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PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by arjun
Dear friends and readers,

Omshanti. I am sure that my last post addressed to Shivsena Bhai may have caused many of you to think that I have let them down. So, I apologize to all those who may have felt that my last post to Shivsena Bhai may be unbecoming of a BK/PBK.

I wanted to apologize to Shivsena Bhai also for all the trouble that I may have caused to him so far, but since he has rejected my apologies in the past, I did not make a separate mention about it. It is upto him to decide if my apologies were sincere or orchestrated. However, I would stick to my decision until being directed otherwise by Baba.

As I have written in my last post, I would continue to answer his questions after getting my answers approved by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) or after obtaining answers from Him.

On Godly service,

PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by ex-l
Shivsena, you are an intelligent individual. Why do not you spend your energy instead uploading your Murli collection somewhere on this site? (Even in Hindi). Give us the basic building blocks and opportunity to discover what you have.

There is no point doing what you are doing.

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I am sure that my last post addressed to Shivsena Bhai may have caused many of you to think that I have let them down. So, I apologize to all those who may have felt that my last post to Shivsena Bhai may be unbecoming of a BK/PBK.

Don't be ridiculous Arjun, you do 10 times more than anyone one else on the forum to keep matter focused and display virtues. I would advise against pandering to him.

I do not know why Shivsena has personalized this matter on you when if it is such a big issue he should challenge Virendra Dev Dixit and the BKWSU (or the Krishna soul) directly. You cant win. No amount of serving him or providing answer from Virendra Dev Dixit will change his mind. Either you accept his point of view or you do not. If you don't, move on and move around him. Follow your own path until it ends and then, if it does, decide on the basis of his darna whether his knowledge has any value. Serve those that want to learn what you have to give.

From my point of view, and I apologize for saying this in public Shivsena, but you are acting just like another king of the BKWSU, sitting on a wealth of knowledge and not releasing it into the public domain so that others can study it. Demanding others bow to just one issue.

PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:No amount of serving him or providing answer from Veerendra Dev Dixit will change his mind. Either you accept his point of view or you do not.

I know that he would not change his mind, but I seek answers from ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) only because Shivsena Bhai is creating an impression in this forum that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is shying away from his questions, while it is not so.

Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has answered all the questions of Shivsena Bhai that were conveyed to him. Whether the answers given by Baba Virendra Dev Dixit are acceptable to Shivsena Bhai or others is a different matter, but Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is sincere enough to answer every question subject to availability of time and energy. Whereas, Shivsena Bhai has avoided so many simple questions asked by PBKs. The simplest question being : Where is incorporeal Shiv from 1969 till date? Even in his recent post in another thread he has not touched this issue PBKs what do you have to hide ?.

With the huge stock of original Murlis that he possesses, he could easily help in answering many of the posts in other sections of this forum. But he wishes to prove and discuss only one issue only with the PBKs (prospective candidates for the rosary of 108), that Shiv is not giving knowledge through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit now but will give in future. He has the same answers to all the questions raised by PBKs and same questions to all the answers given by PBKs/ Baba Virendra Dev Dixit. If we were to believe him, all the PBK members of this forum should change their category to 'prospective PBKs' until we get a clearance from him to revert back to the category of 'PBKs'.

Anyways, the Q&A with Shivsena Bhai would continue as long as time, energy and this drama permits.


PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:With the huge stock of original Murlis that he possesses, he could easily help in answering many of the posts in other sections of this forum.

And there we have it Shivsena ... are you willing to serve the greater good rather than pick at one single wound?

We have a nusery rhyme for a chilldren's game in English called, "The King is in his castle". It must be a memorial of the Confluence Age. If I paraphrase it, it goes;
The King was in the counting house,
Counting out his Murlis;
The Queens were in their parlor,
Eating bread and honey.

"Parlor" is from French to speak, 'the place where they speak' and Madubhan is, of course, the Forest of Honey.

PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by shivsena
arjun wrote:Omshanti. I am sure that my last post addressed to Shivsena Bhai may have caused many of you to think that I have let them down. So, I apologize to all those who may have felt that my last post to Shivsena Bhai may be unbecoming of a BK/PBK. I wanted to apologize to Shivsena Bhai also for all the trouble that I may have caused to him so far, but since he has rejected my apologies in the past, I did not make a separate mention about it. It is upto him to decide if my apologies were sincere or orchestrated. However, I would stick to my decision until being directed otherwise by Baba. As I have written in my last post, I would continue to answer his questions after getting my answers approved by ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) or after obtaining answers from Him.

Dear arjun Bhai.

I do not know when i have rejected your apology in the past. What i am not able to understand is, why do something at all if it fills you up with self-guilt and you have to ask for an apology afterwards? This is like giving a wound to someone in a fit of emotions and then realising your mistake and offering a soothing ointment.

Also are you worried about other's opinion about yourself or is it your own opinion about yourself which really counts? i believe in the latter.


PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:And there we have it Shivsena ... are you willing to serve the greater good rather than pick at one single wound?

Dear arjun Bhai.

