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PBKs views on ex-BKs and Double Foreigners

PostPosted: 24 May 2006
by bansy
The following is an extract of a doc distributed to BKs. Dadiji is Dadi P.
Dadiji meeting double foreigners in Shantivan 1st April 2006

Why does Baba call you Double Foreigners? Firstly, you have all come from the faraway land and secondly, you are from another country and you have come to Bharat - this is why. But actually this title "Double Foreigners" is just for identification; of course you belong to Madhuban ! Baba welcomes you in a double way and gives to you in a double way and so Dadi will also give you double toli.

Baba is so proud of His double foreign children because Baba knows that they will be the ones who reveal Baba to the world. You are the ones who will enable everyone in the world to say "Baba, Baba". Double congratulations to all of you because you are going to do this great task of revealing Baba to the world. All of you are double lucky because you have come to the Father's home and are also sitting in Baba's lap - doubly lucky! You are doubly fortunate children - you are Baba's special children and also the ones who give Baba's message. Everything is double for you!

What is the PBK's position of Double Foreigners and their role?

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by atma

What do you understand double foreigner to mean?


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by arjun
As per the Advanced Knowledge, double foreigners (double videshi) means the ones who cross two barriers or walls (lokik and aloukik world) to meet Baba or those who have been banished both by the outside lokik world and the Brahmin world of BKs. So as per this definition all PBKs are double foreigners.
With regards,
On Godly service,

Double Foreigners

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by joel
arjun wrote:Omshanti.
As per the Advanced Knowledge, double foreigners (double videshi) means the ones who cross two barriers or walls (lokik and aloukik world) to meet Baba or those who have been banished both by the outside lokik world and the Brahmin world of BKs. So as per this definition all PBKs are double foreigners.
With regards,
On Godly service,

So when Avyakt BapDada talks about 'double foreigners', PBKs take that as being that he is speaking to them?

Do PBKs study Avyakt Murlis? Accept Dadi Gulzar as Baba's vehicle?


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by atma

Dadi Gulzar plays a important role for Brahma Baba to reveal his messages to the children.

Brahma Baba is very much respected amongst the PBK's I have been in communication with but he is not Shiva=benefactor.


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by jim
Om Shanti Joel

PBKs certainly do study Avyakts. As you will have gathered, PBKs believe the Krishna soul / Dada Lekhraj speaks through Dadi Gulzar's body.

In common with all (as far as I know) the statements made by Mr Dixit (as one of the Adminstrators call him - or ShivBaba as PBKs call him) evidence from both Sakar Murlis and Avyakt varnis has been given to support this assertion.

I have to say that when I read the AVs I find them not very interesting. However when I read / listen to Baba's (VVD) clarification of what has been said through Dadi Gulzar, the meaning is revealed and the complexity of the way the Krishna soul puts things is quite a marvel.

I guess the difference between BKs and PBKs is that BKs don't find what Baba (VVD) says rings true. In the same way as Christians won't find much interest or truth in the Koran.

Given so few BKs seem interested in what VVD says, it's a wonder that the BK heirarchy are so paraniod about PBKs. What do the Seniors know that they have managed so far to keep from the BK rank and file?


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by bansy
I guess the difference between BKs and PBKs is that BKs don't find what Baba (VVD) says rings true. In the same way as Christians won't find much interest or truth in the Koran.

Given so few BKs seem interested in what VVD says, it's a wonder that the BK heirarchy are so paraniod about PBKs. What do the Seniors know that they have managed so far to keep from the BK rank and file?

I am feel a little hesitant to agree with this because somehow it rings the issue of "them" and "us". Surely PBKs as well as BKs should see that any other party members are souls, not labels. Yes, we remember who is the Supreme Soul, we remember I am a soul, except we forget the other is also a soul, unless that soul likes me ? I am sure that there is virtue in each soul, and our own self compassion and mercy, with our knowledge and understanding, is able to provide self-respect and compassion onto others who are simply not the same as oneself, because we are all unique. One or two poor interactions of your own with another party, be it BKs or Christians or US Democrats or English Soccer fans, does not mean the whole of that other party are villified.
My view is that PBKs are just as equal to be "blamed" as BKs are for the current situation in the entire Brahmin family, and until this vision is nullified by both sides, can there be any unity.

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. I agree with you. We are all souls first and then BK/PBK/XBKetc.
You must have known by now the PBK view that the BKs in general are good at seva and dharna whereas the PBKs are good at Gyan and Yoga.
Baba keeps exhorting the PBKs to become perfect in dharna (especially purity) and seva like the BKs in order to be able to attract more BK souls towards the Advanced Knowledge. Many times Baba calls the PBKs as an army of monkeys quarelling with each other due to their varied sanskars. But when it comes to facing any obstacle in the way of the spiritual family they do it unitedly.
With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by jim
Om Shanti Bansy

There is certainly nothing wrong with any role any soul has to play. So I have absolutely no problem with BKs having their beliefs.

