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Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.756, Audio Cass. No.1242, dated 12.09.07, at Dhulabari

Clarification of Avyakt Vani dated 06.09.07


... BapDada is looking at all the (companion) souls who will open the curtain of revelation and hoist the flag of revelation by following such a Father and the dear child Dadi. Children of this land and abroad are making plans with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm to become equal. For what? All the children who are sitting in front are making what plans? Arey, what plan will those who reveal the practical form of Dadi’s love, make? Did you not understand? First they will reveal the Dadi and then they will reveal BapDada.

So, the children of this land and abroad are making plans to spread the zeal and enthusiasm to become equal. To become equal to whom? To become equal to Dadi. That day is to be brought close now. What? They will become equal to Dadi. Dadi became equal to whom? She became equal to Brahma. Brahma left his body suddenly due to a heartfailure. So, even Dadi had a brain haemorrhage and left her body suddenly. She too followed him. So, those who especially remember Dadi, those who especially love her are making plans. To reveal whom? (First) Dadi; and then to reveal BapDada.

So, now you have to bring that day close. Not when the time comes, but you have to bring that time close. To all the children everywhere who are self-transformers and who have determined thoughts — whether they are watching (BapDada) , whether they are in front (of BapDada) or not, but BapDada and Dadi can see also the children at all the Gita pathshalas everywhere. BapDada can see as well because he possesses a subtle body and even Dadi can see the children. So, to all Brahmin souls who are the Father’s companions and Dadi’s companion ; what kind of souls? To each of the souls who are the companions of Dadi and the companion souls of Father Brahma, remembrance, love and namaste by name and according to your speciality on behalf of BapDada and Dadi.

Dadi continues to come to your class. What has been said? Although the attachment of the physical body is gone, but just as when Brahma Baba left his physical body, did he leave the subtle love for the children or did it continue? (Someone said – it continued) What is its proof? When BapDada, i.e. Brahma Baba’s body was gone, when he left his body, then the subtle attachment for the children who lived at Mt. Abu, towards the children who take care (of the Yagya), continued – what is its proof? He narrates Avyakt Vanis; he comes in Gulzar Dadi. He comes with a subtle body. Similarly, even Dadi continues to come to your class with a subtle body. It is not so that she does not come.

The samadhi (the memorial that is built at the site of cremation in memory of the departed soul) that you created; who created the samadhi? Arey, did the firm followers of the Aadi Sanatan Devi Devataa Dharma build the samadhi or did the followers of Sanyasis build the samadhi? The followers of Sanyasis built the samadhi or (in other words) it could be said that just as the vidharmis (souls belonging to religions other than the deity religion) who follow the Sanyasis- the Islamic people and Christians, what do they too build? They too build graves. So, she continues to tour also around the samadhi (where the cremation took place) that you built. However, she wants to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you a lot. You have built the samadhi. Dadi has come to know of the reality (asliyat) that why they have built the samadhi? Why did I (i.e. Dadi) build Brahma Baba’s samadhi and why did Brahma Baba not build Mama’s samadhi? Why did he not build? Brahma belonged to the Moon Dynasty (Chandravansh). The Moon Dynasty exists in the Silver Age. It is a part of the ancient Deity religion. To which religion did Brahma Baba belong? He belonged to the deity religion. That is why, after Mama left her body, he did not build a Samadhi (for her), and what about Dadi? What did Dadi do after Brahma left his body? Do you know where she built the Samadhi? (Someone said – In Mount Abu) What is its name? (Someone said – Diamond) No. (Someone said – Shaantistambh, i.e. tower of peace) Yes, the tower of peace. Did you forget? Yes, Brahma Baba was cremated and then a Samadhi was built at the same place. And what did Dadi’s followers also do? Even Dadi’s followers built a Samadhi. So, to which religion do they belong? They are the vidharmis who follow the Sanyasis. So, you built the samadhi and Dadi keeps touring around that place. However, she wants to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you a lot because the truth has dawned upon her intellect now; that is why she requires a little time. What? She requires a little time to have a heart- to-heart conversation with you.

However, Dadi’s 12 days are now finishing. The thirteenth day is celebrated in the path of worship, isn’t it? (12 days) are finishing. Dadi is required to play a special part in the corporeal world for name sake in order to carry out a special, unique and lovely essential task. But, Dadi’s birth and her task are not ordinary, like the children are born through the womb in a normal way. It has been said – but, Dadi’s birth and her task are extremely unique (nyara). How is it unique? Arey, when Brahma Baba left his body, did he take birth anywhere or not? (Someone said – He did not take) Did he not take (birth)? It means that he did not take birth through a womb. He took a unique birth. Similarly Dadi’s birth and her task are very unique. [BapDada] will come and say the details of that later.

BapDada too has to play the part that is fixed in the drama. BapDada did not know that he will have to assume a subtle body. Did Brahma Baba know ? No. So, BapDada too has to play the part that is fixed in the drama and enable the children to play their part. Baba will narrate later what alokikta (uniqueness/unworldliness) is. Is that alright ? The alokikta is not that someone leaves the body and then enters someone and plays his part . This is alokikta, no. What is the true alokikta? (The true alokikta is) that one should live in the world and even while living in the world one should remain detached from the body and bodily relatives of the lokik world. Baba will tell you later what alokikta is.

All of those in the first row, are you OK? He asked - All of those in the first row, are you OK? Are you OK? It means that are all of those who are sitting in the first row aware of the meaning of alokikta? Are they good at understanding and explaining this? All of those in the first row, are you OK? Who used to mostly sit in the first row? The senior Didi-Dadis sit. So, it was asked - Are the Dadis OK? Are the Dadis good at understanding and explaining the meaning of alokikta? Are the Pandavas too OK? It means that he asked. Why is He asking? What does he mean by asking? It means that they are not OK; that is why He is asking. Achcha, all the Pandavas are all right, are you not? He already asked those sitting in the front line, to the Dadis, Didis and Pandavas who are sitting in the front, but are all the Pandavas OK?

Double follow. What has been said? What does “double follow” mean? (Someone said – double follow Dadi) Yes, to doubly follow. Always remember these words of Dadi. Instrument (nimit), humble (nirmaan) and pure words (nirmal Vani). At every moment, before beginning any task ; the task may change, but the awareness of these three words should not change. Remain an instrument; remain detached from respect and position. And the speech (i.e. words) should be like what? The speech should not be full of dirt (mail) or soil (maati). The speech should be from a true and clean heart – pure words. One should not forget these three words. No matter how difficult a task may be, but think of these three words as, just as you have the three now: BapDada, Didi and Dadi, don’t you? In the same way, never forget these three words too.

What does BapDada mean? Whom do they consider as BapDada? (They consider) Brahma Baba (to be BapDada) and whom do they consider as Didi? Manmohini Didi; and what about Dadi? (Someone said – Gulzar Dadi) No. Prakashmani Dadi who left her body. So, do not forget these three words. Before beginning every task, first remember this and then begin your task. You should not forget these three words. You not forget like what?? Just as you do not forget BapDada, i.e. Brahma; just as you do not forget Didi, Manmohini Didi; and just as you do not forget Dadi; similarly, remember these three words. Then begin the task. Then you will quickly and easily become equal to Dadi.

Achcha. What are we going to do now? All the Dadis are meeting BapDada. How do they meet him? Do they meet him through their nature and resolves or do they meet him by embracing him? (Someone said – by embracing each other) They are meeting. First Dadi Nirmal Shanta met (BapDada) and then the other Dadis met (him). Omshanti.

Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. Some words have been added in the brackets by the translator for better understanding of the translation.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.803, Audio Cassette No.1289, dated 11.11.07, at Mumbai mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 17.02.68


Omshanti.This is the morning class dated 17th February, 1968. The spiritual Father sits and tells the spiritual children – Look, I have come to make all of you children equal to myself. In what way have I come to make you equal to myself? All of you children. What does it mean? How many children have I come to make equal to myself? ‘All of you’ means how many? (Someone said – four and a half lakh) Four and a half lakh (four hundred and fifty thousand)? Will four and a half lakh become equal to the Father? I have come to make all of you children equal to myself. How will he make us equal to himself? He is incorporeal and the children are corporeal.

He says – I am incorporeal. I have come to make even you children equal to myself, i.e. incorporeal, to teach how to die while being alive. The Father considers Himself to be a soul, does He not? There is no consciousness of this body. Even while living in this body he does not have consciousness of the body. This body does not belong to him. So, children, you too remove the consciousness of the body because you souls have to go with me. Otherwise, you will not be able to go with me. It is as if I have taken this body on loan. Similarly, you too think that – You, a soul have taken this body on loan to play the part. You have been assuming bodies since many births. Now it is as if I am alive in this one, but I am certainly detached.

Leaving the body is called dying. You too have to die from this body while being alive . I too am a soul. You are a soul as well. Are you also going to come with me or do you have to sit here itself? You have attachment in the body since many births, but I do not have any attachment (in the body) since many births at all. I come in this one birth. I take loan of the body. There is no matter of attachment at all. So, just as I am bodiless (ashareeri), you too consider yourself to be bodiless while being alive. Now we have to go with Baba. Just as this is Baba’s old body, the body of us/we souls is old as well. We have to leave this old shoe (jooti). Just as I do not have attachment to this one, you too remove the attachment from this old shoe. You have become habituated to attachment . I am not habituated.

I am dead while alive.You too have to die alive. If you wish to come with me, then practice this now. There is so much consciousness of the body, do not ask about it. Even when the body becomes diseased, the soul does not leave it. One must remove the attachment to this body because we have to certainly go with Baba. One must consider oneself to be detached from the body – this itself is called dying alive. One remembers only the home. You have been living in body since many births. So,you become habituated with it. I come in this one temporarily. So, there will not be any attachment to any bodily being by considering oneself to be dead (while being alive), i.e. by considering oneself to be a soul.

Often, someone or the other develops attachment to someone or the other at all centers. Everyone does not develop, but someone or the other develops attachment at all centers. Then what is its result? That is all; they can not live without seeing him/her. This remembrance of the bodily being causes complete downfall. The goal is very high. While eating and drinking, (one should feel) as if I am not in the body at all, that stage should be made firm. Only then can one become part of the rosary of eight gems. One cannot get a high post without working hard. While being alive and while seeing think that – I am a resident of that place (i.e. the Supreme Abode). Just as Baba is sitting temporarily in this one, even I am temporarily in this body. I too have to go home again now. The home appears to be dear and the kingship appears to be dear as well. Until the consciousness of the body is gone, how can one achieve mukti (liberation)? So, leave the consciousness of this body completely because you certainly have to go with me.

