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How many Fathers have I?

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2008
by new knowledge
My dear Brother (sorry Father!) shivshankar, I've no any problem that you declare yourself as ShivBaba. You are nothing more than those so many personalities who declare themselves as ShivBaba. All you ShivBabas (except the original one) are boring. OK?

How many Fathers have I? Am I an orphan? Whosoever comes & makes a dialogue, "I am your Father". I request all of you ShivBabas to let me please ask my Mother "who is my Father? ShivShankar, BKDimok? Virendra Dev Dixit? Lekhraj Kirpalani? Satish Mehta? Ramakant? Harish Palekar? Navin Modi? Or Nagraj? Am I an adultarated child of my Mother?". I am bored now.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2008
by suryavanshi
1) "1966 sein 10 varsh ke andar hum apni is Bharat bhoomi ko swarg banaa kar chhodenge." mu. dated 13/8/1966. So, do you indirectly say that this Murli point is incorrect? Does it not mean anything
2) Also, based on your above statement that why others are not expereincing swarg, I ask you a simple question based on the Murlis: Will swarg be established by swachintan or parchintan? Because it is said that "swachintan unnati ki aor le jaataa hain aur parchintan patan ki jad hain". So, will you experience swarg by this parchintan that you do or by swachintan?
3)Krishna who becomes Prajapita "Prajapita jagat kaa baap huaa na" mu dated 22/5/1965. According to this Murli point, Prajapita is said to be the world Father and it is always mentioned in the Murlis that soul of Krishna is a child. Then, how can we say Krishna (child) becomes Prajapita (world Father as mentioned in the Murli point above) ?

Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Is your silence an answer to these questions above?

Interpretations from Murli (i.e. Ram is only ShivBaba and other interpretations) should be able to explain all the Murli points and not just one or two points.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2008
by shivshankar
Om Shanti.

2new knowledge: Your spiritual Father is God. That's all. You shouldn't think of chariots too much. When there is a lot of doubts in details it is better to concentrate on the main. You are soul. God is the Supreme Soul. Make a connection in order to become pure, very easy. Follow principles of purity. Details will become clear with time. The main is to attain purity by remembrance. Process is very easy. Just feel yourself point of light and remember Me, point of light, everything else will be attained on this basis. If you want to remember Me in a Chariot - you are welcome. The main is to remember Me, point of light, but not this Chariot.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2008
by shivsena
john wrote:Actually, you have only produced Murli points that Ram is another name for Shiva GodFather, not that they are seperate souls. It is your interpretation that makes you believe it to be two different souls. It may be your part in drama to believe Ram is a separate soul and is actually the more important soul, but that does not make it so.

Dear john Bhai.

Let each one of us continue with his own belief and only time will tell who is on the right track and who is not.

It is futile to discuss further, if you feel that Shiv and Ram are the names given to the same soul. As i have said previously, that this belief stops all further discussion.

Meanwhile, i will continue to post various points on Ram, as this belief is making things easier for me.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2008
by arjun
pbkindiana wrote:"I myself say that I enter the ordinary body (of the one) who has taken full 84 births, at the end of (his) many births." ... also Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit will be conferred the title of Ram.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. Instead of answering the question myself, I would draw your attention to Baba's answer on a similar question in Disc. CD No.284 recorded at Annanur on 30.03.07 (time-25.22). I will request the nimit Sisters to send the translation of the extracts of above discussion.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by pbkindiana
Andrey wrote:In the Murli it has been the 84-th birth of Dada Lekraj - the soul of Krishna, (this is this one's - Brahma Baba's last 84th birth). If Krishna is child, then would his Father be elder or younger to him. It must have been the 84 birth of the Father also. Although he may have taken rebirth physically it is counted in the same one Brahmin birth. If we could accept that in one physical birth one can die live and have a new spiritual birth, then why not accept that physical birth can not mean new birth. The sanskars of the Brahmin are taken along.

Dear Brother,

Are you inferring that Sevakram (i.e. the previous birth of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) was in his 84th birth when Father Shiv entered him for the first time in Confluence Age and when Sevakram left his body and taken another physical birth as Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, is also considered the 84th birth too?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by andrey
The Murli point you have quoted has to be interpreted correctly. Shiva is saying that ''only the one is called shri shri"; it means that Shiva is refering to Ram no. 1 soul when Ram attains the nirakari stage and not to himself (zero). Zero is never called shri shri. Zero is always neutral and does not need any titles or glorification or revelation for himself. Shiva wants glorification for no. 1 soul Ram only.
Also no Murli ever says that Ram is a Deity. I have produced innumerable Murlis about Ram being ShivBaba, but you still insist on seeing Ram as Deity and you cannot produce any Murli which says that Ram is a Deity.

But in the Murlis also it is not said that the one who is shri shri then becomes single shri, because if you believe this to be the soul of Ram, and if you believe he will become a deity then (Narayan) then he will lose one shri. on the contrary. It is said that those that does not have any title - receive the title of shri and it is said for the only soul that never loses his title. Is this the soul of Ram? Is is also said Mahadev (great deity) Shankar, if you believe that it is the same soul of Ram.

I also believe there is no harm in twisting things as far as one does not forget where he started.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by shivsena
andrey wrote: But in the Murlis also it is not said that the one who is shri shri then becomes single shri, because if you believe this to be the soul of Ram, and if you believe he will become a deity then (Narayan) then he will lose one shri.

