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PostPosted: 23 Aug 2006
by button slammer
Please find below some personal meeting with Shivaba/Virendra Dev Dixit. This is from a meeting approx June2-3 yrs ago. It was first posted on ex-BK. I copied and pasted the cached file to save time rewriting the episode
wahl wrote:Dear Papaya,
Baba is a simple ordinary man yet his words are not.

Please can you explain what you mean by this?
with love

Here I will attempt to describe my own experience of the ordinary and simple nature of Virendra Dev Dixit, who I understand to be the present medium of God Father Shiva. I never met Dada Lekraj but through various descriptions both printed and oral understand him to have been a personality of great renown. He was a millionaire for a start. Tall, handsome, and a great entertainer of royalty, and high society. He had apparently about 12 gurus, and had extravagant and lavish tastes. Far from simple and ordinary.

In the Murlis, Baba has mentioned on numerous occassions that "I enter the body of an ordinary man at his stage of retirement''. Baba grew up in village that was mostly poor and where the locals had to stuggle for basic requirements. I met Baba in his home in Kampil. It is a simple ordinary house without any extravagant facilities, and can be described both as a place of learning/university and a home. In his stature Baba is about 5ft 6/7ins and is presently of a stocky build. He has a moustache and wears glasses. His teeth are a bit uneven, and his hair is grey and receeding. I know his digestion is poor due to an irregular diet when growing up. He wears the cheap kurta pyjamas and sometimes wears a ring or magnetic bracelet for medical reasons. I have seen Baba also wearing 'boxer' shorts or a dhoti. From time to time depending on the season he will wear a turban or a Nepali style hat.

The first time I met Baba was at his home in Kampil. His house is almost medieval in nature and has an ancient feeling to it on the inside, bare plaster walls, hard floors with straw and blankets, winding stairwells with great stone slabs for steps. I think there is one solar panel at present which supplies intermittent lighting and occasional power for fans in the summer, the local supply is very erratic and unreliable. Since I completed the Advance Course there in 2001, the bathroom facilities have been upgraded and extended, and some whitewashing has taken place.

As we entered the classroom a Murli was being played on a tape recorder. Baba was sitting on the gaddi and never moved a muscle as we entered. It was amazing to meet Baba at last. After class and dristi he simply got up and walked out of view behind a curtain into the centre of his house, where Brothers are not allowed unless on Baba's permission.

After having breakfast with the mothers and kanyas, Baba came to meet the Brothers. I had seen a couple of tapes of Baba giving class before but meeting in the person is completely different. The Brothers gathered around in various states of excitement. All other personalities fade away when Baba is in the room. There was some conversation about chess, I knew Baba was a keen chess player at one time, one Brother passed a newspaper to Baba which had headlines of a recent earthquake in Gujerat. He scanned the news quickly absorbing the essence in a short time. One moment he would be light and easy, the next he was gone (lost in remembrance).

He suddenly spoke to me, "Now that the Father is here, every day is a festival". This was a reply I had recieved via e-mail when making preliminary enquiries about the Advanced Knowledge. The question I had originaly asked was, "Do the Advance Party celebrate Raki or Shiv Ratri etc?". It was a confirmation to me that Baba had an interest and was aware on many different levels of the souls who desire to meet him. To look at Baba he is very ordinary but his presence is enthralling.

Baba is the embodiment of dharna and knowledge and is a living example of self transformation in this very life. He is very stable in all situations and can adopt any form he chooses and remains in that form for as long as he wishes. He never promotes himself but always puts the children first. Every penny that comes within his responsibility is for the benefit of the children. His clothes and food are very basic and he always travels in the most economical way possible. (I have seen Baba on the back of a moped in the Delhi traffic). Baba's demands/directions are very simple, and by putting the Godly knowledge into practise the soul can experience the profound depths of the deep secrets of life, or the simple sweet joy of having relationships with One. When meeting Baba he gives the utmost of respect and love to every soul. He bears no hatred to anyone, even to those who are hunting him down with murder in their hearts. Nor does he give any soul any preferance. He is both loving and detached.

