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PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by shivsena
andrey wrote:Dear Brother shivsena,
I beleive from the points that you have queted there is no grounds to derive the conclusion that Maya is a soul, still it remains a simple statement.

Then you say you compile points on Maya. Brother, where have you gone? What do you do? What are you busy with? What do you look at? Are you going to reveal Maya?

I have spoken in simple English and clarified my stand on Maya. I do not know your language otherwise i would have spoken in that language.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by andrey
Do you need to learn any other language after you know Baba's language?

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by shivsena
andrey wrote:Do you need to learn any other language after you know Baba's language.

That is the whole problem; most of those who read Murlis do not understand what Baba is trying to say!!!!

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by andrey
I agree, but i believe that only Baba can say what he tries to say and no one else. We all can guess, but finally he has the last word. Since for you there is no Baba now, we cannot verify. We have to wait for your Baba.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by shivsena
andrey wrote:I agree, but I believe that only Baba can say what he tries to say and no one else. We all can guess, but finally he has the last word. Since for you there is no Baba now, we cannot verify. We have to wait for your Baba.

Yes - not my Baba or your Baba. We will have to wait and see what Ramshivbaba says in the end.

In the meantime, i would request all PBKs to compare what is said in Murlis and what is said in cds and judge themselves what is right and what is wrong.

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2008
by shivsena
Dear arjun Bhai.

In Murli 2-3-03, Shiva says "Maya bilkul hi 100% non-sense buddhi banaa deti hai" (meaning: ''Maya makes the intellect 100% non-sense'').
In Murli 22-1-02, Shiva says " Maya billi jyoti bujhaa deti hai" (meaning: ''Cat Maya extinguishes the light of knowledge'')

In the above Murlis, Who is this Maya, who makes the intellect 100% non-sense and extinguishes the light of knowledge from the intellect of PBKs, who do not have the eye to see the nirakari stage of Ramshivbaba and still persist in seeing Ram as deha-dhari (prajapita)

Also why has Shiva metaphorically described Maya as 'cat-billi' ??? Cat is feminine in nature; so Shiva is warning the BKs and PBKs about this female part of ardha-nari-ishwar ie Brahma alias Krishna will play the role of Maya during the shooting period of Brahma ki raat and only after Ramshivbaba is revealed, that the combined roop of ardh-nari-ishwar will also be revealed to the PBK and BK world.

Also readers must have heard the popular story about the ''cat and mice'' where the mice were all terrorised by the cat and the mice had a meeting about "Who would bell the cat" to enable them to know in advance about the arrival of the cat. This small story has a very big message to give to the PBKs, as the same thing is happening in the Advance Party in a very subtle way and in the end when cat Maya is revealed, this will be remembered in lokik life as the "Cat and mice story". Now the question arises, as to who has the courage to bell the cat??? .Only 108 king souls who have done research on Murlis and Vanis, will identify this mayavi cat and will have the courage to tell this to other PBKs and when the 108 souls are ready, then they will gherao(confront) Maya and will then get the title of mayajeet-jagatjeet.
This is what i sincerely feel.


PostPosted: 15 Jan 2008
by arjun
shivsena wrote:Also readers must have heard the popular story about the ''cat and mice'' where the mice were all terrorised by the cat and the mice had a meeting about "Who would bell the cat" to enable them to know in advance about the arrival of the cat.

I do not know which soul plays the role of Maya among BKs/PBKs, but today is the birthday of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Miss Mayawati. :P

She is one politicians who has been famous for receiving gifts worth millions of rupees on her birthday every year. Someone filed a case in the Income Tax Tribunal last year, whose ruling in the case was even more controversial in accepting the gifts as an expression of love by her followers. :lol:

She began her career as a Primary school teacher, but within one/two decade of joining politics she is owner of property worth crores of rupees. :shock:

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2008
by shivsena
arjun wrote: I do not know which soul plays the role of Maya among BKs/PBKs, but today is the birthday of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Miss Mayawati. She is one politicians who has been famous for receiving gifts worth millions of rupees on her birthday every year. Someone filed a case in the Income Tax Tribunal last year, whose ruling in the case was even more controversial in accepting the gifts as an expression of love by her followers. She began her career as a Primary school teacher, but within one/two decade of joining politics she is owner of property worth crores of rupees.

Dear arjun Bhai.

What you have written about Mayawati of Uttar Pradesh of broad drama, fits aptly on the behad ki mayawati (Krishna's part) of the Advance Party. Both are chief ministers (one of UP and other of Advance Party), both receive gifts from their followers (not Brothers or Sisters as Advance Party is still not a Godly family), both are fighting against the income-tax authorities as their accounts are not clear and transparent and, finally, original owner of the body of Virendra Dev Dixit i.e. Ram's soul was also a school teacher and now that body is being controlled by Krishna, who has ammased crores of rupees in the name of ShivBaba (God), just as the lokik dharam-gurus do in Bhakti marg.

So one can really compare what is happening in Advance Party during the shooting period of Kaliyug, to what is happening in the outside Kaliyugi world.