I have never said that Ram will become a Deity Narayan and loose one 'shri'. It is the PBKs who see Ram as Narayan, the Murlis never say that Ram is Narayan.

i believe that Ram will be revealed as shri shri Ramshivbaba through the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and Krishna will be revealed as Narayan (16* pure) through the same body and hence the confusion amongst those PBKs, who do not have the third eye of knowledge to differentiate between which soul is revealed as Krishna (Narayan) and which soul is revealed as ShivBaba (Ram).

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2008
by andrey
But from the Murli we know thet when it is Golden Age - where there is Narayan then there will not be God - ShivBaba, but you even put them both in one body and you even say Maya becomes Narayan.

Then who will take birth phisically as first price in the Golden Age. Will this not take place practically. Or do you say the soul of Krishna will become Father of his own self.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2008
by arjun
Quoted from 'Q&A with Baba' for record purpose:

Q.No.210: Who is Maya?
Ans: Ravan is none other than the five vices - lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego. These five vices assume 100% stage is some human beings which are called as ghosts. So these ghosts compel us to do wrong deeds. Maya is not a different personality but the five vices which are within us.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2008
by jaycdp
Om Shanti

i totally agree with shivsena Brother

Some of the PBKs already got horn thinking that they are the chosen one.

Perhaps the chosen one will be declared by the whole world. You can be chosen but it is up to your dharna you climb up

i do not see one person on this website as worship worthy or to be a child of a worship worthy.

OK, bye

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2008
by andrey
jaycdp wrote:Perhaps the chosen one will be declared by the whole world.

There is a difference between whatever the world sees as great and whatever the Father sees as great. Today the people in the world that have become famous are the most corrupt, because the world is such - a corrupt world. So they will proclaim someone as great according to their vision. They will even defame the one who is to be praised. First they will defame him, then they will praise him.

If you start seeing us as worship worthy then we may even become ones.

Dear shivsena,

In the Murli it is said, that it is only the Father's duty to get over Maya. We cannot win over Maya. If you say there is no Father will we be able to win over Maya by our own?

If the numbers were decided based on the recognition there will not be so much of a test. Anyone could come at the end and recognise. A long period of time is required for the relationship to be tested. It is said that it is important to maintain the connection. To recognise and to forget will not be so fruitful as if one recognises (connects) and maintains the connection. So numbers are made through maintaining. Yes, it is also said that the test is of one second. But for this one second, we study many times more.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2008
by shivsena
arjun wrote:Quoted from 'Q&A with Baba' for record purpose:

Q.No.210: Who is Maya?
Ans: Ravan is none other than the five vices - lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego. These five vices assume 100% stage is some human beings which are called as ghosts. So these ghosts compel us to do wrong deeds. Maya is not a different personality but the five vices which are within us.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Who is this ghost who has 100% vices; is it not Krishna' soul who has become a ghost after 1969(as he has no body of his own) and he is now in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and playing the part of maya-ravan. Also note the Murli points below.

In Murli 10-12-99, Shiva says, "Ravan ko tum bap nahin kahenge"; ''Ravan ko parampita paramatma kabhi nahin kahenge".(Ravan cannot be called Father; Ravan cannot be called parampita paramatma)
In Murli 14-12-99, Shiva says, "Ravan ko Baba nahin kahenge".(Ravan cannot be called Baba)
It is very obvious that Shiva has forseen some soul who is playing the part of Ravan(who is 100% representative of all 5 vices in human beings) and that soul is none other than Krishna in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, who is slowly becoming no. 1 patit kami kanta (kaala or shyam part) and only when Krishna becomes 100% patit-kaala by this present body of Virendra Dev Dixit, then Ramshivbaba will come in 100% nirakari stage in the same body and convert him into no. 1 phool-gora-sunder and that is why Krishna has been given the title of shyamsunder in Bhakti marg.
Shiva has forseen that PBKs will be fooled by mayavi Krishna and so He has forewarned them about this part before 1969 by saying the above words, but many PBKs are yet to understand this part of Krishna.
This is how i see things at present.(in Murlis it is said "sirf vishalbuddhi wale hi yeh sab baat samaj sakenge'')


PBK Sisters

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2008
by new knowledge
My dear Brother shivsena, generally most of your articles start with the words "Dear PBK Brothers" instead of "Dear PBK Brothers & Sisters". Is "PBK Sisters" invalid term for you? But Murli points indicate that the children of Prajapita Brahma are Brothers & Sisters of each other. Then obviously "PBK Sisters" is a valid term. Also see the title "Prajapita BrahmaKumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya". To refer these Prajapita Brahmakumaris, we may use words "PBK Sisters. And if both words 'Bachchaa' & 'Bachchee' are used in Murlis & Avyakt Vanis, then why don't you use both terms 'PBK Brothers' & 'PBK Sisters'

Re: PBK Sisters

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2008
by shivsena
Dear new knowledge Brother.
First of all, we have not yet become children of prajapita Brahma, as P. Sangamyug has still not started. Moreover, i feel that irrespective of our bodies we are all souls and all souls are Brothers as per Murlis, so i address everyone as (soul) Brother.