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PostPosted: 07 Dec 2006
by shivsena
Aimée wrote: So, do you mean that it is now Krishna giving the clarifications through the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Yes, i very clearly mean that it is Krishna's soul who is now in charge of Virendra Dev Dixit and giving clarifications (which are ambigious very often) and Ram and Shiv are just observers.
If it is the case, you have to consider that the intellect of Veerendra Dev Dixit is not as good as Krishna's (ex-Dada Lekhraj) intellect.

Virendra Dev Dixit's (Ram's soul) intellect is always more than the child Krishna's intellect.
So how did Krishna make the gross mistake of thinking that 76 was going to be the Destruction of the whole world? Why did not he accomplish the task of transformation of the Yagya when he was in the body? For which reason would he take another body to accomplish his task? Because everything that is happening in the Confluence Age is supposed to have a meaning.

Krishna did not make the mistake of thinking that 1976 was the year of Destruction; it was said by Shivbap in the Murlis before 1969 and Brahma was just repeating what was said in the Murlis.
As Baba in Dada Lekhraj was playing the role of the mother, now the role of the Father is being played through Veerendra Dev Dixit. According to your views, that cannot work. And again, in many Murlis and clarifications it is repeated over and over that we have to remember the one, follow Shrimat, the elevated directions, of one, not many etc.

Firstly, i do not believe that Shivbap played the role of mother through' Lekhraj Kirpalani (it has never been said in Murlis). If Shivbap played the role of mother then who suffered the heart attack in 1969? It was Lekhraj Kirpalani, was it not? Also how can Shivbap who has no feelings, no emotions for 4900 years suddenly come down and play the role of mother? This what i have not been able to understand at all. The role of Father-teacher-satguru through Virendra Dev Dixit is not yet started for the simple reason that instead of unity in Advance Party, we find that it is going the same way as the BKs. That role will start only after Brahma ki raat is completed in about 2009 and the day of Brahma starts.

That is what i feel sincerely as per the Murli points churning.


PostPosted: 07 Dec 2006
by aimée
Thank you for your explanation, but you don't give me a reason as why would it be so, that Ram and Shiv (God!) would be passive and Krishna would do all the work. Also, when the declaration of the world was made in the Murlis, Krishna did write to the government telling them the world was going to end and he was so sure that he wrote to them that if it was not the case, he would give all his property to them. He left the body before the due time, because he had a heart failure. In the Murlis it is said a yogi does not have a heart failure. If:
Veerendra Dev Dixit's (Ram's soul) intellect is always more than the child Krishna's intellect.

Then can it be that:
it is Krishna's soul who is now in charge of Veerendra Dev Dixit and giving clarifications (which are ambigious very often) and Ram and Shiv are just observers.

That does not make sense. If the child is in charge of creating part of the new Kalpa, it is as if I would give the responsibility to my own child to build our new house ... surely, I would not take this risk and I would like to have my new house done in the best possible way. The Kalpa is established, surely, by God himself, in the form of Trimurti.
    • "When there is Father, then mother should also be there. Otherwise how will Father create (practically)?" (18.10.78, pg.1)

    • "Brahma is the mother. But a mother is required to take care of the mothers and Sisters (spinsters). So adopted daughter Brahma Kumari Saraswati has been fixed (i.e. entrusted with the charge). These are so deep matters." (16-4-77, pg-2)

    • "One must remember only ShivBaba. One will get inheritance from Him. Inheritance cannot be received from the Mother. You take birth through the mother but you have to remember the Father. This mother Brahma also has to go to him. His soul is also making efforts for you." (9-1-73 pg-3)
I am sorry I did not find extract about Baba's (in Lekhraj Kirpalani) heart failure, maybe Arjun could help us on that one ...

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2006
by shivsena
Aimée wrote:Thank you for your explanation, but you don't give me a reason as why would it be so, that Ram and Shiv (God!) would be passive and Krishna would do all the work.

