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Trimurti Shiv-jayanti!! When and How?

PostPosted: 10 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Dear BK and PBK Brothers.

It has been said in the Murlis many times "Shiv-jayanti mat kaho; hamesha Trimurti Shiv jayanti kaho"(meaning that "Do not say shiv-jayanti but always say Trimurti shiv-jayanti''.) because when Shivbap comes, then always 3 murtis(personalities) should be present.

Now if the PBKs believe that bindi ShivBaba is playing the role of Bap-teacher-satguru through Virendra Dev Dixit from 1976 onwards then the question arises, where are the 3 murtis?? (the third murti - head of vijaymala is still to come); so does this not prove that ShivBaba ki jayanti is still to come in the near future?? ( when Ram and Shiv become combined )

Also it has been said in Murli dated 3-10-05 that : " Brahma - Vishnu - Shankar teeno ka janam ek saath hota hai." (meaning that Brahma - Vishnu - Shankar all three take birth at the same time); this mahavakya also clearly indicates that the part of Bap-teacher-satguru has still not started but will start some time in future when all three murtis will be present.

So the question arises : whose part is then going on through' Virendra Dev Dixit??
The answer also lies in the Murlis which say that : ''Sthapana ke adi se lekar anth tak ek Brahma(Krishna) ka hi part hai. Nimit bani hui atma beech mein chod kar nahin jaa sakti". So Krishna(Brahma) was nimit in the beginning through' the body of Dada Lekhraj(83rd birth) and now after leaving the body it is Krishna's soul(Brahma), who is completing his 84th birth through' the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and completing the task of establishment which He had left incomplete.

This is what i have derived after churning the Murli points.

PostPosted: 10 Oct 2006
by andrey
The birthday of Trimurti Shiva means birthday like revelation, It is not matter of him coming and entering. The example is that the birthday of a child is celebrated when it comes out of the womb and not when the soul enters in the little body during in the womb.

So far this revelation has not happened, because the three figures are needed, and out of them the idol of Vishnu is our aim of the complete form. We should become Lakshmi and Narayan, It is not the aim to become Jagadamba or Shankar. The three figures of Brahma Vishnu and Shankar work together till the end. These three murtis are always present in front of the eyes of the Father /I suppose/, but revelation happens when there is balance, harmony between them

But this does not mean that Shiva has not come and has not played the first part, the second part. Now it is a transition period. After all who is the one who gives the teachings? To clarify the poetry and prose? Is it the soul of Krishna? Why do you make the soul of Krishna the God of the Gita? We are the children, we should reveal the Father, should we reveal our Brother? There is no benefit from him?

Why do you make Shankar disappear? In the Murlis it is said if you cut out Shankar he will also cut you at the end.

BKs say God has come and when you ask where is H, then they say OK, He left already. And you say He has not come already. Why would you like to distract people or make them wait and lose their time when time is very short. Why should they wait, what are they to wait for. Till you give them the signal -“OK the role started.” Everyone has his own intellect to see.

And there are especially accusations regarding the PBKs that they give dates of destruction and then change them. I don’t know if anyone else has done this than you. Baba has never given dates except regarding 76 and 2000 that it is He who has given them and there is explanation about it.

Definitely the role of Satguru will continmue

You ask so many questions. Now answer:

Where do we receive Shrimat throught – Dada Lekraj or Virendra Dev Dixit?
Who gives the Advanced knowledge

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Andrey wrote:You ask so many questions. Now answer:

Where do we receive Shrimat throught – Dada Lekraj or Veerendra Dev Dixit?
Who gives the Advanced knowledge

Dear andrey Bhai.

We receive Shrimat neither from Dada Lekhraj nor from Virendra Dev Dixit; they are just the names of bodies; we will receive Shrimat only in the end when Rambap and Shivbap become equal to each other in all respects ie. when Rambap reaches his 100% incorporeal stage like Shivbap and it will be Ramshivbaba who will then be giving the Shrimat through' the present body, which will give sadgati to all PBKs; now it is Krishna's soul who is controlling the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and hence there is no question of Shrimat during the shooting period.


