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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2008
by suryavanshi
Also it has been said a many times, hum ulti sidhi chadte hai (we climb The Ladder backwards). Does this mean that the current shooting that we are doing of Kaliyug/dwaparyug is reverse (5000 years backwards to 2500 years)?

Dear Brother,

Each PBK soul needs to give time to the self , needs to keep constantly churning and observing the self to understand their part in this behad kaa drama (not had kaa drama because behad kaa only will be kad kaa in future 5000 years). Slowly slowly depending on each one's part (some will be late some will be early) we will be able to realise our part. A time could be postulated or expected to come when one would be able see through the eyes of the soul, the whole drama of the self. The whole picture of the self in 84 births. The more we are involved in seva and Yaad, the more faster we would be able to see our 84 births, or the more faster we would we able to finish the rehearsal or the shooting period or more faster we would become karmateet.

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2008
by shivsena
cal wrote:Based on your views on this forum does this mean that we start from ghor andhiyara (utter darkness) in 1988-89 (when Brahma did not go to Mount Abu) to grey hue (start of Dwapar yug) and then increasing brightness (from Treata yug to Sat yug) in Brahma ka din? If the Brahma ka din shooting is not reversed, it means that there will 16 kalas degrading to 14 kalas!!! (chadti kala tere bhane sub ka bhala )

Dear cal Bhai.
I feel that the period from 1988-89 is to be considered as the beginning of Dwapur yug, just as the point 2500 years in broad drama is the starting point of Dwapur yug; we start falling in the broad drama from Dwapur yug onwards, so in subtle drama we start falling from the shooting period from 1988 onwards till the end of Kaliyugi shooting, till Bharat becomes 100% brashtachari and then Ramshivbaba comes and turns the Brahma ki raat into Brahma ka din. As regards how the shooting takes place in Brahma ka din, i am still not very clear so i am not able to comment on it.

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2008
by andrey
Dear Brother,

You forget the individual shooting. If the falling for every soul starts from 88, then in means if one soul comes into The Knowledge after 88 they will not come in Golden Age and Silver Age. Is this so? We know from experience that as long as we enter the path of knowledge our golden stage commences. Also if there is a matter of falling then the one who will be responsible to cause downfall in the broad drama will do so in the shooting. Then is it the soul of Brahma who after Copper Age becomes instrumental in spreading dualism or some other soul?

You say PBKs are doing bakti, but see what do you yourself teach. You say we will be able to obtain our inheritance just by uttering the word of "Baba" (at the right time). Mantras, magic words are not path of knowledge. I don't know what has Baba (in Brahma Baba) meant when saying the point, but maybe it is something like that when we become children. We say Baba means we become children. We become children and we get entitled to the inheritance. Something like this. Some reasonable explanation. If we could obtain and inheritance just by uttering "Baba" then one who is big sinner and has not made any effort at all will come and say "Baba" and he will get the inheritance along with someone who has studied and made effort for many years.

I have also understood your real motivation of all your propaganda that is also not fair. You want all of us to leave Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit) as he is instrumental for our degradation at present so that when the right time comes you will be the first in front of him to study Raja Yoga. This is unfair competition. We should have equal chances. You should not try to knock us out. You should try to move forward yourself.

Another form of your bakti is that you fix dates for God to come. It is like calling for God that is done in the path of bakti. But in the same way as those who call don't know when he comes, maybe the same way you say dates, but also don't know when he comes. It is because he comes on his own when it is the time in the drama and if you claim to know the drama then you are snatching the role of God. We can become Trikaldarshi and can know the drama only after we learn it from him. As long as i have studied i have not come across mentioning the date 2010. If you have studied something else, please tell.
As regards how the shooting takes place in Brahma ka din, i am still not very clear so i am not able to comment on it.

Why are you not expert in Brahma ka din? Are you expert only in the night? Are you yourself spreading the night? Because someone will spread day and someone will spread night. What are you doing with your dualistic ideas? Are you spreading the day or are you spreading the night? What shooting are you doing? Maybe when you become clear you may also spread day.

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2008
by cal
shivsena wrote:I feel that the period from 1988-89 is to be considered as the beginning of Dwapur yug, just as the point 2500 years in broad drama is the starting point of Dwapur yug; we start falling in the broad drama from Dwapur yug onwards, so in subtle drama we start falling from the shooting period from 1988 onwards till the end of Kaliyugi shooting, till Bharat becomes 100% brashtachari and then Ramshivbaba comes and turns the Brahma ki raat into Brahma ka din.

Dear Shivsena Bhai:

In the broad drama Sat and Treta are preceded by Dwapar and Kaliyug. However, as mentioned by you, Dwapar and Kaliyug subtle shooting precede the Sat and Treta Yug shooting. There is already a reversal in sequence. So a reversal in direction does not sound illogical. Secondly, when Brahma ka din shooting starts, a soul will have 0 kalas as supposed to 8 kalas (if the sequence in Dwapar and Kaliyug is not reversed). Ofcourse I am assuming a one-to-one correspondence in kalas in the various shooting period.