Premkanta aka Maya

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by earl
Premkanta (an early PBK student) is sometimes refered to as Maya because she was influenced (by PBK Brothers who became anti-) and became a critic of the PBKs.

Why get influenced by Premkanta or Dr Anil or Patel (i.e. other PBKs not Shiva Baba) now in the final moments?

In Golden Age we are completely self-sufficient. We need to have created those sanskars now before it is too late.

Re: Premkanta aka Maya

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by shivsena
earl wrote:Premkanta (an early PBK student) is sometimes refered to as Maya because she was influenced (by PBK Brother's who became anti) and became a critic of PBKs. Why get influenced by Premkanta or Dr Anil or Patel (i.e. other PBKs not Shiva Baba) now in the final moments? In Golden Age we are completely self-sufficient. We need to have created those sanskars now before it is too late.

Dear earl.

You are right about not getting influenced by anyone in these final moments, but you should now try to find out who is Maya and who is mayapati Bhagwan and the only way to do this, is to read and research the Murlis and Vanis. Just as, when the lokik final exams are nearing, the students burn their midnight oil and study throughout the night to pass the exam, so also this Brahma's night is nearing an end and whosoever finds out who is Maya will pass the final exam and will reach mayapati Bhagwan.


PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by ex-l
Could we have one single, simple "The Gospel According to Shivsena" post? Or point me to it, if you have made it already? E.g. a simple list of who is who.

I appreciate that you are attempting to serve the PBK community by making them think but, to me, your point become lost in all the chitchat somewhere between you trying to undercut their faith by using rhetorical questions and Murli quotes and them trying to suppress you with others.

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:Could we have one single, simple "The Gospel According to Shivsena" post? Or point me to it, if you have made it already? E.g. a simple list of who is who. I appreciate that you are attempting to serve the PBK community by making them think but, to me, your point become lost in all the chitchat somewhere between you trying to undercut their faith by using rhetorical questions and Murli quotes and them trying to suppress you with others.

Dear ex-l.
That is exactly what i am trying to aim at. A simple long list of who is who.

Who is ShivBaba, who is Maya, who is Ramshivbaba, what are the roles of Ram, Krishna.
Who is mata-pita, who is Narayan, who is prajapita Brahma, who is no. 1 patit soul, who is patit-pavan bap, who is rachieta, who is rachna, etc, etc, etc. This is a very long list and unless we churn and define each character and their roles in this behad ka drama, the total understanding of Godly knowledge will be just a distant dream.

I am not trying to undercut anybody's faith or suppress others. I am just trying to make my Brothers aware that there is more to Godly knowledge, besides basic and Advanced Knowledge. I feel that i am doing my duty of sharing the Murli points, which can be interpreted differently by different group of souls. If somebody feels otherwise then i am very sorry about it.


PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by ex-l
I'd just like to know your complete list/answer.

I find rhetorical questions painful. It reminds me of when the Vishnu Party joined.

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:I'd just like to know your complete list/answer. I find rhetorical questions painful. It reminds me of when the Vishnu Party joined.

Dear ex-l.

I have never asked any rhetorical questions, but only direct questions like : who is Ramshivbaba, who is Maya, who is Alaf, who is Bhagwan, why is there no unity in Advance Party when God ShivBaba is in charge,etc etc and i do not think that these are rhetorical questions. I feel these are very valid queries and unless we have a definite combined analysis (not individual answers) to these queries, we cannot understand the Godly knowledge.

If you can give me any example of any rhetorical question which i have asked then please quote the same and i will be careful not to repeat it in future. I am the last person to hurt the feelings of any soul but sometimes the presentation of certain facts may not be received amicably by souls who do not agree with my viewpoint (and that may seem rhetorical), but it is certainly not intentional.

I am in the process of completing my equations as per my research of Murlis and i shall post them in a weeks time, till then i will post some more Murli points on Maya which many PBKs may not be aware.


Balance of 4 Subjects

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by earl
Sevakram (Dada Lek Raj's Business Partner) failed because he left the Yagya (and encouraged other to do the same), instead of staying put and working through his problems with Dada Lek Raj who he felt was too emotional, non-intellectual and being influenced by the adoration of the young girls and mothers.

Later in his next life, as Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, he was draw back and had a run in (again) with those same young girls (now old women i.e. Dadi Prakashmani). Yet Shiv Baba was at work and Virendra Dev Dixit felt compelled to teach, as well as learn, in the 1970's settling karma, living in poverty on the streets of India as Shiva settled in him permanently. He became a powerhouse both emotionally and intellectually. Balance was achieved.

Conversely, Dada Lek Raj has also gone through a change by learning and listening to a broader more complete knowledge whilst sitting close in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit (his old business partner reincarnated) as Shiv Baba speaks the clarification of knowledge.

The lesson i learnt from this story is the nessesity to have a balance of all 4 primary subjects of Raja Yoga : Gyan, Yoga, Dharna, Seva.

And also not to be influenced by the corrupt world of today any other souls than Shiv Baba to achieve this goal.