Questions for PBKs

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Post19 Dec 2006

button slammer wrote:Aliens exist in duality only. They bred the dinosaurs, and cleared up the space junk in Copper Age onwards. A question for you. What is TIME?

Time is the measurement and perception of one moment to the next. Which in terms of the 5,000 cycle is a fundamental part of it's structure.

We may feel time to be of different lengths, but this cannot happen and therefore must belong to our perception of time. Time is a measurement in sequence, the most commonly used smallest quantity being the second, followed by minute, hour, day, week etc.
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Post20 Dec 2006

TIME=The power of influence.
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Post21 Dec 2006

Celtiggyan wrote:Apart from arguing about who the original messenger really is (i.e. in channeling the Supreme) do the PBKs have any more real knowledge - are we any closer to whether The Cycle is really 5000 years?

Dear Celtiggyan,
As regards the 5000 years cycle, we have the same beliefs as the BKs. And I think PBKs don't have any extra proofs for The Cycle other than the recorded history, which is approximately 2500 years old corresponding to the Copper and Iron Ages. As you might be aware that unlike BKs, the PBKs don't believe there were any Palaces, Planes, etc. in the heaven that existed in the Golden and Silver Ages, and hence there is no physical proof for those Ages. If the BK theory of heaven were to be believed then there should have been some archaeological proofs of the heaven, i.e. the golden palaces, planes etc.
where the dinosaurs fit in

In this regard, I am producing below a Q&A approved by Baba which has been posted in the Q&A thread:

Question: Did Dinosaurs really exist or is it only an imagination?
Answer:Dinosaurs and Dinosaurs like Four-legged large animals existed at the beginning of the Copper Age which got transformed into other species of four-legged animals later on.
how matter from the earth now on the moon (and in deep space) all magically returns to earth

In one of the clarification Murlis narrated by ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, the PBKs have been told that like the souls, every atom also has a cycle and an atom, after passing through its cycle comes back to the same position where it was 5000 years ago. Well, I cannot produce any scientific proof for the same, but Shivsena Bhai has sometimes mentioned about the feeling of Deja-vu to support this theory.
whether there are aliens and how this effects our cycle etc etc.?

I think, according to both BK and PBK knowledge, aliens do not exist. Whatever life exists in the Universe is on this Planet Earth only. In the Advanced Knowledge ShivBaba has tried to give a scientific explanation for the above saying that due to the definite/appropriate distance at which the Earth is situated from the Sun, life is sustainable on Earth. Other planets being either too close or too far away from the Sun cannot sustain life. Well, ShivBaba can be proved wrong only if concrete proofs of original life (not the life transferred from Earth) on other planets are found.

I know that the above answers may not satisfy you, but this is what I can offer you as a PBK.



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Post21 Dec 2006


Some interesting news today in the "Times"( London based newspaper)- page 3, and also a link below:

Japanese man 'survived hibernation' Thursday December 21, 02:12 PM
Richard Kimber wrote:A man who went missing for three weeks in a Japanese mountain range, in sub-zero conditions, is thought to have survived by falling into a state of "hibernation".
According to doctors, when Mitsutaka Uchikoshi, 35, was found by rescuers, he had almost no pulse and his body temperature was a chilly 22 C. Scientists have long-believed that human hibernation is possible in theory but Mr Uchikoshi's doctors were still uncertain as to how he had survived for weeks with his metabolism almost at a standstill.

The medical marvel said: "On the second day, the sun was out, I was in a field and I felt very comfortable. That's my last memory." He says he thinks he must have fallen asleep after that. He was treated for severe hypothermia, multiple organ failure and blood loss from a fall injury, but it is not thought he will experience any severe after effects. Mr Uchikoshi lost his way when he became separated from a group of friends who he had enjoyed a barbecue with in the picturesque region



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virgin birth

Post21 Dec 2006

In today's paper "The Times" also page 27 the follow news that could answer some of our questions.

Virgin birth expected for Komodo dragon Wednesday December 20, 07:09 PM
Patricia Reaney wrote:LONDON (Reuters) - Flora, a pregnant Komodo dragon living in a zoo, is expecting eight babies in what scientists said on Wednesday could be a Christmas virgin birth.

