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PostPosted: 11 Mar 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:why should anyone "pray" to make Dadi Janki better? It is just institutionalizing rank, status and personal important into young BKs at an early stage and I cannot see what grounds from the Murlis they have for doing it.

I don't know whether it has been proved anywhere scientifically that prayers have any effect on improving health. But it might be playing a role in increasing the zeal and enthusiasm in that soul to get well. Giving good wishes to any soul through thoughts or words has been allowed in the Murlis, but I don't think praying for a particular soul during 'Yoga' (meditation) has been allowed. Everyone has his/her own karma, which one has to settle. Even Brahma Baba had to do it and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit also suffers some health problems (cough, stomach upset, etc.) sometimes. Physical ailments can be reduced through practice of meditation, but it cannot cure completely (at least as of now).
As far as the offering of Bhog to a picture of Dada Lekhraj, that is how it was always done in the West, is it not done in India like that?

Yes, it is done in India also. On Thursdays, it is done in front of everyone in the class by keeping the Bhog on a stool in front of the Sister sitting in meditation. On other days the BK Sisters and BKs keep the cooked food in front of Brahma Baba's picture at the center/home everyday. I also used to do that during my BK days.
It is basically very crude and bullying, and in the case of the PBKs, I think it is mostly self-defeating and will only make the BK defensive. If nothing else, as this PBK found out, all it does is expose the individual for being a PBK because they all sound the same. I don't know who or where it comes from, may be from Veerendra Dev Dixit himself, but PBKs seem to be trained in "How to mug BKs" with the same questions. Of course, the BKs themselves used to be trained in exactly the same way to mug non-BKs but they have largely improved on their techniques (in the West at least).

BKs ask questions to non-BKs, Ex-BKs ask question to BKs. Non-BKs ask questions to BKs. So I don't think PBKs are wrong in asking questions to BKs. It is only to prompt them to think and churn that we are asking questions. ShivBaba has Himself asked children to think and churn. You can see that PBKs ask questions to not just BKs but to fellow PBKs also. And most of them have been asking respectfully and not in a bullying way.

Since those who have been following the activities of the PBKs through xbkchat and this forum since a few years may have become bored with the repetition of many questions asked by new members that have been joining from time to time, the questions or answers of PBKs may appear a bit bullying to them. But questions and answers are a continuous process. Repetition of questions and answers should not be considered as bullying.


PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by andrey
In the beginning people used to gather due to visions, however the presence of Shiva can be proved only later on when he started narrating Murlis from Karachi.

But he used to play a part even before.
Mother is beautiful and sustains children but does not make them independent.

It is for the part through Brahma Baba
he comes in the one who becomes the most unhappy and the most happy one

He becomes the deity of peace. The deity of happiness is Vishnu.