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Is earth 5000 years old?

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2007
by jaycdp
Let us discuss further about how young is earth?
What is radiometric dating?
Did any body studied age of the earth with hypothesis of a nuclear attack happened 5000 years ago?

Age of dinosaurs and oil reserve tell us world can be more older?
Anyone has a PhD in physics or chemistry or mathematics are welcome to put their input?
Please do not reply without evidence ?

If you have faith in god (any religion) and think world is 5000 years old then please indicate that? Let us discuss further?

If you have a knowedde of science at a PhD level, please describe it for people who has grade 12 level of education?

Thank you

cyclic earth?

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2007
by sparkal
The question is specific and asks only about the earth.