The PBK Party and 1997 events

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Post23 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: Omshanti. I do not know why you are trying to mislead the souls in spite of knowing very well that everyone is informed about Mama and Baba before signing the affidavit.

Dear arjun Bhai.
That will be known in the end, as to who is mis-leading whom; if you think that Advanced Knowledge is the final truth and if this turns out to be true in the end, then only you can accuse me of mis-leading the souls; but on the other hand, if Advanced Knowledge turns out to be behad ka bhakti-marg of the behad ka drama and not the absolute truth(as i most sincerely believe), then there is no prize for guessing as to who is mis-leading whom.

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Post23 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:you and I and most of the senior PBKs know that this in not the real truth; there is more to it, than what meets the eye ... This is what every PBKs wants to know internally but has no courage to ask.

I last met Mama in 1998. Even at that time, or before that, I was not living at that place where Mama used to live mostly. So, I do not know the exact turn of events before or after that. If you know, and if your conscience allows, you are free to do so instead of creating puzzles.

I don't believe in intruding into the private lives of people. If you feel that unlike other PBKs you have the courage to ask questions related to Mama's private life, you can ask Baba either through email or phone, or in any of the discussion classes. If he answers, and allows you to pass on the information to others, you can share it with others. Alternatively, if you too have any inhibitions in asking Baba directly, I can ask on your behalf.

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Post23 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:That will be known in the end, as to who is mis-leading whom; if you think that Advanced Knowledge is the final truth and if this turns out to be true in the end, then only you can accuse me of mis-leading the souls; but on the other hand, if Advanced Knowledge turns out to be behad ka Bhakti-marg of the behad ka drama and not the absolute truth(as I most sincerely believe), then there is no prize for guessing as to who is mis-leading whom.

I used the word 'misleading' only because the Q&A regarding Mama that I have quoted above was known to you when it was circulated many months ago to all the PBKs. You, like most other PBKs are also aware of the letter that was signed by Mama before leaving the Yagya and is said to be shown to prospective PBKs before the bhatti at Kampil. But instead of first sharing these facts, you preferred to level charges against Baba that facts are being hidden from PBKs.

I am not claiming that whatever I am writing here or believing is the absolute truth. We are all in the process of acquiring and churning knowledge. I am sharing here with others whatever knowledge I gained as a BK or PBK or as an individual.

Anyways, if your feelings have been hurt by my comments, I am sorry for it.

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Post23 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:Are you sure that all facts about Baba and Mama are revealed; or some are disclosed and some are hidden; mentioning the facts in this forum is not quite serving the purpose, as you very well know that, not even 1% of the PBKs have access to this forum and how many of Hindi speaking PBKs are aware that this site really exists.

I recently happened to watch a Discussion cd (probably Arakkonam, dtd 9.1.07) in which a PBK mother referred to some information/question raised on this forum, but she referred to the forum as

If you feel that some facts about Baba and Mama are being hidden from the PBKs, you are free to reveal them on this forum or bring out a publication for the benefit of all the souls.




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Post24 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:I last met Mama in 1998. Even at that time, or before that, I was not living at that place where Mama used to live mostly. So, I do not know the exact turn of events before or after that. If you know, and if your conscience allows, you are free to do so instead of creating puzzles.

Dear arjun Bhai.
If you do not know the truth then please do not point an accusing finger towards others. The whole puzzle of Godly knowledge has not been unravelled fully, even after 60-70 years, and you are again accusing me of creating puzzles. I am just trying to create an awareness among the aspiring truth seekers, that do not accept anything at face value. Things are a lot deeper than what BKs and PBK think and only a deep study of the Murlis, coupled with what is happening in the BK and PBK family, can lead one to the final truth.

arjun wrote:I don't believe in intruding into the private lives of people. If you feel that unlike other PBKs you have the courage to ask questions related to Mama's private life, you can ask Baba either through email or phone, or in any of the discussion classes. If he answers, and allows you to pass on the information to others, you can share it with others. Alternatively, if you too have any inhibitions in asking Baba directly, I can ask on your behalf.

