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hugging/body language

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2006
by button slammer
Bansy wrote:I am told BKs do not hug BKs (at least in public), though in public hugging tends to be from a more senior BK to a junior BK. Are PBKs allowed to hug other PBKs in public ?

I like hugs that are spontaneous, that can catch you off guard. A few months ago I hugged my ex partner. It was after a split due to advanced knowledge.

We'd seen each other 2-3 times a year if that over aperiod of about 5 years. The minimal amount of contact was more from my part, so we could both move on into our 'new' lives apart from each other, ie to avoid messy complications. My ex turned up uninvited on my day of departure from the area, with a present for one of my relatives. There was a deal of activity (moving house) so conversation was limited and mostly impersonal. However when my ex was ready to leave we went quietly to one side to say goodbye. I guess there was no doubt that a hug was going to take place, it was only natural that we did so. It is all the subtle feelings and intentions behind the action that convey its meaning. This hug represented a kind of closure on an era. For the past few years we had been apart, living separate lives but living relativly close, (only 5-6 miles away from each other). Occasionally news of what the other was doing would journey accross the grapevine through mutual friends. There had been no overt need to contact one another on a regular basis. Just an occasional coffee in town/chat by the fountain. So, back to the hug.

At first it was just 'OK, thx for coming/nice to see u/ quick step in/arms around/heads on each others shoulder/body squeeze/not too tight/OK bye/smile/ cu later sometime/nice one'. But then just before disengaging the hug evolved, into something more.... it became a point of focus, a highly charged exchange of feelings and dare I say the V word. Vibrations.

Yes, deep.. warm ..melting.. comfortable... friendly..loving..easy, barriers down open hearted hug. Now this is where the danger lies. When I can feel every bone in my ex's body start to melt, when I can feel ourselves both relaxing and tightning the grip we have on each other for the benefit of mutual happpiness and pleasure. A moment of the realisation of an ending and new possibilities for the future. A moment which says 'Hey! I am done with the past. I like you and I like you a lot. I really wish you well. Its been tough but its worth it, just to get to this point. There is a saying 'Quit while you're ahead'. A very wise saying too. If you can manage to realise the situation that is. This is a moment when years of training in body/mind/spiritual development come to play a part.. How to see beyond the moment of desire/passion. How to disentangle oneself from everthing and still play an interesting and usefull role that is both self fullfilling and helpful to others. A role that brings a unique perspective into reality, so past, present, future become a totality, not half understood fragments .' Finish everything ahead of time'. Thats what the main man says. Does He not. 'Remain pure whilst living in the household. is not it' ? As one thing comes to a conclusion another thing emerges. And so The Cycle spins.

This is the feeling and meaning I have with the majority of my friends, family, and connections. Real life situatons for real life yogis. I feel there is allways something in the air between us. A good thing.

'There's a natural mystic flowing through the air..'.. :lol:

I personally havent hugged Baba physically. Upon taking leave one time in Delhi it seemed one English bro was not quite sure of himself when it came to say goodbye. Baba shook hands and said 'The handshake is the memorial of catching the vibrations of God'.

So I guess the original hug is melting into Gods heart.
Hugs all round :lol:

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2006
by bansy
Hi button slammer,

Welcome to the forum and your experience.

I like hugs that are spontaneous,

Me too. I feel hugging is perfectly fine, the root of all action is the thought behind it. So if the thought is clean and honest, you'll get the reciprocal thought and action back.

Maybe there should be more hugging between people in general, it will break down physical barriers at least. Are souls going to hug each other in the Golden Age or stand apart. Why, we are even always told to sit in Baba's lap and shoulder, or to hold onto His hand. Spiritual words with physical visualisation.

The question is not about if the children want to hug Baba, but does Baba hug the children regardless of their spiritual age.

How often do PBKs go to meet ShivBaba

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by bansy
Main Q: How often do PBKs go to Kampil, is it yearly, or whenever ? BKs are expected to go to Madhuban each year though depends on personal finances.

Sub Q: If ShivBaba is the One true love, what makes Brahmins hesitate to drop everything they have, give everything to ShivBaba, and live and stay with ShivBaba in Kampil every second. Or does the love of other things pull one's attention ?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
To answer both question and sub question.

PBKs can go to Kampil when they wish however I don't think there is a special requirement that one must come every year. Keeping in contact with Baba is another issue though, Father should hear updates from his children. Of course it cant hurt to visit regularly.

