Questions for PBKs

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Post13 Feb 2007

When talking on this subject she also said to me that when the foretold Destruction did not happen a large number of people left the BKs. I had not heard about the PBKs at that time, but I now wonder if many of those who left in 1976 went to join the PBKs. Would that be an accurate assessment?

No. I don't think that all or most of those who left the BKs due to the failure of the declaration of destruction in 1976 joined the PBKs. They might have returned to the outside world as non-BKs. Most of the BKs who had become PBKs 1976 onwards had become PBKs after understanding the Advanced Knowledge on the basis of the study of Murlis and Avyakt Vanis.
I have downloaded the video 301 785 Mu. 26Dec 66 16-Sep-05 Avadi [Chennai] GP from and I am watching it now. Is the speaker, who is wearing spectacles, and dressed in white, Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Yes, your guess is correct. ShivBaba is clarifying the original Sakar Murli dated 26.12.66 in that Murli class in a South Indian city famous for its opposition to Hindi language. You should note that in most of the BK centers located in South Indian cities the Murlis are translated by the BK teachers. But, thanks to ShivBaba, many PBKs living in South India, whose mother tongue is not Hindi and may not have spoken in Hindi throughout their life, have learnt Hindi to the extent that they can understand the Murlis in Hindi or even talk to Baba in Hindi.

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Post19 Feb 2007

The first time I met him was at Kampil in his ancestral house which now houses the training center (venue for bhattis) for PBKs from all over the world. Most of the times when I met him at Kampil was at his room in the house on ground floor. Actually it was probably a small kitchen converted into Baba's room (about 4 feet by 6 feet), with Baba sitting below the kitchen platform meeting the parties/individuals one by one througout the day. Since Kampil is a very small village in a remote area, there used to be no power for most of the time and parties used to meet Baba in that small room in the light of a lantern.

Today I was listening to the clarification Murli contained in VCD* no.579 that was narrated by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) at Bhilai.

While speaking about the rehearsal of Bhakti in the Brahmin family Baba said that Brahmins get attached to things like Baba's room etc. He went on to say that when Baba's house at Kampil (where the training center was located) began to be demolished, some PBKs said that we must retain at least Baba's room as a memorial. Baba said this is also a kind of Bhakti. One should not be attached to such gross things.



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Post12 Apr 2007

Dear Arjunbhai,
How does Baba know which Murlis/Vanis to clarify in the order as they come.
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Post12 Apr 2007

How does Baba know which Murlis/Vanis to clarify in the order as they come.

Sister Bansy,

Omshanti. I don't know if/how Baba chooses which Sakar Murlis to clarify, but I know that he has got many registers of original Sakar Murlis as well as the early revised Sakar Murlis, which he clarifies in a serial order from time to time.

As regards the Avyakt Vanis, as far as I know as soon as he gets a copy of the latest AV he tries to clarify it as soon as possible.

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Post12 Apr 2007

Dear All,

Omshanti. Since I am not finding enough time to keep track of all the topics, it is difficult to locate questions addressed to me or PBKs in general. If there are any such questions that have not been answered either by me or by any other PBK, then such question(s) could be copied and pasted in this thread.

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Post15 Aug 2007

A quote from the thread 'Why is God powerful?" from the Commonroom.

arjun wrote:
John wrote:I mean something as simple as when the Murlis would be spoken would have to follow a plan and yet it is said Shiva does not come and go according to a plan. I have asked the question to PBKs of how are things planned, but with no answer. I don't want to know the plans, just how are Murli clarification sessions planned. OK, if you say there is no plan, then how does anyone know when to turn up?

Omshanti. I think I have answered this question in detail in some other thread possiby in the PBK section long ago.

Generally ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) comes to any Gita pathshala/mini-Madhubans at the time when the regular class of that Gitapathshala/mini-Madhubans is supposed to take place (either the daily class/weekly class/monthly class). Since PBKs come to such classes regularly, they need not be informed about Baba's programme. But if the class is to be organised at any other time (i.e. other than the timings of the regular class), then the PBKs are informed a few minutes or hours in advance to attend the class. ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) has met small groups of PBKs (mostly new ones, who have undergone bhatti but haven't met Baba) in public gardens also and even takes drishti, Murli and discussion classes in open, which are also recorded in video form.