What if we do not leave the consciousness of the body? Will we have to go (with the Father) even then? Don’t we have to? Even if you do not leave the consciousness of the body, I will take you along with me. The meaning of achieving mukti is that – we would leave this body and go home. You children know that – Baba has come. Now He has come to take us home. So, the Father says – Leave the attachment to this body. Now we have to go home. This Baba does not have attachment ( to his body). We too should not have attachment to it (i.e. the body). The Father has to sit in this body. Has to sit? Does it mean that He does not want to sit voluntarily? What is the compulsion? He has to take you children back home. He has to sit because – He has to teach you how to become bodiless (ashareeri). You too have to come along (with me); that is why there should not be any attachment to any bodily being.

This one (i.e. a woman) has a very sweet nature. the intellect thinks like this, doesn’t it? But instead of the soul one looks at the body. The Father says – you have to see only the soul. You will get entangled and die by seeing the body. It is a high goal. One must practice to see the soul. You have an attachment since many births, and Baba does not have attachment. Only then is , Baba worthy of teaching the children. The Father himself says - I do not get entangled in this body and you have been entangled in it. Now I have come to liberate you. You have completed your 84 births. Now remove the consciousness of this body. If you do not remain soul conscious, you will keep getting entangled somewhere or the other. If you like someone’s versions, then you will like his body as well. Then you will keep remembering him at home also. The thoughts of the one whom you love will keep coming to the mind. Then one would suffer defeat. Many even become spoilt like this. One should leave the relationship of male and female and consider oneself to be a soul. While considering oneself to be a soul, the consciousness of the body would get removed.

The Second page of the Vani dated 17th February, 1968. The sins would be destroyed only through the remembrance of the Father. The consciousness of the body will also get removed. With the removal of the consciousness of the body, the sins of the past births would also go on getting burnt into ashes. You think and churn nicely on this matter that how are the sins burnt into ashes by remaining in soul conscious stage? If one remains in soul conscious stage, then one would remember the Father as well. If one does not (remain in soul conscious stage), if one remains in body consciousness, then one cannot remember the Father. You cannot take a leap without thinking and churning. You cannot become firm in the thought that – we have to certainly go to Baba
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.803, Audio Cassette No.1289, dated 11.11.07, at Mumbai mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 17.02.68


... The main issue is remembrance. Now our cycle of 84 (births) is about to complete. Now it is going to start again. We have to certainly go home. If we do not shed the attachment for this old body, then we will get . We may get entangled in our own body or in the body of any friend or relative or in any Brother or Sister from outside. It also happens like this – Despite having a first class wife , one falls in love with another dark woman, then he gets entangled in her. There is also a saying on this – Dil lagi gadhi say toh pari kya cheez hai? ( [If one falls in love with a donkey, then what is an angel in comparison to it !) Baba is very experienced. Now you should not give your heart to anyone here. You should consider yourself to be a soul and give your heart to the Father. We souls are incorporeal as well as the Father is incorporeal.

You have been remembering the Father alone in the path of worship for half a cycle, haven’t you? But over there, you did not know, you did not recognize (the Father) . On saying, ‘O God’ (Hey Prabhu) Shivling used to emerge in front of you (in the mind), but no bodily being can be said to be God (Prabhu). Everyone goes to temple of Shiv. They consider Him to be the Supreme Soul. The highest on high God is only one. The highest on high means the one who lives in the Supreme Abode. Bhakti is also initially unadulterated (avyabhichaari). Then they become adulterated devotees [devotees who carry out adulterated worship] (vyabhichaari bhakt).

So, the Father explains to the children again and again – If you wish to achieve a high position, practice becoming incorporeal. Leave the consciousness of the body. Even the Sanyasis (monks) renounce the vices, don’t they? Earlier, even the Sanyasis used to be pure (satopradhan). Now they too have become impure (tamopradhan). What is the sign of a pure soul? A pure soul attracts because when a soul is pure, it attracts impure souls. Although they take rebirth, they attract because of being pure. So many people become their followers. The more the power of purity they possess, the more followers they will have. And this Father is ever-pure. Then? When the Father comes, why don’t numerous people become his followers because of His being ever pure? But this one is double, isn’t he? Just as the Age is Confluence Age. It is a confluence of the Iron Age and the Golden Age. Similarly, it is a confluence of the ever pure and the ever impure.

He is double, but whose is the entire power? Is it the power of the double pure or the double impure? It is the power of the pure one. It is not the power of this one. In the beginning He attracted you because He is ever pure. Did He attract in the beginning? Then did He stop attracting in between or did He not remain pure? Why did He attract only in the beginning? It is because the part was different in the beginning and what about the later on? Later on the part went on changing. How? the name of my soul is Shiv. The name of the point of light alone is Shiv. That name never changes, but when bodies change, the name also changes. And even the task changes to some extent or the other.

So, in the beginning of the Yagya and in the middle, did He go on changing bodies or was there only one body of Brahma? The bodies went on changing. Now you know that you did not run after this one. After whom? You did not run after Dada Lekhraj Brahma. This one says – I was a sinful one. The one who is a householder will definitely be sinful . More than anyone else, this one remained in the path of household for complete 84 births . So, this one cannot attract. The Father says – I have attracted you. You should not even remember this one because this one is a corporeal. Whom should you remember? (Someone said – the incorporeal one) What is this? What is being taught here now? Now it is being taught to remember the incorporeal one in the corporeal one and what has been said here (just now)? The Father says – I have attracted you. Who is the one saying this? The Supreme Soul, the incorporeal point of light Shiv. You should not even remember this corporeal. But here ‘corporeal’ has been written within brackets. It is about which corporeal? Until Brahma made effort, he did not achieve the incorporeal seedform stage, that is why it has been said – One should not remember even this corporeal one. One should not even keep his picture.

Although Sanyasis remain pure, but there is no one pure like me. Like me? How can one know? No Sanyasi can remain pure like Me. Nobody can be as ‘ever pure’ as Me and nobody can have the kind of purity that I have. How? What is the comparison? (Someone said – the colour of company….) Yes, this is the comparison, all others experience downfall by getting coloured by the company, but I do not get entangled in the colour of company of anyone. All those sanyasis etc. narrate the scriptures etc. of the path of worship, but I explain to you the essence of all the Vedas and scriptures. What does it mean? They take you into the expanse of the Vedas and scriptures. Initially the Vedas emerged. Then the Vedas were clarified again. So, the Brahmanas emerged, the Aranyakas emerged. Then they were clarified again. So, it underwent expansion, did it not? The Upanishads emerged. Even they were clarified and the Puranas emerged. Now look, the scriptures have undergone so much expansion. There have been so many commentaries on just one Gita. So, those human gurus take us in expansion and I narrate to you the essence of the scriptures.

It has been shown in the picture – Brahma emerged from the lotus-like naval (naabhi kamal) of Vishnu; then scriptures have been shown in the hands of Brahma. Well, Vishnu does not narrate the essence of scriptures through Brahma. They consider Vishnu to be God. The Father explains – Vishnu does not narrate through the mouth of Brahma. I narrate through this one. I am not Vishnu. Just as Krishna has been understood in a wrong way, similarly Vishnu has also been misunderstood and that picture has been depicted. There is no comparison between Brahma and Vishnu! What is the difference? Sinful one is called Brahma and the pure one is called Vishnu. This confluence will happen again after 84 births. Which confluence? It would be a confluence of the sinful Brahma and the pure Vishnu
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.803, Audio Cassette No.1289, dated 11.11.07, at Mumbai mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 17.02.68


... These are new matters. These are so wonderful matters to be explained. They prepare such pictures and confuse (people) so much.Then they have also copied from it. They show – Nehru emerged from the naval of Gandhi. So, now the Father says – Children, you have to die from this body and the bodily relationships while being alive. Baba has now come to take us back. So, here, one must remove attachment from everyone . It is difficult to remove attachment while living here. If we observe the soul while seeing (anybody) then there will not be any attachment. This is called – dying while being alive (jeetey jee marnaa). You live in the body, don’t you? You feel that you are a soul. We will go along with Baba. This body, etc. whatever exists is not to be taken along . Now the Father has come. So, when the Father has come, we will transfer at least something to the new world, won’t we? Now we transfer for the new world whatever we possess. There should not be any attachment to anyone [No attachment should be there for anyone]. People give donations and perform noble acts, etc. to receive the returns in the next birth. You will not receive in this old world. Where will you receive? You will receive after being transferred to the new world. You will keep observing it as a detached spectator (saakshi). There is no need to say anything.

Then the Father also explains this one should not be egoistic of also whatever one does. Arey, do you give or do you give to take back? If someone deposits money in the bank, then does he have ego that he has given to the bank? Even this is a Godly bank. You will take it back after going there, will you not? We souls will go leaving this body itself. The third page of the Vani dated 17th February, 1968. And after we go there, to the new world, we will obtain from Baba. Will Baba be present in the new world? Those who die are many, aren’t they? Is the number of those who die more or is the number of those who remain alive more? Then they will keep coming numberwise. It is even sung, Ram gayo, Ravan gayo, jinko bahu parivaar (Ram has gone, Ravan, who had a big family, has [also] gone) Ravan’s family is so big and you are just a handful. All this is Ravan community and your Ram community is so small. How big is the Ram community? The Suryavanshis (belonging to the Sun Dynasty) and the Chandravanshis (belonging to the Moon Dynasty). You are the stars of the Earth, are you not? The Mother and the Father and you children. So, the Father explains to the children again and again – try to become marjeeva (i.e. to die while being alive).

It is observed that – If someone sees a nice Kumari or a young mother, then they develop attachment to her body. Arey, this one is such a nice thing. They become so tempted (by her). They think within, she explains so sweetly. Maya tempts them , doesn’t she? If they are not fortunate enough, then Maya comes in front of them. They will not see the soul; they will get entangled in the body. Then, to whatever extent you may explain to them, their anger will go on increasing all the more. They do not understand that – He liberates us from body consciousness. If they are not fortunate, they break away when they are given a forceful explanation . That is why Father keeps sustaining them with affection. If someone falls in love, then just do not ask, they become as if they are mad. That is all, I will marry only that particular woman. Even here, they come and they say, get me married to that particular woman. They are told , sit silently. Otherwise run away from here. There are such ones too . It is Maya, isn’t it? It makes someone completely ignorant (besamajh). That is why the Father says , Never get entangled in anybody’s name and form. Always think , I am a soul. The Father alone is bodiless. One must love Him alone. This is the only hard work .

Baba’s Murli can be heard at all the centers, but one should have no attachment to anyone’s body. It should not even be the case, that even while sitting at home, the giver of The Knowledge keeps coming to the thoughts. This one is very sweet. She explains very nicely. Arey, it is The Knowledge that is sweet, isn’t it? The soul is sweet. The body is not sweet. The body is perishable. If a soul leaves, then that body starts emanating a foul smell. If a soul leaves; alright, even if the soul becomes degraded, does it emanate a foul smell? Body and soul. It is the soul which speaks, isn’t it? One should not be attracted to the body. That is why Baba says , Do not keep even photos etc. If you keep photos etc. you will get entangled. Baba thinks a lot, that you should not keep photos. Someone may say, that if we do not keep photos, then how can we explain? For the purpose of explaining, the picture is already available in the Trimurti [picture]. That is enough. There is no need to keep photos etc. separately. Nobody’s photo should be kept. One should not think, that we has been refrained from keeping the photo of Brahma Baba. We have not been refrained from keeping the photos of others. No, one should not keep anybody’s single photo with oneself. Alright, what if we keep the double photo ?