No one (who has any self-respect) would like to intrude in the private life of others. But when the private actions of one key person affects the whole organisation, and raises many eyebrows, then i feel everyone concerned has the right to know what is going on. Even in lokik life, if the private life of the parents affects the whole family, then the children have every right to know about it.

There is no need for you to ask Baba on my behalf. I will ask him when the right time comes. (Truth knows no fear, it reveals itself when the right time comes).

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Post24 Mar 2007

Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Omshanti. Thanks for your reply and comments. You are free to present the truth in whichever way and at whichever time you wish or feel convenient. This forum belongs to you as much as to any other member. Nobody will stop you from airing your views. Since you are taking my comments to your heart, I will reply to your posts in this thread only after receiving comments/replies from Baba, if any, on the discussion that has taken place so far.

But along with the truth about Mama and Baba that you may present here (whenever that happens), I would also be interested to know that truth about ex-PBK Shri Dashrath Patel (i.e. his role in the events of 1997) that you have accepted that you know but do not wish to reveal. You have yourself written that "when the private actions of one key person affects the whole organisation and raises many eyebrows, then I feel everyone concerned has the right to know what is going on."




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Post24 Mar 2007

I would also be interested to know that truth about ex-PBK Shri Dashrath Patel (i.e. his role in the events of 1997) that you have accepted that you know but do not wish to reveal.

Dear Shivshena Bhai,
Me too, I would like to know about the events of 1997 about Dashrath Patel, if you know facts about him ... why cannot you tell us?



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Post24 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: Nobody will stop you from airing your views. Since you are taking my comments to your heart, I will reply to your posts in this thread only after receiving comments/replies from Baba, if any, on the discussion that has taken place so far.

Dear arjun Bhai.
I have not taken any comments to heart; i am least affected by what people say about my views; but i have every right to defend myself if someone accuses me of something which is not true; if you want to pass the buck to Baba and want to reply only after Baba's consent, then that is your problem; i cannot do anything about it.

arjun wrote:But along with the truth about Mama and Baba that you may present here (whenever that happens), I would also be interested to know that truth about ex-PBK Shri Dashrath Patel (i.e. his role in the events of 1997) that you have accepted that you know but do not wish to reveal. You have yourself written that "when the private actions of one key person affects the whole organisation and raises many eyebrows, then I feel everyone concerned has the right to know what is going on."

You think an insignificant soul like dashrath Bhai is a key person, that we have to know everything about him; do you think i am associated with him very closely to know and reveal anything about his personal life; i was and am more close to Mama and Baba and i am more concerned about them than any other soul; i am just amazed to see how people are curious to know more about dashrathbhai who has been instrumental in destroying the Advance Party and not about the 2 key souls, Mama and Baba and their cause of seperation; i have never met dashrathbhai after 1997 and i know as much about him, as any other PBK who was in the Yagya at that time; nothing more is known to me; and BTW why do you quote dashrathbhai as ''ex-pbk Shri''; what has he done to deserve the title.




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Post24 Mar 2007

surya2037 wrote:Me too, I would like to know about the events of 1997 about Dashrath Patel, if you know facts about him ... why cannot you tell us?

Dear surya Bhai.

There are more important things to discuss and churn upon, than to discuss about Dashrathbhai (which is par-chintan). Think about what is happening to the Advance Party at present and where is it headed. Is sach-khand being established by Advanced Knowledge or is the subtle shooting of jhoot-khand taking place in the Advance Party. These are more important and relevant issues.




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Post24 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: I used the word 'misleading' only because the Q&A regarding Mama that I have quoted above was known to you when it was circulated many months ago to all the PBKs. You, like most other PBKs are also aware of the letter that was signed by Mama before leaving the Yagya and is said to be shown to prospective PBKs before the bhatti at Kampil. But instead of first sharing these facts, you preferred to level charges against Baba that facts are being hidden from PBKs.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Yes, i am aware that the signed affidavit of Mama (that she has no connection with the Yagya) is shown to all PBKs before signing their affidavit (letter of faith). But now please answer my very important question; does the letter of faith (which every new PBK now gives) does it mention both the names of Virendra Dev Dixit and Mama as Kamla Devi Dixit, as Jagatpita and Jagatmata (as it was done before) or does it just contains the name of Virendra Dev Dixit and not of Kamla Devi Dixit.