The difficulty is that whenever such questions are answered, they get lost in the ocean of threads, where it is difficult for a member (especially newcomers) to get the required information. That is why I wish to request everyone that whenever you feel that a particular question related to PBKs can be of some informative value to others also, then you can ask such question in the sticky thread in the PBK section.

Alternatively, any such Q&A (which could have been answered by me or any other PBK) can be copied and pasted in that thread for future reference. I know that PBKs may be apprehensive about doing such things as they may not be sure if the answer given by me is correct or approved by Baba or not. Therefore I would leave it to their choice.

Due to lack of time, besides my lokik and alokik responsibilities, it is becoming difficult day by day for me to keep track of all the threads. So, there is every possibility that questions which I can answer may go unnoticed by me and other members may think that PBKs do not have answer for that question. Sometimes, even if I notice some questions for which I have answer, I cannot post the answer or postpone it due to lack of time. Hence, it would be better if such general questions related to PBKs are asked in the above thread. All such help would be highly appreciated.

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Anything goes in the name of God. Does it really?

Post16 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:... Father says – children, I will save whoever has done whatever in the name of God. But they must think that we have given to God. ...

I have read the rest but this bit strikes me as being a potentially dangerous undertaking to give, especially in the light of some of the fanaticism evidenced in the world today through the activities of believers of all sorts. Does that sort of sentiment really foster attitudes of individual responsibility? Or does it serve to console and justify the actions of misguided people as they wreak havoc in the lives of others?

What do you think Arjun Bhai, does God really mean 'anything' so long as it is done in his name?
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Post17 Aug 2007

I have read the rest but this bit strikes me as being a potentially dangerous undertaking to give, especially in the light of some of the fanaticism evidenced in the world today through the activities of believers of all sorts. Does that sort of sentiment really foster attitudes of individual responsibility? Or does it serve to console and justify the actions of misguided people as they wreak havoc in the lives of others? What do you think Arjun Bhai, does God really mean 'anything' so long as it is done in his name?
Dear Abek,

Omshanti. I could not locate the VCD* number from which you have quoted the above line. But from whatever I understand I feel that ShivBaba wishes to say that He is responsible for all those acts that all those children who do it selflessly in the name of God and not for any selfish motive, for example to get name, fame or to safeguard his bodily interests.

ShivBaba, even in the Sakar Murlis narrated through Brahma Baba has said that He does not require anything for Himself. Whatever children give Him, He invests/uses it for the welfare of the children only.

We can continue the discussion in the thread 'questions for PBKs'.

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ShivBaba's responsibility ...

Post17 Aug 2007

Thanks Arjun for sharing your understanding; and thanks to to the PBKs for feeding back on my question. Arjun, as I have not taken PBK knowledge there may be something quite obvious that i am overlooking but try as i might I am unable feel that your answer satisfies my curiousity. However I will let it be for the time being and think on it some more.

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Post20 Aug 2007

In the Murli it was wrote:You have to save everyone from becoming sinful. You have to uplift even the prostitutes.

(taken from the revised Sakar Murli dated 05.07.07, published by the BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)

By "prostitutes", does Baba mean those outside of the Brahmin family that sell sex, or does he mean those within the Brahmin family that prostitute The Knowledge for monetary rewards?
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Post21 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:By "prostitutes", does Baba mean those outside of the Brahmin family that sell sex, or does he mean those within the Brahmin family that prostitute The Knowledge for monetary rewards?

For the answer to your question, kindly refer the Q.No.50 posted in the thread 'Q&A with Baba'. I am quoting some Murlis points posted in the above mentioned question no.50 for ready reference:

• "Those who exchange visions become devils. Divinity disappears from those seeking visions." (Murli 02.05.73).
"Here, children need to possess clean hearts. It is not as though they leave home and exchange visions here, in spite of being members of the Brahmin race." (Murli-09.02.73, pg 2)
"Very often man and woman see each other with a sinful vision. If a person looks at another with an evil eye, he/she should not even stand before the person. He/she should leave at once." (Murli 31.01.75).
"Do not think that those who come here are free from evil thoughts (i.e. the poison of sex-lust). As soon as they see each other, storms of sinful thoughts arise to become lustful." (Murli 19.09.73, pg 2)

The essence is that 'exchange of drishti between imperfect human beings in the name of Yoga is also a subtle form of adultery'


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Post30 Sep 2007

My dear Arjunbhai, I'll be honest with you. I've some queries. Please answer if you have time.