If you remember these , you will not obtain anything. Instead of ShivBaba you will keep remembering only these. Achcha! Did those, who kept Brahma’s photo and considered Brahma Baba to be God in the corporeal form and remained in his remembrance alone, achieve no attainment? Arey, they must have achieved at least some attainment. (Someone said , They become their children) Will they become their children? Does it mean that they achieve attainment by just becoming his children? Don’t they achieve any attainment from the Confluence Age here? Those souls fix their attainment here itself, when they assume subtle bodies and study The Knowledge by entering someone’s body . They will certainly have to study The Knowledge directly from the Father. Otherwise they will not get anything. Although they may think that this is a Chariot, but if they leave ShivBaba and keep remembering just the Chariot , then they will not achieve anything. They will become a more sinful soul. If they leave ShivBaba and keep remembering the Chariot, then they will not get anything. If they leave ShivBaba and remember the photo, then consider that they will experience even more downfall. That is why one should not keep any photograph. Otherwise, one will get entangled in it
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.803, Audio Cassette No.1289, dated 11.11.07, at Mumbai mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 17.02.68


... Now a days there is a lot of obsession of Bhaktimarg. Anandmayi ma. That is all, they keep uttering ‘mother, mother’ to only the mother. Alright, if she is Anandmayi Ma, then where is the Father? From where will the mother emerge without the Father? Does one obtain the inheritance from the Father or from the mother? From where will the mother get money? You obtain the inheritance from ShivBaba. Your sins will be burnt only through his remembrance . No sins will be burnt by uttering just ‘mother, mother’. Then? They keep shouting ‘mother, mother, mother’ so much in the path of worship. So, don’t they obtain the inheritance of happiness and peace? The Father says – Remember no one else. Remember me alone. One should not entangle oneself in anybody’s name and form. If you keep entangling yourself then you will keep committing more sins because you disobey the Father. Many children have forgotten (the Father). The Father explains – Now I have come to take you children and I shall certainly take you along (with me). Your sins will get burnt if you remember me alone.

You kept remembering many in the path of worship, but how can the task be accomplished without the Father? The Father does not say – Remember the mother. The Father says – Remember me. I am the purifier of the sinful ones, aren’t I? Your mother is not the purifier of the sinful ones. So, follow the directions of the Father. You too explain to others on the direction of the Father. So, you are not purifiers of the sinful ones. So, you should remember the One. For us it is one Father and none else. Baba, I will sacrifice myself on you alone. Here, you have to sacrifice yourself on ShivBaba alone. The remembrance of everyone else should break. People keep remembering many in the path of worship. Here it is one ShivBaba and none else. But some act on their own opinion. Then they get confused. They say – how can we remember a point? Arey, you remember your soul, don’t you? …that I am a soul, a point. Even your Father is a point.

One obtains the inheritance from the Father. The mother is a bodily being. The Father is called seed. Seed is incorporeal and the Father is…? The Father is incorporeal, but he requires a support (aadhaar). Will a support be corporeal or incorporeal? A support is corporeal. The inheritance is to be received only from that one Father. That is why one should leave all other matters and establish the connection of the intellect with the One. Everyone’s sins will be burnt through the remembrance and the remembrance of others will burn no sin; the sins will keep increasing even more. So, there is hard work involved in remembering the Father.

If you become soul conscious then there is no need to say at all, that we cannot remember you. A broad intellect (vishaal buddhi) is required in this. If one lacks intellect, then they become unrythmic (betala). The Father says, Remember me alone. Only then will your sins be burnt. You have become sinful by remembering the bodily beings. Now consider yourself to be a soul (dehi). Remember the Father of souls.

Many take photo of Mamma-Baba. I tell you, that you will experience downfall. They persist (on it). If they do not obey the Father, they fall in a ditch. there should be the picture of one ShivBaba alone even at home. Should there be the picture of one ShivBaba alone? How is ShivBaba’s picture? He is vichitra (one who does not have any picture). The Father explains all this, even then he says – Manmanaabhav (merge your mind in mine). Even this Baba used to read only the Gita and he used to worship Lakshmi-Narayan. He used to worship Krishna in childhood. when he grew up , he started worshipping Narayan instead of Krishna. He removed the picture of Lakshmi as well. Then ultimately, he left the pictures of Narayan as well. Now one has to remember ShivBaba alone. One should not remember the bodily beings at all.

ShivBaba is ever pure and this one is a sinful one, who takes complete 84 births. That Father is ever pure and this one is ever impure. The complete history of this one was narrated. So, the Father says noweveryone has to return; that is why one must remember the one Father. This involves a lot of hard work. The Father tells the children you can remain in Yoga more than me. Baba has many cases to look after. Letters are received from so many centers. There are numerous children. Good and bad news keeps coming from one center or the other. News comes that a Brahmani too entangled herself somewhere. Maya is very powerful (jabardast). They fall into the gutter (of vices) completely. Baba has to think about all these matters. So, it involves a lot of hard work.

All kinds of news come to Baba. That is why Baba says – Gur jaaney gur kee gothri jaaney (only the jaggery and the sack containing it knows the difficulty involved in the stickiness of the jaggery) So many letters are to be read and replied. There are so many worries So don’t ask about it . That is why the Father says – You children are very fortunate (saubhagyashaali). The Father explains only to the spiritual children. It involves a lot of hard work. It is very certain that whatever has happened in the last cycle is going to happen again. Even then one gets defeated, doesn’t one? If one does not get defeated now, then one would achieve karmaateet stage; they can go home now itself. One has to suffer a lot of defeats; even then He (Baba) says – this is predetermined in the drama. I pacify them with these words.

Many quarrels take place, don’t they? One should never trouble anyone. If one has to obtain the inheritance from the Father, then one should follow the Father’s Shrimat completely. There should be no body consciousness. Some are so body conscious, just don’t ask. They trouble so much. They themselves become troubled and they trouble the lokik mother and Father as well as the paarlokik Brothers and Sisters. One should not trouble so much. Otherwise, what kind of a position would they achieve in future? They create such uproar. The Father has to explain to all . One must become sweet, (like) flowers (gulgul) and joyful (khushmizaaz) and one must love everyone.

Sometimes they entangle themselves in the name and form of a Brahmani and spoil the name. They become so troublesome. They do not realize, that we have to remember the one Father alone. Otherwise, how will we achieve a high post? One should not entangle oneself in anybody’s name and form. If they entangle themselves then it proves, that this one has attachment to her (Brahmani). Then the intellect will keep diverting only in that direction again and again. One feels as if he would die if he does not see her. The intellect becomes adulterous (vyabhichaari). There is a lot of hard work involved. Hardly anyone becomes a bead of the rosary. If one does not become a bead then one will have to suffer a lot of punishments.

The Father says , that if you do not remember me and if you remember anyone else, then you will become adulterous. You worship me alone in the path of worship. That is called unadulterous worship. Now, if you too detach the connection of your intellect from others and remember just me, the Father, then that will be called unadulterous remembrance. It takes time even to become unadulterous like this. One should not remember any bodily being except one Father. Just one ShivBaba . He keeps explaining so nicely. One should certainly assimilate whatever the Father explains. Achcha, remembrance, love, good morning and namaste to such children, who become equal to the Father, obey the orders of the Father, and follow the Shrimat. Omshanti.

Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.809, Audio Cassette No.1295, dated 16.11.07, at TPgudem mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 21.02.68+22.2.68


Omshanti. Yesterday the class being narrated was – the night class dated 21st February, 1968. One day even the name of the museum, exhibition will change. For the purpose of explaining a clear name will be given. Even then one undertakes the study. The second page of the Vani dated 21.2.68. Day by day new points are explained.

How we became satopradhan (pure) from tamopradhan (impure); even that will have to be explained. . While taking 84 births we have become tamopradhan, then there is the journey of remembrance for everyone to become satopradhan. There is the only one journey of remembrance for everyone to become satopradhan and this is the real journey. Those journeys are of path of worship and this is a journey of the path of knowledge. In the journeys of the path of worship people keep running physically. That is a physical running and in the journey of the path of knowledge what kind of running should we perform? The mind & intellect-like soul has to be made to run. We will go home. After going there we have to come to (our) kingdom again.

Those belonging to the path of worship keep wandering about in this world itself. They neither go to the abode of peace (shaantidhaam) nor do they go to the abode of happiness (sukhdhaam). They return to the abode of sorrows itself. We had our kingdom and we had obtained this kingdom on the Father’s Shrimat (Godly directions). Then Maya defeated us. When it remains in the intellect of everyone, then one would remain intoxicated by these things. We are in a battlefield. Now we have to get transformed from tamopradhan to satopradhan. This has become as if an easy affair: to obtain the kingdom and to loose the kingdom. While fighting the violent wars we went on losing the kingdoms and now while fighting the non-violent war, we will obtain the kingdom. When we fought a war involving physical power we lost the kingdom and now we will obtain the kingdom through the power of Yoga. The ones who have the physical power will again loose the kingdom and the ones who have the power of Yoga will obtain the kingdom. The world does not know, that how we get defeated (by Maya)? Do they know? The world does not know that we get defeated through the physical power and we become victorious through the power of Yoga.

The Father has explained – Even Maya is so mighty! Now you obtain power to gain victory over Maya through the remembrance of the Father and your life span also increases. When? In the Confluence Age, the more you remain in the Father’s remembrance; your life span will keep increasing. Those who remember the most will have the longest life span. If they remember less, then in the first birth which is an extraordinary birth , which will continue till the Golden Age, their life span will decrease. The extent to which the life span will get reduced, the soul will become less powerful to that extent.[The shorter the life span, the less powerful will be the soul.] It is understood that they have remembered less. The life span increases as well as the power of purity increases. So, [the Iron Age and the Golden Age are compared]. In the Iron Age there are those with a shorter life span and in the Golden Age there are those with longer life span. What is the difference? What is the difference between the Iron-Aged human beings and the Golden Aged human beings that their life span is short and their life span is more? The Golden Aged human beings are firm in the soul conscious stage and the Iron-Aged human beings are weak in the soul conscious stage; it does not exist at all. There is just body consciousness; that is why the life span reduces.