PostPosted: 18 Oct 2006
by andrey
Shrimat comes through the body, but the soul that gives Shrimat in the body is not the soul of Krishna - Dada Lekraj, or Ram. That's why whatever Murlis has been spoken through Dada Lekraj are also Shrimat for us, is it not? So who spoke them? If Shiva could have spoken through the body of Lekhraj Kirpalani who has not been in the incorporeal stage at all, but has been in Sakar stage, and if we can consider this as Shrimat, then why cannot the soul of Shivbap not speak through the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, nomatter the stage the soul of Ram inside is in? The Avyakt Vani are spoken by the soul of Brahma Baba through Gulzar Dadi are also Shrimat for us - why? Because Bap and Dada cannot be separated. Someone even try to separate the words of the paper Murli, which words are true coming from Shiva - which false - coming from Dada, so you do the same.If so far we have not received Shrimat, then Shiva has not come. But no, he has come, he has spoken Murli etc. Of corse there are different stages different roles. My point is if we wait for something in the future...
What do you base your statements that there cannot be Shrimat in the shooting period and that Krisha controls the body on? It is always said that Krishna is the one who study, not the one who teach. Ram is also not the one who teach. Is the soul of Krishna or the soul of Ram more powrfull? So, who will take the control?
If we don't get directions from the Director during the shooting or rehersal of the drama, how will we improve our acting? Have you seen a director who directs the actors during the play?

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2006
by andrey
It is also said that children should follow Shrimat. So what do we follow up to now?

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Andrey wrote:Because Bap and Dada cannot be separated?

Dear andrey Bhai.

Can you give your views about who is this Bap and Dada who cannot be seperated and why??


PostPosted: 20 Oct 2006
by andrey
Bap and Dada are the Father and the Mother of the World. Baba has said that foreigners don't believe in the Mother, but bharatvasis believe in both.
If you don't believe in the one , you don't believe in the other, if you oppose the one you oppose both. They have been partenrs to each other througouth the whole cycle.

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by shivsena
Dear arjun Bhai.

Can you please give your views on whether Trimurti Shiv jayanti was celebrated in 1976 or not??

If it was celebrated, then which were the 3 murtis which were revealed ( as all PBKs know that neither Badi Maa nor choti Maa were there in 1976 with the present Chariot) and if Shiv-jayanti is going to be celebrated in future, when the above 3 murtis are together, then does it not mean that the role of ShivBaba as Bap-teacher-satguru has not yet started and it is only Krishna's soul(Brahma) who is now in control of the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and doing the subtle shooting of Dwapur and Kaliyug in the Sangamyugi drama??

your views are awaited.

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by arjun
Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Omshanti. Trimurti Shivjayanti was celebrated in the beginning of the Yagya itself when all the three personalities were together. But, I don't think the Brahmin family knew about the three souls that are supposed to play the role of the three personalities, namely, Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu.

A few years after the establishment of the Yagya, the three personalities left the Yagya or left their bodies and took rebirth and then entered the Yagya again with different names and forms. The revelation of the Sun of Knowledge (gyaan soorya) or Shankar began in 1976, which corresponds to approximately the middle of the Yagya. Although the three souls which are supposed to play the roles of the three personalities were present in the Yagya (including BK and PBK family) the other two personalities, i.e. Vishnu and Brahma, might not have been known to the PBKs or the Brahmin family as we know today. So, I think it cannot be said that Trimurti Shiv Jayanti took place in 1976.

Now we all (PBKs) know clearly who are the souls that are going to play the roles of the three personalities. We know that one personality, i.e. Shankar is physically with us. The other personality, i.e. Brahma, i.e. Mama is not fully involved with the Yagya as Shankar. As regards the third personality, i.e. Vishnu, i.e. Vaishnavi Devi (head of the rosary of victory), she is still physically present in the BK family. But there may be differences of opinion on the issue whether her mind & intellect is with Baba or not.

So, if you wish to take only the physical presence of all the three personalities together, then we cannot say that Trimurti Shiv Jayanti is practically visible. As I have said already that Trimurti Shiv Jayanti has already taken place in the beginning of the Yagya. It is only the revelation of the three personalities in the world that is yet to take place completely. I and many other PBKs believe that this revelation would take place soon. At that time you could say that Trimurti Shivjayanti has taken place completely.

But this issue is not at all linked with either the role of Father-Teacher-Satguru or your conclusion that Krishna's soul is playing a role through Shankar. It is your sweet wish to conclude every post with the inference that Krishna's soul alone is playing the role through Ram's body. I will write about it in the next post.
With regards,

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by arjun
if Shiv-jayanti is going to be celebrated in future, when the above 3 murtis are together, then does it not mean that the role of ShivBaba as Bap-teacher-Satguru has not yet started and it is only Krishna's soul(Brahma) who is now in control of the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit and doing the subtle shooting of Dwapur and Kaliyug in the Sangamyugi drama??

Omshanti. The role of ShivBaba as Father-Teacher-Satguru is not at all linked to the role of Shiv as Trimurti because it has not been said anywhere in the Murlis or Avyakt Vanis that ShivBaba will play the role of Father, Teacher and Satguru through Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar respectively.

