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PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by john
ex-l wrote:Far more use to all than butting in with, "He has come! He has come! ...", like a madman, which is the gist of his posts.

It is, I believe, the difference between somebody trying to answer a question and somebody being defensive.

The latter will wiggle and slide about with all manner of games, liberally laced with points of knowledge to give an illusion of authenticity.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2007
by ex-l
john wrote:It is, I believe, the difference between somebody trying to answer a question and somebody being defensive. The latter will wiggle and slide about with all manner of games, liberally laced with points of knowledge to give an illusion of authenticity.

Gosh, what ... just the Senior Sisters at the BKWSU then? Andrey, you have a future service role.

Get ye to Madhuban!

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2007
by andrey
Dear john

I don't have limitations. You can have limitations.

I have not chosen my part, i have never liked to be religious person. However, it is not that i'll be only on the one side and others only on the other side. There are examples that persons on the side of Ravan join Rama and there are also traitors. So nothing is known. The difference is that i have the pretention to present what i think God teaches. So this pretention demands some more vigour in defending the position. You don't have this pretention so this is where the difference comes.

Dear shivsena,

I have to make sure no one believes you. According to my understanding you put people to sleep. You try to create the unity around the expectation of the future incarnation of RamShivbaba, whilst i think he has already incarnated etc. You also relate many points under the name of the Murli which are not correct according to my understanding, so i have to make the effort the bring the correct ones.

For example, you say in the Murli it is said that, "Prajapita is child" also. Which cannot be. You just say it is written like this in the Murli, but it is not possible. Prajapita is Father to all human beings. You have said that, "Prajapita cannot be Paramatma". Paramatma means the highest actor, Adam, the first man. It is one and the same. You have said that Krishna is Prajapita, but to Prajapita is Father to all. Krishna is not Father to all, he has a Father himself who is Prajapita.

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:So this pretention demands some more vigour in defending the position.

Andrey, in all kindness, if you really love Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBK, I think you should stop posting on this forum and work through someone else. Provide them references and information but allow them to decide what and how to post. That is the best advice I can give you.

You really need to do your seva or point your attention, probably in your own language, to individuals that are hungry for the basic knowledge and that will be grateful for the introduction that you can give them. Can you conceive of the benefit in that?

Otherwise, you risk doing more disservice than I could ever imagine being able to do. I cant say it more plainly.

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2007
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:Andrey, in all kindness, if you really love Veerendra Dev Dixit and the PBK, I think you should stop posting on this forum and work through someone else. Provide them references and information but allow them to decide what and how to post. That is the best advice I can give you.
You really need to do your seva or point your attention, probably in your own language, to individuals that are hungry for the basic knowledge and that will be grateful for the introduction that you can give them. Can you conceive of the benefit in that?
Otherwise, you risk doing more disservice than I could ever imagine being able to do. I cant say it more plainly.

Dear ex-l.

I agree with you 100% that andrey should just stop replying to any post in the PBK forum and if he does not stop this compulsive obssessive habit of butting in and replying irrelevantly to every post (which is detrimental to the forum itself), then the administrators should do something about it, as a healthy discussion of knowledge is turning into a mockery (like a joker who has been let loose in a circus, who does not know when to stop his pranks).

Dear andrey Bhai.

Enough is enough. Please stop writing and go elsewhere to express your views. If i were in your place, i would have stopped writing long back, if my posts were not appreciated by the forum.

As ex-l has mentioned you have already done great disservice by expressing your random irrevelant views on this forum and it would be better that you express your views in your own language elsewhere, where they will be appreciated. This is a very sincere request.


PostPosted: 29 Jun 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother ex-l and Brother shivsena,

You should point out more precisely where the posts are irrelevant then i may think of correcting myslef. I see you have the good intention to correct me, but i still don't undertstand what should i correct. If you just like to chase me away or put me off, or make me shut up, then you should give more points as to why is your intention such.

I also liked to ask you if we can continue discussing some topics that are more essenceful, rather than being stuck in talking about someone or other.

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2007
by ex-l
andrey ... go and do your service where service is required the most ...

Come back in 6 months with a rosary of new BKs or PBKs and tell us what you learned.

Contrary to what BapDada believes there are now around 6.5 Billion souls out there but they are all apparently thirsty for what you have to offer them. Please go and then come back and tell us how it went.