Flora has never mated, or even mixed, with a male dragon, and fertilised all the eggs herself, a process culminating in parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. Other lizards do this, but scientists only recently found that Komodo dragons do too. "Nobody in their wildest dreams expected this. But you have a female dragon on her own. She produces a clutch of eggs and those eggs turn out to be fertile. It is nature finding a way," Kevin Buley of Chester Zoo in England said in an interview. He said the incubating eggs could hatch around Christmas.

Parthenogenesis has occurred in other lizard species, but Buley and his team said this was the first time it has been shown in Komodo dragons -- the world's largest lizards. Scientists at Liverpool University discovered Flora had had no male help after doing genetic tests on three eggs that collapsed after being put in an incubator. The tests on the embryos and on Flora, her Sister and other dragons confirmed that Komodo dragons can reproduce through self-fertilisation.

"Those genetic tests confirmed absolutely that Flora was both the mother and the Father of the embryos. It completely blew us away because it (parthenogenesis) has never been seen in such a large species," Buley explained. A Komodo dragon at London Zoo gave birth earlier this year after being separated from males for more than two years. Scientists thought she had been able to store sperm from her earlier encounter with a male but, after hearing about Flora's eggs, researchers conducted tests which showed her eggs were also produced without male help. "You have two institutions within a few short months of each other having a previously unheard of event. It is really quite unprecedented," said Buley.

The scientists, reporting the discovery in the science journal Nature, said it could help them understand how reptiles colonise new areas. A female dragon could, for instance, swim to another island and establish a new colony on her own. "The genetics of self-fertilisation in lizards means that all her hatchlings would have to be male. These would grow up to mate with their own mother and therefore, within one generation, there would potentially be a population able to reproduce normally on the new island," Buley added.
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Post22 Dec 2006

Dear Surya Bhai,

Omshanti. I too read the article on 'virgin birth' by female komodo dragon published in the Times of India here and wanted to post the same on this forum. You have saved my time. Thanks.
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Post22 Dec 2006

You see ... Mary was a lizard !!!!!!!
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Post22 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:You see ... Mary was a lizard !!!!!!!

Dear God ... don't start on that. Or else Sparkal will start getting all excited!
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Post11 Feb 2007

Proy wrote:Thanks for all this information about Indian centres Arjun. Is it true that the PBKs do not wear white?

No, it is not true that PBKs don't wear white. They can wear dresses of any colour, but it is always good for a spiritual person to avoid flashy, eye-catching colours, fashionable clothes and costly clothes.

Surendered PBK Sisters prefer to wear white clothes during the class time or when they are giving the Advance Course to newcomers. But otherwise they are allowed to wear coloured clothes. Most of the non-surrendered PBKs prefer to wear coloured or light clothes, but many PBKs also wear white clothes because most of them have been BKs and they either like white clothes or have become habituated of the white clothes.

When I was a BK, I had become so habituated of wearing only white clothes to the centers that I used to feel bodyconscious (or hesitant) in wearing coloured clothes to the BK centers. But ever since I have become a PBK I mostly wear light coloured clothes. I feel this to be better because you can do any kind of lokik work or alokik service in coloured clothes. But if someone is habitual of wearing white clothes, one would feel hesitant in doing even Godly service like cleaning, washing, construction work, farming, etc. Even if one is ready to do such jobs in white clothes, one would have to spend more on laundry.

In India it is normal/common for any middle-aged or elderly man or elderly women to wear white/light clothes. It is only in case of young married women that white clothes are not considered auspicious in the Hindu society because since many centuries white clothes were associated with widowhood. Similarly, women used to avoid black dresses/sarees. But now things have changed. Modern Indian women have no hesitation in wearing white or black sarees, thanks to the TV/Cinema. This has also helped many BK Sisters/mothers to shed the inhibition of wearing white clothes. But in the villages, it is still a taboo for married women to wear plain white sarees.

This is what Baba has said about fashion and dresses in one of the Sakar Murli:

“Now you children know that our decoration is of a different kind, their decoration is of a different kind. Theirs is a tamopradhan (degraded) decoration, yours is a satopradhaan (pure) decoration, through which you have to enter the satopradhaan Suryavanshi (Sun Dynasty) kingdom. Father explains to you children – Do not indulge in the tamopradhaan decoration even slightly. The world is very bad. Do not become fashionable while leading a household life. Fashion attracts. It is not good to be beautiful in the present time. It is better if one is dark. Nobody will cast their claws (panjey) on them. People keep chasing the beautiful ones. Krishna is also shown to be dark (saanvra or blue black). You have to become fair through ShivBaba. They become fair through powder etc. There is so much fashion; just don’t ask about it. The rich people are doomed. The poor ones are good. One must go to the villages and uplift the poor ones. But big personalities are also required to spread the sound (aawaaz or name). All of you are poor ones, aren’t you? Is there any prosperous person? Look, you are sitting in such a simple manner! Look, there is so much fashion in Mumbai. If someone comes to meet Baba, I tell that you have decorated your body. Now come, let us decorate you with knowledge, by which you can become an angel of heaven for 21 births. You will become prosperous forever. Neither would you ever cry, nor would you experience sorrows. Now you leave this physical decoration. We will decorate you in such first class manner with the gems of knowledge that you just don’t ask. If you follow my opinion then I will make you my queen consort (patraani). This is good, isn’t it?....Nobody is as fashionable as Sindhis. They learn fashion from foreign countries and come. Now-a-days girls spend so much on dressing of hair. They are called angels of hell. Father makes you angels of heaven. They say that this place itself is a heaven for us. Let us enjoy these pleasures. What do we know what is going to happen tomorrow? People with such diverse thoughts come.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 12.06.06, pg 2 & 4 published by BKs)

Since it is a big point I haven't quoted the Hindi version. I will be quoting it in the Dharana points thread in the PBK section in due course.

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Post11 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:When I was a BK, I had become so habituated of wearing only white clothes to the centers

Thanks Bro. Arjun. I know this is getting off topic and maybe should be moved to the PBK section, but I have some more questions if you have time to answer them.
    *When you were a BK did you meet BapDada?
    *Have you met Veerendra Dev Dixit?
    *How do the two experiences compare? How did you feel each time, and what was the difference?
    *I have heard it is possible to obtain DVDs of Veerendra Dev Dixit in Hindi. I have Hindi speaking friends who will watch with me and translate for me. Are these DVDs available in the UK, or could you send a video attachment to me via email?
    *At present my Hindi speaking friends watch satellite broadcasts of Indian spiritual teachers with me. Does Veerendra Dev Dixit give any satellite broadcasts?
    *Are all or most PBKs ex-BKs, or do some people go straight to being PBKs?
    *Is the official web site of the Vishnu Party?
    *How is the Vishnu Party related to the BKs and the PBKs?
    *What do you make of this web site?
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Post12 Feb 2007

Proy wrote:*When you were a BK did you meet BapDada?

Yes, I was a BK for many years before becoming a PBK. I have met BapDada many times during my days as a BK. During my initial years as a BK BapDada used to meet all/most BKs personally at least once during the season.
Proy wrote:*Have you met Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Yes, I have met him several times, but not in the past few years. The first time I met him was at Kampil in his ancestral house which now houses the training center (venue for bhattis) for PBKs from all over the world. Most of the times when I met him at Kampil was at his room in the house on ground floor. Actually it was probably a small kitchen converted into Baba's room (about 4 feet by 6 feet), with Baba sitting below the kitchen platform meeting the parties/individuals one by one througout the day. Since Kampil is a very small village in a remote area, there used to be no power for most of the time and parties used to meet Baba in that small room in the light of a lantern. These meetings used to go on upto almost midnight and the activities used to begin by 2 or 3 AM again.

Baba used to give drishti to mothers and Sisters in the ground floor during the Amrit Vela and then to the entire class before the morning class which used to start at around 5.30 or 6AM whenever he used to be in Kampil. Many a times he used to eat with the parties on the terrace and used to sit on the floor along with the PBKs and eat whatever others ate, unlike the Dadis for whom a separate menu is prepared during Brahma Bhojans (which are very rare even in Mount Abu). Baba also used to come to the room where the parties used to stay and talk to them or play chess with them. But those were good old days. Since many years Baba has been continuously on tour all over India. So wherever he goes the PBKs enjoy his company.
Proy wrote:*How do the two experiences compare? How did you feel each time, and what was the difference?

The former is like meeting the mother and the latter is like meeting the Father. The former was more artificial (I mean the surroundings, the settings, the people) while the latter is more natural (homely). The former was inaccessible (surrounded by the high priests), while the latter is more accessible (even to the poor, simple, rural PBKs), if not always physically, at least through letters, emails, phone etc. In fact I got replies from Baba on Postcards to my querries related to knowledge even before I had done the bhatti. I will try to quote his words if I can locate one of the earliest letters.


(to be continued)
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to be continued ...