Kampil is only small and cannot accommodate PBK who wish to live there full time as new people are constantly arriving to take the course or returning to take a refresher.

ShivBaba says we are following the household path so even in our own homes we can be with Baba at every second through remembrance. We cant always be with the physical Chariot, he is too busy and constantly travelling. If we have responsibilities we cannot just run away from them. Once i tie up the loose ends where i am living, I will definitely want to go live in Bharat on a long term basis.

No doubt other things do pull the attention at times..... :|

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by bansy
Dear pbktrinityshiva

Thanks for the reply.
For the non Indian residents or passport holders to live in India, we may be restricted but there's always a way if there's a will I suppose. No, I am sure it is tempting to stay in Kampil, as much as it was for me at least to stay in Madhuban for a long duration at least when I went.


General :
Regarding "passports", the Murlis often use this word, the "passport to heaven could be cancelled" if you were to indulge in vice, but I cannot remember the exact quotes.

Does anyone know what this means in Gyan, as it seems to be such a threatening word to use, since during the Sakar Murli times, many Indians were immigrating so the worldly "passport" was (and still is I suppose) a valuable thing to richer countries.

PostPosted: 24 Oct 2006
by nirankari
Speaking of experiences…

For my first meeting with Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, I prepared a list of personal questions and also questions about the Advanced Knowledge. All questions were answered by Baba and I was satisfied with the answers but there was one question I left out. Other Brothers were there and asked their questions. After that there was a long silence between all the souls present and Baba asked us - What else? Any more questions?

No one said anything.

In front of Baba I had difficulties to concentrate and to formulate that last question verbally, so I thought I would not say anything. So I was looking at Baba and he suddenly stare at the distance as if lost in thoughts for few moments ... what happened next? Still staring at the ‘distant folded mountains’, he gave the answer to my question that I never asked!

He said: "Prajapita is very powerful ..." . My question was about Prajapita!

PostPosted: 27 Oct 2006
by arjun
Also one thing amazes me is that all PBKs, while giving the Advanced Knowledge to the BKs will quote all Murli points which are directed towards revealing the Father Ram and then when they are discussing The Knowledge amongst themselves then all Murli points are completely forgotten and they will just listen blindly to what is said in the cassettes and cds (even though the explanations seem contradictory); this is what I have not understood.

Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Omshanti. I agree that it is not easy for every soul to raise questions, especially embarassing ones, in a discussion class, but it is not true that all the PBKs are accepting the Advanced Knowledge blindly. In many discussion cds you can find such questions, after listening to which one can think that the soul who raised the question is a bold one. I found to my surprise that Baba handles even embarassing questions with ease. Had I enough time I would have prepared a list of such questions. Although I cannot do it myself, I would request other PBKs to quote such questions if they hear them in any of the discussion cds. They can quote such questions in their own words.

It is only due to lack of manpower that the translation of all the discussion VCD* is not taking place. Otherwise the truth would be in front of everyone to read. It is already in front of everyone to see.
With regards,

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2006
by shivsena
arjun wrote:It is only due to lack of manpower that the translation of all the discussion VCD* is not taking place. Otherwise the truth would be in front of everyone to read. It is already in front of everyone to see.

Dear arjun Bhai.

If we accept the fact that it is 'Brahma ki raat' going on in the Advance Party then we must also accept that 'raat mein Bhakti hoti hai' and so there is no question of Gyan in Bhakti ;(when you accept certain things without logical thinking then it is to be called Bhakti and nothing else);

Also it all depends on how you look at the whole scenerio of Baba answering the queries; if you see that Supreme Soul Shiva is answering then you are preconditioned to accept them as truth(as i used to think before); but now when i look at things in past which have happened in Advance Party, then i look at them differently and i know as per Murli points that Supreme Soul Shiva is not playing any part now during the period ''Brahma ki raat". It is Krishna's soul who is in charge of the question-answer sessions and whatever he is answering is per the intellect of the soul and not the truth. There are so many souls who ask Baba about lokik problems; i do not understand why Supreme Soul Shiva should answer about lokik problems of children. He has not come to solve our lokik problems but He has come to free us from bondage. So the very fact that Baba is answering as per the needs of the soul indicates that it is Lokik bap(Brahma) who is answering the queries and not Supreme Soul Shiva.