So, a comparison is made in the Confluence Age. The Father comes only in the Confluence Age. Those who do not exist in the Confluence Age don’t know the comparison as well. They do not know the comparison at all. It is you alone who can explain. The comparison of the Golden Age and the Iron Age is in your intellect. There are crores[millions] of human beings. Such a small rosary is formed from among them! Who prepares this rosary-like gathering? Who unites the rosary? It is said, that purity /forms the unity. When Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Guru Nanak had come from the Supreme Abode, there was purity in them as well. Did it not exist (in them)? There was purity, but there is a world of difference between their purity and the purity of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiv. Their purity gets degraded in just one birth under the influence of the company, and what about the Supreme Father Supreme Soul? He comes only once in the Confluence Age in every cycle and He is called SadaaShiv. His purity remains ever purity (i.e. He remains ever pure); it never declines at all.

So, look, among the 500-700 crore [5 to 7 billion] human beings the rosary is formed of so few of them. Very few pass in a higher examination. Even here it is a similar case. Does everyone pass the ICS and the PCS or is the number of those who pass (these examinations) very less? It is very less. If everyone passes then everyone would become a big officer. Can they become that? No. Only those who have a higher capability (maadda) for studying can pursue higher studies. So, even the rosary that is formed is numberwise. Rosary means gathering. The highest on high gathering; then there is the medium gathering; then there is the lower grade gathering. The memorials of those gathertings are the rosaries. The first class rosary, the second class rosary, the third class rosary.

How many will be there in the third class rosary in the Golden Aged world? There would be four and a half lakhs[450 thousand], who will be in a stage of creators who give birth. They will be called the third class subjects (praja). There is some specialty (khasoosiyat) even in the subjects of the first birth. This specialty does not exist in the subjects of other births. They are the direct children of the Father. ‘Subjects’ itself means ‘children’. While making effort, ultimately they are influenced only by the one Father. They are not the ones who are influenced by any other human being. (Someone asked – what does ‘ultimately’ mean?) Ultimately means at last, latest. You can ask anyone in writing. Earlier you were like babies. Gradually, now you go on studying and explaining. So, understanding and explaining involves hard work, doesn’t it ? One has to explain, one has to understand, that how does a soul take 84 births? The soul is so small; the entire part of the drama is recorded in it. The matters are very easy to undertand. Whatever the Father explains, only that is right. Whatever else the human beings explain, they mix something or the other of their own in it
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.809, Audio Cassette No.1295, dated 16.11.07, at TPgudem mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 21.02.68+22.2.68


... We Bharatwasis (Indians) were in kingship. Now we have entered the Iron Age. Later on we shall certainly become Golden Aged. You even write like this. You are worshippers of deities. So, certainly you belong to the deity religion. What? What will the worshippers of the deity religion become? They will become the ones of the deity religion. What will the worshippers of the ghosts (bhoot) and devils (pret) become? They will become ghosts and devils. And God is one. God is called Bhagwaan and what will those who are the worshippers of the one God Father become? They will become Bhagwaan-Bhagwati. One Father and none else. So, why do you not consider yourself to be just a deity? It is because you have become sinful.

The Tree is the same, but it has become degraded (tamopradhan). The same tree that was pure (satopradhan) earlier in the Golden Age exists even now. Earlier it was satopradhan; the population was less and now, when it has become tamopradhan, the number of leaves have increased, the branches and sub-branches have increased. So, this is the game of purity and impurity. When one becomes sinful, then one calls the Father who is the purifier of the sinful ones. O Baba! Come and purify us sinful ones. They do not say like this that – O Baba, come and narrate knowledge to us and then depart! Do they call to narrate knowledge or to be transformed from sinful ones to pure ones? They call to be transformed from sinful ones to pure ones. It is not as if – He came in the body of Brahma and when Brahma left his body, He narrated The Knowledge and departed and the task was accomplished. Knowledge is a means. Means for what? Knowledge is water. What is done with water? Clothes are cleaned with water. Even this is a body-like cloth. The soul is also cleaned with the water of knowledge. When the soul becomes pure, the body made up of the five elements is also required to be pure.

ShivBaba has a name as well. What is the name? ShivBaba has a name as well. What is the name? It has been said ‘ShivBaba’. What? It has not been said just Father Shiv. It has not been said Father Shiv has a name as well. Father Shiv’s name is just Shiv. That never changes. When the bodies change, then the name also changes. So, what is the name of ShivBaba? Shiv is the name of a point. It is only the name of my point (i.e. the soul). Then, when the point changes its body, when it is called ShivBaba, so, what is his name? Arey, don’t you know? Don’t you know the name of ShivBaba? (Someone said , Brahma) Brahma? Listen to that! . ShivBaba’s name is Brahma. Arey, is the name of ShivBaba ‘badi amma’ (senior mother)? Does she give birth, give sustenance in the form of ‘badi amma’ and depart? Does the task end there? Many have the name Brahma…...

Does ShivBaba have any specific name or not? It is the name which is attached to the name of only one deity. It is not attached to (the name of) anyone else. It is not attached to Brahma; it is not attached to Vishnu. Shiv’s name is not attached to anyone from among the 33 crore deities. If someone starts a company; they start an ‘& Sons’ company, don’t they? So, the Father’s name is attached to the name of the child, ? Even this is an ‘& sons’ company to purify the sinful ones; . With whose name is it attached, so that one name becomes firm? ShivShankar Bholeynath. What? The name of Shiv is first and the name of Shankar is later. Why is it not called ‘ShankarShiv’? It is because the one who is first, the one who is senior; the Father is certainly senior. The name of the Father comes first and the name of the child is later, but among the children he is the eldest one. The eldest child is called equal to the Father.

So, it has been said : ShivBaba has a name as well. When is as well added? (Someone said something) Yes, Shiv is the name anyway, but that is not the name of the body. That never changes. That is the name of the point. When are names given? Names are based on the bodies, names are based on the tasks ( performed), and are the tasks performed through body or does a point perform the tasks by jumping here and there? The tasks are performed only through a body. So, what is the name of that body, in which the point of light Shiv enters to purify the sinful ones? It is not Brahma. He did not purify the sinful ones by narrating knowledge through Brahma. So, I have a name as well. Which is the name? Purifier of the sinful ones; people sing : Sita Ram.

So, is the purifier of the sinful ones, One or two? (Someone said : There are two) Are there two? (Someone said : there is only one) Is only the incorporeal one called Ram or is the corporeal one also called Ram? It is said : the bestower of the true salvation upon everyone is Ram. The bestower of the true salvation upon everyone, i.e. Sadguru is one. When that incorporeal Shiv, Ram comes from above, whom does He enter? Does He come in the corporeal Ram or in the incorporeal Ram? In the corporeal (Ram). You all are Sitas and I am the Father Ram. I do not have any Father. What? Who says this? This is the task of Shiv. Not even Baba. Shiv does not have any Father. He is the purifier of the sinful ones. But for that a body is required. What is required to apply the color of the company? A body is required. All the human beings have become sinful only by getting coloured by the company of bodies. When they got coloured by the company of many, they became sinful and by getting coloured by the company of one highest on high Father everyone is transformed from sinful ones to pure ones.

So, it has been said : ShivBaba has a name as well and that ShivBaba is an incorporeal one. What? What is meant by ‘incorporeal’? It is not so that He is always a point. When He comes in this world, in whichever body He enters, in spite of entering, in spite of entering in a corporeal (body), He possesses an incorporeal stage. He never assumes a corporeal stage. He is incorporeal. He is certainly incorporeal, but it is called Shiv jayanti (birthday of Shiv). Well, will the birthday be of an incorporeal point of light or will it be a birthday of the corporeal one? The birthday will be of the corporeal one. Yes, it could be so, that one kind of birthday is in a limited sense. Someone takes birth through the womb, through the womb in a limited sense and another kind of birthday is in an unlimited sense. Revelation takes place in the entire world. Everyone comes to know that the unlimited Father has come and this is His birthday. So, certainly He comes here.

The Father says: I enter them (inmay) and show you the path. In whom? ‘Inmay’ (in them) or ‘ismay’ ( in this one)? Why did He say ‘inmay’ (them)? There are two souls. When He enters one, He narrates. What? The task of listening and narrating goes on. That is the form of a mother and when He enters the second one, then in the form of a Father He explains while he narrates. The Father’s task is to explain. He explains even in the form of a teacher. So, I enter them and show the path
... (to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.809, Audio Cassette No.1295, dated 16.11.07, at TPgudem mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 21.02.68+22.2.68


....My part itself is to transform residents of hell (narkvaasi) into residents of heaven (swargwaasi). What? Residents of which place? Residents of heaven. Those residents of heaven were residents of which place earlier? They were residents of hell (nark). Why was it named as nark? It was named as nark because whatever nar (man) did, the world that he created is such a world of sorrows, which is created only by nar (man). God doesn’t create that world. God creates a new world and man, i.e. human beings make it an old world. God creates a pure world and human beings make it an impure hellish world. They make it a sorrowful world . That is why it is called ‘narak’ and the world that God creates is called swarg (heaven).

Who is called nar? A human being is called nar. All human beings are vicious. What? All human beings who are present in this world, 500-700 crores, are all vicious. [The one who transforms those vicious people into vice less, is only the one Father who always remains in swasthiti(stage of the self)] Only the one Father, who always remains in swasthiti (stage of realization of self) transforms those vicious ones into vice less ones. So, the one who remains in swasthiti establishes swarg (heaven). What does nar (man) create? (He creates) narak and what does he, who always remains in swasthiti, create? Swarg (heaven). So, he would create. We don’t have to do anything, do we? The one, who creates heaven, will create heaven. We don’t have to do anything, do we? Do we have to do something or not? If we don’t have to do anything, then all the 500-700 crore men, human beings, would go to heaven. Everyone would become a resident of heaven. Will they become that? No. They will become the residents of heaven only when they(practice to remain in swasthiti), and only those persons will become who practice to remain in swasthiti. Well, it is upto each one to practice. Even in that (practice) there are numberwise. So, my part itself is to transform residents of hell into residents of heaven. Well, it is up to each one to become or not.

I come in an alien country, a sinful body. What? Otherwise, why will one go and work in an alien country? Does anyone go to an alien country to benefit oneself? No. But I come in an alien country and in a sinful body. Otherwise, what did all the religious fathers who came in a sinful body become? (Someone said, pure) Did they become pure? They became even more sinful. They themselves became sinful and they also went on making all their followers sinful.

This is a study to transform from sinful ones to pure ones. One achieves a position through studies. Those who pursue higher studies achieve a high position. If they study less, they get a lower position. The Father Himself comes and shows the path. The Father says – I have come to teach you Rajyog. I have come myself. Nobody else has taught The Knowledge of Rajyog. No one knows either. So, follow only my Shrimat. What? Nobody else can teach The Knowledge of Rajyog. So, what should you do? Just follow my opinion (mat). If you follow the opinion of others, then instead of Rajyog you will learn rajbhog (royal pleasures). You will not learn Rajyog. My part to teach Rajyog is only at this time. What? I teach Rajyog only in the Confluence Age, neither in the Iron Age, nor in the Copper Age; neither in the Silver Age, nor in the Golden Age. Then you get happiness in the Golden Age.