It has been said that God Shiv would play the role of Father, Teacher, Satguru through the same personality. I quote:

"Unlimited Baba is Father also, Teacher also and Satguru too. All three do service. Father is also an obedient servant. Teacher and Satguru are also obedient servants. All three are together. He cares (furna or worry) about the children. The same Father has both the worries. He feels that he would teach them and then grant true salvation (sadgati). I would make the sweet, long lost and found (seekiladhey) children my own and then take them along with me." (Sakar Murli dated 31.5.06, pg.1 published by BKs and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)
Now we PBKs know that it is the personality of the soul of Ram (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) through whom God Shiv is going to play the roles of Father, Teacher and Satguru. The role of Father was partially enacted in the beginning of the Yagya when Brahmin souls took birth. The role of Teacher, i.e. clarifying the Murlis/Avyakt Vanis and giving Advanced Knowledge is going on now and the role of Satguru is going to take place in near future. All these three roles are played by God Shiva and neither the soul of Ram nor the soul of Krishna.

If you wish to keep concluding in every post that Krishna's soul is playing the role through the body of Ram's soul, then it is your sweet will. I would respect it but humbly decline to accept it.
With regards,

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by shivsena
arjun wrote:Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Omshanti. Trimurti Shivjayanti was celebrated in the beginning of the Yagya itself when all the three personalities were together. But, I don't think the Brahmin family knew about the three souls that are supposed to play the role of the three personalities, namely, Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu.

Dear arjun Bhai.
This is the first time i have heard that shiv-jayanti was celebrated in the beginning in 1937; it is like saying that the birth of the child is celebrated when conception takes place in the womb of the mother and not when the actual birth of the child takes place; this is really very interesting;
And how are the Brahmin family supposed to know about the birth of the 3 personalities when the real Murli and Brahmins were born only from 1947 onwards when Shivbap entered in Dada Lekhraj to narrate the Murlis directly.(i am sure that you are aware of this fact)

arjun wrote:Dear Shivsena Bhai,

So, I think it cannot be said that Trimurti Shiv Jayanti took place in 1976.

I am very surprised to know that you are not aware of this fact which every PBK is taught during the Advance Course.


PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by shivsena
arjun wrote:If you wish to keep concluding in every post that Krishna's soul is playing the role through the body of Ram's soul, then it is your sweet will. I would respect it but humbly decline to accept it.
With regards,

Dear arjun Bhai.

I will keep on concluding this fact, which i have found out after extensive research from the Murlis and there is absolutely no compulsion on anyone to accept it; i am just trying to put forward my viewpoint; whether it is right or wrong, that only time will tell; if i am right then i may well get the credit for knowing it before the other PBKs did ; and if i am wrong in my research then i am only responsible for it; in the meantime any PBK can accept it or reject it as per his intellect; but please do not ignore the possibility, as there are 3 souls(Shiv+Ram+Krishna) playing the different roles in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and only 108 souls will know in the end as to which role is being played by which soul.(Murli point says that "main jo hun jaisa hun mere saath rahene wale bhi mujhe nahin pehchan sakte" - meaning that ''how i play the role of Bap-teacher-satguru even those who stay with me can never understand"); only those who churn the Murlis intensely will understand.


PostPosted: 05 Nov 2006
by bansy
I don't really like to intrude in such sensitive PBK issues, but this is a general forum, and if there is any misunderstandings in The Knowledge (no one is pure yet so there will be misinterpretations), even after we children have tried effortlessly discussing and churning over and over many times, shouldn't Baba step in (or we ask Baba to), to make sure our churning is correct.
Most know that access to Baba for BKs is via the intricacies of the BKWSU network. Surely this does not apply to PBKs ?

So Shivsena Bhai, I am grateful for your sharing of your intense efforts to all of us, but has Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) given any response to your research ?


PostPosted: 06 Nov 2006
by arjun
Dear arjun Bhai.
This is the first time I have heard that Shiv-jayanti was celebrated in the beginning in 1937;

Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. I wish to correct my statement. It should have been 'Trimurti Shiv Jayanti took place in the beginning of the Yagya in 1936-37 when the three personalities took aloukik birth.' But as I said, these three personalities were not known to the Brahmin family as Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar at that time. So Trimurti Shiv Jayanti cannot be said to have taken place in the real sense even at that time. It would celebrated in the real sense when all of them get revealed first in the Brahmin family and then in the world.
With regards,

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2006
by arjun
I am very surprised to know that you are not aware of this fact which every PBK is taught during the Advance Course.

Omshanti. I don't remember hearing int the Advance Course that Trimurti Shiv Jayanti was celebrated in 1976. I will confirm it from the nimit Sisters and let you know.

Sister Bansy wrote:shouldn't Baba step in (or we ask Baba to), to make sure our churning is correct.

I have already sent the views of Shivsena Bhai and my answer to Baba for approval/correction. I will let you know His response as soon as I receive it.
With regards,