I think many PBKs have the burning desire to know an honest answer to this question, because it raises many further issues.

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Post24 Mar 2007

As Virendra Dev Dixit and Kamla Dev Dixit have the same name, one could wonder if they were married. We're they in fact a couple?

I believe Sivasena is correct. When he says if Kamla is mother of the PBK family, then it should be known of her connected activities. OK, if she has now renounced the title and position of Mama, then it may not be so proper to peer into her private life as she lives it now but activities connected with the Yagya should be known, surely?

I have noticed it is one of the touchiest subjects amongst PBKs.
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Post24 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:BTW why do you quote dashrathbhai as ''ex-PBK Shri''; what has he done to deserve the title.

It is a custom in India to address any man as Shri and any woman as Smt./Kumari. Since the above mentioned person is no more a PBK, I used the phrase 'ex-PBK' and, from a lokik point of view, I used 'Shri' but not because I have any affinity for him.

Moreover, his followers, who may be passing by this forum may feel hurt if I use only 'Dashrath Patel' to describe him.

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Post24 Mar 2007

Dear Shivsena Bhai and John Bhai,

Omshanti. I will convey your questions regarding letter of faith and Mama to Baba. If and when I receive a reply, I shall convey it through this thread.




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Post24 Mar 2007

surya2037 wrote:Me too, I would like to know about the events of 1997 about Dashrath Patel, if you know facts about him ... why cannot you tell us?

Dear surya Bhai.

I do not know which year you became a PBK but from your curiosity to know more about dashrath Bhai, it seems that you have recently become a PBK. When you became a PBK what were the contents of the letter of faith you had to sign? Were you shown Mama's affidavit about her leaving the Yagya? The affidavit you signed, did it contain the names of both the mother and Father, or only the name of Father? Did it not occur to you at that time to question the whereabouts of the mother, or did you sign the letter of faith blindly??

Can you please honestly answer my queries? It may be an eye-opener to many PBKs who are on this forum.




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Post24 Mar 2007

Dear spiritual Brother Shivsena

You got it right, I recently joined the PBK clan. My letter of faith is same as yours, nothing new there. I got a copy of my Letter of Certainity with me. I signed it based on my personal knowledge and faith that Jagadamba and Jagatpita are my spiritual parents from that date (on completion of the bhatti).

You can say that this is bind faith or something but for me, even if it is blind faith, I can tell you that this is the most elevated blind faith I ever experienced. I stumbled year after year in the hands of the BKs for a very long time. The other day, one of my friends said to me that, "even if this PBK life is a con still, there is not anything like it around to be followed". So better stick to it my friend!

You can go outside right now and chant few songs out of your head, to call attention on yourself, and you will see that you may walk and sing and chant ... and you may walk towards the Land's End. and still you may not find anything better than that what you are having now. In my opinion, there is not a thing in this world that would replace the position that my spiritual parents have in my life.

The thing about knowledge is that I want to know everything, about everything. Just like you, I am studying the Murlis. But I haven't got the history of the past facts, like the one about Mr. Darshrath Patel. So that's why I want you to tell me, because I know from reading your posts that you know more than me.

And why this Mr. Patel is important? Because past facts bring understanding, and so I want to know. Don't just tell me a sentence like this one ... "He was involved in opposing Baba". Not like that. I want to know what happened exactly! If I can consider you to be my dear 'older' spiritual Brother, so maybe you have the duty to share with me whatever you know. Because you were there and experienced it yourself at that time. Or maybe your heard it from someone. If you cannot tell me here on the forum you can send me a pm.

Like you say... "I am eagerly waiting for your views"...

Kind regards,


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