As regards what you have written that 'truth is front of everyone to see and read', then i just want to add that if truth is there in Advance Party then why Advance Party(PBKs) is going the same way as basic party; there should have been unity and divinity among the PBKs and not difference of opinion; Truth will dawn upon mankind only when Ram's soul reaches the 100% incorporeal stage and becomes Living ShivBaba. This is what i feel.


PostPosted: 25 Nov 2006
by arjun
I do not understand why Supreme Soul Shiva should answer about lokik problems of children; He has not come to solve our lokik problems but He has come to free us from bondage; so the very fact that Baba is answering as per the needs of the soul indicates that it is Lokik bap(Brahma) who is answering the queries and not Supreme Soul Shiva.

Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. I agree that ShivBaba has not come to solve any lokik problems, but it has been said in the Murlis since the time of Brahma Baba that if anyone has any pressing problem or if anyone is in a fix as to what they should do in a particular situation they can seek opinion from Baba.

As regards ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) answering any questions about personal life/lokik problems, I have seen that happening very rarely in the discussion cds. Even if anyone raises personal questions in the discussion classes, Baba cautions them that this is a general class and personal questions could be asked during personal meeting/phone call/letter/email. He even cautions in many disc.cds that those who ask personal questions in general class despite knowing the above fact cause disturbance in the class and hence create negative karmic account.


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by shivsena
arjun wrote:
Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. I agree that ShivBaba has not come to solve any lokik problems, but it has been said in the Murlis since the time of Brahma Baba that if anyone has any pressing problem or if anyone is in a fix as to what they should do in a particular situation they can seek opinion from Baba.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Can you please quote the date of Murli where it is said that if anyone has any lokik problem then Brahmababa can be approached; as far as i know BrahmaBaba was baby-buddhi and was unable to understand the Murlis of Shivbap and could not solve the problems of the Yagya itself, after the demise of Mama in 1965; so how could he advise anyone on lokik problems???

arjun wrote:As regards ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) answering any questions about personal life/lokik problems, I have seen that happening very rarely in the discussion cds. Even if anyone raises personal questions in the discussion classes, Baba cautions them that this is a general class and personal questions could be asked during personal meeting/phone call/letter/email. He even cautions in many disc.cds that those who ask personal questions in general class despite knowing the above fact cause disturbance in the class and hence create negative karmic account.

Whether ShivBaba is answering personal queries in sangatan class or through personal meetings or otherwise, the issue remains the same, i.e. why should parlokik ShivBaba encourage or entertain such mundane lokik issues of PBKs, when the real point is that ShivBaba has come to teach RajYoga only;(so He should be discussing only the finer points of knowledge; just as when we go to lokik college to study a subject, then queries pertaining to the subject is only asked and entertained by the lokik teacher).


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by arjun
Shivsena wrote:Can you please quote the date of Murli where it is said that if anyone has any lokik problem then Brahmababa can be approached; as far as I know BrahmaBaba was baby-buddhi and was unable to understand the Murlis of Shivbap and could not solve the problems of the Yagya itself, after the demise of Mama in 1965; so how could he advise anyone on lokik problems???

• "Father keeps explaining that if you do not understand anything then you can ask. Human beings do not know anything. ... Baba repeatedly tells children that if you have any doubt, which leads to lack of happiness, then report it. When Father sits and teaches, then one should also study, is not it? Happiness does not remain because you become body conscious. ... So Father explains - If you do not understand anything then ask Baba." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 20.07.05, page 1 & 4 published by BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

It has repeatedly been pointed out in the Murlis that we should always think that it is ShivBaba who speaks and not Brahma Baba. Although we know that Brahma Baba used to interfere in between, but ShivBaba says that it is He who is responsible for the words and actions of Brahma also.

With regards,

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by arjun
Shivsena wrote:Can you please quote the date of Murli where it is said that if anyone has any lokik problem then Brahmababa can be approached; as far as I know BrahmaBaba was baby-buddhi and was unable to understand the Murlis of Shivbap and could not solve the problems of the Yagya itself, after the demise of Mama in 1965; so how could he advise anyone on lokik problems???

“Now you keep receiving Shrimat. When some invitation is received (for service) then you should keep asking in every matter whether this should be done or not. Suppose someone is working in Police, then they are also told - Explain (the prisoners) affectionately first. If he does not reveal the truth then later on one can use beatings. One can be persuaded with love, but if the power of Yoga is contained even in that love then anyone will understand if you explain with that power of love. (They will think) It is as if God is explaining. You are yogi children of God, isn’t it? You also possess Godly power.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 13.09.05, page 1 & 2 published by BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)