Oh, put the king down, - we will be the kings now. But it is that they just don’t posses the qualities to control and rule the qualities the Supreme Soul teaches. They are powerfull in performing the task practically. The intellectual work is always considered the highest than the practical.

In the fairy tales also…everything happens on the third time. First try is tried and there is no success, second time a try with no success and success comes at the third time.

All the three parties need one another. Make the engineer put the bricks and he will complain that his potential is not used, he will get exhausted after putting five to four bricks. Leave the task without an inspiration and the engineers will just produce map after map without meaning, they will not have the enthusiasm to make it practical. Had the Practical party not been there had they not have the map or inspiration to do it, they would sit still saying – "Why should we work, there is no work to be done." Or if they make the task without knowledge they will most probably make a building /of souls/ to collapse on a step inside, because they don’t posses that broad intellect and knowledge as to consider the earthquakes, wall thickness, orientation and to make the calculations.

Baba comes and teaches effort with no effort, kingship, he does not like hard work and labour. He says so in the Avyakt Vanis, maybe in the Murlis also, that we should not labor. So which party does He come to create. All three parties he creates, because all three are needed but which would be His special chosen ones. Ones that would be similar to Him, isn’t it? Does Shiv do inspirational task, practical task or intellectual task of giving knowledge? He only gives knowledge.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by andrey
Until now I knew from religion God is truth but did not know how. It's new for me the conception. We don't reach the truth by research. The Truth is a personality. He comes, He speaks, He acts. The more we imbibe the more truthful we become ourselves, otherwise we imbibe falsehood of others.