Post12 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:(to be continued)

Thanks Arjunbhai. I look forward to the continuation. So you met BapDada personally. I wonder how many BKs/ex-BKs/PBKs have had that personal meeting, rather than the meeting in huge crowds with drishti from the stage, as now takes place. Maybe Bansy should start another poll on that?
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Post12 Feb 2007

(continued from the previous post)
Proy wrote:*I have heard it is possible to obtain DVDs of Veerendra Dev Dixit in Hindi. I have Hindi speaking friends who will watch with me and translate for me. Are these DVDs available in the UK, or could you send a video attachment to me via email?

You can visit which has been launched recently to download audio and video files of clarification Murlis.
Proy wrote:*At present my Hindi speaking friends watch satellite broadcasts of Indian spiritual teachers with me. Does Veerendra Dev Dixit give any satellite broadcasts?

I hope your versions come true soon. But as for the present, very few cable networks in some cities broadcast Baba's clarification Murlis which are probably accessible only in a limited area of some cities. This is being done through the individual efforts of PBKs. There are now many TV channels in India that air spiritual programmes and lectures of various religions/sects including BKs. But whenever PBKs have tried to request them to air Baba's Advanced Knowledge (there are many VCD* which could be understood even by laymen), but they ask for hefty amounts to air them.

Since Baba does not permit payment of any amount to do service (through TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.) the spread of Advanced Knowledge through these media has been held up since many years. Only when these channels are ready to air the Advanced Knowledge free of cost will that be available to the general public. Until then is there for anyone to access ShivBaba's clarification Murlis. Although BKs have all the resources to do service through TV channels, but most of their programmes are classes by senior Sisters and Brothers, including management experts, whose lectures has nothing to do with the actual gyaan given in the basic course.
Proy wrote:*Are all or most PBKs ex-BKs, or do some people go straight to being PBKs?

Yes, most PBKs are ex-BKs, but many non-BKs also have become PBKs. It is assumed that most of such non-BKs had been BKs in the past birth. Such non-BKs who come to PBK gitapathshalas or mini-Madhubans are first given the basic course, taught about the Murlis and Avyakt Vanis and then given the Advance Course before allowing them to undergo the bhatti.
*Is the official web site of the Vishnu Party?

Yes. You can know more about it from a thread on this topic in the Commonroom.
*How is the Vishnu Party related to the BKs and the PBKs?

The head of Vishnu Party, i.e. Shri Dashrath Patel and many of his followers have been BKs and PBKs in the past. Dashrath Bhai probably became a PBK in the early 1990s. They got separated from the PBKs in 1996/97 and established their own group at Ahmedabad.
*What do you make of this web site?

It is a website being run by a PBK. Most or all of the material seems to have been uploaded with Baba's permission.

With regards,
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Post12 Feb 2007

Proy wrote:I wonder how many BKs/ex-BKs/PBKs have had that personal meeting, rather than the meeting in huge crowds with drishti from the stage, as now takes place.

Most of the PBKs who have been BKs in the 1970s or 1980s must have met Avyakt BapDada personally or at least must have received toli from Avyakt BapDada personally.

It was a customary in those years for the BKs to receive toli from Avyakt BapDada after the narration of Avyakt Vani. I have had the oppurtunity of meeting Avyakt BapDada in the History hall (besides the tower of peace), the meditation hall (besides the Baba's hut) and the Om Shanti Bhavan at Mt. Abu. On some rare occassion (early 1980s, which I missed) Avyakt BapDada embraced all the BK Sisters and mothers, while he shook hands with the BK Brothers present in the class. But he became more and more inaccessible in the 1990s and in the new millenium. The frequency and duration of Avyakt BapDada's meetings have also decreased gradually over the years.

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Post13 Feb 2007

Thank you for your answers.

When I first took the 7 day course the Sister taught about the destruction. She said that there was originally a date for destruction of 1976. There has been much talk about this on this forum, so that is no surprise. Looking back, I now see that the openess of that Sister was quite unusual among the BKs.

When talking on this subject she also said to me that when the foretold Destruction did not happen a large number of people left the BKs. I had not heard about the PBKs at that time, but I now wonder if many of those who left in 1976 went to join the PBKs. Would that be an accurate assessment?

I have downloaded the video 301 785 Mu. 26Dec 66 16-Sep-05 Avadi [Chennai] GP from and I am watching it now. Is the speaker, who is wearing spectacles, and dressed in white, Veerendra Dev Dixit?

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