So, there is a lot of secret hard work involved in learning this Rajyog. The secret is incognito and the hard work is incognito as well. Your donation, respect, post, position, everything is secret. Pandavas are certainly incognito. The more incognito you remain while you make effort , the better it is. Suppose, you donated (something) and did it by showing everyone, then its power will reduce. It may even finish; why? It is because you made a show off. It was not considered good to show off knowledge and Yoga in the Indian tradition. Even in the path of worship it has been said, ‘Jog jugati jap mantra prabhaau. Falai tabahi jab kariy duraau.” (The effect of Yoga, tactics, chants, mantra will be fruitful when it is done in an incognito way) The more you keep it incognito, the more fruitful it will be. It will bear fruits. Otherwise, it will go in vain.

Now you have become aware, that you become the masters of the world. You should also feel joyful about the ownership of the world. You become the masters of the world, so it is said, Maya jeetey jagatjeet (those who gain victory over Maya become victorious over the world). Those who are defeated by Maya are defeated. The meaning of power of Yoga itself is remembrance. Sit only in remembrance. Even when you become a swadarshanchakradhari (one who rotates the discus of self-realization) keep becoming constant in the swadharma (religion of the self). You have to remember The Cycle as well. What? The more you become constant in swasthiti, will the intellect become subtle or will it go into expanse? The more you remember the point-form soul, the more you become constant in the subtle stage, the intellect will become subtleand if the intellect becomes subtle then it will grasp more depth of The Knowledge. Then The Cycle will also come more in your thoughts [Then you will also remember The Cycle more.].

One must consider oneself to be a bodiless soul. One should not see the others too in the form of a body. One must see a bodiless soul. The Knowledge remains only in a soul . If one gives knowledge by considering oneself to be a soul and by considering the person in front of him/her as a soul, then The Knowledge will fit into his intellect as well. When the time comes, one will achieve the karmaateet stage. So, the foundation that is laid should be of the soul conscious stage.

Now it is the time to go on the journey of remembrance. Why? Will there be no time in future? Will there be time in future or not? Will it not be there? Why? Will the time go above, i.e. to the Supreme Abode? (Someone said – the disturbances will increase) Yes, in future the disturbances will increase to such a level that nobody’s Yoga of the intellect can remain constant. It will remain fixed at the level to which one has practiced. So now it is the time to practice undertaking the journey of remembrance. Your rust will be removed only by remaining in the Father’s remembrance. The rust of the five vices, of body consciousness, is accumulated on you. The rust will be removed when you consider yourself to be a soul and also the person in front of you as a soul. Souls are Brothers. Even the vision of Brothers and Sisters should vanish. ‘This one is a Sister’, what does it [this thought] mean? Is there body consciousness or not? If someone appears to you to be a Sister, then it is body consciousness. If you see Brothers, then it will be said, that souls are Brothers, the children of one Father. Criminal assault will not take place in this [No criminal assault will take place in this.]. In what? In considering souls as Brothers. Then, more than this, one should explain them to be souls. You have to go beyond even the body
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.809, Audio Cassette No.1295, dated 16.11.07, at TPgudem mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 21.02.68+22.2.68


... We had come naked and we have to go back naked. The soul should not remain covered by anything. What? The soul had come naked. After coming to this world it took a costume of the 5 elements. So, no attachment should remain in the body; no attachment should remain even in the things related to the body and no attachment should be there in the relatives of the body of the 63 births. You have to go beyond the stage of sound. What? The stage of remembrance should be such that there should be no need of sound. It should not be that you keep playing songs till the end. You can remember only when you keep playing the ‘tun, tun’ record. Then, it will not be called an incorporeal stage. Incorporeal stage means beyond the stage of sound. There is no need to take the support of sound too. Beyond the stage of listening and narrating. What? When the stage becomes like this and whosoever attains such a stage, will they need mobiles and phones? They will not. Now they are progressing by taking the support of materials (saadhan). What? Now they are weak. They are not firm in the soul conscious stage. Some experience that whatever thought they created, the other person also created the same thought. Whatever thought was emerging in my mind, Baba said the same. Sometimes they experience. They do not experience always.

So, the Father says, now you have to go your abode (dhaam). Just as they play the part in that (wordly) drama and then return home. Similarly, you too will complete the part of shooting of 63 births and return home. This is a matter in unlimited sense. You had come bodiless; then you played a part after coming here. Then you have to become bodiless again and return (home). Nobody except you knows The Knowledge of going to muktidhaam (abode of liberation) and then coming into a stage of jeevanmukti (liberation from vices and sorrows while being alive). Omshanti.A small class dated 22nd February, 1968. The newest thing is that we children are establishing the Golden Age on Shrimat. What? Just as people used to say about Gandhiji, that we will establish Ramrajya (kingdom of Ram) by following the opinion of Gandhi. But was Gandhiji the highest on high? Is there nobody greater than Gandhiji in the world? Is there anyone or not? There is. Whom did Gandhiji remember? Arey, did he remember someone who was greater than him or was Gandhiji himself the best/elevated? Whom did Gandhiji remember ? He used to remember Ram. Raghupati Raaghav Raja Ram. Patit paavan Sita Ram (A praise in the name of lord Ram.). So, will Ram himself bring the kingdom of Ram (Ram Rajya) or will the kingdom of Ram get established on the opinion of Gandhiji? Ram alone can bring about the kingdom of Ram. Ram himself will /build the temple of Ram. Nobody else can build Ram’s house. Will Ram’s house be in the kingdom of Ram or in the kingdom of Ravan? It will be in the kingdom of Ram.

So, it should fit firmly in the intellect, that we are not establishing Ram Rajya. What? We are not establishing Ram Rajya on the opinion of Brahma. If Brahma was the highest on high, then he would have been worshipped in temples, his idols would have been sculpted, temples would have been built for him, but it is not the case. It proves that the one, whose idols are being found in maximum numbers, whose temples are being found in maximum numbers, and who is worshipped more than anyone else in the world, is the form of God. Who is that? A Shivling. The ling-shaped idols have been found in maximum numbers in the world. Ling-shaped does not mean that he did not have arms and legs. What? He did have arms and legs. In spite of having arms and legs he had achieved such a stage in the remembrance of the Father that he became equal to the Father. He achieved the incorporeal stage, whose memorial is shown in the form of a Shivling. As regards a Shivling, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Father is not so big. How big is He? He is also a point of light.

The Father of the point-like souls is a point of light, but the one whom He enters and after entering performs the most elevated task, a task so elevated that nobody, except him, can perform in the world. Which is the elevated task that no religious Father in the world can do? Only the highest on high Father himself performs that task and goes back. What? The task of transforming the hell into the heaven, the task of purifying the sinful ones. He purifies the entire sinful world and goes back and he does not do it alone. Does He do it alone? (Someone said something) No. Akela chanaa kabhi bhaad nahee fod saktaa (someone cannot accomplish a big task alone.). What? This world is a bhaad (hell). What? It is a very big hell. Hell means bhaad. To end this world is not the task of just one. For that, the Father’s children are required. The Father is a soul. Then, what kind of children should be are required? Should they be body conscious or should they be souls? They should be soul-like children.

What is the difference between a soul and the Supreme Soul? Souls pass through The Cycle of birth and death and the Supreme Father does not enter The Cycle of birth and death. All souls are bhokta (those who experience pleasures and sorrow through bodily organs). Some are less bhogi and some are more bhogi. No soul, no religious guru, no religious Father can say, I am abhokta. Can anyone say? One cannot say at all. All souls are bhogi and abhokta is only one. Only one soul is abhokta and that abhokta enters the (body of the) most bhogi soul in this world. What is the matter? Does He enter the most sinful one or does He enter a less sinful one? He enters the most sinful human being in the world. The one who becomes the most sinful one at the end of the Iron Age becomes the purest one at the beginning of the Golden Age
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.809, Audio Cassette No.1295, dated 16.11.07, at TPgudem mini-Madhubans

Clarification of Murli dated 21.02.68+22.2.68


... So, when that Supreme Soul comes in this world, does He come with hatred in His mind for the sinful ones? Does He come with hatred in His mind for the sinful ones? No. He does not hate the sinful ones. He embraces the sinful ones. Whom does He hate? He does not hate the lustful ones (kaami), He does not hate the angry ones (krodhi), He does not hate those who have greed or attachment; He hates the egotists; and what kind of a hatred (ghrina) is it ? (Someone said – Ravan) No. Nobody can understand the inner and outer love. What? The Father posseses inner love, not outer love. Look at the picture of The Tree. The last root on the left side, which is the root of atheist religion, is it located nearest or farthest? It is the nearest . So, for the sake of showing it may be the nearest but internally it is the farthest . The purpose with which the Father comes in this world, He comes to give the kingship by teaching Rajyog. people belonging to the atheist religion are not fortunate enough to obtain that kingship. So, the lustful ones get preference.

Which is the most lustful religion among all the vidharmis (souls belonging to religions other than deity religion) in the world ? The Islam religion. And who has ruled for the maximum time [/longest period] in the hellish world? The Islam religion has ruled. So, it is a wonderful thing. No other religion has ruled for such a long period. Does God come to establish purity or does He come to make (us) impure? He certainly comes to make (us) pure, but He does not hate the impure ones. He even says, Childre (Someone said something) No. A lustful one is called a sinful one (but) the one who is angry is not called a sinful one. It means that, does He come to purify the angry ones or to purify the lustful ones, who are sinful, most lustful, most sinful ? He comes to purify the lustful ones, who are called the sinful ones. Then someone may say , ‘This is a very good thing. The Father does not hate the sinful ones. So, let us become more sinful.’ No. God (the) Father comes and gives us an aim. What is the aim that He gives? To be transformed from a man to Narayan.

A sinful one is called Nar (man) and a pure one is called Narayan. So, the one who aims to become Narayan, when he has an aim, what kind of characteristics /signs (lakshan) will be seen in him? Will he show the signs of becoming pure or will he show the signs of becoming sinful? He will show the signs of becoming pure. If he has not set a goal, then the signs cannot be seen. After entering the path of knowledge, after recognizing the Father, the sooner someone sets the goal that we have to become like Narayan from a man , the sooner he becomes elevated because of achieving the goal. The glory is of the aim . If someone does not have any goal, he will not show any sign. If he sets a goal, then the signs would begin to become visible. That is why it has been said , the Children are following the Shrimat according to the drama plan and like in the previous cycle (Kalpa). Whose Shrimat? They are imbibing the opinion of the highest on high by recognizing the one, who is the highest on high actor.

[It is in the intellect of the children] , ‘how will the new world be?’ In the Golden Age there will be the only one Aadi Sanaatan Devi Devataa Dharma (Ancient deity religion). No other religion will be there. The Brahmins know this very well. What? (They know) that in the new world, everyone will follow the inculcation of one (dhaarnaa). Everyone will follow the inculcation of the one King. Suppose, the one who transforms from a man to Narayan or the one, who transforms from Prince to Narayan in the Golden Age, whatever inculcation he has…. what is the special inculcation of the deities? What is the special inculcation of the deities in heaven that is not present in the human beings in hell?