When the soul asks any question of Baba or is asking for some direction or other, he has an endless supply of patience and understanding. I have seen Baba dealing with small and large groups, giving each and every soul personal attention and satisfaction. Baba always puts the mothers and daughters first.

One time on Baba's farm on the way to breakfast Baba was walking up the lane to give class. He saw me walking towards him and his face lit up with a friendly smile. I shook hands with Baba, (on a previous meeting Baba has explained that the handshake was a memorial of the intellect catching the directions of God).

"I am just going for breakfast, Baba". "OK", he replied with a smile and a gentle laugh.

I rushed for breakfast, but of course Mataji insisted I have at least double if not triple helpings of every thing. The tricky part is refusing as the food is fresh and organic on the farm and cooked in loving rememberance of Baba. All meals are served without any ritual of offering food, or any dristi when giving or recieving food. Baba is the only one who gives dristi. No-one is allowed to waste any food, all food on the plate has to be eaten, (unless there is some emergancy of some kind).

After breakfast I went to class, 40 mins dristi follwed by approx 2 hour class. Straight after class Baba took groups from approx 10am untill 7-8pm at night. I saw him handle all the different souls. For some he was a child, for others a friend, or the beloved, or the teacher, or the Father. It was amazing to see him flow from one role to another completely egoless and available to all the children. "I will sit with you, I will eat with you, I will talk with you". Baba makes himself available to all the children who recognise him. It is a completely different experience from that at Mt Abu where there is a great divide between Avyakt BapDada on stage surounded by all the Seniors and all the Brahmin children in the audience.

Towards the end of the day Baba was aware that I had a couple of questions, one to do with service and another on the subject of Jagadamba the World Mother. He took me for a short walk in the fields sat me down and answered my queries. The entire group were a little astonished that Baba had taken me for this little walk in the rice fields and had watched our every move with interest. When we returned to the farm I recieved great smiles and encouragement from the family.

It was now dusk. Baba began to oversee the packing of the transport and which souls were to sit where etc. At this time a small boy who I believed had been orphaned and was living at the Farm showed up. He had been running a little bit wild during the day. Baba was a little bit stern with him and directed his Lokik nephew to keep a close eye on him. Here Baba diplayed the lawfulness of the Father. In a seconed he adopted a different form. The whole group could feel the change in energy. We all became silent. And then he changed form again, back to supervising the task at hand. He performs the task and then dissappears like an angel, completely detached, lost in rememberance.

Baba's simplicity enables us to see the Supreme, his ordinary nature is that of complete surrender.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2006
by raviraj
Dear button slammer,

it was such a ruhani pleasure to read your wonderful experience with Baba. You are right, Baba makes himself available to all the children in any form who recognise him. And meeting him in practial is completely different experience. He has such a simplicity.
"I enter the body of an ordinary man at his stage of retirement''

The above quote you mentioned is for Sevakram (vagidar of Dada Lekhraj) who had crossed his 60s in 1936. The same soul, after his demise in 1942, takes another birth in Ahemdabad as lokik name Virendra Dev Dixit and becomes a mukarrar rath ("permanent Chariot") of Shiv.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2006
by atma
Bhai Button Slammer,

Thanks for your experience I wish I could find the right words to describe my experience someday I will but for now I remembered some Murli points about some of the things you described ;

" If someone is just called a ‘Father’ and never meets, then how can he be called Father? He meets all the souls of the entire world. He fulfills all the wishes of all the children." - [Mu. 14/6/89, Pg-1 & 1/7/94, Pg-1]

"The eyes of all the knowledgeful souls in corporeal form are getting attracted and will get attracted towards this great place (Kampilya Nagar) only. Similarly, after looking through their eyes of experience at this place of achievement of spiritual treasures, which is presently incognito, they will feel as if they have once again found the lost place of secret treasures. So they will be pleased to see the unique Father, unique drama and unique place." - [A.V. 26/1/83]


PostPosted: 26 Aug 2006
by andrey
From the post it may seem that the body has gathered more importance. It should not be like this. One can have faith Shiv works there. Those looking at the body will also not be succesfull. It is a matter of faith, but how does one know - only through knowledge. That’s why it is said that the one who loves the Murli, loves the Murlidhar. Otherwise Murlidhar is just a point.