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Convert thy self - the PBK Murli Issue

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2006
by sparkal
PBKs, it is time you and I had a little heart to heart. Do you think that my head zips up the back? This mirror mirror on the wall approach to spirituality will not work. Nor will pasting an airbrushed print of yourself on a good hair day on to the mirror.

In terms of being converted into a PBK; hey, I can get all that elsewhere. I don' t need to come here for it. I do not recognise your teacher or the PBK teachings. If you are posting in the BK section of the forum, please do not use the term " THE Murli " if referring to your PBK Murli.

Quoting any Murli, at anyone, is questionable. Especially to bolster our own stance. Particularly the "God is on my side" related agenda. God is already on my side, thank you very much. We do however need reference points in discussion.

I do not recognise your Murli or your teacher. Full stop. If you are posting in the BK section and appear to be competing with BKs, or worse trying to convert them, you may well find yourselves as more than the central characters in a satire.

Understand PBKs. I don't hate you, I am pleased to meet you for the first time and I am not trying to have you banned from the BK section. I will now however ask the moderator to remove or edit posts which contain the term "the Murli" if it is posted by a PBK in the BK section. It is pre-meditated and, in my opinion, devious. You have brought this post upon yourselves.

The minimum I will personally accept is 'the Murli [PBK]' or, 'the Murli [PBK Murli]'. At the same time, it is still not a license to attempt to convert and compete.

Thank you.

Re: Convert thy self

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2006
by admin
sparkal wrote:I do not recognise your teacher, or the PBK teachings. If you are posting in the BK section of the forum, please do not use the term " THE Murli " if referring to your PBK Murli.

Quoting any Murli at anyone is questionable, especially to bolster our stance, particularly the " God is on my side" related agenda. God is already on my side thank you very much. We do however need reference points in discussion.

Sparkal makes a very good and valid point here which we will accept.

Just as we have all worked very hard to define terms over PBK issues, we need to address this issue of the varying Murlis.
    The Forum's point of view is neutral.
All parties, including the numerous ShivBabas* themselves, have the opportunity to join the forum and present their case.

Individuals do so, firstmost, by individual's personal example towards others, their "Darna", and not by beating others over the head with their respective "Godly Versions". We are all one family after all.

I would like to ask Sparkal to present the background, in a reasonable manner, to what caused this outburst so that we can document it, resolve matters and move on.

Please refer back to the PBK experience on xBKchat where certain individuals excesses caused other reasonable PBKs to be excluded from discussions.
* In the case of any "ShivBaba" joining the forum ; each individual involved, whether channeller or channelled entity, will require their own personal membership account in order to clarify their own position; and avoid exploiting the confusion in others.

Thank you.

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2006
by arjun
BK Sparkal wrote:
The minimum I will personally accept is 'the Murli [PBK]' or, 'the Murli [PBK Murli]'. At the same time, it is still not a license to attempt to convert and compete.

Dear Brother, Omshanti.
I don't know what prompted you to make this post, but whenever I quote any Murli / Avyakt Vani, I mention the physical medium through which it was narrated to make it clear whether it is a BK Murli or a PBK Murli.

Generally, PBKs quote only BK Murlis/Avyakt Vanis which were narrated through Brahma Baba and Gulzar Dadi respectively.

But, since your feelings appear to have been offended, I would appeal to the fellow PBKs to make a clear mention of the physical medium through which the Murlis have been narrated.

As regards quoting Murlis as BK Murlis/PBK Murlis is concerned, we all know that Murlis were/are narrated by Father Shiv and not by the physical medium. Hence, quoting Murlis as BK Murlis/PBK Murlis would undermine the importance of the narrator, i.e. God Shiv. That would mean as if some BK/PBK has prepared or modified the Murlis. But if you insist on quoting Murlis as BK/PBK Murlis, then I would seek Baba's opinion in this regard.

Apprehending this kind of a problem I was thinking of suggesting the Admin. to start a thread in every section where the predominant members of other sections could find questions or comments for themselves without the necessity for them to post in every thread. For e.g. I generally don't get time to go through the posts made in other sections. But if there is a thread in the BK/ex-BK section where the questions raised/comments made about the PBKs in other threads of those sections could be briefly posted/quoted, then I need not go through all the threads of that section but simply go through the proposed thread to know what other members have been writing about the PBKs in the BK/ex-BK section. I can make post my replies/comments in that thread, which, if necessary, could be quoted by other members in the relevant thread. This way, the misunderstandings arising out of my posts made in other threads of that section could be avoided. This is only a suggestion and I am not sure if this could be feasible/successful. It is upto the Admin. to decide.

Last, but not the least, I appreciate your remark that you do not wish to get the PBKs banned from the BK section. That is a team spirit. I am sure all the members would respect each other's feelings, especially keeping in view the section in which they are writing (BK/PBK/ex-BK, etc.).

With regards,

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2006
by sparkal
I have made it clear as to my point.
The action itself was inpired by anger, anger in my head coming from a Sister from my local BK centre. We cannot prove these things. I have anger coming from various sources right now, so, am trying to sort out the source of it.
Baby' s post is valid, though , I have asked for it to be removed. I don' t know PBKs, you must understand this.
I am moving on from institutionalised anything and will go independent as a teacher of meditation. If Certain organisations get caught in the crossfire, well....
love and peace

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2006
by arjun
Dear Sparkal Bhai,
Omshanti. I am sure you would be able to overcome the problems that you have been facing with the power of tolerance and perseverance. I wish you all the best in life.
With regards,


PostPosted: 17 Jul 2006
by sparkal
I do not have to tolerate PBK points in the BK section if it is presented as BK teachings, 'we are all the same' type of thing and am not likely to persevere with it.

The aim is to change the SELF.

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2006
by Mr Green
hey go sparkal go :lol: (stir stir)

hey I might start up my own version.....the GBK's :lol: