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Let's Party ... Well, OK, have a festival instead ...

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2006
by bansy
I am not sure which section this should come under, but I've put it here in PBK section as most of us may not be aware of their annual agendas.

How and what do PBKs celebrate? Do PBKs have a similar type of calander/events/festivals? What is the significance of each festival (PBK version as compared to BK)? Some of the BK festivals I recall are :
    mid August - Raksha Bandhan/Rakhi
    late August - Janamashtami
    October - Navratri
    October - Dashera
    November - Divali
    January 18 - Baba's (Brahma) Day
    February - Shiv Ratri
    March - Holi
Sometimes Mama's Day and Christmas were also celebrated. Please add others if missing. Also comments on your (BK/PBK/ex-BK) experiences during these festivals.

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. It may appear surprising for you, but Baba does not want his children to enjoy only on a few days like the people of Bhaktimarg. Instead he wants us to enjoy everyday like a festival day. Since He has made us realize ourselves (soul) and Himself (Supreme Soul) and this wonderful drama of 5000 years which is being rehearsed here in the diamond age, we need not look for joy only on a few days. If we realize that God has come on Earth to meet us and how He is transforming/uniting the world then there will not be any necessity for us to seek pleasure on festival days.

In fact Baba has prohibited us to follow the traditions of Bhaktimarg. But He does give a spiritual significance of each festival. He has said in the Murlis to such an extent that on Diwali day you will not peep from your balcony to see how others' houses have been lighted or how others are burning crackers. I think this is a point from the revised Sakar Murli (of BKs) which I have heard in one of the clarification Murlis as contained in one of the VCD* (of PBKs). This may appear a little strict for the westerners, but that's where we ought to take our efforts to. Actually, the inference of the above Murli point is that we ourselves should be so joyful in our mind that we need not search for happiness in the physical lights with which others have decorated their houses or in the crackers that give some temporary joy while creating so much noise and air pollution. The pollution due to the burning of crackers has reached such enormous proportions on Diwalis every year that the Central and state governments have to spend a considerable amount in appealing to the public not to burn crackers.

Similarly on the festivals of Ganesh Chaturthi and Durgashtami, thousands or lakhs of idols of varying sizes (from one foot to almost 75 feet) are immersed in the various sources of fresh water or in the oceans thereby causing unnecessary water pollution. With all the oil paints, iron, plaster of paris that is used to prepare these idols, the pollution caused is considerable wherever the source of water is small (like a pond, lake, well etc.) in which the idols are immersed.

So, PBKs do not celebrate any festival, whatsoever, including Shiva's birthday, the biggest festival of BKs. When Father Shiv Himself is present on this Earth, then where is the necessity to spend huge amounts to celebrate just one day as his birthday. But, since BKs believe that Shiv has returned to Paramdham, they try to find joy by spending valuable Yagya money on the festivals like the path of worship. You can imagine the pain that ShivBaba would feel by watching the Yagya money being wasted on burning crackers when He has directed in the Murlis that we should not even waste money on buying and presenting flowers for Him/his Chariot. BKs must be wasting millions of rupees worldwide on the bouquets/floral decorations in various functions held throughout the year and throughout the world since 1969 all in the name of Godly service.

As regards the spiritual significance of these festivals, we have articles explaining the significance of most of the festivals from a PBK point of view.

If there is no objection to the posting of such articles, any of the PBKs can post the articles which have been approved by Baba. Otherwise, I would do the same.
With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2006
by bansy

I do agree that festivals are no longer fully understood for its significance but for its pomp and glory. One BK commented to me that during certain occasions, say Holi or Xmas (taking a non-Indian/Hindu event) it was a time when those who had nowhere to go or nothing else to do on those public holidays to come together to celebrate and cut cakes and raise flags, but most were souls that were meeting every morning anyway. The centre was the only place they could go.

And to repeat an event meant wasting time, such as rakhi, since you only need to have it tied it once (for the first timer BK) and make your vow to God. Odd that you have do it again the following year, in case you've forgotten your vow.
Arjun wrote:As regards the spiritual significance of these festivals, we have articles explaining the significance of most of the festivals from a PBK point of view. If there is no objection to the posting of such articles, any of the PBKs can post the articles which have been approved by Baba. Otherwise, I would do the same.

I do not have objections to this, if no other forum members have, then please go ahead. These festivals have spiritual significance that are part of the overall drama.

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2006
by atma
Bhai Bansy,

ShivBaba is teaching us how to have a party all the time Not based on some date or ritual. Note the term Advance Party. :D Who really wants to participate in a party that has alcohol, meat, sorrow etc.

For me this is no party. Most parties depend on some outside stimulant to make them feel good instead of feeling good inside without some outside stimulant and then when they do feel temporarily happy it goes away this temporary happiness that is.

This knowledge will help one simply be happy.


Shiv Jayanti or Trimurti Shiv Jayanti?

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
Shiv Jayanti or Trimurti Shiv Jayanti?

When there is total irreligiousness, when the fire of vices is burning everywhere, when there is downfall in every area including politics, religion and science and when there is a dominance of poverty, corruption and sins due to this moral downfall, when the solution of the problems of the world goes beyond the capacity of any politician or religious leader or scientist, then at the end of the Iron Age in the world drama cycle consisting of four ages , the Supreme Father Supreme Soul has to descend on this Earth to punish the wicked and to establish the true religion as per the promise made in Gita.

But he does not take the support of any so-called magical deity or any influential personality, but an ordinary, aged and experienced human body to grant the boon of imperishable prosperity and peace to the souls of the world and gives a divine, unworldly knowledge in the Purushottam Sangamyug (Confluence Age) to transform us from human beings to deities. In the memorial of this Mahashivratri or Shivjayanthi is celebrated.

The incorporeal Supreme Father, Supreme Soul Shiva, who is recognized by different names and forms in all the religions, undertakes the transformation of the world in three phases. First of all, he causes the true realization of Himself to the human souls through the first personality Brahma and makes them His unworldly (aloukik) children. In this manner he establishes the Godly unworldly family, i.e. Brahmin family through Brahma.

This Godly family grows into a very large family and it becomes famous in the form of Brahma Kumari’s Institution in the entire world and when the affectionate doer mother-like Dada Lekhraj departs from this Godly family, then this family starts witnessing downfall, then the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva changes his place as well as form and in order to reform the entire world in general and this spoilt Godly family in particular he plays the role of Shankar through another ordinary human body, i.e. he ends the antiquity of vices and the old world through Shankar.

Those souls who imbibe the Godly knowledge and burn their sins through the remembrance of God, get transformed into deities through this body itself and in this world itself and live a peaceful and prosperous life in the kingdom of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan and take 21 births in the heaven which continues for 2500 years. In this way, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva sustains the present Confluence-Aged new world of Brahmins through world emperor Shri Lakshmi-Narayan (Vishnu). But soon after the establishment of the deity world the Supreme Father Shiva returns to his abode of peace-the Shantidhaam and takes leave from the human souls for 5000 years.

The human souls who play the roles of Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu are present in this world in the Confluence Age in this world at the time of incarnation of Supreme Father Shiva as well as at the time of the departure of the Supreme Father Shiva to the Soul World on the completion of the task of establishment of heaven on this Earth. In the Murli (flute of knowledge) narrated through Dada Lekhraj, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva has said, “The incorporeal Father must certainly be residing in the Soul World (Paramdhaam) just as all of you reside with me. When I come first of all, then I am accompanied by Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. The human world is already in existence.”

The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva has repeatedly said in the Murlis that his divine incarnation should not be termed just Shiv Jayanti (birthday of Shiva) but Trimurti Shiv Jayanti (birthday of Trinity Shiva). In the Murli dated 5.2.85 he has said, “Actually, along with Shiva the Trinity should also be present. You celebrate Trimurti Shivjayanti. Nothing will be proved if you celebrate just Shivjayanti.” Some members of the Brahmakumari Institution have seen the role of mother played by the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva through Dada Lekhraj, that is why they replaced Brahma with Dada Lekhraj in the picture of Trinity, but contrary to the declaration of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva regarding being with the children till the end, Dada Lekhraj left his body in 1969 itself, much before the establishment of heaven on Earth and has not even taken rebirth. So, most of the Brahmakumaris do not even know who are the three souls, through whom the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva plays the roles of Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu respectively.

And now the Brahmakumaris have violated the Shrimat (Godly directions) of Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva to such an extent that instead of the picture of Trinity Shiva, they have started displaying only the pictures of the present administrators of the Brahmakumari Institution, i.e. the Dadis in their Ashrams as well as their publicity materials, whereas Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva has stated in a Murli dated 4.11.79, “When the children ask for the photo of Baba, then Baba understands that they are completely ignorant. Arey, ShivBaba asks you to remember only Him. Then what will you do with this picture? The traditions of Bhaktimarg (path of worship) cannot continue in the gyaanmarg (path of knowledge). Never ask for a photo.”

Underlining the importance of the above three personalities the Supreme Father Shiva had stated in a Murli, dated 5.2.85 narrated through Dada Lekhraj, “You unfurl your flag. On the one side should be the Trinity and World drama cycle, and on the other side should be The Tree. Your flag should actually be one.” (But the Brahmakumaris have prepared a flag depicting only a point of light against the directions of Shiva, which does not explain anything).

In the above Murli itself Trinity Shiva had said, “A postal stamp of Trinity Shiva should be prepared. There must be a department of those dealing with postal stamps. There are many educated persons in Delhi. They can do this job.” (After many years of efforts the Brahmakumaris were successful in getting released a postal stamp, but contrary to the directions of God, they got the picture of Dada Lekhraj alias Brahma printed on the postal stamp instead of the picture of Trinity Shiva, which did not help in the revelation of the actual founder of this Godly family, i.e. Trinity Shiva).

Actually, if all the souls of the world including the Brahmakumar-kumaris realize that the establishment of new world, destruction of the old world and the sustenance of the Golden Aged deity world is accomplished by the incorporeal Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva only through the three souls playing the roles of Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu respectively in a human form in some part of this world only, and that all of us souls are the children of one Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva, who get transformed from Brahmins to deities, then all these disputes in the name of God and the problems of the world should definitely end.


PostPosted: 04 Jun 2006
by bansy
Atma wrote:Who really wants to participate in a party that has alcohol, meat, sorrow etc. For me this is no party. Most parties depend on some outside stimulant to make them feel good instead of feeling good inside without some outside stimulant and then when they do feel temporarily happy it goes away this temporary happiness that is. This knowledge will help one simply be happy.

Each moment of happiness is itself a temporary moment, thus the total sum of temporary happiness equals complete happiness. As per Golden Age ?

Alcohol is material matter, not the intoxication I am referring to when using the word "party". I am referring to "spiritual parties/ or festivals", of which BKs/PBKs, if they are to become worship-of-worthy, can also learn about why they are to be worshipped, and thus have a deeper spiritual understanding of the significance of the festivals. This is the only time (Confluence Age) you can study about yourself. A "chicken/egg" or "festival/diety" churning.

Thanks pbktrinityshiva, for the Trimurti Shiv Jayanti. Any other articles ?

Holi - A festival of spiritual colours

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
Holi - A festival of spiritual colours

The festival of colours – Holi - enfolds in itself the colours of many spiritual secrets. In English the word ‘Holy’ means ‘pure’. The festival of Holi gives us a message to become pure. The symbol of purity is the colour white. If we look at it from the scientific point of view, then the white light contains all the colours. Just as a diamond is white, but it contains all the colours. Similarly, purity is the mother of all the virtues. If we imbibe purity then all other virtues will follow automatically. Another meaning of Holi in Hindi is – ‘Ho’ ‘Lee’- means ‘Past’. Whatever bad incidents we face in our life must be forgotten. One must always think that whatever has happened, whatever is happening is good or beneficial, and whatever will happen is also going to be beneficial.

The spiritual meaning of Holi is to become equal to the Supreme Father Supreme Soul in the colour of his company. It is such a colour, which makes us equal. Such different types of colours are imperishable, like the colour of knowledge, colour of remembrance, colour of various powers, colour of virtues, colour of highest vision, colour of highest attitude, colour of greatest wishes. As the virtue, so will be the form. By celebrating Holi with the Supreme Soul, we get transformed from an angel to a deity. The reminder of burning the vices, celebrating and enjoying the holy company is called Holi.

‘Burning’ means burning the logs of vices, old resolves, and old remembrances in the fire of Yoga, i.e. in the remembrance of Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva. Later on one gets coloured in the strong colours of the company of Supreme Soul and each soul will appear to be belonging to one family of Paramatma. Special virtues and uniqueness will be seen in the souls, which are coloured in such a spiritual colour. Such souls will become Holy swans and achieve a diamond-like life; they always swing in the super sensuous pleasures or imperishable joy.

Holi also reminds us of the incarnation of God. In the Hindu mythological stories it is mentioned that in order to punish a demon king named Hiranyakashyap, who declared himself to be God and committed a lot of sins, God incarnated as Narsimha (half man+half lion) and as per the wish of that demon king, killed him neither in the form of a man, nor animal, neither within the house nor outside the house, neither in the day nor in the night. Actually, there is a spiritual secret in this story also. At the end of the 5000 years old human world drama cycle, when all the human souls become sinful, then God Himself enters into the body of an ordinary human being at the confluence of the Iron-Aged dark night and the Golden Aged dawn, i.e. in the Confluence Age, and destroys the vices-like demons and liberates us from the so-called protectors of religion, who divert us from God and saves us, just as Narsimha saved Prahlada (the son of Hiranyakashyap, who worshipped Vishnu against the wishes of his Father).

In the incarnation of Narsimha, lion head is a symbol of assuming a ferocious form towards the vices. And in the scriptures only it has been shown that Mahadev Shankar destroyed Kamdev, i.e sex-lust. It means that the ordinary body, in which the incorporeal Supreme Soul Shiva enters and destroys the vices and the old world, is named Shankar, based on his actions. The incorporeal Shiva teaches us (the Prahlad-like souls) the art of control over our subtle and physical organs, i.e. RajYoga, which enables us to remain safe from the vices and remember God, and also enables us to get transformed from a man to Narayan and from a woman to Lakshmi.

In the present Purushottam Sangamyug (Confluence Age) Supreme Soul Shiva, who is the ocean of virtues, purifier of the sinful colours us in his colours of virtues and knowledge and makes us perfect in all the virtues and teaches us to burn the vices. In remembrance of this act of God, we apply colours to each other on Holi and burn holika (a pile of wooden logs burnt on the eve of Holi as a community celebration to symbolize the failed attempt of the Sister of Hiranyakashyap to burn alive his son Prahlad). So let us understand the real meaning of Holi and celebrate the true Holi.


Yugadi – a secret about the New Era

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
Yugadi – a secret about the New Era

The irony of modern India is that we are leaving our own culture, traditions and festivals and adopting foreign culture, traditions and festivals. We do not celebrate the New Year (Yugaadi) of our country as much as we celebrate the New Year as per the Western calendar every year. Many Indians do not even know that there is a New Year or festival of Yugadi in India also, which is celebrated by the name of Yugaadi, Gudhi-Padhwa, etc. in different regions of the country.

Actually, Yugadi (Yug + Aadi) means beginning (Aadi) of a New Age or era (Yug). The Yugadi which is celebrated in India is as per the Vikrami Era. And the Vikrami Era began with the rule of King Vikramaditya. Contrary to the popular belief, the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya (Spiritual Godly University) situated at Kampil, Uttar Pradesh believes that in the 5000 years old human world drama cycle consisting of four ages, Satyug (Golden Age) and Tretayug (Silver Age) together constitute heaven and Dwaparyug (Copper Age) and Kaliyug (Iron Age) together constitute hell, both of which exist on this Earth. In the heaven that existed on this land of India itself, every human being was pure, perfect in all the virtues, Maryadas Purushottam (highest among the human beings in following the code of conduct), and double non-violent deities. But after becoming body conscious, when these deities become sorrowful and peaceless, then India becomes a hell from the Copper Age.

Copper Age onwards, the humanity gets divided on the basis of religion, caste, language, country etc. By the end of the Iron Age, sorrows, peacelessness, corruption and sins reach the threshold. Then, at the end of the Iron Age and at the beginning of the Golden Age, i.e. at the Purushottam Sangamyug (the highest Confluence Age) the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva Himself takes a divine incarnation and teaches the true knowledge and RajYoga through Jagdamba (World mother) and Jagatpita (World Father) and unites the souls of the entire world into one family. The nine lakh souls, who learn The Knowledge and RajYoga from them, make efforts and get transformed from human beings to deities. They begin a new era (Yugadi) i.e. Golden Age or heaven in India. In its remembrance the festival of Yugadi is celebrated in the path of worship from the Copper Age onwards.

Actually, only the beginning of Golden Age can be called as the true Yugadi or the beginning of a new era in a true sense. In the other ages (Silver, Copper & Iron Ages) the human souls keep becoming more and more impure, that is why the commencement of those Ages cannot be termed as the beginning of a new era. The enthronement of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan at the beginning of the Golden Age marks the commencement of the Vikarmajeet Era, i.e. 01.01.01(Vikarmajeet literally means ‘victory over sins’). In the heaven that lasts for 2500 years there will not be any sins. The actions performed there are neither positive nor negative because the deities of heaven enjoy the fruits of positive actions (sukarma) performed in the Confluence Age. That is why the actions performed in heaven are called akarma. But the actions performed from the Copper Age onwards in body consciousness by the deities (now called Hindus) following the leftist path and other souls coming from the Soul World are called vikarma (negative actions). This marks the beginning of the Vikrami Era by the King Vikramaditya.

Now in the Confluence Age the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva comes and makes us soul conscious. Every act performed in soul consciousness in the remembrance of the Supreme Soul becomes a positive act, whose fruits are enjoyed by us completely for 21 births in the Golden & Silver Ages, including the present birth and after that partially in the subsequent births.

So let us realize our pure and worship worthy deity form on this Yugadi and learn Godly knowledge and RajYoga from the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva, who has come in an ordinary human form and commence the Golden Age through our positive actions (sukarma) or celebrate Yugadi in a true sense.


PostPosted: 05 Jun 2006
by bansy
Arjun wrote:So, PBKs do not celebrate any festival, whatsoever, including Shiva's birthday, the biggest festival of BKs. When Father Shiv Himself is present on this Earth, then where is the necessity to spend huge amounts to celebrate just one day as his birthday.

Arjunbhai & PBKs
The Confluence Age is the highest of the stages. I can understand not having excessive celebrations, especially as the BKs seem to good at overdoing, but what is done on the special festive days PBKs get a message or reminder from Baba to perform particular Yoga or service, or entire silence/bhatti ? Does the same apply for PBKs in India as well as outside India ?

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2006
by aimée
Dear Bansy,
I think it is for Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit) the opportunity to give more Gyan (as it is one of the pillar of this path) and to bring the limited into the unlimited. As it was well explained, festivals are a symbolic explanation, but it is now devoid of all significance, like an empty shell. Celebrating is a way to make any day special, would that mean that the other days we would not bring so much attention to our Yoga and study? Or if it is a celebration of some sort, then we take the risk to have our mind carried away (towards the outside) from the essential (the inner being). As it is for our own birthday, when we celebrate it (except if we have to conform to a lokik role), it means we aknowledge the importance of this body, and turn towards the limited.

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. As far as I know Baba has not directed PBKs to sit in remembrance at any particular place or time for a particular purpose. He always says that we must strive to remember Baba continuously, with a special emphasis on the Amrit Vela time, which is the foundation time for the entire day. And this direction is same for all the PBKs, whether Indian by birth or not.
With regards,
On Godly service,

Christmas festivals

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2006
by atma
Bhai bansy,

Asked about festivals that are celeberated here is one of a very popular one. Please excuse the late post. I have been very busy with lokik duties.


Christmas Tree - a reminder of the human world-like Kalpa tree

This human world tree is a unique tree because its seed, i.e. the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva is not a resident of this world but the Soul World situated above the sky. We human souls also come from that abode only. We assume the cloth-like body in this world stage and play different roles at different times in the 5000 year old world drama wheel consisting of four ages. We take 1 to 84 births depending on our role and get transformed from impure to pure souls.

Since the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva does not enter The Cycle of life and death, always pure and is a seed of this human world tree, The Knowledge of the beginning, middle and the end of this world, which he gives us sinful human souls by entering into the body of Prajapita Brahma in the Confluence Age, i.e. at the end of this world drama and purify us through RajYoga. He is telling that how at the beginning of this world drama wheel, i.e. the Golden Age and Silver Age there was one religion, i.e. deity religion (Aadi Sanatan Devi-Devata Dharma) and we all were most civilized deities. About 2500 years ago in the Copper Age first of all Prophet Mohammad came from the Soul World and established Islam, then Mahatma Buddha came and established Buddhism and then Christ came and established Christianity.

Just as the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva enters into a human body in this Confluence Age, similarly other religious fathers also enter into other human beings and establish their respective religions. While the Supreme Soul is free from The Cycle of life and death, other religious fathers take rebirth after establishing their religion by entering into another human body. For e.g. about 2500 years ago the soul of Christ came from the Soul World and entered into the body of a person called Jesus and established Christianity.

The soul in whose body Christ entered had already been taking rebirth in this world. Jesus, in whose body the soul of Christ enters is called the base-like soul of Christianity, whereas Father of Jesus can be called the seed-like soul of Christianity. That seed-like soul does not accept the religion established by its son during its lifetime, but takes the next birth as a Christian only. It is the rule of this Unlimited Drama that whichever soul comes from the Soul World and takes birth in this world, does not experience sorrows and disturbance in the first birth. That is why, whatever obstacles that are created in the path of establishment of a new religion, are faced not by the soul of Christ coming from the Soul World, but by the soul of Jesus, which had already taken many births in this world. For e.g. the pains of being crucified was experienced by the soul of Jesus and not Christ.

After leaving the body, Christ and Jesus, both the souls take rebirth by different names and forms and at different places, but both of them undertake the task of sustaining the new religion, i.e. Christianity. In this manner, after taking many rebirths both the souls, like other souls become sinful and vicious. When the Supreme Father Supreme Soul comes and establishes the Godly family then the soul of Jesus and his Father becomes a Brahmakumar or Kumari and accepts the Godly knowledge, but the soul of Christ keeps sustaining Christianity almost until the end of the Confluence Age. When the ferocious Mahabharata war or the world war begins at the end of the Confluence Age then the soul of Christ also obtains knowledge from the Supreme Father Supreme Soul and acquaints the followers of its religion about the divine incarnation of God in India.

Actually, Christianity does not become as degraded as Islam, which is the oldest religion to be established after deity religion. The Christian souls neither become most sinful nor most pure. That is why they neither enjoy the complete pleasures of Golden Age, nor the complete sufferings of Iron Age. Christmas Tree, an integral part of Christmas, celebrated in the remembrance of the birth of Christ, is a reminder of the world tree (the Kalpa Tree). The brightest star displayed on the top of the Christmas Tree is a reminder of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva whereas the elderly Santa Claus, who distributes sweets and gifts to all the children, is a reminder of the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva, who has come in the body of Prajapita Brahma, who gifts us knowledge, virtues, powers and the paradise or heaven.

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
atma wrote:About 2500 years ago in the Copper Age first of all Prophet Mohammad came from the Soul World and established Islam, then Mahatma Buddha came and established Buddhism and then Christ came and established Christianity.

This seems to be incorrect with Abraham Establishing Islam firstly and Mohammed coming much later on :). Great article though I had a feeling ShivBaba was Father Christmas heheh.

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2006
by arjun
Dear PBK Trinityshiva, Omshanti. Thanks for the correction. Actually when this article was posted on xbkchat originally, some soul like you had pointed out the same mistake and the correction was incorporated and intimated to everyone including PBKs. But probably Atma Bhai did not have the revised version and hence posted the uncorrected version by mistake.
Anyways, keep up the good work.