Ram and Shiv would be passive all through the shooting period as it has been said in Vanis that from the beginning to the end it is Brahma's part (Krishna); only the place of service changes (from mt abu to Kampil) and that the Father (Shiv+Ram) comes only in the end. Again Krishna was just repeating to the government what was said in Murlis. He did not understand Shivbap's mahavakyas as he was child intellect, but when he saw that the whole Yagya was itself was being transformed into hell then he had a heart attack. So where is the question of Krishna being more intellectual than Ram's soul.
That does not make sense. If the child is in charge of creating part of the new Kalpa, it is as if I would give the responsibility to my own child to build our new house ... surely, I would not take this risk and I would like to have my new house done in the best possible way. The Kalpa is established, surely, by God himself, in the form of Trimurti.[list]• "When there is Father, then mother should also be there. Otherwise how will Father create (practically)?" (18.10.78, pg.1)

I have never said that child Krishna is creating a part of new Kalpa; the job of Krishna is to create confusion among the BKs (by not telling them the truth directly in Vanis) and in PBKs by giving ambigious answers to PBKs queries and by giving ambigious Advanced Knowledge (which is subject to refining and changing) in order to see whether the individual souls are picking up his hints or just believing blind-fold whatever he is speaking. In this way he is killing two birds with one stone; he is seperating the BKs from the PBKs; seperating 8 (maharathis), 100 (ghode-sawar) and 16,000 (pyade) souls amongst the PBKs, and when this process is complete then Ramshivbaba will come and give inheritance to the souls accordingly as per their understanding of knowledge (numberwise gyani-tu atma) and will also establish paradise through vijaymala souls.

Why cannot the PBKs understand one simple fact that, if every PBK is nodding is head to whatever is spoken in cassettes as the final truth, then where is the question of being numberwise in Gyan? (Can any PBK please think about this deeply and answer this simple query?).


PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by andrey
Dear Brother shivsena, you make all PBKs fools.

For me, it should be rather numberwise in applying the Gyan. For example, one could play with just one point like Manmanabhav for the whole of one's life.

Would you say the Murli spoken through Dada Lekraj is the final truth? Would you nod in agreement to some portions and not to others? Baba has come and has spoken the Murli through Dada Lekraj, then He takes another body and delivers new meaning of these words.
Ramshivbaba will come

What does it mean? Has he not come. Did he not come in the past. Is He not present?

PostPosted: 29 Dec 2006
by aimée
Dear Shivsena,

you really have your own vision of Gyan. It is difficult for me to continue this conversation because we obviously won't reach any common ground. Just one last comment, you cannot possibly say that the Murlis and clarification have been given to confuse us, and that it is changing and being refined. More knowledge is added because we have arrived at the time of expansion and only the essence was given at the beginning.

The Knowledge is deep enough to become numberwise in churning, and as Andrey Bhai says, in imbibing. All of us, whoever we are, are miles and miles away from truth. Even if I have deep love and recognition of God. I do feel the gap between truth and me because I still take the Gyan on an intellectual level, and there is a much deeper level yet; the level of deep recognition of truth. Unless we get rid of our old skin of sanskars, belief system, ego, we won't be able to understand God the way He truly is ...

We will see at the end how near we have managed to come to him. God is God, he comes in the form of Trimurti. So one thing should be certain and that is, He accomplishes his task in three steps. It is not that any human accomplishes his task because they are not able to do so, but he uses them to accomplish his task. In Bhakti, they confuse Krishna with the God of the Gita ...

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by shivsena
Andrey wrote:Dear Brother shivsena, you make all PBKs fools.

Dear andrey Bhai.
I have absolutely no intention to make a fool of anybody ; all i know is that at present it is Krishna who is making a fool of BKs and PBKs by playing a dual game in the Advance Party and in basic party; this is proved by the fact that in mahabharat war, it was Krishna who played politics between the kauravs and the Pandavs which ultimately lead them to war with each other; also it has been said in Murlis that "tum (meaning Krishna) do billon(two cats) ko aapas mein ladakar, Vaikunth ki badshahi le lete ho."(you make the 2 cats fight each other and in turn get the inheritance of Vaikunth); this Murli mahavakya clearly indicates that it is Krishna who is instrumental in causing a rift between the BKs and PBKs (by not telling them the truth directly) and also in instigating the PBKs to seperate out into 9 different groups and bringing an end of the Advance Party too. (this is known in Bhakti as ''killing two birds with one stone'')

andrey wrote:Ramshivbaba will come. What does it mean? Has he not come. Did he not come in the past. Is He not present?

If Ramshivbaba had come or has come, then it would be Ram-rajya in BK world and PBK world; there would be unity and not ambiguity and the BK and PBK world would not fight each other.


PostPosted: 28 Jan 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother,

God Krishna from the Gita does not mean the soul of Krishna –Lekhraj Kirpalani, but the soul of Shiva.

The soul of Ram is always present in this world, but it is not always his kingdom. He wins this kingdom and loses it. The one to enable him to win it is the soul of Shiva. However it does not happen immediately.

The great war of Mahabharata cannot be avoided. This war opens the gate to heaven.

Regarding Alah he is different Alaf is different and Be is different.