It is quite appropriate that there is a split in the Brahmin family. It is not a case of blame; it had to happen.

You are listed as "ex-BK: I don't know how much you are interested / have looked into advanced knowledge (AK).

So in brief, AK extends the BK understanding of the Murli. There is alot of clarification (if the ocean were ink and the trees made into pens - you'd run out of ink and pens...etc). In the world today in each family there is a division between the mother and the Father. As are the kings so are the subjects. The 5000 drama is rehearsed in the Confluence Age. The chief king and the chief queen separated - in 1942. He was known as Peu, he played a strict Fatherly part. His part has been more or less expunged by the BKs, but the Dadis have the information and it will come out in due course.

He (the Father) had an argument over allowing some weak soul to stay at Om Mandali. His counter-part, "the big Queen" sided with Baba Brahma (as did the majority of the Brahmin children) and they indulged the errant child in question allowing him to stay at Om Mandali.

So the Brahmin family split - into caring motherly types and strict fatherly types. Once the chief queen and king are re-united, the rest will follow.

The recreation of the pure family path is what it's all about.

That account barely touches the tip of the ice berg. If you are interested in a fuller account I'll find a link to one of the websites that have more explanation.


PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by bansy
Arjun wrote:As per the Advanced Knowledge, double foreigners (double videshi)

Thanks Arjun Bhai for the reminder of "videshi".
I now recall the double foreigner roles discussion in the XBKChat threads Bharatwasis --v/s--videshis and Rudramala and Vijaymala.

PBKs and BKs views on the "ex-BKs"

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2006
by bansy
What are the views of the PBKs and BKs about what/who exactly "ex-BKs" are to them ?

What is the relationship from those in these two communities to those who have generally stopped practising Shrimat, reading Murlis, etc. What are the words or reasons given, in Gyan, to refer to these ex-BK souls who they once rubbed shoulders and stood side by side in the war of the self, but then decide to part ways.

( First, just for my own understanding, I think an "ex-BK" is defined as someone who was a BK or PBK, but left these mainstream groups but not attending morning classes and reading Murlis, though someone told me "once a BK, always a BK", which prompts what does this actually mean ? )

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2006
by john
What are the views of the PBKs and BKs about what/who exactly "ex-BKs" are to them ?

If BKs don't recognise PBKs wouldn't they just consider them as ex-BKs? To be honest, I tend to find ex-BKs on this forum to be the more thoughtful, articulate and considerate of the three groups.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2006
by bansy
If BKs don't recognise PBKs wouldn't they just consider them as ex-BKs?

Somewhere in the website has been said that some PBKs broke away (Vishnu Party) from the mainstream PBK to become ex-PBKs.
So I guess to clarify the query,
a) how do BKs recognise (as explained by Gyan) on ex-BKs and PBKs.
b) how do PBKs recognise (as explained by Gyan) on ex-BKs and ex-PBKS. (how PBKs recognise BKs - the answer to this is to do with the Rudramala and Vidjamala souls which the PBKs have explained somewhere in the PBK forum)

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:b) how do PBKs recognise (as explained by Gyan) on ex-BKs and exPBKS. (how PBKs recognise BKs - the answer to this is to do with the Rudramala and Vidjamala souls which the PBKs have explained somewhere in the PBK forum)

As you have already written, BKs as well as PBKs consider Ex-BKs to be "once a BK, always a BK" because the seed of knowledge that has been sown in a soul once will not get destroyed and it is believed that they would once again enter the path of knowledge. Since all BKs are considered to be part of the Vijaymala, or the rosary of victory, the Ex-BKs should also come in that category.

Similarly, Ex-PBKs are also considered to be "once a PBK, always a PBK". Since all PBKs are considered to be part of the Rudramala, or the rosary of Rudra, the Ex-PBKs should also come in that category. If any ex-BK accepts the Advanced Knowledge being imparted by ShivBaba to the PBKs, then he/she would also be counted among the Rudramala.

But this is only a theoretical aspect of The Knowledge. Practically speaking; BKs, PBKs and ex-BKs are all souls first and belong to a community later. So, we must all endeavour to observe everyone as souls rather than as per their affiliations. Baba has also directed us to view all the souls as prospective deity souls. Since we do not know who is going to become a deity or not, we must try to observe everyone as a prospective deity.

With regards,

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2006
by bansy
I won't really go into the following as it will just get confusing at least for me (other folks may try though), but the "once a BK, always a BK" and the "once a PBK, always a PBK" seems to complexing, depending on the permutations. E.g. if a BK becomes an ex-BK becomes a PBK to become an exPBK, would mean being part of both Vijamala and Rudramala rosaries. Or a PBK who previously was a BK, is therefore always a BK and always a PBK , etc.

Any truth table experts on this forum ?

Anyway, the simple formula is we're all souls and that's easy.