(Someone said – purity) What kind of purity? (Someone said – One Father and none else) Yes, Krishna will exchange glances only with Radha and Radha will exchange glances only with Krishna , that is called Maryadas Purushottam (one who is highest among all human beings in following the code of conduct). All the deities will be Maryadas Purushottam. Whom will they follow? As the king so shall be the subjects. Whom will they follow? Everyone will follow only their king Narayan . The inculcation of Narayan in being Maryadas Purushottam will be visible in every subject. Nobody will follow in an opposite manner. The Brahmins know that very well.

The Father has explained, there will be a new kingdom in the new world. What? [The kingdom as well as the king will be new] . No king will be there from this old world. The old world itself will not exist. This good news should be given to everyone. We are establishing this kingdom once again. Baba had said, take out Prabhaat Feri (groups going around an area in the morning to spread Godly message). Congratulate everyone. The Supreme Father ShivBaba is establishing this kingdom once again. You should explain in a nutshell that there was a kingdom of pure deities. Now those pure deities do not exist. But, only their pictures are available. Where are they found ? From where were those pictures collected? Those pictures were collected from the caves of Ajanta, Ellore, Elephanta, where the painters and the artists had painted the pictures 2000 years ago. Then scriptures were prepared on the basis of those pictures and on the basis of the scriptures those pictures spread in the entire world. Now the unlimited Father says, obtain your lost kingdom. It is good news for you and it is certainly an easy Rajyog .

You obtain the inheritance of heaven from the Father. What? You obtain the inheritance of heaven from the unlimited Father and which inheritance have you been obtaining from the limited Father for 63 births? You have been obtaining the inheritance of hell. People celebrate Shivjayanti . Father Shiv comes in the Confluence Age itself. What? He does not come just in the Confluence Age. In which Age does He come? He comes in the Purushottam Sangamyug (elevated/auspicious Confluence Age). What should one remember? One should not remember just the Confluence Age (Sangamyug). Along with (remembering) the Sangamyug one should also remember the one who is the most elevated among the souls (purushon may uttam), the one who is the highest actor.

The the most elevated souls were the deities themselves, whose pictures are available. Magnificient temples of those deities have been built in India. Which are the magnificient temples? The magnificient temples of Lakshmi and Narayan have been built. They have not at all been defamed in the scriptures . Among the 33 crore deities, everyone has been defamed. What? There was some defect in every deity and on the basis of that defect they have been defamed. For example, it is said for Krishna, the dark Krishna. So, he might have performed some dark action, or didn’t he ? Arey, Krishna might have performed some dark action or not? He must have performed a dark action, therefore, Krishna is shown to be dark. Then Krishna is shown to be fair as well. It means that when the darkness ended he became fair, but Narayan is always shown to be fair. Narayan is not shown to be dark. Narayan has not been defamed at all. So, He makes you that kind of deities, nishkalank (stainless), one who doesn’t have any stigma .

Now it is the kingdom of Ravan. What? It is not the kingdom of Narayan. It is the kingdom of Ravan, that is to say someone who makes others cry. It is not the kingdom of Narayan. What kind of Narayan? The one whose house is in water, i.e. the water of knowledge. [Does knowledge give happiness or does it give sorrow]? Will the one who is a resident of the knowledge-like water, always give happiness to everyone or will he also give sorrows? There are many such narrators of knowledge in the basic (knowledge) as well as in the advance(knowledge), they bring sorrow by narrating the basic knowledge as well as the Advanced Knowledge. So, is theirs knowledge or is it ignorance? That knowledge which cannot give happiness to others is not knowledge. The Knowledge of God; is God called a giver of happiness (sukhdata) or a giver of sorrows (dukhdata)? He is called a giver of happiness. When we give the others, the things given by the giver of happiness then what should the others experience? They should experience only happiness.

So, now the kingdom of Ravan is going to end. The divine kingdom is going to be hailed. What? What will be hailed? The divine kingdom will be hailed and the kingdom of Ravan will be condemned. This is a good thing, isn’t it? Even Gandhi used to say so. What did he say? There should be the kingdom of Ram. So, now it is being established.

We are explaining with the help of big-big pictures. Only those who understand will obtain the kingship. The same Mahabharata war of the Gita episode is staring at us. Initially there was a kingdom of pure deities in the world. God of the Gita had come and had transformed man into Narayan and now what is He making again? He is transforming a man into a Narayan-like deity. Even if we do not become Narayan, we will become yatha Raja Narayan tatha praja (i.e. as the king Narayan, so shall be the subjects). There is numberwise praja as well. Are there numberwise royal officers of Narayan or is everyone equal? The royal officers are numberwise. The kingdom is established numberwise. So, this kingdom is being established through Rajyog. Those who make effort will achieve (that). OK, Omshanti.

Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.819, Audio Cass. No.1305, dated 25.11.07, at Tamaspura, Jhajjar, Haryana

Clarification of Murli dated 24.02.68


Omshanti. Today the Vani dated 24.02.68 was being narrated. In the middle of the third page the subject being discussed was – it is a topic to be understood that how Shivjayanti is celebrated. It is said, 70th Shivjayanti, isn’t it? So, someone asks that do you celebrate Shivjayanti of a point or of any corporeal form? Is the Jayanti, birthday of a corporeal form celebrated or of an incorporeal point? (The birthday of) a corporeal one is celebrated. Now when it is said, it has been 70 years since the birth of Shiva, so was Shiv born 70 years ago? Then, on what basis is it said 70th Shivjayanti? They imitate the people of the path of worship and say like this. Nobody knows the truth at all. Why don’t they know the truth? It is because if they know the truth, they will tell firmly that Shiv took birth 70 years ago, but they cannot tell. Why can’t they tell? Taking birth means being revealed. For example, when a baby is in the womb, it is incognito. It is revealed later on. It is revealed in front of the family members; (then) it is revealed in front of the people of the village, (then) it is revealed in front of the people of the district. Everyone comes to know. That is called taking birth, being revealed.

Well, in 1936, did Brahma Baba have visions or did (Shiv) enter him? He had visions. Even Mira had visions; Tulsidas too had visions; Surdas too had visions. Did He take birth through them? Shiv did not take birth (through them). Having visions is a different issue and taking birth, being revealed is a different issue. First of all a seed is sown. When the seed is sown, the foetus (garbhpind) gets ready. It does not contain a soul. Similarly when visions were experienced (by Brahma) in 1936, at that time the seed of knowledge was sown in the intellect of Brahma that you are the soul of Krishna; you have to play a part in the form of Brahma; the new world is going to arrive; the old world is going to end. Nonetheless Shiv was not revealed in the body of Brahma nor did it become firm to him that I am Brahma. Otherwise, it should have been Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya since 1936-37.

Was the name Brahmakumari vidyalaya coined from 1936 or did it strike the intellect after 1947 that the name should not be Om Mandali? What should it be? It should be Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. Brahma developed faith on his form from 1947. Why? Why did it not develop earlier? It did not develop earlier because the Supreme Soul Shiv had not entered Brahma at all. He entered his partner to give clarifications of the visions The partner, for whom it is mentioned in the Murli that there were such children, who used to enable even Mama and Baba to perform the drill (of remembrance) and used to take the seat of a teacher . Baba, ShivBaba used to enter them. So, in the beginning of the Yagya Shiv entered Prajapita but He just sowed the seed of knowledge. Through that seed the Brahma-like foetus became ready and he received the title ‘Brahma’. When the people of that institution reached Delhi, the name ‘Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya’ was revealed.

After 10-15 years Shiv revealed the name once again, through the mouth of Brahma itself, that this name ‘Brahmakumari Vidyalaya’ is wrong. What should be the name? Prajapita Brahmakumari Vidyalaya, but nobody understood it. They indeed gave the name Prajapita Brahmakumari to the Vidyalaya [instituition), but nobody began to write their names and to cinsider themselves as Prajapita Brahmakumar-kumari because it occurred to nobody’s intellect that Prajapita and Brahma are separate. Whom did they consider Prajapita? They used to consider Brahma himself to be Prajapita. For example, a small child, considers its mother to be its Father. It considers its mother to be everything. For it, the mother is everything. It does not recognise the Father at all. Later on when he grows up, becomes clever, then he is explained that this is your Father. Similarly, as long as Brahma was alive nobody understood that our mother is different and our unlimited Father is different. They used to consider Brahma Baba to be the mother and Father and in 1976 when the year of Father’s revelation was celebrated, when the soul of the partner, who was present in the beginning, took rebirth and entered the Yagya once again, then slowly everyone came to know that he was the same Father who sowed the seed and the same Father has now come and is giving his introduction that I am the Father of this human world and I, the Father of the human world can be recognized only when that Supreme Soul enters and plays a part in the form of a Father.

So, in 1976, it was as if that soul entered Prajapita Brahma and made him a living soul. Earlier he was as if lifeless . For example, Muslims say – when a human being dies, when he leaves the body, he does not take rebirth. He enters the grave. What? He enters the grave (kabradhaakhil), he becomes a corpse (murdaa). The life does not remain in it. So, similarly, it was as if the entire world was dead. Someone may say , eh! so much knowledge was narrated through Brahma and was everyone dead? What is this? Arey, was (knowledge) narrated through Brahma, was it heard, was it narrated or was it also understood? It was just heard and narrated. Nothing entered anyone’s intellect. As if the intellect remained inert. For example, when a foetus is about 4-5 months old in the womb, it has no life.

Similarly, everyone was like a corpse up until 1976. Nobody knew, who am I, a soul and who is the Father who gives the introduction of many births to me, a soul? When (the Father) entered in the form of a Father in 1976 then it was understood that how we souls take many births on this world-like stage stage and what is our part and to which group we souls belong , this begins to be known and everyone does not come to know. Who will come to know first of all? Will the one who might have taken complete 84 births come to know or will others come to know? Those who might have come first of all from the Soul World to this world come to know that I am a soul belonging to this particular clan. These are my roles on this stage. So, this is the second stage of the entry of a soul. Will the entry of the soul be said to be the birth? The child is 4-5 months old in the womb
......(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.819, Audio Cass. No.1305, dated 25.11.07, at Tamaspura, Jhajjar, Haryana

Clarification of Murli dated 24.02.68


....The Father gets revealed through the children. If he is the Father, then will He reveal Himself before the public and the world or will He reveal His children first? He reveals the children. So, the special children of the Father Shiv are just two: Ram and Krishna. Father Shiv cannot get revealed without child Ram, i.e. Shankar; and Shankar, who is the Father of the world, the human world, cannot reveal himself without the first leaf of this human world. So, which is the time, when the Father gets revealed, the Father’s birth is also famous and along with Him the child’s birth is also famous.