Also, if souls are degrading right now (Dwapar to Kaliyug direction), our intellect is also degrading, then our churning will be also affected accordingly. However, if our churning is drifting more towards the truth, then our intellect should be going from patthar buddhi (stone intellect) heading in the direction of paras buddhi (precious stone intellect).
Your input awaited.
Om Shanti

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2008
by shivsena
arjun wrote: Kalank in Hindi means false allegations. Kalankidhar means someone who has been falsely implicated. When you believe that it is the soul of Krishna who is misleading all the BKs/PBKs, then how can the soul of Krishna be kalankidhar? It should be the soul of Ram who is kalankidhar.

Dear arjun Bhai.

You are right when you say that kalank means ''false charges"; but to whom are these charges levelled against???
In the end when PBKs will all come to know that they have been taken for a ride, then they will blame Ram's soul(Gyan surya) for mis-leading them(as they have no knowledge that all the time it was Maya who was playing tricks with them); so when they blame Ram's soul(Gyan surya), then Krishna's soul(Gyan chandrama) will take all the blame on himself (jo kalank bacche Ram ke upar lagate hai, woh sab Krishna apne upar dharan kar, sabke samne kalanki-dhar avataar ke roop mein pratyaksh hoga); in Hindu mythology, surya par kabhi kalank nahin lagte; chandrama par kalank lagte hain.

God Ramshivbaba(Gyan surya) cannot mislead anybody, the part to mis-lead the PBKs is given to mayavi Krishna as per drama. and those who recognise this Maya before time will then get the title of mayajeet(108).


Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2008
by arjun
You are right when you say that kalank means ''false charges"; but to whom are these charges levelled against??? In the end when PBKs will all come to know that they have been taken for a ride, then they will blame Ram's soul(Gyan surya) for mis-leading them(as they have no knowledge that all the time it was Maya who was playing tricks with them); so when they blame Ram's soul(Gyan surya), then Krishna's soul(Gyan chandrama) will take all the blame on himself (jo kalank bacche Ram ke upar lagate hai, woh sab Krishna apne upar dharan kar, sabke samne kalanki-dhar avataar ke roop mein pratyaksh hoga); in Hindu mythology, surya par kabhi kalank nahin lagte; chandrama par kalank lagte hain. God Ramshivbaba(Gyan surya) cannot mislead anybody, the part to mis-lead the PBKs is given to mayavi Krishna as per drama. and those who recognise this Maya before time will then get the title of mayajeet(108).

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. Your replies remind me of the numerous comedy shows on the TV where the mimics mimic two/three different voices through the same vocal chords. :D

You mean to say that in January, 2010 through the same body of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, the soul of Krishna will accept that I have misled all the BKs/PBKs and through the same body Ram ShivBaba will say that till now my child was misleading you and now I will give the true knowledge to you and give you inheritance through the same child. :wink: I have already asked you if both the souls would speak in the same voice or different voices and you haven't answered my question so far. I also asked you that when the entire suspense would get cleared in January, 2010 (i.e. when we all will get the inheritance) then what will we all do from Jan, 2010 to 2036? :roll:

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008
by shivsena
cal wrote: In the broad drama Sat and Treta are preceded by Dwapar and Kaliyug. However, as mentioned by you, Dwapar and Kaliyug subtle shooting precede the Sat and Treta Yug shooting. There is already a reversal in sequence. So a reversal in direction does not sound illogical. Secondly, when Brahma ka din shooting starts, a soul will have 0 kalas as supposed to 8 kalas (if the sequence in Dwapar and Kaliyug is not reversed). Ofcourse I am assuming a one-to-one correspondence in kalas in the various shooting period.

Dear cal Bhai.
I have already mentioned that during the shooting period of Dwapur and Kaliyug, no one can be in chadti kalaa, as Bharat( Krishna) is now in girti kalaa and so we all have to be in girti kalaa; It has been said in Murlis ''Bharat hi responsible hai sabko girane ke liye aur sabko utane ke liye"; also it has been said in Murlis "chadti kalaa ek second mein aur girti kalaa 5000 years'', so unless Bharat becomes chadti kalaa no one can be in chadti kalaa; and Bharat will come in chadti kalaa only when Ram becomes 100% nirakari in near future; as long as we are in shooting period, we all are patthar buddhi; only when Ramshivbaba comes he will make us paras-buddhi. this is what i feel.


Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008
by suryavanshi
Ram becomes 100% nirakari in near future; as long as we are in shooting period, we all are patthar buddhi; only when Ramshivbaba comes he will make us paras-buddhi. this is what i feel.

Dear Brother,
Om Shanti. Please answer "yes" or "no" to the questions below.
1)You describe "RamShivBaba" as the form of God in which both the soul of Ram who becomes 100% Niraakaari and the soul of Shiv who is always in Niraakaari stage exist together. Correct?
2) Also, you say this "RamShivBaba" as described by you above is the form of the future when soul of Ram attains 100% Niraakari stage and does not exist in the present. Correct?