I will post many Murli points in future but everything in the Godly knowledge boils down to only one thing: knowing the Father Ramshivbaba (the creator) and his rachna Krishna(creation). The Murli says the whole knowledge can be summed up in two words; ''Alaf and be''. The rest is all superflous. It has been said in the Murli, "Bap ko janene se tum sab kuch jaan jaoge" (once you know the Father then you will know everything). BKs and PBKs have known the bindi Father for last 30-30 years but we all are still groping in the dark (Brahma ki raat) as to what is the absolute truth. Only when Ramshivbaba is recognised as the Creator, then things will be crystal clear.

Dear ex-l,

Am i giving a wound of some sort to souls on this forum by expressing my frank views here?


PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by ex-l
shivsena wrote:Am I giving a wound of some sort to souls on this forum by expressing my frank views here?[/color]

"Holding back" in a relationship is a way of hurting or controlling, or maintaining one's own position of power and superiority over others. It is an intermediate stage after which one decides to give to all according to their capacity.

Obviously "knowing the difference between two Fathers" is NOT the be all and end all of Gyan alone. If I walk up to someone in the street, ask them who is the Father, then tell them it is RamShivBap ... that is not going to set them free!

It may be the icing at the top of the cake/mountain but we are here to serve all. So let us serve those that are starting at the bottom of the mountain as well. I think the greatest service you could do, that would only be required to be done once by someone, is to make public all of the Murlis thereby liberating them and allthose the BKWSU ( and perhaps Virendra Dev Dixit) enslave. May be then all, many, or even just 108 will be able to climb to the heights you are talking about.

Wise souls have always said that it is not the value of what you give that counts but the proportion according to what you have. You are a king with a full counting house and yet you are give only to offer one gem, you are holding back the wealth that could be used to set free the (mentally) slave caste within the BKWSU.

PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by shivsena
arjun wrote: I know that he would not change his mind, but I seek answers from ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) only because Shivsena Bhai is creating an impression in this forum that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is shying away from his questions, while it is not so.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Nobody will change his mind to what he believes to be true; this is true for BKs, for PBKs and for anybody else. I have never created an impression that Baba is shying away from anmswering my queries; but i have always maintained that his answers are ambigious and go against the Murlis of Shivbap.

arjun wrote:Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has answered all the questions of Shivsena Bhai that were conveyed to him. Whether the answers given by Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit are acceptable to Shivsena Bhai or others is a different matter, but Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is sincere enough to answer every question subject to availability of time and energy. Whereas, Shivsena Bhai has avoided so many simple questions asked by PBKs. The simplest question being : Where is incorporeal Shiv from 1969 till date? Even in his recent post in another thread he has not touched this issue PBKs what do you have to hide?.

Baba answers all the queries but the answers he gives gives rise to more queries and most of the time his answers are not to the point. Krishna just answers for the sake of answering and not for clarity (this has been accepted by many PBKs but few have the guts to accept it openly). You accept that the answers are given by ShivBaba and so you see nothing wrong about it and i feel that Krishna is not answering to the point, as he himself does not know the answers. That is the basic difference between your belief and mine and it will continue to be so. So what is the solution???

i have time and again maintained that all 3 souls are in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit from 1969 onwards but it is the soul of Krishna who has been in charge from 1973 onwards and Shiv and Krishna are observers.

Moreover, i see a compulsion on anybody's part to answer each and every query put to him. If i feel some query is to be answered then i will answer it. If i feel that some are to be ignored, then i will ignore it. I am not claiming to know everything and i have no source of falling back on anybody to answer something which i do not know. i just rely on my manthan and study of Murli points to answer accordingly. PBKs claim that they have ShivBaba with them so they have the option to rush to ShivBaba if they need help to answer some queries; how much it helps them is another matter.

arjun wrote:With the huge stock of original Murlis that he possesses, he could easily help in answering many of the posts in other sections of this forum. But he wishes to prove and discuss only one issue only with the PBKs (prospective candidates for the rosary of 108), that Shiv is not giving knowledge through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit now but will give in future. He has the same answers to all the questions raised by PBKs and same questions to all the answers given by PBKs/ Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit. If we were to believe him, all the PBK members of this forum should change their category to 'prospective PBKs' until we get a clearance from him to revert back to the category of 'PBKs'.

When each and every Murli of Shivbap says the same thing every day from 1965 onwards, then nobody questions that why does Shivbap repeat the same things. Inspite of that, nobody has still understood who Ramshivbaba (alaf) is. And when i just keep on repeating the same Murli points which point to Ramshivbaba as the Father (alaf) then PBKs are quick to raise an objection. Baba says that you children have to be Trikaldarshi and so i want to see the whole knowledge from the past events, present events and how things are going to shape in future, while PBKs are just content to see only the developments of past and present and completely forgetting how the future events will unfold. Only when we have The Knowledge of the past present and future combined, can we be called Trikaldarshi.


PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by ex-l
So, are you going to enable the rest of us in our study by posting the Murlis, or is mine one of the questions that you deem is worthy of ignoring?