The Father’s birth and the child’s birth take place together. This is a wonderful issue. Why? It is because the Father is incorporeal one and the child is corporeal one and in the new world, will only a son take birth or will a daughter also take birth simultaneously? Twins are born. Who performs the shooting or starts the tradition of twins taking birth? Father Shiv starts it. He says – I do not get revealed alone on this world–like stage. The hero and heroine of this world-like stage are Ram and Krishna. When these two children get revealed then I too get revealed.

So, the first (aadi) Brahma, who was present in 1936, in the stage of retirement at the age of 60; that 60 years old Prajapita Brahma becomes 100 years old in 1976; and in 1976 hundred years are completed. So, the age of Brahma in the abode of death (mrityulok) ends . Which abode begins for him? The abode of immortality (amarlok) begins. It does not begin for the entire world. For whom does it begin? It begins for the first Brahma, i.e. the seed-form soul. The entire tree is contained in the seed; that is why it has been said, the establishment of the new world and the destruction of the old world take place in 1976. It means that this entire matter was spoken for one seed-form soul. It was neither spoken for the people of the entire world nor did the entire world understand it.

Even otherwise it is said, the world was created through the thoughts of Brahma. So, there must be someone through whose thoughts the creation of the world began. He is the first human being of the world, having entered whom the Supreme Soul Shiv gives the clear knowledge of the entire tree, that how the new world is going to come; how the old world is going to end and what, when and how is the part of the special souls of this world. He comes and he tells about Himself too that nobody except me can tell what I am, how I am, and in what form I come and play the part of Supreme Soul in this world.

100 years of the first Brahma were completed in 1976. When hundred years of the first Brahma were completed, the abode of death ended (for him). The abode of immortality (amarlok) began for him. Beginning of amarlok is also implied in an unlimited sense that – once that soul developed the faith, i.e. once he became the child of the Father, then it will never lose faith. All other souls pass through The Cycle of faith and faithlessness. Until when will they keep on passing through it? They will keep on passing through it until the first leaf of this world develops unshakeable faith. So, who is the first leaf? Brahma, the soul of Krishna .

Is that Brahma, the soul of Krishna, number one Brahma or number two Brahma? In whichever body I enter, I name it ‘Brahma’. So, Brahma Baba became aware in 1947 that I am Brahma, but he did not realize that who the creator, i.e. the Father of Brahma is. It has been asked in the Murli – Who is Brahma’s Father? But nobody gave an answer. Brahma himself did not know, but it is clear from the Murlis, that there was a Father who taught even Brahma, who gave him the clarification of the visions. So, that first Brahma is the Father and Brahma is the first leaf of the world. Until the first leaf becomes perfect, until he realizes his form completely, until he realizes the truth, the human souls of the entire world cannot develop faith.

So, when did the second Brahma complete hundred years? 60 years till 1947 and 40 years are added to that, then it comes to 1987-88. The abode of death ended for Brahma in 1987-88 and the abode of immortality began. That has been shown in the scriptures as – the soul of Krishna is sitting on a leaf of peepal (fig tree) very comfortably in the palace-like womb licking the thumb of its soul consciousness. That was the beginning of the abode of immortality. For whom? For the second Brahma. After that it takes another 50 years for that Brahma to become a complete Brahmin. Why? It is because – does the Brahmin take two births or one birth? He takes two births. One birth is when he comes out of the womb of knowledge. So, 10 years were added to 1987-88.

It is said that Krishna came in the Copper Age. So, did he come in the Copper Age or during the Copper-Aged shooting? He came in the Copper-Aged shooting. It means that the first birth of Krishna took place in 1998 and the one who takes the first birth is not considered to be a firm Brahmin. When is someone considered to be a firm Brahmin? It is when he takes the second birth; which second birth? When he wears the holy thread (yagyopavit). What happens in yagyopavit? Three threads: Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar and what is their activity, who are they, how do they play their parts? Brahma’s soul does not develop firm faith. It develops firm faith when 50 years are added in 1987 because it has been said in the Murli that – there is also some such a soul , whose 50 years will become less from The Cycle. So, for whom was the indication ? The indication was for Brahma.

Prajapita’s 50 years do not become less . His part is an allround part. That is the part of the Father. He is called – Amarnath (Lord of immortality). He neither dies nor takes birth. He is the Father, but it does not fit into the intellect of the child, that actually who the God of the Gita is? Who is the child? Krishna – Brahma. It takes a long time for that issue to fit into his intellect. That is why it has been said that – everybody’s intellect becomes sinful when ‘one’ becomes sinful and everyone’s intellect becomes pure when ‘one’ becomes pure. So, when the first leaf of the Golden Age becomes pure, then everybody’s intellect becomes pure and when that one first leaf becomes sinful then everybody’s intellect becomes sinful
...(to be continued).
Note: The words in italics are words in Hindi. The words in Brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.819, Audio Cass. No.1305, dated 25.11.07, at Tamaspura, Jhajjar, Haryana

Clarification of Murli dated 24.02.68


... So, when does Brahma’s intellect become pure? (It becomes pure) when the abode of immortality (amarlok) begins for him, but he is an incomplete Brahmin. An incomplete Brahmin can also become perfect when 50 years are added to the point of time when he left his body. In which year did he leave the body? In 1968-69. 50 years are added to 1968-69. Then, it comes to which year ? 2018. Year 2018 comes. The soul of Brahma becomes perfect i.e. a complete Brahmin in 2018 . Then the Father will also be revealed. Then it will be said, year 01.01.01, the beginning of a new Kalpa (cycle). After 2018 when the Father gets revealed along with the child. The Father’s birth is the child’s birth. What does the birth mean? The revelation. The Confluence-Aged Krishna as well as the Father are revealed.

How many are the unlimited Fathers? Two. One is the Father of the point souls and what about the second one? The Father of the human world. So, the Father of the point souls, i.e. the point of light Shiv is also revealed in front of the world, who is called God the Father, Bhagwaan; and the appointed Chariot through which He is revealed in the world; the one, to whom the world says that He is omnipresent. What? It calls Him omnipresent and what does the Father say when he comes? I am not omnipresent (sarvavyaapi). I am present only in one (ekvyaapi). So, the one through whom I am revealed, that one Father of the human world is also revealed as Aadam, Adam, Aadidev, Aadinath. He is accepted/recognised by all the religions. So, the entire world accepts him, knows him; this one is the first Father of the world in a corporeal form and this one is the Father of the incorporeal souls and this one is the first leaf of the world. Who? The soul of Brahma. So, the first leaf, the one who takes birth as a leaf; when does he take the birth as the corporeal leaf? In 2036. The Father is bound to be revealed in 2018.

The revelation of the Father itself is the real Shivjayanti. The Shivjayanti that is celebrated now is wrong. Nobody even asks, that when was Shiv born? If it is said to be in 1936, then the visions were experienced in 1936. He did not even enter. He gave the clarification; so it was as if the seed of The Knowledge was sown. When Shiv comes, what does He do after coming? He opens the lock of everybody’s intellect and He comes in the form of Father. Has God been considered to have a female form or has He been considered to have a male form in India? God has been considered to have a male form. The entire sinful world is purified by God. If someone is purified through a woman, and if that woman applies the colour of her company to each and everyone, then the woman will experience dowfall herself. Why? It is because men are less influenced by the color of the company and the virgins and mothers are more influenced. That is why in India , do people make more effort to save the virgins and the mothers from the colour of company or do they make more effort to save the boys from the colour of company? They make more effort to save the virgins and the mothers.

So, the year ‘36 happens to be the year of the Father’s birth. Well the 70th, 71st and 40th, 42nd birthday that that they are celebrating now is ostentation (aadambar) of the path of worship. These are the matters to be understood that how we celebrate Shivjayanti and how ShivBaba comes and brings the true salvation (sadgati). Does He bring the sadgati only by narrating The Knowledge? Is sadgati brought just by narrating The Knowledge? Does it happen just by listening and narrating? No. One has to listen as well as narrate The Knowledge; then one has to understand as well as explain (knowledge) and just this much will not do. Listening and narrating took place through the form of Brahma. Understanding and explaining took place through the form of Shankar in the form of teacher. Understanding and explaining is a subject of the third eye, it is a subject of the intellect and through Vishnu the practical takes place. If someone listens to The Knowledge completely, understands it as well, then will the task be accomplished? One should listen, understand and then accomplish the task in practicali.e imbibe The Knowledge in practical life.

So, these three deities are famous. Brahma (who lays) the foundation of listening and narrating, Vishnu (who lays) the foundation of doing in practical, and Shankar (who lays) the foundation of understanding and explaining. That is why it is said , Trimurti Shiv. Not one murty, but Trimurti Shiv. Murty means moortmaan. Moortmaan means corporeal , the one who has a form (moorat). What does amoort mean? One who does not have a form. So, Shiv is revealed through the three murtys. Even in 1936, when the seed was sown, there were the three murtys, but nobody knew or recognized. Even Brahma Baba did not know as to who the Father was who sowed the seed. no Brahmakumar-kumari came to know either.

Are the three murtys revealed together or are they revealed numberwise? They are revealed numberwise. The part through Brahma, through Shankar and through Vishnu is not played or started simultaneously. There are numbers; there is an account. First He comes in front of the children in the form of the mother so that He can give sustenance and birth to the children lovingly. Then He teaches in the form of the teacher and in the end, the practical task is accomplished in the form of Vishnu. So, when do these three murtys become perfect? In 2018. Then the revelation of Trimurti Shiv takes place. Then it will be said Shivjayanti, Era 01.01.01.

ShivBaba is the one who establishes heaven. He is called the Heavenly God Father. Now, if we think that Shiv took birth and we became the real children of ShivBaba, then should we be in heaven or in hell? (Many said, In heaven) Are we in heaven? If we are the children of the Heavenly God Father, then should we be in heaven or in hell? We should be in heaven itself. If someone is a child of a millionaire, billionaire, then will he have to beg for every paisa? No. It means that even now we have not become the real children of the Heavenly God Father. If we had become then as soon as a child takes birth then he becomes entitled to the inheritance as well. If a child takes birth in a household, then does he become entitled to the Father’s property or not? He becomes entitled, but here they call themselves to be the children of the Heavenly God Father, but do they experience sorrow or do they not? (Someone said – they do) They do. Nobody experiences himself to be in heaven. It means that the new world will begin from Era 01.01 and the numberwise children will become entitled to go there
...( to be continued).
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.819, Audio Cass. No.1305, dated 25.11.07, at Tamaspura, Jhajjar, Haryana

Clarification of Murli dated 24.02.68


... The Father Himself says, I teach you Rajyog. What? Neither Brahma nor Vishnu teaches Rajyog. I teach you Rajyog in the form of the Father. I make you the Master of the world and the Father is the Creator of heaven. What? He is not the creator of hell. What do all the other religious fathers create? When they come to this world, do they come in a joyful world or do they come in a sorrowful world? Whichever soul comes ( to this world) initially experiences only happiness . It cannot experience sorrow. They come in a world of happiness and when they go, it becomes a world of sorrows. It means that all the religious fathers transform the world of happiness into hell and go. And Shiv transforms this world into heaven and goes.