* What is difference between
    1) Ashta Dev,
    2) Ashta Ratan,
    3) 8 Beejroop souls &
    4) 8 Aadhaarmurth souls.
* Why Ashta Dev are highest?

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Post30 Sep 2007

Dear new_knowledge,
Omshanti. I am trying to answer your querries, but I would get it verified by Baba before posting it in the 'Q&A with Baba' thread;
    1. Asht Dev (the eight deities) - In the rosary of 108 there are 12 seed-like souls each belonging to nine religions beginning with the Sun Dynasty (Suryavansh). The top-8 souls of the Sun Dynasty are called Asht Dev.
    2. Asht Ratan (the eight gems) - The heads of the first eight religions in the rosary of 108, that is, the heads of the first eight groups of 12 each.
    3. 8 beejroop (seed-like) souls - Same as '2' above, i.e. the eight gems.
    4. 8 aadhaarmoorth (base/root-like) souls - Just as there is a rosary of 108 seed-like souls (who would be PBKs) there would be a rosary of 108 base/root-like souls (who would be BKs). The eight base/root-like souls may be the heads of the groups of first eight religions in this rosary of 108 base/root-like souls.
I am quite sure about S.No.1-3 above (which can be tallied with the following official Q&A circulated among PBKs, but I would await Baba's confirmation to my answer at S.No.4 above.

Prashna: Kya topmost 8 aatmaen 8 dharmon ki aatmaen arthaat Ashta Ratan hain ya fir Ashta Dev?
Uttar: 8 shrestha aatmayen shreshtha kul say niklenge, shreshtha tey shrestha toh suryavanshi hain. Shreshtha aatmayen ashta dev hi hain. Astharatan toh 8 dharm kay heads hain.

Question: Are the topmost 8 souls the souls belonging to 8 religions, i.e. 8 gems or the 8 deities?
Ans: 8 righteous souls would emerge from the righteous clans. The most righteous ones are those belonging to the Sun Dynasty. The 8 deities alone are the righteous souls. The 8 gems are the heads of the 8 religions.

With regards,
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Post30 Oct 2007

Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

Audio Cassette No.29, at Kampil,

Clarification of Avyakt Vani dated 08.04.92

Ref. No.Audio Cass.-29-Part-V-Eng.,

... BapDada had said earlier also that - many children say that we are alright. But some souls have some hard karmic accounts with us that howevermuch we [try to] satisfy them, they do not get satisfied with us at all. But, those who would be the true tapasvis, will not say like this. So, BapDada had said earlier also that if there is any such rigid karmic account, then one should at least get 95% certificate. Why has 5% been left? It is because 5% souls are such that they are instrumental in testing/examining us. That is why they are to be excluded. They will not give the certificate of satisfaction. It is because they are the ones who examine. How will they say - I am satisfied with you? 5% (souls) have a rigid karmic account. Leave that also. That is also excused. Why is it excused? It is because, they are the ones who examine, but 95% [souls] should give you blessings/good wishes from their hearts that they are satisfied with you. Otherwise, many say - who is satisfied with everyone? It cannot be possible at all that everyone becomes satisfied with someone. We haven't seen anyone like that at all. No such person is visible with whom everyone is satisfied. For the Seniors also, they think; some are displeased even with them, then, if anyone becomes displeased with me, then what is the big deal in it? But no ...

Suss gi wrote:Tell you what, leave me out of your judgmental stuff. I don't accept judgement from anyone. This sounds like a poor attempt at keeping things the way they are. no change is best?. Sorry, but you can keep your judges to yourself, and tell them to keep well out of my head space, especially with their immature games.

What about spiritual maturity? Anything on that? Responsibility while being in or out of a body and abusing our spiritual powers to interfere in others drama? Do they really have the right? Not in my space. Tell this 5% to stay well away from me personally. And, yes, there may well be some judging going on at some point.



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Post29 Nov 2007


This thread is made up of a list of points from recent Sakar Murlis. So the PBK thus have these recent Murlis on hand. Why aren't these recent Sakar Murlis being clarified by ShivBaba, but rather for the most part clarify the Sakar Murlis of the 60s ? (Yes, He sometimes clarifies recent Avyakt Vanis).

When ShivBaba clarifies a Murli, are the PBKs given a copy of that original Murli along with the clarification so they can see what the missing parts had been lacking in the original reading, or are they just given the clarification?

Please correct where necessary.

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