Many of us have questioned the lack of clarity and contradictions, will you give us the ammunition to prove it to the rest of the World and share your wealth of Murlis?

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:So, are you going to enable the rest of us in our study by posting the Murlis, or is mine one of the questions that you deem is worthy of ignoring?

Dear ex-l.

I do not have the means to post Murlis on the net. Also the original Murlis i possess, are so bad in print that if i scan them and put them on the net, they will be hardly legible and it will be a futile exercise. Also the revised Murlis can be easily had from any local centre, if any soul is really interested in acquiring them; so please do not make a big issue of posting the Murlis on the net. Meanwhile, i will be posting relevant important points from Murlis which can be studied in the behad ka sense and discussed on the forum.


PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by paulkershaw
Shivsena wrote:also the revised Murlis can be easily had from any local centre, if any soul is really interested in acquiring them

Ho Hum - and now to the next old mantra - "When you change - everyone changes!" Has anyone tried to ask for Murlis from their local centre lately? Has the official viewpoint altered so that anyone can just go along and collect the Murli? A big "No" to that I am sure ... Imagine me off to the local centre tomorrow:

"Hi I am Paul, you knew me last century, can I please have a batch of Murlis to read today? Ta for being so free with them!"

Of course not, or this conversation wouldn't be happening would it? Shivsena, you cannot seriously be thinking like this! It smacks of 'lack of understanding' in a big way.

so please do not make a big issue of posting the Murlis on the net;

Wonder who's really making a big issue here? Obviously this is a dead end ... ex-l is right ... An even bigger Ho Hummmmmmmm to Shivsena xx

Shivsena's Murli Ransom

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by ex-l
shivsena wrote:Also the revised Murlis can be easily had from any local centre, if any soul is really interested in acquiring them; so please do not make a big issue of posting the Murlis on the net.

Tell me Shivsena how can a known PBK enter into a BKWSU center to access the Murlis when PBKs internationally have been banished from BKWSU centers for no other reason that inverstigated The Knowledge? (... even though the BKWSU is willing to accept those that practise mental, financial abuse or even fornication)

As an aim to your study, you could do what the rest of us do. Type them up maually, copy and paste them in. If you can produce text files, I am happy to handle the technical side of it.

If you are unaware of the power of a searchable database, have a look at the examples in the Encyclopedia section and chose a search term.

As you are quite aware;
    a) its almost impossible to get the older more original Murlis. If one is lucky, and pleases the center-in-charge, one might be allowed to sit in a designated corner and read recently revised versions. That is all. The BKWSU does not even encourage individuals taking them home.
    b) the purpose of having more original version is that we can compare against the revised ones.
    c) having them on the internet means that any internet users, any where, at any time - including academics - can access them without the obstacles set by the BKWSU. If you read come of the comments on the Avyakt Murli Summary section, even BKs such as the elderly and those in the Army are requesting and praising their accessibility.
    d) as you well know, there are many individuals with the love of god that, for what ever reason, have no wish ever to step inside a BK Raja Yoga center and subject themselves to that trauma. Please consider them and their fortune.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by andrey
In the historical documents I am looking at, it does mention that Prajapati God Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) would become Krishna.

Yes, he will become. I have made wrong comment and brought a point from the Murli to prove.

PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by shivsena
Dear PBK Brothers.

Please refer to all the avaykt messages immediately after Brahma Baba's demise in 1969 (these have been printed in the first book of avaykt Vani). All the messages describe the scenes in the subtle angelic world where ''ShivBaba'' and ''Brahmababa'' are seen as two distinct personalities sitting and chatting together (message no. 7 and 9, and then on page 24 and 26 message dated 21-1-69). Every message clearly shows ''ShivBaba'' and ''Brahmababa'' as two different personalities in the Subtle Region.

Now my dillemma is; I can understand the body of light of ''Brahmababa'', who became an angel after leaving his body in 1969, but i am not able to understand who is this ''ShivBaba'', who is always shown with ''Brahmababa'' in the Subtle Region, as a seperate personality because as per Advanced Knowledge ''ShivBaba'' means "Shivbap in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit" (i.e. shi + prajapita's body). So, logically, ''ShivBaba'' should not be seen in the Angelic World as ''Shiv cannot enter in any body in Subtle Region'' and ''prajapita'' obviously cannot be present in the Angelic World (as Murli says "prajapita Brahma cannot be present in sukhma-vatan").

Can any PBK please throw some light on who is this personality 'ShivBaba' who is seen in the subtle angelic world?


PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by ex-l
shivsena wrote:Can any PBK please throw some light on who is this personality 'ShivBaba' who is seen in the subtle angelic world?

Its all great stuff shivsena, but can you spare half a thought to answer my question ... and give us all a chance to investigate?

Let me put a more practical solution to you;
    a) how much would it cost in India to hire a touch typists to type up those Murlis for us?
    b) how long do you think it would take?
This would remove any burden from you and I am sure than a number of individuals here would be happy to financially contribute to that happening, as I would. Perhaps another PBK could benefit twicefold in this manner?

Thanks in advance for making this possible.