I am the creator of heaven; so, I will make you the master of heaven only, won’t I ? We tell you the biography of the one who is the creator of heaven. Come and understand, how He establishes heaven, how He teaches Rajyog. The children cannot explain like the Father. Will the explanation of the children and the explanation of the Father be alike[same] or will there be any difference? Arey, there will be difference of the land and the sky (i.e. a world of difference). Someone who explains very nicely is required. in this knowledge. The celebrations at a temple of Shiv must be very nice. So, one should sit there and explain. If you sit in a temple of Lakshmi-Narayan and narrate the biography of Shiv, then nobody will like it. They will not even think about it. Then it will have to be fitted into their intellect nicely......Many [people] come to temple of Lakshmi-Narayan. You can explain to them about Lakshmi-Narayan, Radhey-Krishna. Their temples should not be separate. Whose? Lakshmi-Narayan’s temple (mandir); and Krishna’s temple should not be separate. Why? Temple means a house. A child’s house should be at the same place as the Father’s house. So, whose child is child Krishna? Narayan’s child. So, temple of Narayan should be the temple of Krishna. On the occasion of Krishna’s birthday (Krishnajayanti), people go to Krishna’s temple and celebrate it. When they celebrate Krishnajayanti, then to whose temple do they go? Do they go to a temple of Lakshmi-Narayan or to a temple of Krishna? Where do they go? They go to a temple of Krishna. Go there and tell them – now, we will tell you the story of his 84 births.

Why is it praised that Krishna himself is the fair one and Krishna himself is the dark one? It does not happen like this that someone is fair in childhood and becomes dark after growing up. Or that someone is dark in childhood and becomes fair after growing up. If a child is born dark, then he will remain just dark and if a child is born fair then he will remain just fair . Here Krishna is called Shyam (the dark one) and Sundar (the fair one). And what will the Brahmakumaris explain? (They will explain that) - In 1968, the soul of Krishna, i.e.Krishna alias Brahma was dark and when he takes birth in the Golden Age he would be fair. That is why he is Shyamsundar. Arey, is Shyamsundar the name of one person or the name of two personalities? Shyamsundar is the name of one person. It is not the name of two bodies. Is Shyamsundar the name of two bodies or one body? It is the name of just one body . So (in case of Brahma Baba) that is not just one body. In 1968, he was dark and when he takes birth in the new world, the body will change; then he will be fair. So, this is not something reasonable. This Shyamsundar cannot be his name. Then whose name could it be?

The same soul of Krishna, after leaving the body, enters another Brahmin child. He enters him and makes progress in his study which had remained incomplete and from the level of listening and narrating he reaches upto the level of understanding and explaining. He obtains complete knowledge of the teacher from the Supreme Teacher and after obtaining The Knowledge, he realizes his form, that I am a creation, the first leaf of the world tree and the one who gives birth to me is the one who transforms from a man to Narayan. So, now it fits into your intellect that dark and fair is not said for the Golden Aged Krishna; Shyam sundar is not said for Brahma either. For whom is it said? It is said for the the Confluence-Aged Krishna – Shyam and sundar. First he becomes dark and then fair through the same body .It is even said – a village boy (gaanvdey ka chora). Was Brahma Baba born in a village or in Sindh Hyderabad? (Someone said – in Sindh Hyderabad) So, was Sindh Hyderabad a village? It was not a village at all. So, the one for whom it is said – a village boy; he should belong to a village itself . It is sung in the songs – Chora Ganga kinaareyvala (the lad/boy from the banks of (river) Ganga) Arey, he must be taking cows and goats for grazing in the village. This one has drunk the milk of goats, hasn’t he ? Who? This one (isnay). Towards whom was the attention drawn by telling ‘this one’? Towards Brahma Baba. This one has drunk the milk of goats. So, certainly this one must have taken the goats for grazing. About which period is it? Arey, he had done like this in the previous cycle as well. The soul of Krishna took the goats for grazing. What? He did not take the cows for grazing.

Baba says in the Murli – Gandhiji wished for the kingdom of Ram (Ramrajya); but he could not establish the kingdom of Ram. Could he establish the kingdom of Ram or did he depart midway ? He departed midway . What was established instead of the kingdom of Ram? Moreover, the kingdom of Ravan was established . So, that was Gandhi in limited sense and this Brahma is Gandhi in an unlimited sense. Even this one used to desire – heaven will come; the kingdom of Ram will come; we will bring the kingdom of Ram, but Ramrajya was not established. Moreover, it became the kingdom of Ravan. Even that Gandhi used to take care of [sustain] goats and even this Gandhi takes care of [sustain] the goats who say ‘I, I, I’ (mai, mai, mai).

What does a goat do? Mai (I). they mean to say that although Brahma Baba was God of the Gita, he did not establish heaven. Who will establish heaven? I (mai). Organize megaprogrammes; get big posters printed in the megaprogrammes and add the picture of Trimurti i.e. of the three Dadis in that. One in the form of Brahma, second in the form of Vishnu and the third one on the top; who? The goat. That goat says, I am God in the form of Shankar. I am the one who establishes the new world. So, who sustained such a goat? Krishna took care, but which Krishna? Did Krishna, God of the Gita who is the Confluence-Aged Krishna take care? Or did that Krishna take care, whose false name was inserted in the form of God? The false name was inserted
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

Re: Extracts of PBK Murlis - as narrated to the PBKs

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2008
by arjun
Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.819, Audio Cass. No.1305, dated 25.11.07, at Tamaspura, Jhajjar, Haryana

Clarification of Murli dated 24.02.68


... God of the Gita is not the one whom those, with basic knowledge (i.e. the BKs), consider to be. God of the Gita is the incorporeal one, not a bodily being (dehdhaari). He, whose intellect is focused on the body (deh) is called a bodily being (dehdhaari). He, whose intellect is detached from the body, is called the incorporeal one (niraakaari). The intellect should become detached (upraam) from the body and bodily relationships, from the things related to the body.

If Baba visits Sindh, he can even locate the place where he used to take the goats for grazing. What? He has drunk goat’s milk. This one (he) must have taken goats for grazing. If Baba goes to Sindh, he can locate the place – we used to live here. His child is now an SP (Superintendent of Police). I feel this. I was a village lad. I did not have proper shoes; I used to run around. I used to sell 10-11 man grains. One man grains, i.e. 40 kilograms of grains used to cost 10-11 Annas (a unit of currency in India in the past, which is equal to about 6¼ Paise. Hundred Paise make one Rupee).

Now I have become aware, that the Father has come and entered. So, everyone should receive this objective of the Father: what does the Father do when he comes? He transforms a village lad into the master of the world. He is the bestower of true salvation (sadgati daataa) upon everyone. You can tell the biography (jeevan kahani) of Ramchandra too. When did his rule begin? How many years have passed? Such thoughts should occur (to you). You will have to narrate the biography of Shiv in a temple of Shiv. You will have to sing the glory of Ram in the temple of Ram. How and when did he get the kingship? You are now making effort to achieve the position of deities. What? You are not making effort to become Ram and Sita. Why are you making effort? You are making effort to become deities; and what effort did Ram make? Was Ram a deity or a Kshatriya (a warrior)? Ram was a Kshatriya? Is a Kshatriya superior or a deity superior? Deities exist in the Golden Age and Kshatriyas exist in the Silver Age. So, Ram achieved the position of a Kshatriya; when did he make effort for that? (Someone said – In the beginning) Yes, in the beginning of the Confluence Age, he failed in the effort that he made; so he became a Kshatriya.

Now you establish the deity religion. You do not establish the Kshatriya religion. Ours is the Aadi Sanaatan Devi-Devataa Dharma (Ancient Deity religion). Even if we do not use the word ‘Hinduism’, nobody will become angry. Tell (them), we were precisely the worshippers of deities. What? Fourth page of the Vani dated 24th February, 1968. So, the one, whose worshippers we were; we belong to the same religion, don’t we? The Christians hang a picture and worship whom? They worship Christ; so they belong to Christianity, don’t they? Whom do the Muslims believe? They believe in Mohammad; so they are said to belong to Muslim religion. Whom do the Buddhists accept? They consider Mahatma Buddha to be God. They hang his picture; so they belong to Buddhism. Certainly we have forgotten that we belonged to the Ancient Deity religion.

You can tell anyone, we belong to the Ancient Deity religion and we were pure. Then nobody will say anything. Nobody has established Hinduism. The name Hinduism (Hindu dharma) has been coined, but they cannot say when it was established and by whom. Hinduism is not a religion – if you directly say like this, they will become angry. They think that these are people following some Sai(Baba) etc. Tell them, we belong to the Ancient Deity religion, which you have named as Hinduism now-a-days, but we in fact worship deities. We also praise the deities. Do the people belonging to other religions worship deities? Do they believe in them? No. They believe in angels and we believe in deities. Deities have their own body; their idols are prepared. And angels do not have their own body at all. So, the people belonging to other religions are the worshippers of ghosts and devils and we are the worshippers of deities. So, we belong to the deity religion, don’t we?

Shiv Himself established the ancient deity religion. Shiv Himself comes and transforms a man into Narayan and a woman into a deity like Lakshmi. Then indeed, Lakshmi and Narayan are praised so much in the scriptures. People say that in the beginning of the Golden Age, there was the kingdom of Narayan. They even sing at the time of kirtan (group singing of hymns to a deity) – Hey Krishna Narayan Vasudev. You assimilate such ideas into the heart and also enable others to assimilate them. Then, you can go to a temple and explain – we praise the deities and we can tell you the life-stories of all the deities. What? It is not so that we narrate the lifestory of Narayan alone. In the path of worship, they sit and narrate only the story of Satya Narayan (true Narayan) but they do not explain the biography. Do they? When they narrate the story of the true Narayan, do they tell his biography? No. It is the same Lakad-hara (woodman/vendor of wood), Lakadbaghha (a carnivorous beast a little larger than a wolf). They don’t tell anything more. But we can narrate the life-story of the true Narayan. We can narrate the life-story of Lakshmi as well as Jagdamba. You can go to a temple and explain – we praise the deities. We can tell you about Ram too. All the bodily beings (dehdhaari) certainly take rebirth.

Give the complete introduction of the Father, and then The Knowledge of God being omnipresent (sarvavyaapi) will vanish from the intellect. If someone does not give the complete introduction, then The Knowledge of God being omnipresent also does not vanish from the intellect. The introduction should be made to fit into the intellect completely, that the Father comes in just one (ekvyaapi). In the form of the Father, He does not enter anyone else at all. He does enter (others) in the form of the mother, but the Father does not come in anyone else in the form of God the Father
...(to be continued)
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.