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008
by shivsena
suryavanshi wrote: Dear Brother,
Om Shanti. Please answer "yes" or "no" to the questions below.
1)You describe "RamShivBaba" as the form of God in which both the soul of Ram who becomes 100% Niraakaari and the soul of Shiv who is always in Niraakaari stage exist together. Correct?

Yes i like specific queries; yes, only when Ram=Shiv then the practical form of God ShivBaba will be revealed.
2) Also, you say this "RamShivBaba" as described by you above is the form of the future when soul of Ram attains 100% Niraakari stage and does not exist in the present. Correct?

I have never said that Ram never exists at present; he is in the same body but in avaykt stage(Vani se pare) because a soul can achieve nirakari stage only when he is first in avaykt stage; it has been said in Vanis that a soul can never attain the nirakari stage from sakaari stage directly; so Ram's soul has been in avaykt stage ever since he realised his part as future Ramshivbaba and from that day onwards avaykt Brahma is in full control of this body of Virendra Dev Dixit and playing the role of Maya.


Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008
by suryavanshi
"RamShivBaba" as the form of God in which both the soul of Ram who becomes 100% Niraakaari and the soul of Shiv who is always in Niraakaari stage exist together.

You said the above quote is correct. That is 100% pure soul of Ram and Soul of Shiv = RamShivBaba. ( the form of God in near future when Ram becomes 100% pure).
Dear Brother,
According to the Murlis, "Main number one patit kaami kaatein mein pravesh kartaa hoon." mu 26/6/68. According to law, He never comes into paavan. His presence cannot be proved in one who is paavan. So, when soul of Ram becomes 100% pure, then RamShivBaba will come is not correct.How can God be said to come in one who has become pure ? "RamShivBaba" is not the future form of God but the current form of God when patit-pavan exist together. This cannot be said for future when the patit has become paavan. It cannot be proved that soul of Shiv would exist in the 100% pure soul of Ram.(the future form of God(RamShivBaba) as envisioned by you.)

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008
by shivsena
suryavanshi wrote:You said the above quote is correct. That is 100% pure soul of Ram and Soul of Shiv = RamShivBaba. ( the form of God in near future when Ram becomes 100% pure).

Dear suryavanshi Bhai.

Now you are again splitting hair with words like ''nirakari'' and ''pure''. I have always said that only when Ram=Shiv, then Ramshivbaba will be revealed to the world. I have never said that Ram will become 100% pure (the words 'pure' and 'nirakari' are not synonymous words; there is much difference between the two); Devtas are 100% pure but they cannot be said to be nirakari. It is said in Murlis that ''ShivBaba ki mahima alag aur devtaon ki mahima alag'' (meaning that RamShivbaba's praise is 100% nirakari and He makes us into divine beings 16 * pure) ; Ramshivbaba cannot be said to be 16 * pure; it is defamation of Ramshivbaba.


Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008
by suryavanshi
I have always said that only when Ram=Shiv, then Ramshivbaba will be revealed to the world; i have never said that Ram will become 100% pure (the words 'pure' and 'nirakari' are not synonymous words; there is much difference between the two);

Dear Brother,
Supreme Soul Shiv is said to be always in Nirakaari stage and is always/ever Pure. There is no doubt to it that Supreme Soul Shiv is ever/always pure(ShivBaba toh sadaiv [i.e always] pure hi pure pure 27/1/1999) and ever/always in the niraakaari stage. So, when you say Ram = Shiv, this means that Ram is also like Shiv now i.e. Niraakari as well as Pure like Supreme Soul Shiv. So, when Ram becomes/ attains 100% Niraakari Stage, soul of Ram has attained/become 100% pure. So, again how can it be proved that soul of Shiv would exist in the 100% pure soul of Ram.(the future form of God(RamShivBaba) as envisioned by you). This again shows that RamShivBaba is the current form of God when patit pavan exist together.

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2008
by shivsena
suryavanshi wrote: Supreme Soul Shiv is said to be always in Nirakaari stage This again shows that RamShivBaba is the current form of God when patit pavan exist together.

Dear Brother.
Shiv is always nirakaar, you cannot use the word stage for him.
If you wish to believe that Ramshivbaba is current form of God then you are free to do so; i believe that Ramshivbaba will be revealed as God in future.

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2008
by new knowledge
Brother shivsena, you state "Ram = Shiv". Then what is the connection of Nirakari stages of Ram & Shiv? Do you equate Bindi stage (dot stage) of Shiv with his Nirakari stage? Does Ram also becomes Bindi like Shiv as Ram = Shiv?

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2008
by andrey
There was this matter of what is the sign of being soul-conscious. In the Murli it is said that the spiritual Father explains to the spiritual children. So we should maintain connection with those who maintain connection with the Father.