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PostPosted: 26 Apr 2007
by shivsena
button slammer wrote: I remember the old Sakar Murli point 'a man thought he was a buffalo and could not walk through the door' In the same if way you consider the child Krisna to be confusing you, you will remain confused. I consider ShivBaba to be teaching and remain clear.

Dear slammer Bhai.
That is perfectly alright with me if you consider ShivBaba teaching, because that is what the BKs also think (that ShivBaba is teaching them through Brahma and Dadi Gulzar) and you know what their fate is (they will only become ordinary praja 9,00,000). So, those who are satisfied with thinking that ShivBaba is teaching through Virendra Dev Dixit will fall into a better category of being royal praja (16000), but they will certainly have no chance of coming in 108 (kings of many births) as their intellect also thinks like a common man (only kings think differently).

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2007
by andrey
Dear andrey Bhai. Practice before you preach.

I have made personal comments for you and beg you pardon.
why should the all-powerful teacher Shivbap allow these students Ram and Krishna to interfere in his clarification and to cause confusion amongst the PBKs? Or is it a delibrate act of Shivbap to create confusion amongst the PBKs, so that He can see who is accepting things blindly and who is trying to reason out things (in short, to make PBK numberwise)?

Dear Brother,

previously you used to say that it is the role of Krishna to create confusion now you say it is the role of Shivbap. Please say one thing, then see both cannot be true, because it is not Krishna soul's duty to make souls numberwise nor Shivbap's. We know we create our own destiny. He gives equally - we take numberwise.

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2007
by shivsena
andrey wrote:I have made personal comments for you and beg you pardon.

Dear Brother, previously you used to say that it is the role of Krishna to create confusion now you say it is the role of Shivbap. Please say one thing, then see both cannot be true, because it is not Krishna soul's duty to make souls numberwise nor Shivbap's. We know we create our own destiny. He gives equally - we take numberwise.

Dear andrey Bhai.
It is OK with me, let us forget the past and have a healthy discussion in future.

I have always maintained that it is Krishna who is using the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, while Shiv and Ram are just observers. Krishna has been given the task to seperate the BK praja, advance praja and the 108 souls. I mentioned the above quote for those who are still adamant in believing that, it is Shivbap who is controlling the body of Virendra Dev Dixit and IF it is Shivbap who is giving Advanced Knowledge, then who is doing the refining and changing, why is it that the Advance Party is splitting into 9 different groups, why is Shivbap not able to make unity amongst the PBKs? So, the query was for the PBKs. i still believe that it is Krishna who is heading the show in Advance Party.


PostPosted: 09 May 2007
by andrey
only kings think differently

We have always been told to have unity in thoughts in vibrations, he says we can perform powerful transformation if we have one and the same thought in 1 sec.

Nothing like this is said in the Murli, "that kings are declared on the basis of understanding of The Knowledge". No one declares or separates. It is said, "kings are those who have the controlling power over themselves". The more we are kings of ourselves here we become kings there.

In the Murli, it is never said that that the examination will be in The Knowledge. The final examination is said to be of "nashtomoha smritilabdha". Avyakt BapDada also jokes that what is this examination that we know the question and the answer (My Baba) in advance. We just don't know when will it come, but we know it will come suddenly so as far as we expect it will not come – it is said like this in the Murli.

In the Murli, it is never said that it is a code. "He comes for the uneducated mothers". They should also be able to understand and become kings. It is said, "the Gita" – song. It is called "a Murli" - flute. That's why first is the narrating of The Knowledge through Brahma. We listen and enjoy but don't find a lot of meaning – like in the song that we listen with the heart. That's why some say the Murli are like a fairy tale. Then, secondly, comes its explanation. Then we understand intellectually but again there is no difficulty. It is called "easy knowledge". Then is the stage of practically doing.